A Demonstration of the Deceptive Use of Words by the Rabbis of Judaism
By Pastor Eli James
Second Edition, With Commentary on the Greek, by William Finck
"For ye have perverted the words of the living God, of Yahweh of Hosts, our God." (Jer. 23:36.)
Introduction to Second EditionFriends of True Israel, for this Edition, I have invited Greek Scholar, William Finck, author of the upcoming book, "The Letters of Paul," to add his comments to this Arsenal of Words, to give us the benefit of his expertise to this very important subject. Most of Mr. Finck’s comments have been incorporated into the body of this work. However, some of his more detailed comments will be enclosed in braces { }.
This was a question recently posed by one of my Identity friends to a Judeo-Christian acquaintance. Very often, when we in Christian Identity attempt to reason with non-Identists and explain to them the details of why the King James Version is NOT the inerrant Word of God, many react with outright hatred! The typical "King James Only" advocate will become extremely agitated and downright hostile. (This reaction, by the way, is the very antithesis of their own Christian philosophy, being a knee-jerk, hypocritical response, especially when spoken by a representative of the "God loves everybody" faction of Apostianity!!!)
Many religious and secular language scholars have attested to the fact that the KJV contains up to 50,000 or more translational errors, so we in Identity are not alone in making this claim. My own position is this: The original Hebrew and Greek writings were the inspired Word of God, but the translations are not. Neither are many of the later corruptions and additions found among various manuscripts, which have occurred over many centuries and which still affect our Bibles today.
- The belief that the Jews are Israel, and
- That non-Israelites (all races, ethnicities, cultures, and religions) can become part of the family of Israel, thereby having claim to a share of "salvation."
2.) That only TRUE, flesh and blood ISRAEL has any right to the covenants, promises, and restoration (placement).
I am often asked the question, "Which is the best version of the Bible for Identity believers?"
To this question, I have always replied: "All ancient and modern translations suffer from two main problems: Jewish tampering and Roman Catholic meddling." Catholicism has always been a universalist doctrine; and this policy of universalism began to be established, "ordained" by the translations of Jerome and institutionalized by his successors. Even before Jerome, the teachings of Paul were butchered by an enthusiastic religious zealot and self-promoter named Simon Magus, a universalist deceiver if there ever was one! In short, the writings of Paul have been misrepresented by many agents, all of whom were working either for themselves or for the Anti-Christ. It is, in fact, fair to say that all of these universalistic doctrines are outright invention, complete fabrication by the translators, who, by a process of editing by translation, have made the Word of God of none effect. These Catholic doctrines are not contained in the original autographs of either the Hebrew prophets or the Christian disciples.
Disillusionment And Discovery
A major revelation for me was Joe McCarthy’s book, America’s Retreat From Victory, which vividly demonstrated the ruthless pursuit of treason for profit undertaken by our so-called leaders.
This suppressed book thoroughly documents how Franklin D. Roosevelt, General "Vinegar" Joe Stilwell, and General George C. Marshall sabotaged Chiang Kai-Shek’s Free China by diverting resources, including military supplies, to Mao Tse Tung.
The inescapable conclusion of McCarthy’s book is that Red China was deliberately created by the Roosevelt Administration. As incredible as this statement sounds, anyone with a brain understands that the real victor of WWII was communism, as Roosevelt and Churchill inexplicably, without any military necessity, and without consulting their respective legislatures, handed whole nations over to Stalin, even though Stalin’s army could not function without the Lend-Lease program. Such treachery is mind-boggling.
Who would conceive of such treachery? For daring to expose this Zionist treachery, "Tailgunner Joe" is still demonized to this day.
1.) My race shall acknowledge my power on the day when I come and exclaim, ‘Here I am.’ -- Ferrar Fenton.
2.) Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I. -- King James Version.
6 For, lo, they are gone because of destruction: Egypt shall gather them up, Memphis shall bury them: the pleasant places for their silver, nettles shall possess them: thorns shall be in their tabernacles.
7 The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred.
8 The watchman of Ephraim was with my God: but the prophet is a snare of a fowler in all his ways, and hatred in the house of his God. (Hosea 9:6-8)
"Then said the lord of the vineyard [Yahweh], What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him. But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours."(Matt. 21:33-41; Mark 12:1-9; Luke 20:9-16.)
[For a detailed study of the differences between the Two Houses, please refer to: ]
- A Judahite is a White person, a purebred, genealogical descendant of the Patriarch, Judah, whose descent can be traced through Judah all the way back to Adam and Eve. Thus, a Judahite is also a Hebrew and a Shemite. These people have always been subject to the Law of Moses, in one form or another, perfectly or imperfectly, as was the choice of our ancestors. The modern form of the Mosaic Law is Christianity, which is another doctrine which we keep to varying degrees!
- A Jew is a mongrelized person, whose genetic information comes from any race on earth, but primarily from the ancient Kenites, the descendants of Cain. These people have always practiced race-mixing and paganism. The two main branches of Jews are the Sephardic branch (5%), which is of Kenite/Canaanite extraction, and the Ashkenazi (95%), which is a genetic combination of Japheth's, Mongols and Turks of Hittite (also Canaanite) origin. Their religion, Judaism, is a counterfeit version of the Law of Moses. Judaism has never paid more than lip service to Moses, since the true values of Judaism are contained in the Talmud, which is both a perversion and a denial of the Mosaic Law. This religion was invented by the Pharisees, not by Moses. Judaism has always been irreconcilably opposed to Christianity.
In brief:
- No Jew accepts Jesus as the Messiah. When someone makes that faith commitment, they become Christian. It is not possible for someone to be both Christian and Jewish.
- Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah because he didn't fulfill Jewish expectations of the Messiah.
- The Hebrew Bible (called the Old Testament by the non-Jewish world) is not proof for anything in the New Testament regarding a Messiah.
For example, numerous scholars have reported that the Trinitarian verse at I John 5:7-8 was added in the 14th Century, as no earlier copies of the New Testament contain it. This is clear evidence of later tampering. Those two verses were most likely added by a Catholic scribe, who was anxious to insert an unequivocal Trinitarian statement within the Bible.
Anyone who thinks that the translators were "inspired by God" is under a serious delusion. {For those of you who are interested in this controversy, here is a good website: }
When we point out some of the more glaring problems associated with modern translations and ask non-Identists to re-read these passages in the light of the original intent of the authors, the actual meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words, and contextual analysis of the text, they are hesitant to do so, because the implications are staggering! To brazenly suggest that the Bible was written exclusively to the Adamic/White Race is the height of "blasphemy" in today’s brainwashed, politically correct society, but, nevertheless, the original Hebrew and Greek writings confirm that this is so.
In fact, it is very easy to demonstrate that the modern "Gospel of Race-Mixing" reeks of a very recent vintage. Such doctrine was NEVER taught in Sunday School or from the pulpits prior to the 1960’s. It was in the 1960’s that this BLASPHEMY originated with the Jew-sponsored televangelists, who have continuously promised "blessings" to Christians who will "bless the Jews"…first and foremost with their money … and then with their prayers. (Paul was not speaking of mongrelized Jews in Rom. 1:16, 2:9 and 2:10.
He was speaking of JUDAHITES, the pure-blooded descendants of the House of Judah. This will become clearer as you keep reading.)
To suggest or infer that today’s Judeo-Christians are actually supporting the devil is a complete shock to their being, a complete reversal of their carefully laid "Biblical" foundations. It’s like trying to give an unrepentant addict a cure for his addiction. He rejects it outright, as he is afraid to become sober after years or decades of drunkenness. His state of drunkenness has become so familiar that sobriety terrifies him. And, indeed, the Judeo-Christians are "drunk" with false doctrine.
"Come hither, I will show unto thee the judgment of the Great Whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication." -- Rev. 17:1-2.
If we take the word fornication literally, here, it points to the undeniable fact that we are living in an age in which sexual promiscuity of all kinds is rampant. It spills over from the Jewish-owned, corporate media of the world, who, by the way, have also actively subsidized and promoted the overwhelmingly pro-Zionist televangelists. While the Corporate Jew sneers at Christian values, he nevertheless supports those "Christians" who support the Israeli State, since that Ideal State is much more important than Christianity itself. While these duped Judeo-Christians wait for the "blessings" of Zionism to materialize, the fabric of our society is being ripped apart, and they just can’t see it, because they are intoxicated with this false ideology. The Great Whore is nothing other than the very recent "Gospel of race-mixing," which is preached daily by the televangelists and weekly from all of the pulpits of Baal, having today become a worldwide religion, a corporate enterprise, which distorts both reality and the truth of Scripture.
Although the "Gospel of Race-Mixing" is just the latest wrinkle in the fabric, the attempt to rewrite the Bible is a very old story. Indeed, we are dealing with an ancient force whose main business has always been the distortion of Scripture.
When I politely ask the adherents of this new religion, "Where is the evidence that America has been blessed by supporting the Jews?" or, "How has America been blessed by race-mixing?" there is an abrupt silence. Of course, the truth is the exact opposite. We have, in fact, been cursed by these two disingenuous doctrines. The more we bless the Jews, the deeper we sink into the quagmire of Zionism, with our sons and daughters literally sacrificing their lives for this phony cause, while the Jews secretly mock these same gullible Christians. The whole world has come to hate America, because we are perceived by some as the aggressor against the Palestinians or by others as copartners with the Israeli State in their occupation, oppression and ceaseless slaughter of Arabs and Muslims, not to mention the Christians, who have been living in and around Palestine for the last 2,000 years.
The more we engage in race-mixing, the more degenerate we become. Likewise, the more we aid and abet the Jews and their criminal Zionist enterprise, the more immoral we become. Look how America has morally degenerated since the 1960’s, when these two demonic doctrines (Zionism and Multiculturalism) began to take hold in our country: homosexuality, socialistic government, illegal drug use, much higher crime rates, traumatic school violence, teenage suicides, promiscuous sexuality, an explosion of venereal disease, declining educational standards, skyrocketing debt, destruction of the work ethic, declining church attendance, religious sex scandals, just to mention a few. Is this how we are blessed? How long must we wait before the blessings begin?
If the Jews are the TRUE Israelites of the Bible, then why do they not heed the warning of Habakkuk 2:12: "Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!" Also, "Thou shalt not oppress the stranger." (Ex. 23:9.) By what law or right do the Jews violate these Biblical commands? Why do they oppress the Palestinian people?Is this not just another historical instance of making war in God’s name – this time by the Jews?
I say that this cannot be of God, because the entire history of Zionism is one of bloodshed, deceit, and treachery, with the Jews using their unique and timeless excuse of past "persecution" to justify their current occupation. The Balfour Declaration, by which the British Government conspired with house of Rothschild to establish a Jewish State in Palestine, set forth in very clear language, that the rights of the Palestinian people would not be violated in the process of establishing the Jewish State. Here is the text of that document, with this critical promise emphasized:
November 2nd, 1917Dear Lord Rothschild,I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet."His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.Yours sincerely,Arthur James Balfour
Have the Jews kept this promise -- ever? On the contrary, the Zionist State began by violating the civil and religious rights of the Palestinian people, and this ongoing injustice continues to this day.
Shouldn’t the alleged "people of God" keep their promises? Shouldn’t "God’s chosen people" obey His Laws? The fact is that the Jewish people DO NOT obey the laws of Moses. {Anyone doubts this statement, please refer to my e-book, 95 Theses Against the Anti-Christ, which is available at this link:
This document lists the hundreds of ways in which Judaism violates the laws of Moses.} If the Jews had obeyed God’s laws and kept their promises, then the bloodshed that we see in the Middle East today could have been prevented. Wouldn’t you expect "God’s chosen people" to keep their promises? The reason they do not keep their promises is the simple fact that they are NOT God’s chosen people.
As you will amply discover: The Bible is NOT a Jewish book. That is a historical lie; and the full implications of this historical lie will be fully dealt with herein.
Ironically, the "Christians" who support Zionism are most often those who refer to themselves as "New Testament Christians," who deny the validity of the Old Testament, and many of them even go so far as to preach that the "law has been abolished," so that they "live by faith" instead of the Law. Perhaps this is why they blithely look the other way when the Zionists commit shock and awe, murder and mayhem, while pulverizing and destroying the homes of their displaced neighbors.
Using KGB tactics, the Israelis routinely bulldoze the homes of Palestinians in the middle of the night, without warning, while the occupants scramble to get out of their homes that are being demolished before their eyes! It is a testament to the brilliant success of the Jewish media and their pulpit-driven brainwashing techniques that this brutal, cold-hearted propaganda goes by the name of "Christian" Zionism.
The obvious moral problem is that the Jews themselves claim to be the custodians of the Law of Moses. As such, they SHOULD be held accountable, because the Jews DO NOT teach that the law has been abolished. Rather, they practice their own, carefully contrived version of "the tradition of Moses," formulated over the centuries by the rabbis, by which they hold themselves blameless – above the Law, in fact -- in their dealings with non-Jews. This "law" is known as the Talmud; and it is the Talmud, not the Bible, which enables Judaism. Now tell me, which group, the Jews or the Judeo-Christians, practices the greater hypocrisy?
If the Judeo-Christians minimize or entirely negate the Old Testament, then on what grounds do they credit the Jews as being the "people of the Book"?If the Old Testament is irrelevant, then why should the Jewish claim of being "G-d’s chosen people" be of any relevance or significance to "New Testament Christians"? Why make this one exception in favor of the Jews – as if they were a relic from Old Testament times -- simply because theyclaim to be the descendants of Abraham, to whom this blessing was originally given? (Gen. 12:3.) If the Old Testament is irrelevant, THEN SO IS Gen. 12:3!!! Is the Old Testament relevant to true Christians? Consider some of the remarks that Jesus made concerning the Old Testament (John 5:46; 7:19-21; Matt. 4:4; Luke 2:2; 4:14-17; 24:24; Mark 12:26).
These One Testament "Christians" shouldn’t even be concerned with Jewish claims, if their beliefs were consistent! But Judeo-Christianity is just as self-contradictory as Judaism. They actually violate their own theology when they defer to the Jews, who, according to this Dispensationalist doctrine, lost their status as True Israel when they rejected the Messiah. Both religions have self-serving philosophies that cherry pick certain verses of the Bible that conform to their particular brand of theology, while totally ignoring the vast number of verses that contradict their pick-and-choose methodology. I guess one hypocrite deserves another!
God is not the author of confusion; but modern religion sure is.
Of course, this theological confusion is the fulfillment of God’s promise that He would send these hypocrites a "strong delusion" during the end times. (Isa. 66:4.) Paul confirms this delusion in his writings as well. (2 Thes. 2:11.) Were these New Testament Christians able to comprehend Scripture, they would find that Paul teaches the exact opposite of what they claim he teaches. {For a detailed discussion of how the modern Judeo-Christians have distorted the words of Paul, please follow this link, and click on the article "All, Every, Whomsoever," by Arnold Kennedy.}
The fact is that Paul is an EXCLUSIVIST ISRAELITE, of the Tribe of Benjamin (Phil. 3:5), whose words have been butchered and mutilated by Christian Pharisees, whose ignorance of the original Hebrew and Greek languages is so profound that I can say, without reservation or fear of refutation, that modern Judeo-Christianity has become the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation. (Rev. 19:20.)
These Christian Pharisees teach that Paul says non-Israelites can be either "adopted" as "spiritual Israelites" or "grafted into" Israel by "conversion."The Bible teaches no such thing! Pay attention here to what Paul is actually saying (Just try to read and focus on the actual words, without reading anything "spiritual" into them!):
"For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, MY KINSMEN ACCORDING TO THE FLESH: [Paul is obviously NOT speaking of "all humanity"! Now, pay attention, folks!] who are Israelites, TO WHOM PERTAINETH THE ADOPTION, AND THE GLORY, AND THE COVENANTS, AND THE GIVING OF THE LAW, AND THE SERVICE OF GOD, AND THE PROMISES." (Romans 9:3-4.)
Only by universalizing the obviously Israelite context of this passage can Paul be misconstrued! To whom does Paul say the adoption pertains? ISRAELITES! Does Paul say anything about non-Israelites being adopted here? NO. He does not. Nor does he make such a claim anywhere else.
{Neither does the Greek word huiothesia (5206) specifically mean "adoption." Rather, it is the position of a son. While in conjunction with other words, it may be used to describe the placing of a son for adoption, another Greek word, eispoieisis, which is not used in the New Testament, was used by the Greeks to denote "adoption."
The Israelites, being pure descendants of Adam, are already children of God, i.e., Luke 3:38, Deut. 14:1, Psa. 82:6. The dispersed Israelites, while they had temporarily lost their position as the children of God, which was to be regained through the Gospel, were nevertheless still considered to be children, i.e., Isa. 43:6, 45:11 [contrast 61:5], and especially John 11:52.}
The Greek word huiothesia actually means, in its verb form, "to place or ordain." Hence, a better translation in this context would be "placement," thus signifying that the Israelites will eventually be established or restored to their position as the heirs of the Kingdom.
Substituting the word adoption for the more specific placement opens the translation up to a universalistic interpretation, where none is intended.
As you will see throughout this document, the word-butchers have done a masterful job of tampering with the words of Paul! Obviously, there is a big difference between "to put in place" versus "to place for adoption." The latter clearly adds a meaning that is not contained the original Greek.
Modern Judeo-Christianity has become victimized by two gigantic misconceptions/delusions:
We in Christian Identity have been attempting to explain why these two non-Scriptural propositions are absolutely false, and, furthermore, that these two Scriptural deviations are the main cause of the confusion and turmoil that exist in the world today.
There are millions of well-meaning Christians who believe these lies and direct their lives accordingly. It is our job – No! It is our duty! -- in Christian Identity, to explain to them, with all of the due respect that we can muster, that they, individually and collectively, have been deceived in a most clever way. It is the purpose of this book to explain how this deception has been accomplished.
But first, in contrast to these two beliefs, Christian Identity teaches that,
Jesus Christ came to REDEEM Israel from the sins of the fathers. That redemption was accomplished by His First Advent, particularly by His Sacrifice on the Cross.
"Salvation" is another matter entirely, as it involves the establishment of the Kingdom right here on earth, at the Second Advent; and it is NOT related to any post-mortem trip to "heaven," as most Christians falsely believe.
I am not disputing the concept of the afterlife. What I am saying is that it is not necessary to physically die before going to "heaven." Jesus speaks of eternal life. Paul speaks of immortality coming upon us while we are here in the flesh. We will be changed "in an instant." (I Cor. 15:52.) The Book of Revelation clearly describes the Holy City descending down to earth. (Rev. 21:2.) With this event, when the Kingdom comes, death itself will be vanquished.
How To Read the Bible
It has been stated by many commentators that Paul "reinvented" Christianity. I submit that this statement is absolutely false. It was, in fact, his translators, false interpreters and false promoters, who reinvented Christianity. And, if Christianity was REINVENTED, then it behooves us to understand why, how and what it was that was reinvented!!! If the original writings are not understood, then the REINVENTION cannot be understood either.
While the early Catholics were busy reinventing the New Testament, the Jews were busy reinventing the Old Testament. The Jewish scribes who began that process were the Masoretes, who produced an edited Hebrew version of the Old Testament, the Masoretic Text, which, unfortunately,became the basis of the King James translation of the Old Testament.
Between these two diabolical sources (Jewish and Catholic), they have infected Scripture with their distortions, license, mistranslations, additions, subtractions, and outright invention. By virtue of this assumed authority over Scripture, the Bible has become a mumble and jumble of perplexing, often contradictory terms and doctrines, that have no legitimate basis or conception in the original Hebrew and Greek languages.
By redefining words and by inventing "history" that never happened, Catholicism and Judaism have created false contexts for Scripture. Add to this malaise the fanciful, modernist misinterpretations of Evangelical Christianity, and – Voila! – we have discovered the Great Apostasy, which was also prophesied by Paul in 2 Thes. 2:3. Of course, none of these misguided groups will ever admit that they are preaching apostasy; but they most assuredly are, for they totally misrepresent what Paul said in Romans 9:3-4 (just quoted above, p. 4), and just about everywhere else in the New Testament. In that passage, Paul clearly teaches that the Ordination/Placement/"Adoption," the Covenants, the Giving of the Mosaic Law, and the GLORY are given to flesh and blood Israelites. No other people are mentioned.
As will be demonstrated later, True Israel’s commission is to set a national example for the heathen nations. This national message has been distorted into the "Gospel of Personal Salvation," with its focus on "evangelizing" individuals of all races.
Both the rabbinate and the Roman Catholic Church have responded enthusiastically to the call of the universalistic agenda. And both have been motivated by rigid dogma coupled with this agenda.
It goes without saying that neither priesthood encourages questions or criticism. Rather than deal in open discussion, both religions have practiced excommunication of critics. In the case of Judaism, the double standard of Jewish religio-cultural exclusivism for themselves is contrasted with the doctrine of multiculturalism for the non-Jewish masses. While actively promoting this multiculturalism for everyone else, the Jews have declared themselves to be EXEMPT from the very amalgamation that they wish to force upon others! According to them, everything else, including your culture and mine, is subject to change and, furthermore, needs to be changed according to Jewish "values,"while Jewish religion and culture must be preserved for eternity! Now, isn’t that just a bit self-serving?
Yet, few Catholics or Protestants dare to criticize this self-serving theology! "For fear of the Jews!" (Esther 8:17; John 7:13, 9:22, 19:38, 20:19.)
Few scholars have ever bothered to analyze or appreciate this double standard. It was with purpose and intent that this double standard was built into the "Chosen People" philosophy, as practiced by the Jews. It is, in fact, hypocrisy personified in the rabbis.
"Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy." (Luke 12:1.)
But Christian Zionists pay no heed to this Scriptural statement, and the many other statements throughout the New Testament, which condemn Judaism (the religion of the Pharisees) as the religion of the Synagogue of Satan. (Rev. 2:9, 3:9.) Following the lead of their various denominations, the Judeo-Christians typically refuse to acknowledge Bible verses that contradict the rigid dogma that has been so cynically and masterfully fed to them.
In its heyday, Popery practiced a similar double standard, using a well-educated priesthood to manipulate an illiterate and superstitious populace. In both cases, the priesthood exploited and still exploits the people by inventing doctrine that is not found in Scripture.
Unfortunately, the priesthoods of modern Protestantism have borrowed very liberally from both of these false traditions. The Fundamentalists and Evangelicals rival the rabbis and the Catholic theologians with their wholesale invention of doctrine, plus their far-fetched, modernistic interpretations of Scripture, with equally disastrous results.
The "Rapture Theory" and "Once saved, always saved" doctrines are two examples. Another is the "God loves everyone" doctrine. I would ask these same people, "Does God love Satan?" Or does God intend to make an END of Satan? The Bible teaches the latter, not the former. If God "loves everyone," would someone please explain these verses to me: Mal. 4:1; Matt. 15:13-14; Luke 12:51, 19:27; John 17:9; 2 Peter 3:7; 1 John 2:15?
Thanks to these three priesthoods (Roman Catholicism, Judaism, and modern Protestantism…the three "unclean spirits" of Revelation 16:13?), the Bible has been turned up-side-down, from a record of the exploits and promises Yahweh made exclusively to His People, Israel, into a self-serving, priesthood-empowering manual for people control, a template for religious tyranny. The pew occupants are none the wiser, mistaking this iniquity for the "will of God." The sheep eat the sweetened poison that the "shepherds" feed them, and they revel in their ignorance. Believing themselves to be spiritual, righteous, and wise, they hypnotically return every "Sabbath" for more religious entertainment.
Given the liberal flow of nonsense coming from the rabbis and pulpitmasters, the pew occupants have become nothing more than lobotomized flotsam floating around on an ocean of hogwash, drifting along with the latest trends.
"Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and the time draweth near; go ye not therefore after them."(Luke 21:8.)
My introduction to priestly hypocrisy came during the Second Vatican Council. As a mere lad of 17, I was a very idealistic Catholic, believing very strongly in the principles of morality as historically taught by the Catholic Church. That all changed in 1963, when Vatican II swept the "eternal truths" of the Catholic Faith aside.
In the place of the old, long-established "eternal truths" was a new set of "eternal truths," many of which contradicted the old "eternal truths." Unable to stomach the hypocrisy of it all, I left the Catholic Church and never looked back.
It wasn’t until 1978 that I discovered a worthy replacement: Christian Identity. That limbo of 15 years took place during the Swinging Sixties and the Indulgent Seventies, an era of liberal changes with which I was not comfortable, even though I may have indulged in some of its guilty pleasures.
As I was looking for Truth, not Entertainment, the "sex, drugs, and rock & roll" culture that I grew up in never appealed to me, despite its ubiquity.
Giving credit where it is due, my Catholic upbringing did stress the Ten Commandments, although the Catholic version deletes the Commandment against idolatry!
My assessment of the Catholic Church proved to be correct, as the Church did little or nothing, aside from lip service, to stem the tide of liberalism. In fact, after Vatican II, the Church was instrumental in institutionalizing liberalism against conservative values.
Although maintaining a consistent stance on the subject of abortion, the Church abandoned its anti-communist position and its ages-old stance against Judaism and Freemasonry.
The homosexual/pedophile crisis in today’s church is but one symptom of Catholicism’s inner sickness and turmoil. Far too many Catholics look the other way or make excuses, rather than demand truth and accountability from their so-called "spiritual leaders." Such sheep get the pastors they deserve.
In the middle of my personal limbo period, I did a tour in Vietnam, surviving a year of hell, fighting against a largely unseen enemy, in a war that was not designed to be won.
Instead, I saw very clearly that this war was making BIG BUCKS for BIG CORPORATIONS while BIG GOVERNMENT was taking control over what was previously the private sector.
It was painfully obvious to me then – and also to most other true conservatives – that the Government, under Lyndon Baines Johnson, was using the Vietnam War as a cover/subterfuge/distraction for the direct implementation of far-reaching socialistic intrusions into our private lives. While we were supposedly fighting communism on the battlefield, the Welfare State and liberalism were the big winners of the Vietnam War. Do you see the irony?
Our military strategy was to capture objectives in the field, only to abandon them shortly thereafter and allow the Viet Cong to retake those objectives without a fight.
When I confronted my commanding officer about this stupid policy, I became ostracized within my own outfit. I told him, the company, and the battalion that I refuse to fight with an organization that is not committed to winning.
At no point during the Vietnam War was there any attempt to establish a front and secure the territory behind this front. (As I was to find out later, General MacArthur had the same problem during the Korean War.)
Instead, the enemy was allowed constant inroads into whatever territory we possessed. How many times should a soldier be asked to recapture the same hill?
The expression, "no-win war," was commonly used by those of us who saw that the war effort was not sincere. I had developed the opinion that the War was being deliberately prolonged by corporate interests in order to reap maximum profits from supplying the War; and the federal government enabled this policy.
Even before returning from Vietnam in 1970, I promised myself that I would find out just who the war profiteers were. This path took me, first, to the hard money school of economics, starting with Harry Browne, Peter Cook, Frederic Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, and other "rogue" economists, who taught that fiat money was the bane of civilization, the true cause of inflation and the true cause of most wars, and that bankers were the true war profiteers and the most influential warmongers.
Few people see war in this light. I am not aware of any college course entitled, Economics of War, 101.
For a real education, everyone should read General Smedley Butler’s War Is a Racket.
This book should be the main college textbook, demonstrating how wars are arranged by international financiers and fought for the specific purpose of making profits for international corporations.
But you will never see such a course offered in any university curriculum. Since many of these "institutions of higher learning" depend on corporate handouts (i.e., "philanthropy")and state funds, both of which are controlled by Jewish agents, the funding of these institutions would quickly be cut off if they ever taught the truth about the financing of war. Academia rigorously pursues the theme that wars are fought over conflicting ideologies or over clashing religions, while the economic facts of warfare are systematically minimized or excluded.
In this way, college students are given "facts" while they remain ignorant of true history!
Most people believe that wars are fought over conflicting ideologies. I would point out that an ideology never financed a war. Bankers finance wars. In particular, the Rothschild banking family has financed more wars than any other. From this understanding, the forbidden subject of secret societies and clandestine operations drew me ever deeper into the fact that rich and powerful men rule from behind the scenes and that most politicians in the limelight are nothing more than puppets and actors being manipulated by the "hidden hand." I could see very clearly that the main business of modern politics is disguising treason as patriotism. It was a very depressing realization.
General Patton, realizing that High Treason was at work, exclaimed, "We slaughtered the wrong pig!" Instead of destroying Germany, we should have destroyed the Soviet Union; but powerful men, otherwise known as "capitalists," were working feverishly behind the scenes to ensure that communism would command the world stage. Thus, the so-called "Cold War" was nothing but a facade behind which Treason worked to expend America’s resources until America could be debauched by Zionism. While the American people were distracted by the Korean war, the phony "nuclear threat" posed by the Soviet Union, and the Vietnam War, the destruction of White Christian society in America proceeded at full tilt from the High Priesthood of International Finance at the Federal Reserve.
When President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order # 11110, which was designed to restore America to Constitutional money, as Lincoln’s Greenbacks had done, Kennedy had signed his own death warrant. That Executive Order resulted in his execution by the International Banking Mafia, the House of Rothschild, of London, England. {See this article for more info: }
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the reality is that all of the wars between "capitalism" and "communism" have been staged by a Chosen Few. This is MYSTERY BABYLON, the "Empire of Merchants," the 8th Beast of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 17, with whom all of the war-profiteers and "kings of the earth have committed fornication." (Rev. 17:2.)
These powerful men, almost all of them Jewish bankers and corporate executives, such as Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum, allied with the House of Rothschild, had surreptitiously financed the Soviet Union from its very inception. Why would Jewish bankers finance communism? Because communism has always been financed by Jews since the French Revolution and because they have a Satanic hatred for Christian civilization; and they make millions by financing wars while slaughtering millions of Christians at the same time.
As the saying goes, "War is the Jews’ harvest." It was these same banksters that had backed Roosevelt/Rosenfeldt throughout his entire political career, the same Rosenfeldt who unConstitutionally confiscated the gold of the American people on behalf of his Zionist bankster buddies in London and in the Federal Reserve Corporation. Federal Dictator Rosenfeldt was their Orwellian Big Brother. {For a thorough treatment of Roosevelt’s Jewish-Communist-Zionist roots and connections, please go to this link: . You will see him as the Kosher Press has never dared to present him.}
Whenever the international bankers want a war, they first choose a suitable bogeyman: the Czar of Russia, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Ahmedinejad of Iran, etc. Then the bogeyman is demonized by the hoards of yellow journalists under their employment. These "respected journalists" have surnames, such as Huntley, Brinkley, Cronkite, Rather and Walters. Any dirt, whether real or imagined, that these media whores can "dig up" or manufacture about the new "threat to humanity" will be turned into headlines.
Then he is GLOBALLY declared "anti-democratic" or "anti-Semitic" by the Kosher press. The Jewish media pundits never fail to tell us what we should believe! Then, the sabre-rattling and the war propaganda begins. "Freedom" and "democracy" are declared to be under attack by the bogeyman, who is often just an egotistical pipsqueak whose nation cannot realistically threaten America or the world.
"National defense" and "patriotism" are invoked, the nation’s youth are called upon and shamed into enlisting in the war effort.
Thus, the average citizen sheeple, convinced of the "threat" by the rising rhetoric of war, are terrified of the new demon, and are, yet again, sucked into another war…another no win war.
Next, the government orders war material and troop training while the talking heads inflame the people. The corporations drool at the prospect of enormous, usually obscene war profits, and the warships are launched.
This is exactly how the Jewish Neo-Cons engineered the Iraq War, using their puppet, George W. Bush. Tell me we are not living in a NEW DARK AGE… the Dark Age of Zionism.
By 1975, the presence of the Hidden Hand, as many authors commonly refer to the Secret Power Behind the Scenes, had become very obvious to me. Zionism, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the National Council of Churches, etc., were well-organized and financed organs, assiduously working for the establishment of a World Government, with the true Directorate being the House of Rothschild banking dynasty in London.
The UN, another Rothschild enterprise, was, of course, the bane of true conservatives. But few critics of the UN have dared to point out that its true origin is in the House of Rothschild.
More and more Jewish names began to surface: names of spies, communists, war profiteers, and unelected advisors to disastrous administrations (Col. Edward Mandel House for Woodrow Wilson, Bernard Baruch for FDR , Henry Kissinger for Nixon, Ford and Carter), and, of course, international bankers, those Jews who violate the Bible’s clear commandments against usury! For a while, I joined the John Birch Society, but I found that discussing the Jewish question at their meetings was verboten. I smelled a rat! A big rat!
The name of the rat is Judaism.
I saw very clearly that the two major political parties, the Demo-rats and Republicrats, were both tools of the Israeli Lobby. Few politicians dared to say this out loud, "for fear of the Jews."
The one politician who breached this silence of the lambs, Governor George Wallace of Alabama, said, "There’s not a nickel’s worth of difference between the Republicans and the Democrats."
He paid for his chutzpah by taking a bullet.
There’s even less difference between these two parties today, as Cindy Sheehan has recently discovered. Here is the difference between the two parties:
The Democrats are Zionists who exploit left-wing rhetoric and the Republicans are Zionists who exploit conservative rhetoric. They are Zionist Left and Zionist Right. That is the only difference.
After reading Sheldon Emry "Billions For the Bankers, Debts For the People," I knew I had finally been pointed in the right direction!
Here was the TRUTH, plain and simple!!!!
I had found the true Faith: Christian Identity. I could see that this was the only religion or philosophy, for that matter, that perceived political and religious reality as it was!
After a long, frustrating search, I had finally found my kinsmen!!! The Prodigal Son (Me!) had returned to Christ, the Messiah who was prophesied in the Old Testament and who was realized in the New, having come in the flesh as the Kinsman Redeemer of His People, Israel.
And He was NOT a Jew!
He was a Judahite! BIG DIFFERENCE! Happy, Happy! Joy, Joy! At last, the Bible was beginning to make sense!!! It has been a rocky, thrilling and mind-blowing ride.
Understanding the Bible
In trying to understand Scripture, the biggest problem I had with conventional theology was the failure to reconcile the fact that "God’s Chosen People" refused to recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
If He was one of "their people," then why did they hate Him so much? Why did they crucify Him? Something didn’t add up.
More hypocrisy! If anything drives young people out of Christianity, it is the fact that such contradictions are presented as unquestionable dogma.
When a teacher cannot answer a legitimate question, the student loses respect for that teacher. While the megachurches flourish because of their simplistic theology and the media hype, traditional neighborhood churches shrivel up and die, along with their elderly clientele.
This trend parallels that of business, as huge corporations take the place of mom-and-pop stores. Mr. Roger’s neighborhood has become a Disney theme park…with plenty of room for homosexuals!!!
Immediately after returning from Vietnam in 1972, I took advantage of the G.I. Bill and enrolled in college, majoring in Philosophy, with my main focus being Comparative Religion.
I attempted to read the Bible, but it was all a blur: too much information with no cohesive plot. Nor could I accept the premise that the race of bankers, merchants, warmongers and Christ-haters known as Jews were the kinsmen of Jesus.
This made absolutely no sense.
Yet, I instinctively knew that the Bible must be correct, for I was very much attracted to the Jesus of the New Testament.
I sensed that the translations were defective. It was the Judeo-Christian version of the Bible that needed clarification. There was something wrong with this interpretation and with the cast of characters. On top of that, orthodox religion contradicts the archaeological record, especially with regard to the teaching of a global Flood, three races "evolving" from Noah and his wife, the elimination of the Sacred Name, YHWH from the translations, etc. There had to be a solution to these problems!
I came to hear of Christian Identity through reading the books of the pyramidologists. Pyramidology is the study of the science and theology of the pyramids, especially the Great Pyramid of Cheops. It turned out that most of these authors were of the British Israel persuasion.
Studying British Israel began to clear things up, but I could never accept their claim that the race-mixed Jewish people were regarded as being one and the same as the genealogically segregated tribe of Judah.
There was something that the history books were leaving out; and I was determined to find out what it was. Also, there was this constant, nagging question: Why would one tribe out the Twelve overwhelmingly reject the Messiah?
Why would His own Tribe be so hostile to His offer of Redemption – and to remain so for 2,000 years afterwards? This theology made absolutely no sense! It was too much to believe.
Eventually, I discovered the works of American Israel (Christian Identity), especially the Two-Seedliners, such as Bertrand Comparet, Dr. Wesley Swift, Dan Gayman, William Gale, Thomas E. O'Brien, William Fowler, WG Findlay (a South African), WN Saxon, Nord Davis, Jr., Willie Martin, Clifton Emahiser, and many more.
These authors explained how Judaism was a pretense, an impersonation of Israel by the descendants of Esau, who are the Jews of today. Finally, the Bible began to make sense!!!
British Israel is terribly wrong on this point, that some or all of the Jews belong to the Tribe of Judah.
The fact is that the Jews are unrelated to the Tribe of Judah.
British Israel, like the rest of Judeo-Christianity, have fallen for a very clever deception.
Since the modern Jewish people are comprised of 95% NON-SHEMITIC Ashkenazi stock and only 5% PARTIALLY-SEMITIC Sephardic stock, there is NO WAY that Edomites and Khazars, nor their mixed breed children, can be considered as the lineal or even cultural descendants of the children of Israel.
Mixing blood and seed is a direct violation of Deut. 23:2 and hundreds of other scriptures that declare that the children of Israel must remain pure and separate from all surrounding nations. Take your blinders off, BI!!!
Here is the gist of Christian Identity: Jesus was NOT a Jew! The Jews are NOT Israel! And most important of all, the Bible prophesied that the Israelites would forget their Identity as Israel. (Isa. 29:10-12; 42:16, 19-20; Hos. 1:9-10; 2:7-19; Romans 11:7,8,25.)
This mark the Jews have never fit, for they have had an unbroken record of claiming to be Israel, going all the way back to Palestine. So, if someone forgot his identity, it was not the Jew!!!
Slowly but surely, I began to amass a mountain of evidence against the impostor. In 1980, I began work on my first book, The Great Impersonation: How the Antichrist Has Deceived the Whole World, a book which documents the historical, Scriptural, cultural, ethnic, religious and racial distinctions between Israelites and Jews. {A copy of this book can be purchased online at this link: http://www. /index_files/contact.html }
By 2003, after twenty-two years of continuous research and writing about the separate histories, identities, theologies and destinies of Israelites and Jews, I had become a homegrown expert on the language of the Bible. This was not my intention when I undertook to write this book; but this was one of the obvious, inescapable effects. Being now intimately familiar with the differences between Israelites and Jews, I could clearly see which Biblical words were causing total, global confusion. Various Hebrew and Greek words were either badly translated, deliberately misused, or just plain botched up.
By understanding how Judaism deliberately obscures and abuses language, I had learned how the rabbis were able to deceive the entire world.
Words As Weapons in the Culture War Against True Israel
Consider the difference between the following two translations of the same Hebrew Scripture, Isaiah 52:6:
Two things clearly stand out from these different translations: a) The King James is a very awkward, ponderous, and clumsy translation compared to Ferrar Fenton’s. b) Fenton’s use of the word race in place of people.
Is this usage justified?
Not only is it justified, it is right on target. This usage captures the racial consciousness of separatism that prevailed in the continuous culture that produced the original Hebrew and Greek Testaments.
Therefore, Fenton’s use of the word race is both semantically legitimate and infinitely more precise than the word people.
Anyone who has ever translated from one language to another knows how difficult it is to capture the essence of meaning by using equivalent words in the object language. It is almost impossible to translate anything without extensive footnotes and explanations of double meanings and nuances of meaning, plus idiomatic usages that will exist in one language and not in another.
The best translator is one who is both fluent in both the spoken and written versions of the two languages involved in the translation. He must also be familiar with dialects and with the respective histories of the two languages, if he is to do justice to the translation. As such, a translator has to make decisions, which will either add meaning to or lose meaning from the original language.
Thus, every translator is also an editor, whether he realizes it or not. It is incumbent upon the translator that he must always endeavor to provide the best possible answer to the question, "What is the author’s intended meaning?"
In 1611, there was little distinction between "my race" and "my people," because it was understood, as a cultural given, that the races should not mix.
Because of softening attitudes toward race-mixing today, fueled by relentless Jewish media overexposure since the 1960s, "my people" no longer conveys the separateness that "my race" does. In fact, the word race has become a dirty, four-letter word. Think about who is responsible for this remarkable change in our culture!!! It has come from the Matrix of Deception: Judaism and Judeo-Christianity!
None of the Christian missionaries who ventured into darkest Africa went there with the slightest intention of mixing the races. Even the most liberal critics and commentators will tell you that their intention was to subjugate, not mix. "Conversion by the sword," blah, blah, blah…
The fact is that the present-day "Christian" doctrine that condones race-mixing and idolizes "priests" of other races is only about one generation old. It is a modernist heresy.
Hence, Ferrar Fenton’s translation is the more accurate of the two, because it reflects the racial consciousness of the Hebrew authors and also that of the King James translators.
It is a historical fact that the propaganda campaign of the amalgamation of the races began in the 1960’s, with the televangelists and the Civil Rights movement.
Before then, race-mixing was a universal taboo.
Those of us who have lived through this period can see how well this Jewish propaganda campaign has worked.
The answer to the earlier question about which is the best modern translation is this: none of them! They all share, to one extent or another, the same, serious defects, resulting from the uncritical acceptance of faulty definitions and usages of words, words that the rabbis of Judaism have either redefined or invented for their own deceptive purposes.
Since finishing the Great Impersonation, I have made it my life’s work to inform White Christians of the Scriptural fraud that has been perpetuated for the past 2,150 years.
In this ages-old conflict between Esau (the Jews) and Jacob (True Israel, the Caucasian People), the evil brother concocted an ingenious plan to take advantage of his good brother’s misfortune.
Part of that plan was to distort the good brother’s past, so that Jacob’s amnesia would be exacerbated by falsified documents, one of those documents being the Bible itself. Many of Jacob’s modern Christian brothers would swallow this bait and drown themselves with it.
They now think of themselves as "Gentiles," and they believe that the Jews are Israelites. The cesspool they are drowning in is called Judeo-Christianity. Satan’s favorite slogan is "Bless the Jews and God will bless you."
This is the mantra of Zionism, a semi-secret club which consists of the world’s richest and most influential Jews; and those duped Christians who have been misled by this mantra are witnessing and contributing to the daily decline of Christian civilization, a decline that has been orchestrated by the very oppressor(s) they bless! As such, they are actually the Black Sheep thinking themselves wise and "saved." It has been said that "pride comes before a fall." What greater pride can there be, than claiming to be "saved" without having to obey God’s moral Law?
Somehow, these deluded Christians must be taught to see that Zionism is a noose around their necks, and the more they support Zionism, the tighter the noose gets.
As someone once said, "The first casualty of war is the truth." And the first soldier to engage the enemy is the editor. The following discussion involves words and their true meaning. We will demonstrate how particular words have been deceptively used, with their meanings changed, twisted, distorted, substituted or dropped altogether, so as to impose a Pharisaic worldview upon the masses, Jew, Christian, Muslim and atheist alike. This discussion of Biblical language should go a long way towards explaining how the anti-Christ operates. This document will provide you with a detailed understanding of how the rabbis of Judaism think and operate. You will get a glimpse inside the mind of Lucifer.
The Arsenal
I have decided to list the following Arsenal of Words, critically important words, which appear in the Bible. The true meanings of these words will demonstrate that the Bible tells a story which is quite different from what today’s deluded masses believe. Possessing the ORIGINAL meanings of these words, from the Hebrew and the Greek, you will get a completely different perspective of the authors. I can only hope that this new perspective will positively impact yourself, your family and friends, for Our Savior said, "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free." (John 8:32.) I also pray that reading this document will bring you closer to your Creator.
It is due to the twin heresies known as Judaism and Judeo-Christianity that the Bible appears to be about the Jewish people. This is the GREAT DECEPTION spoken of at Rev. 12:9, because the Bible is not about the Jews at all. Nothing could be further from the truth. The pre-eminent point of this essay is to document and expose how critically important words have been subtly redefined and deliberately mistranslated so as to create the impression that the Jews are the protagonists of the Book. The reason that so few people are able to see through this charade is because this impersonation has been going on for 2,000 years. As a direct result, modern Judeo-Christianity has blindly and uncritically accepted any proposition the rabbis of Judaism have conjured up.
I here and now state, categorically, that the Jews ARE NOT the Israel of the Bible. Judaism is a culture based on IDENTITY THEFT; and these thieves have been getting away with this Great Impersonation for two thousand years.
The Bible is about the Adamic (genetically White) people known today, collectively, as the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Once the mythology of this false religion is exposed, stripped away, and examined in the light of truth and reason, you will understand that the Jews are not Israel at all, but an IMPOSTOR, "the beast that deceiveth the whole world." (Rev. 12:9.)
Hence, the first word that we will study is the word,
This is, by far, the most misunderstood, abused and misused word in the Bible. The rabbis of Judaism and the theologians of Judeo-Christianity have led us to believe that this word is the equivalent of Israel. But these two words are, in fact, antithetical, because the Jewish people have no Israelite heritage whatsoever. Their Biblical heritage is, in fact, of Canaanite and Edomite origin. Anyone who has studied the Bible will know that the Canaanites and Edomites were/are Israel’s most bitter enemies.
How did Israel’s enemies come to be known as Israel?
In the Old Testament, the word Jew is ALWAYS derived from the Hebrew Judah (Strong’s #3064, Yehudi). Look it up in any Concordance and see for yourself. The people of Judah were the racially exclusive people of the Tribe of Judah, just as the Asherites were the racially exclusive people of the Tribe of Asher, the Danites were the racially exclusive members of that Tribe, etc., etc. All of these tribes kept genealogical records of their marriages and offspring, so as to maintain their continuity as a pure, unmixed RACE. No other ethnic group has ever done this! Our ancestors have done this because Yahweh (which is the Hebrew name for God), commanded us to do this.
When the Bible says of Noah, that he was "perfect in his generations" (Gen. 6:9), it is telling us that he was unblemished in his DESCENT. That is, he was an Adamite who had no trace of non-White genetic material in his blood. The Hebrew word for perfect is tamiym, meaning "without blemish, complete, full, perfect, sincerely, sound, without spot, undefiled, upright, whole." The word tamiym modifies the word generations, which is translated from the Hebrew toledaw, which means, "birth, family, descent."
The false priests of Judaism and Judeo-Christianity will tell you that this means that Noah was a morally "unblemished" person, but that is not what the Bible says. Here is the entire passage, in proper context: "These are the DESCENDANTS ("generations") OF NOAH: Noah was a just man and perfect[unblemished, unmixed, unadulterated] in his DESCENT [not behavior], and Noah walked with God." This, if you will, is the BIBLICALLY CORRECT translation of this verse. The typical, Judeo-Christian interpretation would have us believe that "perfect" means "moral." But the verse would be repeating itself, for it already tells us that Noah was a "just" man.
The orthodox interpretation of this verse is nonsense, because the very next verse goes on to list Noah’s TOLEDAW (descendants) in a perfect, genealogical fashion, for that is what the context of these two verses is about. ("And Noah begat three sons…") The context is genealogical descent. Thus, Ham, Shem and Japheth were ALSO unblemished in their genealogy; and archeology has proven that their descendants were just as adamah(Hebrew for "rosy-cheeked" Whites) as Noah himself.
Contrast this language with the description of the mixed multitude: the offspring of the fallen ones and the "daughters of Adam" (awdawm, #120), who had produced race-mixed children, including giants, of which Goliath was a surviving, genetic example. This mixed progeny is described by the words, "for all flesh had corrupted itself." Flesh is translated from basar, which bears this meaning: "…flesh…body…person... pudenda…nakedness." This is talking about the corruption of literal FLESH. The latter two are references to the human sexual organs. Are you beginning to get the real meaning of these Hebrew words? If immorality is deduced from these passages, it is only because the immoral act of race-mixing was causing all flesh to become corrupted, blemished. Only the genome (DNA profile) of Noah and his immediate family was unblemished. The DNA of all of the other people, residing in the geographical location of Noah’s territory, was corrupted by this forbidden race-mixing. Yahweh designed the DNA of all races; and He intended all of the races to remain separate and distinct. In contrast, Judaism, the religion of the descendants of these same fallen angels, today promotes race-mixing, just as their fallen angel ancestors engaged in then.
Genesis 6 is describing how the fallen angels began raping and pillaging, creating the forbidden offspring of the fallen ones (Nephilim) and White (Adamic) women. (Gen. 6:4.) Yahweh judged the land for this sin then, and He is going to judge the whole planet again for this same violation of the Law on the Judgment Day, for race-mixing is forbidden by the Bible. Those who are actively promoting the Gospel of Race-Mixing are bringing Judgment upon their own heads. Among them, there will be a "wailing and a gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 13:50) when they find out how wrong their doctrine has been.
All theologians recognize the historical fact that the Israelites were a racially exclusive people, but they teach that this fact is no longer relevant, because THEIR INTERPRETATION of the New Covenant is that the "Church" has taken the place of literal Israel, which is now supposedly "Spiritual Israel." I can assure you that there is no such expression as Spiritual Israel in the Bible. This is a false doctrine, invented by the Christian Pharisees for the purpose of promoting their universalistic religion.
In fact, there is only one place in the whole Bible where these two words are used in the same sentence. Let’s take a look:
{The fact is that, in 2 Thes. 2, Paul was talking about the people in Judea and the conditions of his own time. While the Edomites have continued their charade since Paul’s time, and while there are many historical times that have paralleled Paul’s description, Paul was not prophesying of the future when he made his remarks. Rather, he merely observed and described a condition, which has persisted: that the adversary, the jews, are masquerading as the people of God on earth, even imagining themselves to be God.}
But since the universalists love to take Scripture out of its historical and racial context, what verse 7 is actually telling them, whether they like it or not, is that those Israelites who consider themselves "spiritual" will have gone MAD. They are fools, because of their great deviation from the Laws of Yahweh. Judaism is the theology that is directly responsible for re-introducing the latter-day heresy of race-mixing back into our culture. When the parasite infects the host, the host often goes into a state of delirium (madness), coupled with a high fever. The host is usually unable to explain the cause of the fever. This mad fever, that our society is presently going through, is called the Great Apostasy (the "falling away" of 2 Thes. 2:3), also referred to as the Great Delusion, the false belief that Jews are Israel and that "Spiritual Israel" has replaced literal Israel. The symptoms are exactly the same as in the days of Noah, with race-mixing and all other forms of sexual perversion running rampant.
Madness indeed! {For a full discussion of the Great Apostasy, please follow this link:}
Verse 1 of Hosea 9 tells us this: "Rejoice NOT, O Israel, for joy, as other people: for thou hast gone AWHORING FROM THY GOD, thou hast loved a reward upon every corn floor."
Israel is thus depicted as a whore rolling around on the floor with forbidden lovers. The deluded Dispensationalists believe that other people can become like us, literal Israel. Thinking themselves to be wise, they teach that the inheritance was taken away from God’s chosen people, Anglo-Saxon Israel.But Yahweh Elohim has no intention of giving THE INHERITANCE to people of ANOTHER RACE!!!!!! He specifically created our DNA so that we would be a light unto the nations, not so that the other nations should amalgamate with us!! History has proven that, whenever we forget God’s commandments and socially intermingle with other races, we cease to be that light.
Just look how low we have sunk since segregation ended here in America in the 1960’s. Has life gotten better or worse? Has integration benefited YOU? Has integration benefited Blacks? The fact is that societal conditions have gotten progressively WORSE, even worse for the Blacks, who were far more productive, well-behaved, and prosperous while segregated in their own communities! Black family structure has literally been destroyed by the liberal Welfare State; but they keep on blaming us middle-class White folk for their failures!!! Their illegitimacy rate is 90%, and the great bulk of them are dependent upon the Welfare State. The true Conservatives of the 60’s and 70’s warned that this would be the outcome; but the fever of integration had to demonstrate its folly. Hurricane Katrina showed the world how the social engineering of the Welfare State has "benefited" Blacks, as Blacks looted, raped and terrorized the other victims of Katrina, making the social aftermath worse than the hurricane.
Now, listen very carefully: "The floor and the winepress SHALL NOT FEED THEM, AND THE NEW WINE SHALL FAIL IN HER"!!!!! (Hos. 9:2)
In other words, they (the deluded Israelites among us) shall fail to comprehend the New Covenant (new wine) because of their whoring (race-mixing and universalism). There is simply no doubt that the Judeo-Christians of our race are hopelessly deluded culturally and theologically, believing every lie the Jews tell them. Hence, they follow the Zionists, who are the SWORN ENEMIES OF THE MESSIAH, straight into the HELL of ignorance and deceit, not to mention the ignominy of unjust wars and the oppression of innocent people, all the while praising themselves for their theology, refusing to see how their eschatology (end-times interpretations) has failed, expecting to be blessed by blessing the anti-Christ. Their religion is nothing but vanity and foolishness.
Can anyone be more deluded than this?
Dispensationalist doctrine is, in fact, a COMPROMISE WITH JUDAISM, which they claim to have supplanted, because it allows these modern Pharisees to claim that "Spiritual Israel" has been "adopted" or "grafted into" literal Israel. The problem is that the Bible teaches no such thing as a spiritual REPLACEMENT. In fact, even the Jews reject this theory, calling it "Replacement Theology." At the same time, the rabbis of Judaism are most comfortable, even serene, living with this false teaching. They quietly encourage it, because it does not seriously challenge their literal claim of being "God’s chosen people," Israel. "Let the fools be fools. It is to our advantage."
This Judeo-Christian doctrine is called DISPENSATIONALISM. It begins with the false assumption that the Jewish people are Israel and that the "Church Dispensation" began when the Jews rejected "their own Messiah." In addition, Dispensationalism teaches that we are ALL SAVED by mere belief in Jesus Christ, without having to obey the Law(s) of God, including the Ten Commandments. This seductive philosophy is built upon a reservoir of carefully selected Bible quotations, handpicked by the false priests of various denominations out of various different contexts and then, like too many cooks seasoning the stew, reassembled into the new, erroneous witches’ brew of diverse nonsense! But it is NOT Scriptural. It is a presumptuous lie; and the Jews are most happy – even ecstatic -- to let the Dispensationalists perpetuate this grotesque lie, because it does not challenge their presumed authority over THEIR interpretation of the Torah, as long as these "believers" do not question their claim of being "God’s chosen people."
At the same time, the Dispensationalists never ask themselves or the Jews this most important question: "At what point did God replace the racially exclusive, PATERNAL line of descent, copiously documented in Scripture, with the racially inclusive MATERNAL line of descent of modern Judaism?" This is a verboten question. No Judeo-Christian theologian dares to ask this question, because the answer to this question catches the Jews in two lies: the pretense that they are the descendants of Israel and the fable that their religion is the religion of Moses. Didn’t Peter and Paul warn us to beware of Jewish fables? (2 Peter 1:16, Titus 1:14.)
The question "Who is an Israelite?" is a totally different question from "Who is a Jew?" The former can only be answered by the science of genetics. There is no such thing as "Spiritual Israel" in Scripture. The latter question can only be answered theologically or culturally. Since the Jews are a mixture of all races, it could be said that they are universally mongrelized. There is no place in the Bible where the racially exclusive Covenants are/were transferred to either 1.) a different line of descent, or 2.) a universal "church." Both of these doctrines, the former Jewish and the latter Judeo-Christian, have evolved directly from Pharisaic doctrine. Rest assured, the Bible teaches no such thing.
So, how is it possible for the Covenants to be transferred from the Jews to THE CHURCH of Dispensationalism, when they never belonged to the Jews in the first place? Despite being a racially mixed culture, the Jews have stolen the genetic/ethnic/racial identity of True Israel. The Jews are a culture composed of identity thieves. The Dispensationalists, knowing that the Jews reject Yahshua Messiah, had to invent a fictitious story, in order to let the Jews off the hook and give themselves a plausible claim to the Covenants. But they are twice deceived: first by the Jews and furthermore by themselves! Buying a fraudulent deed from a thief does not give you ownership of the property! The TRUE OWNER will have something to say about this!
How did the Jews come to impersonate Israel?
From the New Testament, we have the following answer, contained in the parable of the evil husbandmen:
There is no doubt that the evil husbandmen of this parable are the scribes and Pharisees, who murdered the heir in order to seize the inheritance of Israel. The Pharisees are the inventors of Judaism. They have been pretending to be the rightful heirs ever since. Unless we challenge their illegal seizure of our inheritance, the true heirs will never receive it. It is ours to claim, but Yahweh is waiting to see if there are any True Israelites down here lucid enough to stake their claim. (Lord knows I am doing all I can to turn on the Light!) If none of the True Heirs show up at the reading of the Last Will and Testament, then the whole proceeding goes into Probate Court; and we know which ethnic minority has the lawyers that will rush in to assume control those proceedings, if we allow that to happen!!!!
As Anglo-Saxon-Christian Israel slowly awakens from its collective amnesia, the True Heirs will begin to demand that which is rightfully theirs.
Getting back to the word Jew, in the Old Testament, the first instance of the word ‘Jew’ occurs in II Kings 16:6.
A careful reading of this episode shows that the word Judah, in this particular instance, is used to designate the HOUSE OF JUDAH as DISTINGUISHED FROM the House of Israel. As such, this usage alone contradicts their claim that the Jews represent the whole people of Israel, for this passage tells us that the House of Israel (the Ten Northern Tribes) is at war with the "Jews," as represented by the Two-Tribed House of Judah, comprised of Judah and Benjamin. How do the Jews explain this discrepancy of meaning? They don’t. They ignore it; and they hope that you will ignore it too. From this passage, the Jews can only be equated with the House of Judah, since the House of Israel has gone its separate way, eventually to migrate north and west into Europe, through the Caucasus Mountains, thus becoming known as the Caucasian people.
Furthermore, as can be ascertained from the Biblical accounts (2 Kings 18:13), many of the people of Judah and Benjamin accompanied the House of Israel in the Assyrian deportations. Yet, these are often overlooked by those who comment on the subject, and those of Judah and Benjamin who remained continued to be known as the two tribes, later going into Babylonian captivity.
The linguistic fact is that the use of the word Jew is NEVER JUSTIFIED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. (We will get to the New Testament shortly.) The word Judah is always the only accurate and proper usage of the Hebrew Jehudi (#3064). Wherever Judah is translated as Jew, it is a false, deceptive translation. The rabbis of Judaism, using their wily language skills, have encouraged and facilitated this false translation, because it perpetuates their masquerade as Judah, which was begun by the Masoretic rabbis of the Jewish (Idumean/Edomite) Dispersion! The Dispersion of the Israelites was a completely separate and distinct historical event, that happened over 800 years earlier! For centuries, this continuing masquerade has enabled the rabbis of Judaism to fool all of the world’s best theologians, except for Identity theologians, those of us who know that there always was and still is a RACIAL AND THEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Judahites and Jews.
(There are actually many Jews, such as Benjamin Freedman and Alfred Lilienthal, who have admitted this fact, but their work is, for obvious reasons, not promoted by the Kosher Thought Control Matrix. Here is a good example of Freedman’s work on this subject, an essay entitled "Jesus Was NOT a Jew": )
Strong’s Concordance, and/or its editors, following the interpolations of the Jews, falsely adds to the definition of Yehudi: "a Jew." But we know that this definition cannot stand up to the test of the patrilineal descent that is prescribed for all Judahites. The Jewish people have never met this standard, nor have they observed or required it, to this day. By this deceptive use of the word Jew in the OT, the Jews have simply written themselves into Old Testament history. With Luciferian cunning, the Edomite Jews have co-opted the literature and history of their historical enemy, Israel, pretending to have been places and to have done things that none of their ancestors ever did. Abraham was not a Jew. Moses was not a Jew. None of the Twelve Tribes were Jews. There were no Jews at the reading of the Law at Mt. Sinai. All of these ISRAELITE TRADITIONS AND EVENTS have been appropriated by the rabbis of Judaism, who have, since 150 BC, been making such false claims. The fact is that the only participation of their ancestors in OT history was as the intractable enemies of True Israel.
The whore (Judaism) has put on White raiment (the Law of Moses), but no one has ever bothered to check her filthy undergarments (violation of all of the laws of Moses, including race-mixing).
By simply substituting the word Jew for the word Judah, the Jews have been able to posture as Judah for 2,000 years. The fact that they also claim to be the whole people of Israel is even more ridiculous and thoroughly contradicted by II Kings 16:6! Their claim to being "Semitic" is just as outrageous, because that is a RACIAL TERM. A Semite, or Shemite, is a patrilineal descendant of the Hebrew patriarch, Shem. THIS IS THE BIBLICAL DEFINITION OF A "SHEMITE." No one else can claim to be a "Semite." No mongrelized people can ever call themselves "Semites" without engaging in blatant Biblical deception.
Historically, the word Jew did not appear in the English language until it was first introduced in 1775, in Sheridan’s play, "The Rivals." Earlier plays, such as those of Shakespeare and Marlowe, plus the original King James Version of the Bible, did not contain this word, as the letter J was not in use in the English language yet. Still, this word was only applied to the modern, ethnic Jews, who are of Ashkenazi and Sephardic extraction. But this all-important ethnic fact didn’t stop the translators from falsely applying it, retroactively, to the Judahites or Israelites of the Bible! Since the modern word Jew applies only to the mongrelized people composed of Edomite (Sephardic) and Khazar (Ashkenazi) Jews, there is no way that this word can be applied, anachronistically, to hereditary, Adamic, Hebrew Judahites, a people who very carefully recorded their pedigree in their Temple records.
By playing fast and loose with such words, and with relentless, round-the-clock indoctrination, the Jewish impersonation of Israel has been thoroughly established. The resulting false translations, based on Jewish Masoretic interpolations, are what most Christians blindly accept as Scripture; but, as you have been witnessing, these translations are false and misleading. The fact that the word Jew exists at all in the Old Covenant of the KJV is a testament to their brilliant, Luciferian brainwashing techniques. Let us give the Devil his due!!!!
There is a reason why Jesus tells us: "Be ye therefore wise as serpents, yet guileless as doves." (Matt. 10:6.) He is telling us to be wary of the Serpent People: the Jewish people. The Sheep have been guileless, but not very wise.
The Jewish masquerade as Israel and Judah is history’s most immaculate deception.
{Link to my detailed article on this very subject: http://www. newsletter/2006_12_1.php }
I repeat, because this is a most important epiphany for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear: The word Jew DOES NOT BELONG IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. Wherever it so occurs, it is a false translation. The word Judah is the only correct usage, as it conveys and retains both the ethnic composition of the people of Judah and the racial exclusiveness which Yahwah and the Bible demand.
From this day forward, you should never confuse a Jew with a Judahite; nor should you confuse a Jew with an Israelite. Jew is a culturally and theologically vague word. Judah and Israel are VERY SPECIFIC racial and cultural words.
One way to visualize the distinction between Jews and Judahites is to use Set Theory. You may remember studying Set Theory in school. It is a great technique for delineating the meanings of words, so that apples aren’t accidentally compared with oranges. Visualize a circle that contains the wordsJudah and Israel within it. Outside of this circle are all other races and peoples, all having circles of their own, including Canaanites, Edomites, Khazars, Blacks, Orientals, Arabs, and, strictly speaking, even Whites who do not have the DNA of either Israel or Judah. These would be the non-Covenant Whites, who are, nevertheless, permitted to enter the circle of Judah and Israel through marriage (Joseph’s wife, Moses’ wife, etc.). Thus, the Covenant People of Judah and Israel are clearly distinguished from ALL OTHER PEOPLES OF THE EARTH.
Now, let’s do the same thing with the word Jew. Visualize a circle, which contains the word Jew in it. Since the Jewish people are a conglomeration of all races and peoples, the Jewish Set cannot exclude any other circle. All of the other circles penetrate the boundary of the Jewish circle, because the Jewish people have NEVER BEEN A RACIALLY EXCLUSIVE PEOPLE. They have always mixed with the indigenous populations of every country they have ever entered and settled in. This was true, even before the Tribe of Judah came into existence, because, as you will soon discover, the Jewish people originated as Canaanites, not as Israelites!
We can summarize the difference between a Jew and a Judahite in the following, concise way:
{The Turks are not properly the Hittites, although occupying the same territory in later times. The Turks originated as a westward-migrating group from China, who were known as the Uighurs. As they moved west, they absorbed more and more White blood. Turkmenistan is named for them, where they remained settled for several centuries, and where at least some of their descendants are found today. Anatolia, modern Turkey, was inhabited in Greco-Roman times by tribes related to the Greeks, Phoenicians, Thracians, Kelts, Scythians, Armenians, and "White" Syrians, aka, Cappadocians. It has been, and would be still, quite difficult to relate any particular Anatolian tribe of the Roman period to the Hittites, although it is certainly not impossible that at least some Hittite blood persisted. The Turks, coming from Asia, took Bagdhad circa 1055 AD, and all of Anatolia (Asia Minor) by 1071, amalgamating and converting to Islam many of the region’s surviving inhabitants.}
Many Christians are under the false impression that Judaism will eventually accept Jesus as the Messiah, but this is a false assumption. This mistake is caused by the fact that prophecies, which pertain exclusively to True Israel, are applied to the Jewish people, who are not Israelites or Judahites at all. Still, these Christians do not insist that the Jews accept the Biblical Jesus. This is a very grave their mistake on their part, for Christ’s death and Resurrection are the fulcrum of the Christian Faith. As Paul says, "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith also is vain." (I Cor. 15:14.)
In the words of Rabbi Lerner:Why don't Jews accept Jesus as the Messiah?
Rabbi Lerner is quite accurate when he says that Jesus did not fulfill JEWISH expectations of a Messiah. That is because, as Sephardic Edomites pretending to be Judeans, they had no such expectations!!! Jesus Christ was not one of their people! He told the scribes and Pharisees of Judaism, flat out: "Ye are NOT of my sheep." (John 10:26-27.) Rabbi Lerner is simply admitting this fact while pretending to be an Israelite. The fact is that ALL ISRAEL expected a Messiah, and Jesus fulfilled hundreds of SCRIPTURAL AND JUDAHITE expectations of the Messiah. And that is why the Judahite people and the Benjamite people of the nation of Judea accepted Him, until the Jewish rabbis began to tell lies about Him, thus degrading Him in the eyes of His own people! If you are paying attention, you have noticed that the Jews are still degrading Jesus to this day!
A few more quotes from prominent rabbis:
"…the Talmud has been the chief authority in Jewish life. True, the Bible was theoretically the ultimate authority, but the Bible was understood as the Talmud interpreted it." (The Story of Judaism, Bernard J. Bamberger, p.108.)"This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians – that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of course, a fallacious impression…Judaism is not the religion of the Bible. (Judaism and the Christian Predicament, Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser, 1967, p.59.)"You will notice that a great difference exists between the Jewish and Christian religions. But these are not all. We Judians consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other…we emphasized that there is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion…There is not any similarity between the two concepts." (Rabbi Maggal, quoted in the National Jewish Information Service, August 21, 1961.)"Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism…throughout these changes in name…the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered." (The Pharisees, the Sociological Background of Their Faith, Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, p. 21.)"Jewish life was regulated by the teachings of the Pharisees: the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view…Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and the thought of the Jew for all the future…It makes ‘separatism’ its chief characteristic." (History and Destiny of the Jews, Dr. Josef Kastein, p. 69.)
So, how can the racially exclusive people of Israel and Judah, who practiced the Law of Moses, be equated with the racially mongrelized people of Edom and Ashkenaz, who practice the merely religious exclusivism of the Pharisees? I hope that you can now appreciate the fact that the racial, religious and cultural gap between Israelites and Jews is vast, indeed!
It turns out that this word occurs only once in the Old Testament; but where it occurs, it confirms our next thesis, namely, that Judah and Judea are also words with very different meanings; and to confuse the two is to do a great injustice to the meaning and intent of the divinely inspired authors of Scripture.
Here is the lone citation from the OT:
"Be it known to the king, that we went into the province of Judea, to the house of the great God, which is builded with great stones, and timber is laid in the walls, and this work goeth on, and prospereth in their hands." (Ezra 5:8.)
Without a familiarity of the history of those days, including the ethnic composition of various non-Israelites peoples, you cannot know that the Judahites who returned from the Babylonian Captivity REFUSED TO FELLOWSHIP with the mongrelized people who had taken the place of the Judahites, after they were deported to Babylon. Those Judahites were absent from Judea for a period of 70 years. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah make it very clear that the Temple was to be rebuilt EXCLUSIVELY BY GENETIC JUDAHITES. The Judahite priests meticulously examined the records of the Temple, checking the genealogies of all the Judahites who returned from Babylon, to verify their pedigree. (Ez. 2:59-62; 10:16; Neh. 7:5, 61, 64.) Those men and priests among them, who had taken foreign (non-Israelite) wives, had to dismiss them and their half-breed children OR BE REJECTED THEMSELVES, just as Jacob’s brother Esau was rejected for taking Hittite wives.
Ezra and Nehemiah were in total compliance with Deut. 23:2, which unequivocally states that, "No mongrel [Hebrew mamzer] shall enter the congregation of Yahweh." I know that the KJV states "bastard" instead of mongrel, but the Hebrew word mamzer (#4464) means "mongrel." This is just another poor translation. Everyone knows what a mongrel is. Besides, both Pharez and Zarah, Judah’s only two unmixed sons by Tamar, were bastards (born out of wedlock), yet they were acceptable as Israelites, so that proves that Deut. 23:2 should have been translated with the wordmongrel instead of bastard, for that is the true meaning of the Hebrew word. It is also true that the word bastard was also understood to mean "mongrel" until very recent times. The Greek nothos (#3541) still has this connotation, although Strong’s Concordance does not mention it. Zondervan’s Exhaustive Concordance relates nothos to xenos (# 2838, "foreigner, alien") in several instances of the New Testament. Young’s Analytical Concordance entry for bastard lists both the Hebrew mamzer and the Greek nothos, with elaboration, although Young refers us to Heb. 12:8.
"But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore, we have had fathers OF OUR FLESH, which corrected us…"
Although Paul obviously uses the Greek nothos in a figurative sense in this passage, he still chooses to stress the teachings of the flesh and blood forefathers of Israel. The context is still Israel, exclusively. What he is saying is that, if the Hebrews he is addressing do not accept chastisement, they will be like mongrels, not of Israel at all. This is quite a putdown!!! It is the modernists who ignore this meaning, for obvious reasons.
Furthermore, after the return of Judah and Benjamin from the Babylonian Captivity, Ezra and Nehemiah rejected the advances of the local people, who were of mixed descent, primarily Shelahites (half-breed Canaanites) and other non-Judahites who had settled in the land of Judah after the Judahites were taken away captive to Babylon. (2 Kings 24:14-16; 25:22-26; Jer. 22:25-27; Jer. 24; 40:5-12; Jer. 41.) These non-Judahite Judeans, who were afterwards known as Samaritans. wanted to help with the rebuilding of the Temple, but the true Judahites told them to get lost. The Judahites firmly told those Judeans, "We don’t need or want your help!" (Ezra 4:1-3.) It would have been a violation of God’s law to allow half-breeds, mongrels, and other non-Israelites to enjoy equal status while working on Yah’s Temple. It is permitted for Israelites to HIRE non-Israelites, but it is not permissible for non-Israelites to be PARTNERS in such an enterprise!
The racial exclusivity of the Judahites is explicitly confirmed by the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Their rejection of non-Judahites was firm and decisive, for they knew that the House of Judah was to bring forth the Messiah, who could be nothing less than a PURE-BLOODED JUDAHITE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID. To allow non-Judahite stock to enter into the Kingdom would thus guarantee the failure of the Messiah’s coming mission, for the Messiah could only come from the pure-blooded stock of hereditary Judah. PERIOD. Just as Noah was perfect (without genetic blemish), the Messiah could only be likewise, without blemish. Otherwise, He could not fulfill the promise of the Kinsman Redeemer. This is why the New Testament begins with the genealogy of Jesus Christ, in Matthew, Chapter 1. It is the documentary proof that Yahshua Messiah was a pure-blooded Judahite. No person, other than a pure-blooded Judahite, would have been acceptable as the Messiah.
Jew, Judah, and Judean in the New Testament
Now, in the New Testament, we have two new words from which the word ‘Jew’ is translated. In the Greek, they are Iouda and Ioudaia (Strong’s 2448 and 2449, respectively). Iouda is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Judah. Ioudaia is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Judea.
Like their corresponding Hebrew counterparts, these two Greek words do not have the same meaning; but the entire world of Biblical scholarship, thanks to the historical word games played by the rabbis, routinely treats them as if they represent one and the same ethnicity.
But Iouda refers only to the racially exclusive people of Judah. Ioudaia designates a much larger group, namely: ALL the residents of the Roman district of Judea, irrespective of their racial, cultural, or religious heritage. This district of Judea, having incorporated the formerly Canaanite/Edomite nation of Idumea, was much larger and more ethnically diverse from the Old Testament land of Judah. Again, the rabbis of Judaism thrive on the confusion of these two terms, treating them as if they have the same meaning, designating the same set of people. They want to make sure you don’t understand the Bible’s original semantic clarity, which demands that we take note of racial and ethnic distinctions.
To equate these two words would be like equating the White, Christian founding fathers of America with the polyglot, multi-racial hodge-podge thatAmerica has become today. Anyone with a brain cannot possibly equate these two groups, as the former is distinctly, ethnically of the White Race, while the latter is all of the collective inhabitants of the country, taken as a whole. At that time, only land-owning White Men were allowed to be voting citizens. Today, people of all races, including women, are allowed to vote. So, the "voters" of that era cannot possibly be compared to the "voters" of modern America. It is a totally different demographic today. The former group was racially and sexually exclusive, while the latter group is ethnically, racially and sexually inclusive.
Dear Anglo-Saxon Israelites, is it conceivable that the MOTLEY CREW cohabiting in America today could possibly agree on the set of principles known as the Constitution of the United States? ("Ebony…Ivory…living in perfect harmony." In spite of such cheery lyrics, we don’t see pop stars like Paul McCartney choosing to live in the ghettoes of New Orleans!!!! He prefers to reside in his exclusive mansion, outside of London, away from the rabble.)
Of course, the Jews want us to lump all of us, except themselves, into this hopeless polyglot by referring to America as a "nation of immigrants." But it was exclusively the original White settlers/immigrants who founded America. Neither the Jews nor the members of any other race had anything whatsoever to do with instituting America’s political and religious foundations and subsequent economic development, which was the direct result of what this exclusively White Christian citizenry produced.
The same distinction is true of Judahites and Judeans.
The historical record shows very clearly that, in the year 150 BC, the ethnically White nation of Judah was forcibly merged, by war, with the ethnically Canaanite nation of Idumea. Remember, these two ethnic groups had been historic enemies; and this enmity can be traced all the way back to Adam and Eve and their encounter with the Serpent in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:15), with the Jewish seedline emanating from Cain and the Israelite seedline emanating from Seth. Several books of the Old Testament record the fact that Yahweh had ordered the children of Israel to EXTERMINATE THESE CAINITES/CANAANITES; but the Israelites were not cold-blooded enough to do so.
Yahweh’s commandments to destroy these people are recorded in Deut. 12:1-10, as well as in many other Biblical verses that support this position.Why would Yahweh ask us (Joshua, Saul, David, Solomon, etc.) to exterminate these creatures/beings? "New Testament Christians," not understanding the evil nature of these fallen creatures, actually attempt to pass judgment on Yahweh, calling Him, quite disrespectfully, the "God of the Old Testament," whom they perceive as cruel for issuing such a command. They do not understand that these creatures were the mixed offspring of the fallen angels, who survived the Flood. These people possessed the DNA of Nachash himself, the Fallen Angel, Satan. As such, these creatures were genetically disposed to do evil continually, just as they did during the days of Noah. If it was OK for Yahweh to destroy them BEFORE Noah’s Flood, then why not after?
These Canaanites were the ethnic progenitors of the people known today as the Sephardic Jews, who are named after the region of Mt. Sephar, in the land of Canaan. (Gen. 10:30; Ob. 1:20.) There is little doubt that the name, "Sephardic," originated with the Sepharvaim of Edom (II Kings 17:24; 18:34; 19:13; Isa. 36:19; 37:1). It was from this ethnic group that the priesthood known as the Pharisees arose. Regarding the exact historical dates for the merger of Judah and Idumea, William Finck and I have studied different sources, so his dating and mine are about ten years apart. I got my information from various encyclopedias, which suggest that John Hyrcanus, a true Judahite monarch, acceded to the Maccabean throne in the year 150 BC. Mr. Finck relies more on Josephus. Here is Mr. Finck’s account of the timing and circumstances of the rise of the Pharisees, according to Josephus.
{Outside of Josephus and the Book of I Maccabees, historical details concerning Palestine in the centuries between the Persian and Roman Periods are sketchy. For instance, of the Edomite incorporation into Judea, Strabo says, "The Idumeans are Nabateans, but owing to a sedition they were banished from there, joined the Judeans, and shared in the same customs with them." (Geography, 1b.2.34.) To any Biblical scholar, it should be apparent that, while he has elements of the story right, he is very much confused on some important points. We know, today, from archeological research, that the Nabateans were an Arabian tribe that had invaded and incorporated some of the territory of Edom, between the sixth and fourth centuries, BC. Strabo was not privy to such distinctions, as an outsider looking in. Yet, his account is essentially correct.
The accounts of Josephus are corroborated in several instances by I Maccabees, and, since there is no other reliable source for this history concerning Judea in the second century BC, we must rely on his testimony. While some have questioned the reliability of Josephus as a historian, we certainly cannot offer a varying or alternative account without citing other historical sources. We cannot invent our own account if we wish to contest Josephus!"The principal men of the Jews [sic, Judeans – Eli] came thither, to accuse Phasaelus [Herod’s Edomite brother] and Herod, and they said that Hyrcanus had indeed the appearance of reigning, but that these men [Phasaelus and Herod] had all the power." (Antiquities, 14.12.2.)
In addition, Josephus tells us that Herod slaughtered the entire Sanhedrin that were loyal to Hyrcanus (14.9.4). It is clear that, from that point on, Hyrcanus took a stand against the Pharisees, while Herod had always been their enabler. Hyrcanus was not aware that Herod was planning to murder him as well.
"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed..." [Note here that Yahweh had made a similar statement to Cain at Gen. 4:7. Yahshua was addressing Cain’s children in the same manner!!!] "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, WE be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? [In other words, they’re saying, WE ARE FREE! What do we need to be freed from? But True Israel understood that they needed to be freed from the sin debt of the fall of Adam and Eve, as well as the sin debt of virtually continuous historical disobedience to the Law, from the moment that it was delivered to Israel at Sinai!!! The Pharisees acknowledged NONE OF THIS!!! Christ’s message was one of REPENTANCE! But these Jews were saying, "What? What do we need to repent for? We ARE ALREADY FREE!" Even today, the Jews declare their absolute innocence of any wrongdoing, with respect to non-Jews, EVER!!! Where in Scripture does Yahweh pronounce Israel INNOCENT? What more proof do you need that they are not Israel?]Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever commiteth sin is the servant of sin. [Gen. 4:7 again!] And the servant ["Cursed be Canaan. A servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren." -- Gen. 9:25-27.] abideth not in the house forever [Cain, Canaan and Esau were all kicked out of the house, and their descendants became the servants of Israel]: but the Son abideth forever. If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. I know that ye are Abraham’s seed [in part through Esau], but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you." (John 8 31-37.)
"Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the CHILDREN OF THEM WHICH KILLED THE PROPHETS. Fill ye up the measure ofYOUR FATHERS. Ye serpents. Ye GENERATION [RACE, #1081, gennema, offspring] OF VIPERS, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? …That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous ABEL unto the blood of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar."
It is not possible that Jesus was accusing an assemblage of Pharisees, in 33 AD, of a murder that was committed 4,000 years previously! That would have been a false accusation!!! He was speaking of their whole family tree, their genome (gennema), a race of vipers, a race of murderers, which began with Cain.
"Therefore saith Yahweh; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and AGAINST ALL IDUMEA, WHICH HAVE APPOINTED MY LAND INTO THEIR POSSESSION, with the joy of their heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey." (Ez. 36:5.)
"And ye shall be hated of all for my name’s sake." (Luke 21:17; John 16:2.)
"Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life." (Eze. 13:22.) (What a mouthful!)
He sendeth out His Word UNTO JACOB, His statutes and His judgments unto ISRAEL. He hath not dealt so with ANY [other] NATION: and as for His judgments, they [the other nations] have not known them. Praise ye the Lord. (Psalm 147:19-20)
"By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations."
She had long, lovely hair;
Her limbs were smooth and rounded and her thighs were shapely;
She had slender legs and small feet;
Her hands were slim and long and so were her fingers."
-- from the Book of Lamech (Genesis Apocryphon)
"Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies…"
But then, as a result of Israel’s disobedience,
"There visage is blacker than coal." (Lamentations, 4:7-8.)
"If ye forsake Yahweh, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you, after He hath done you good. And the people said unto Joshua, ‘Nay, but we will serve Yahweh.’ And Joshua said unto the people, Ye are witnesses against yourselves that ye have chosen Yahweh. And they said ‘We are witnesses.’ Now therefore put away the strange gods which are among you and incline your heart to Yahweh Elohim of Israel."(Joshua 24: 19-23.)
"Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy." (Luke 12:1)
"As for me, this is My Covenant with them [Jacob/Israel], saith Yahweh: My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, NOR OUT OF THE MOUTH OF THY SEED, NOR OUT OF THE MOUTH OF THY SEED’S SEED, saith Yahweh, from henceforth and FOREVER." (Isa. 59:21.)
"For I am Yahweh, I CHANGE NOT; therefore ye SONS OF JACOB ARE NOT CONSUMED." (Mal. 3:6)
"Thou [Jacob-Israel] whom I have taken from the ends of the earth and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant;I have chosen thee and NOT cast thee away." (Isa. 41:9.)
"If those ordinances depart from before me, saith Yahweh, then the SEED OF ISRAEL also shall cease from being a nation from before me." (Jer. 31:36.)
Josephus first places the Pharisees, as well as the Sadducees and Essenes, as early as the rule of Jonathan, "the Maccabee" (and so the name,Maccabees), the first of the line of Maccabees, who was slain circa 142 BC, about the 170th year of the Seleucid (Greek) era, as Josephus calculates. (Ref.: Antiquities 13.5.9; 13.6.7 (for date)).
Simon, brother of Jonathan, became the high priest and ruler of the Judahites (hereinafter Judeans) and reigned for 8 years before he was slain by his own son-in-law. (Ref. Antiquities 13.6.7; 13.7.4.)
John Hyrcanus, the son of Simon, then became high priest in place of his father. Josephus puts the first year of his reign in the 162nd Olympiad, where Whiston, the translator of Josephus, has a footnote insisting that this is an error, and the year must be the second of the 161st, which would be, roughly, 135 BC (the 162nd Olympiad is the four-year period of 132-129 BC). It is after 135 BC that John Hyrcanus began the employ of foreign mercenaries, and began to subjugate and forcibly "convert" the Idumeans to Mosaic Law, although there is scant information as to how much of Judahite tradition, besides being given the choice between circumcision and death, was imposed upon these new "citizens" of Judea. (Ref. Antiquities 13.8.2; 13.9.1.)
Unfortunately, I Maccabees ends with the ascension of John Hyrcanus to the high priesthood but says little of his deeds. (I Mac. 16:19-24.) Yet, it is quite clear from the context of I Mac. (i.e. 5:65,66) that the Edomites had not yet been incorporated into the political body of the Judeans, and, therefore, there is no reason to doubt the accounts given by Josephus. The Pharisees, as a sect, existed by 150 BC, and the Edomites (Idumeans) were subjugated and incorporated by the Judeans (not vice-versa) about 130 BC. }
In Book XIII, Chap. IX, Para. 1, Whiston’s translation states: "Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the Jews [sic: Judeans. Whiston commits the error of assuming that ethnic Judahites can be called "Jews"]; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers [that is, to stay in Idumea – Eli], that they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish [Sic! Judahite] ways of living; at which time therefore this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews [Judeans]."
As I explained under the heading of the word Jew, it is not possible to lump unmongrelized Adamic Judahites together with mongrelized Jews, as if there were no difference between these very distinct populations. This is like equating native American Indian tribes with the Founding Fathers, which groups are of completely different races. Whiston, like all other commentators and translators who labor under Jewish deception, fails to take these ethnic distinctions into consideration in his sloppy translation. He also makes the false assumption that the Judahites practiced Judaism. But from this account, it is clear that the Idumeans began to accept the religion of Judah for the first time, as a result of submitting to circumcision. The Idumeans were NOT "converted to Judaism." Accepting non-Israelites into their nation was itself a VIOLATION OF THE MOSAIC LAW. The correct way of characterizing this transition is to say: Mosaism was converted to Judaism by virtue of accepting Mosaically forbidden mongrels as citizens of Judea. There is no way that the Law of Moses can be equated with Judaism, which has always been a DISTORTION of the Mosaic Law. The Jews themselves admit that Judaism’s traditions go back to ancient Babylon. Josephus confirms this at 15.2.4, where he informs us that Herod imported the priest, Ananelus, from Babylon and made him high priest. Thus, Mosaism, under Herod the Idumean, became corrupted into Babylonian Judaism.
Even though Hyrcanus had defeated the Idumeans militarily, he had actually fallen into the trap that was arranged by Herod’s father, Antipater, who had gained Julius Caesar’s consent to have Herod and Hyrcanus be co-regents. Thus, the Hyrcanus violation of the Law of Moses led to the usurpation of his own throne. Josephus puts it this way:
Just as in America today, the President has the appearance of reigning, BUT the Jews (neo-cons, Zionists, communists and rabbis) have all the power. We can regard today’s usurpation of the American government by the Jews as a repetition of Judea’s history and relationship with Idumea.
At 14.16.3, Josephus informs us that Herod brought his own people (Idumeans) into Jerusalem to run the government: "And now Herod having overcome his enemies, his care was to govern those FOREIGNERS WHO HAD BEEN HIS ASSISTANTS, FOR THE CROWD OF STRANGERSRUSHED TO SEE THE TEMPLE, AND THE SACRED THINGS IN THE TEMPLE…" These "foreigners," being his assistants from Idumea, were to become the new government. Under Herod, the favored priesthood became the Pharisees.
After Herod had usurped the throne, he proceeded to attack the Judahite priesthood. First, he murdered Aristobulus (15.3.3). He then murdered Hyrcanus (15.6.2) and his Judahite wife, Mariamne (15.7.3) and made Costobarus, an Idumean, governor of Idumea and Gaza (15.7.9), eventually putting all of the dynasty of Hyrcanus to death and undermining the Mosaic Law (15.7.10), instituting, via the Pharisees, Babylonian and Roman customs (15.8.3; 15.9.5).
Thus consolidating the usurpation of Judah by the Idumeans, Herod turned the tables on the House of Judah, just a few years after Hyrcanus gloried in his military victory. Like the Russians who would later absorb the Khazar Jews into Russia with a military victory, the Khazar Jews never ceased to connive and sabotage Christian Russia until they eventually defeated Russia from within. This was the Bolshevik coup.
At 18.2.1, Josephus tells the story of the three sects that had emerged during this time: the Sadducees, the Pharisees and the Essenes. Of these three, only the Essenes are favorably characterized. Earlier, in 13.10.6, Josephus says of the Pharisees: "What I would now explain is this, that the Pharisees have delivered the people a great many observances by succession from their fathers, which are not written in the law of Moses; and for that reason it is the Sadducees reject them."
The question of their exact ethnic composition remains. Were the Pharisees Judahites or Idumeans? Obviously the usurpation of the throne of Judah, as described by Josephus, cannot have happened without a slew of Judahite traitors and patsies doing the Jews’ dirty work. Some have said that the Pharisees were all pure-blooded Judahites and that there was never any Idumean membership; but this cannot be accurate, for Jesus Himself tells us that they were the literal children of the devil (John 8:44). At John 8:33, Jesus tricked them into admitting that their ancestors had never been in bondage. Since the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt and the Judahites were additionally in bondage in Babylon for 70 years, all of the ancestors of the true Judahites had been in bondage at least twice. But this was not true of the Edomites, who had a small portion of Abraham’s blood through Jacob’s brother, Esau. This is how the Jews can claim Abraham as their "father." It is also possible that the Pharisees arose from the Nethinim, the Canaanites who were first hired by King David as servants. These servants would have access to the records of the house of Judah. Knowing the Jews as we do, the likelihood of many, if not most, of these Nethinim being spies for the Canaanite tribes is very great. Neh. 11:21 tells us that these Nethinims, hired servants, lived in Ophel, a residence outside of the city of Jerusalem. The origin of the Pharisees is an event that is shrouded in mystery. The Jews would like us to think that they evolved out of the Levitical priesthood, but there is no evidence for this.
Whatever their exact origin, we know that they evolved into the rabbinical priesthood, the Synagogue of Satan. Here is the encounter that Jesus Christ had with them, concerning their ancestry:
The Messiah was the "hope of Israel." True Israelites hear Him and follow Him, although most of us have done so only partially; and many of us have followed the Pharisee wolves while attempting to following Him. Unlike the White Race, the Pharisess and their Jewish descendants utterly REJECT HIM.
At Matt 23: 31-36, Jesus tells these same Pharisees,
Given these historical and theological facts, it is obvious to me that the Pharisees probably began as a combined Judahite/Nethinim sect, but under Idumean influence, for Josephus clearly tells us that they were influenced by Babylonians, such as Antipater and Ananelus. Hence, just as the Democratic Party was infiltrated and taken over by Rothschild Jew agents such as Colonel EM House, Woodrow Wilson, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Felix Frankfurter and Franklin Roosevelt, the Pharisees started out as traitors to their own people in return for Edomite money. But under Herod’s continuous ethnic cleansing policies, the Judahites were gradually eliminated in favor of Idumean Jews. This is how the Kingdom of Judah was usurped by a cabal of Judahite traitors [like our Democratic Party] and Idumean saboteurs [like today’s Zinoists and communists] and also how Mosaism began to be replaced by Judaism. Even this has a modern parallel, in that Christianity has been corrupted into "Judeo-Christianity."
Going back to the wars between the Canaanites and Israelites, Yahweh even told the children of Israel that, if they failed to exterminate these mixed descendants of the fallen angels that survived Noah’s Flood (collectively called the Canaanites), they would come back to haunt them/us until the Day of Judgment.
Here is the record: "But if you will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then shall it come to pass, that those that you let remain of them SHALL BE PRICKS IN YOUR EYES AND THORNS IN YOUR SIDES, AND SHALL VEX YOU IN THE LAND WHEREIN YOU DWELL." (Deut. 33:55.) Do you know how to spell "prick," "thorn," and "vex"? I do. It’s spelled J-E-W. And it was Antipater and Herod, with their cast of Edomite henchmen, that pricked and vexed Judah at that time.
Now, returning to the subject of Judea in the time of Christ: The forced merger of these two separate and distinct nations (Judah and Idumea) was the beginning of the Jewish impersonation of Israel and Judah, with the first Idumean accepting the rite of circumcision about the year 140 BC. This act, which was approved by King John Hyrcanus of Judah (who was a pure-blooded Judahite), WAS A DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE LAW OF YAHWEH. We are not to fellowship with non-Israelites, let alone make common cause with them – and certainly not with Jews, Satan’s bloodline, who are the avowed, self-proclaimed enemies of our very Race and of our Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Paul said : "Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers." (II Cor. 6:14) What are the Jews, if not unbelievers? By the way, William Finck’s translation of II Cor. 6:14 is, "Do not become yoked together with untrustworthy aliens."
The historians and theologians falsely characterize this forced merger as "the conversion of the Idumeans to Judaism." Nothing of the kind happened. In fact, the EXACT OPPOSITE happened! Here, again, the rabbis of Judaism, by a very crafty choice of words, have distorted history. The reality is that this event was the BIRTH OF A NEW RELIGION, THE BEGINNING OF JUDAISM, for, as everyone should know, Judaism is the religion of the Pharisees; and the Pharisees did not exist before this time! Up until this time, the Judahites of Judah practiced a racially and theologically exclusive religion, which has no specific name assigned to it in the Old Testament. Jesus referred to it as the "law and the prophets." (Matt. 7:12; 22:40; Luke 16:6.) These Pharisees, pretending to be Judahites, were engaged in the process of converting the Judahites to this NEW RELIGION! This is the historical reality.
It was the Law of Moses (Old Covenant) and Christianity (New Covenant), not Judaism, that was/is "the faith given unto the saints." (Jude 3.)
This is the historical fact, with emphasis: NEITHER THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL NOR THE HOUSE OF JUDAH EVER PRACTICED THE RELIGION OF JUDAISM, because the Law of Moses and Judaism are not the same. Just because the Jewish rabbis refer to the Law of Moses as "Judaism" does not make it so. It never was. It is not now. Nor will it ever be.
Judaism is, in fact, the CONTRADICTION OF THE LAW OF MOSES. {For a thorough discussion of the myriad ways in which Judaism violates the Law of Moses, please refer to this free online book, }
Under Herod, the priesthood of this new religion, the Pharisees, began to call themselves Judeans, which as citizens of this Scripturally forbidden merger, they could correctly call themselves. But they could NOT refer to themselves as Judah, just as the American Indians could not refer to themselves as White Men, i.e, "palefaces". Nor did the "Indians" ever refer to themselves as "Americans." Even today, these Indians do not refer to themselves as "American." They refer to themselves by their tribal names.
The Book of Ezekiel actually prophesied the occasion of Idumea’s usurpation of Judah:
The New Testament is a clear record of Jesus Christ’s relentless repudiation of the Pharisees and their phony new religion. Anyone who reads the New Testament cannot fail to see this; but the sheeple of Churchianity do not read their Bibles, so they cannot see the Truth. And when we Identists point out the clearly separatist language of the original autographs, they refuse to believe what their eyes are reading. Such is the nature of brainwashing, Judeo-Christian style! "But my pastor never taught me anything like this!" Exactly! Instead, they rely on the Judaized interpretations provided by their pulpitmasters, who dogmatically rule the churches. Thus, they are hopelessly lost in a jumble of confusing and contradictory terminology, which they assume is "Christianity." I can guarantee you that any Christian Identity pastor, who had the kahunas to teach this message in a mainstream church, would be summarily hastened out the door! Identity is the most hated of all Christian doctrines.
Not to worry, Jesus Himself prophesied of this eventuality. After telling us that we would be betrayed by our parents, family and friends:
The Jewish claim that Christianity "owes its origins to Judaism" is unmitigated bovine excrement. If the Jewish claim had any merit, then the Pharisees would have derived their heritage and authority from the Levitical priesthood. But the Levitical priesthood was also a hereditary priesthood, the exclusive province of racial Israelites of the tribe of Levi, so the mixed blood Pharisees could not possibly derive from the Levites. From all research to date, I have been unable to find any reference to the Pharisees that predates the year 150 BC, which is the very period that the Idumeans merged with the Judahites. It was during this turbulent time that various Judean sects emerged, creating new traditions, which began to compete with the Law and the Prophets. Many Bible historians admit this timeline, yet they do not relate the origin of this priesthood to the forbidden merger of Judah and Idumea…at exactly this historical time!!! Probably just a coincidence!
Am I getting through to you yet, dear Christian Israelite? Do you see how subtle lies by religious "authorities," distorting both history and Scripture, lead us astray? Once we accept their distortions as truth, then supporting the antichrist in the Name of Christ is the result. Judeo-Christianity believes that evil is good. With respect to these false priests, Yahweh says:
When these false priests encourage us to bless the Jews, they are actually encouraging us to promote evil, because the Jews are NOT the people of the blessing. They are Edom/Idumea, the people of His curse. (Isa. 34:5-8)
The Jewish people emerged out of Edom, not out of Judah, and this race-mixed concoction is known as the Jew today. Even Jules Vernes’ Dr. Moreau, the fictional genetic experimenter, would be hard pressed to develop a more seriously defective genetic mutation in his laboratory. While Dr. Moreau’s genetic experiments are fictitious, Satan’s offspring are very real. That is why Jesus said to these scribes and Pharisees: "Ye are of your father, the devil." (John 8:44.)
How much plainer can it be? (Please ignore this verse. It cannot possibly mean what it plainly says!! It must be a "spiritual" devil!!) The astounding, yet very logical, conclusion is this: Jewry is a forbidden witch’s brew of mongrelized DNA. That is why they are cursed with so many and varied genetic diseases, more so than any other people/race.
Since the modern word Jew is indiscriminately translated from BOTH Iouda and Ioudaia, the racial, ethnic, historical, and religious differences between Judahites and Jews is completely obliterated in a confusion of deceptive terminology. Honest Bible commentators have repeatedly remarked about the contradictory usage of the word Jew in the New Testament. That is because they fail to recognize the distinction between Judah and Judea. They actually believe that "Jesus was a Jew," even while acknowledging that the plural Jews is almost always used in a condemnatory sense. This inconsistent, often contradictory usage has mystified them. It is all due to the confusion of the two words under discussion (Iouda, Judah versusIoudaia, Judean) and the semantic tower of Babel they have created.
Given the major differences in meaning that have been discussed here, you should now know that Jesus was a JUDAHITE, NOT A JEW.
This is why I have maintained, throughout my career as an Identity minister, that the word Jew SHOULD NEVER BE APPLIED TO A DESCENDANT OF JUDAH, BECAUSE A GENETIC JUDAHITE POSSESSES ONLY JUDAHITE DNA. The word Jew technically means "Judean," not "Judah." There is a vast range of differences between the two! The Judahites always referred to themselves as Judah, never as Judeans. Likewise, the Apache Indians refer to themselves as Apaches, not as Indians. The former is their own word for themselves. The latter is a word imposed upon them by outsiders.
There is never any justification for using the word Jew to designate a Judahite, either in the OT or the NT. It’s just that simple. As long as we give these non-Israelite people credit for being something they are not, you will never understand the difference(s) between a Jew and an Israelite/Judahite. If you accept vague definitions for precise designations, you will be hopelessly confused, ad infinitum.
The ensuing definitions should now begin to get easier, since we have discussed, in great detail, the false translations and fabricated meanings ascribed to this very important word, Jew.
Simply put, an Israelite is a direct descendant of Jacob/Israel. All Israelites are racial Adamites, Hebrews, and Shemites, who possess no DNA other than that of Israel on their father’s side and only Adamite DNA on their mother’s side. This is how Scriptural descent is reckoned and recorded in the Bible. No other person can qualify as an Israelite. It is simply a matter of DNA.
When Yahweh took the "rib" of Adam to form Eve, He took the DNA from his rib also. The ribs are the powerhouse that manufacture most of the DNA in the body. The marrow of the bone is where the blood is formed; and the blood contains the DNA of the Race.
The life is in the BLOOD. (Gen. 9:4) In the Garden of Eden, Yahweh "breathed the breath of life" ONLY into Adam and Eve. (Gen. 2:7) No other creatures/beings were so dealt with.
The Israelites were the direct descendants of Adam and Eve through the Patriarchs. Only the White Race can claim descent through both Adam and Eve.
The Law of God was given to Israel exclusively, and to no one else:
This is another racially exclusive term, which applies only to the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
The House of Israel and the House of Judah became separate nations when Jeroboam and the Ten Northern Tribes seceded from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, who steadfastly remained separate and distinct as the House of Judah.
The Jews will never discuss this history, because it shatters their claim that they represent "all" of Israel. They falsely teach that the House of Israel merged with other nations, thus disappearing altogether, through the process of racial absorption. But we in Christian Identity are keenly aware that the Israelites of yesteryear are in fact the Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian people of today.
This factual history has been documented by hundreds of books, pamphlets, archeological relics, etc. It is a well known fact within our movement, Christian Israel. No anti-Identity person has ever dared to publicly debate an Identist on this point. We know our history and our Bible better than our adversaries do. We know they cannot refute historical findings that are synchronized with Biblical facts. Intrinsically, they fear the awakening of their old nemesis, Christian Israel. At the present time, our critics slander us as "racists," "bigots," and "supremacists," but they have never made the mistake of publicly debating us. The rabbis of Judaism know very well that we know our own history and that we know the truth about their phony religion and their impersonation of us. For them, public debate is a no-win proposition. This matter will not be settled until we are able to break the back of Jewish censorship.
Until the year 975 B.C., the descendants of Jacob in Palestine formed one nation, the Twelve Tribes of Israel. From before the Exodus until this time, many groups of Israelites left the main body, founding colonies all around the Mediterranean, on the African coast, in Greece, Italy, Spain, and even the British isles. These migrations are little discussed in the Bible, although they are hinted at (Jdg. 5:17; Ezek. 27:6, 19), and the Biblical focus always remains fixed on the Israelites in Palestine. After their separation into two Houses, they became "the two families which the Lord hath chosen" (Jer. 33:24).
At the death of King Solomon, the nation of Israel was divided into two Houses. I Samuel 18:16: "But all Israel and Judah loved David, because he went out and came in before them." II Chronicles 10:12-14 tells us that when Solomon died, and his son Rehoboam ascended to the throne, the ten northern tribes rebelled because of heavy taxation imposed upon them. Under King Jeroboam, they formed the NORTHERN KINGDOM, while Judah, along with Benjamin and many Levites, formed the SOUTHERN KINGDOM, under Rehoboam.
As a result of this split, these two houses frequently warred against each other, until the Northern Tribes were taken captive by the Assyrians, starting in 745 BC., having been exiled to Media. It is these same deported, exiled Israelites, along with those who had emigrated to Europe in the preceding centuries, who became the DISPERSED of Israel, the very same people to whom the Apostles were sent to minister. They later became known as the Caucasian people.
The Jews and the Judeos do not want you to understand this essential piece of the historical puzzle. They want to prevent you from understanding your own history and heritage, because, as the descendants of Esau/Edom, they are actively engaged in this all-out cultural war AGAINST YOU, to prevent you from claiming your rightful inheritance, which is the Kingdom. For the rabbis of Judaism, it is absolutely critical that the White Race be kept in the dark about who the DISPERSED people really were and are. This is why they encourage us to remain in the blissful ignorance of Judeo-Christianity. They want you to believe that the Apostles, especially Paul, were sent to NON-ISRAELITES, so they can deceive you with the "Gospel of Universalism." This will be discussed in some detail later, under the heading of "Israel in the New Testament."
The word nation is translated from the Hebrew goy and the Greek ethnos. As with the word Jew, the KJV employs inconsistent definitions and usages throughout. These inconsistencies were strategically devised and implemented by the sanctimonious rabbis of Judaism in order to confuse us. This confusion has been utilized by them to de-emphasize the separatist, national message of True Israel. They have gone to great effort, expense and trouble, keeping us fooled by their reconstruction of the past. Their diabolical genius consists of rewriting history and the Bible in order to make it appear that the Bible is about them. Only those of us in Christian Identity are able to see through this charade, because we know the Bible better than they do and we know our own history, despite their efforts to obscure it.
For example, Strong’s #1471 gives this definition of goy: "a FOREIGN NATION; hence a Gentile…heathen, nation." James Strong, or better yet, his later editors, either by ignorance, complicity, intellectual fraud, or intimidation, lists this woefully inadequate and misleading definition. We will get to the word Gentile next, but first I want to demonstrate how ridiculous this definition is. The correct definition is nation, NOT foreign nation or Gentile. In any given verse, the word nation is always fundamentally accurate, leaving the context of the verse to tell us whether the goy is Israel, Judah, heathen or unspecified.
The very first usage of the word goy, in the plural, is in Gen. 10:5, which tells us this:
Here, this verse is telling us that these families/nations will keep to themselves and esteem their own culture, remaining exclusive and separate. Throughout recorded history, this was the norm until Judaism’s introduction of their televangelistic propaganda campaign, which can justifiably be called the "Gospel of Race-Mixing." This new doctrine, which was never taught or even imagined before the advent of television (the "image of the beast") had taken hold of our minds. Through pervasive advertising, propaganda, arm-twisting, plus economic and political clout, all of Judeo-Christianity has fallen into lockstep with this false "gospel."
Plainly, it can be seen that the word goyim (Hebrew plural of goy) here, is, in Gen. 10:5, speaking of specific nations. In this case, it is speaking specifically of the nations that descended from Japheth, son of Noah. Note that these nations are the blood descendants of Noah, so they are neither heathen, nor FOREIGN to Israel, as most people would assume by the use of Strong’s definition of the word Gentiles. At this juncture of the Biblical record, Israel had not yet emerged on the stage of history, so it would be just as ridiculous to speak of these goyim as "non-Israelites" as it would be to speak of them as "non-Jews." The Israelites would not emerge until approximately 2500 years later, as these two events were separated by the time period from about 3245 BC to around 1785 BC (Septuagint reckoning). The Israelites will descend from Shem through Eber, being lineal descendants of Adam through these two men. My point is this: The people of Gen. 10:5 are, in fact, the BLOOD KIN of Shem and Ham. It is a genetic impossibility that these kinsmen of the future Israelites are foreigners ("Gentiles") to Israel. This is an extraordinarily misleading translation, and it does grave injustice to any possible understanding of exactly what Moses intended for us to know. Such misunderstanding is due to the horrible definition contained in Strong’s Concordance.
There was one immediate exception, however, namely Canaan, the grandson who was cursed by Noah. Canaan left the company of his kinsmen and married into the Kenite families that were descended from Cain. When he married into these people, they henceforth became known as Canaanites. These Kenites obviously had a combination of Adamic DNA through Eve, plus a large dose of DNA from Nachash; but the rest of their genetic makeup came from the other various Kenite people, who were primarily derived from the seed of the fallen angels. (Gen. 6:4.) More on this later, during the discussion of the Anunaki.
Please note that the word Gentiles, as found in this same verse, is translated from the exact same Hebrew word, goyim, which is translated as "nations" in its second occurrence, in the same verse. I cannot say what motivated the KJV translators to use Gentiles in the first instance of goyim; but it is a horrible usage, and it demonstrates a dreadful bias, fictitiously assigned where the translator/editor thought it might make sense to use it to mean "non-Jewish foreigners"! This is tomfoolery, because it makes it seem as though the descendants of Japheth are not related to the descendants of Shem and Ham; but this is patently ridiculous. It’s like saying that brothers are unrelated to each other! Since Gentiles is defined as "non-Jew" in Strong’s, we have an instance of a word, which is obviously used anachronistically, and it is retroactively applied to a people before it is historically legitimate to do so! Stop and consider that! It’s like referring to "Americans" two hundred years before Columbus "discovered" America or before America was named.
Such sloppy use of language feeds right into the cryptic Jewish distortions of Scriptural language, which have been surgically inserted into passages where they do not belong. This type of editing has added to the malaise of tainted, incompetent Judeo-Christian scholarship, which strains to maintain bogus rabbinical categories and credibility. The rabbis have positively THRIVED on their deliberate, historical confusion of categories, peoples, places, things, and times. Thank God that the Masoretes did not have access to a word processor!!! The Bible would be indecipherable! Hence, from such vague use of language, we have the ultimate contradiction, supported by Judeo-Christianity: the confusing idea of Jesus being a "Jew," while the Jews are, in fact, His worst enemies!! Go figure! {For some great Identity scholarship on this subject, you can go to Dr. Wesley Swift’s article entitled, “Was Jesus a Jew?” : http:// www. swift/swift1.html }
In the words of Frazier Marks, in his book, The Inquisition and Crucifixion of Jesus the Nazarene, "It never made any sense to me that so-called ‘Jews,’ who do not seem to particularly like Christians, would kill one of their own sons in order to save so-called ‘gentiles’ (non-Jews) from the fires of hell!"
Indeed! The Jews have NEVER been known to do other people any such favors! Everything they do is strictly for their own advantage and aggrandizement. The history of the Jewish people is replete with examples of this self-promoting agenda.
To restate Mr. Marks’ objection: Why would the Jews kill one of their own just so that the Dispensationalist Christians could revel in the Jews’ "mistake" by creating Replacement Theology? Such a tortured plot would make great theater, filled with potential drama, but such juicy irony is pure fiction. The real reason the Jews murdered Christ is precisely because they KNEW He was NOT one of them. They, as Idumeans, had USURPED THE THRONE OF JUDAH. If they weren’t sure of the fact, they, at the very least, suspected that He was the promised Messiah of True Israel. Either way, they had no choice but to kill Him, in order to prevent Him from claiming His rightful THRONE, which the evil Idumean, Antipater, had labored long and hard to secure for his son, Herod!
Without understanding this history, and without understanding the Jewish technique of deceptive wordsmithing, readers of the Bible are simply confused by its imprecise and contradictory language. This confusion has been deliberately implanted into the faulty translations we have today; and we suffer terribly by not understanding that the Bible is actually about US, and not about THEM, the Jews. Like a person suffering from amnesia, True Israel has been suffering the consequences of failing to understand our own history. This knowledge is something that organized Jewry is working very hard, even on their "Sabbath," to prevent. Given their influence in and ownership of much of the secular publishing industry, they have done their level best to obscure our true history and identity as the migrating tribes of Israel. What the Jews have done to us is CULTURAL SABOTAGE. It has been a most sinister and deadly game.
At the same time, they have also labored feverishly to blot out the history of the Khazars, the non-Shemitic, non-Israelite people who comprise 95% of world Jewry today! So, ethnically, the Jewish people are comprised of two mongrelized strains: 1.) the Idumean, Sephardic branch, which we have discussed at length, and 2.) the much larger Ashkenazi, Khazar branch, which has no Shemitic roots whatsoever. The ancestors of this non-Shemitic group, which invented Zionism, never set foot in Palestine or Judea. By virtue of the fact that the Khazars converted to Judaism in the year 740 AD, these impostors claim all the "rights" of ancient Israel and Judah! This imposture would be humorous if the consequences weren’t so violent and tragic.
Of course, being identity thieves, the Jews are happiest when they can keep us confused about our true Identity, but this confusion is about to end, as True Israel is finally awakening to both our true Identity and the historical Jewish impersonation of us. Although our task is daunting, the Bible assures us that this Great Awakening will occur in its appointed season. You can imagine the difficulty of deprogramming someone who has been brainwashed for 2,000 years!!
The first singular usage of goy is at Gen. 12:2, in which Yahweh says to Abram, "I will make of thee a great nation."
Now, here is an instance that clearly exposes the absurdity of Strong’s definition of goy. If goy means FOREIGN NATION, then this verse should read, "I will make of thee a great foreign nation." Such a translation is clearly absurd, yet "foreign nation" is listed as the primary definition of goy. In this instance, and in most instances, goy ACTUALLY REFERS TO THE ADAMIC RACE (Gen. 5:1), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY THE CONTEXT. This is what the Bible distorters DO NOT want you to know. That is why they have invented a clearly duplicitous definition for this word.
Since the Jews use the word goyim as a reference to non-Jewish people, the brainwashed scholars and interpreters of Scripture, aping this false usage by the rabbis, do not pay attention when this Jewish terminology is clearly nonsensical. The diabolical rabbis know that very few people, not even the most gifted scholars, will ever go into such painstaking word studies as you are presently reading, since most of these scholars have denominational biases of their own to uphold. Consequently, the rabbis feel very secure in the assumption that their charade will never be exposed.
One of the desired effects of these rabbinical word games is to drive young people away from Christianity. When Scripture appears to teach incomprehensible nonsense or unscientific impossibilities, such as the "global flood" theory, a wedge is driven between Reason and Faith. They take special pleasure in this fact because they know that they have thus estranged another White person from his or her True Messiah.
Are the rabbis really as clever and devious as this? You bet they are! Their lives quite literally depend on it!!! They know that, if White Christians ever realize how they have been duped, murdered, deprived and exploited by this religious sect, angry mobs would tear them to pieces! The charlatan must be a manic/depressive, reveling in the success of his imposture while dreading the eventuality of his exposure! To live with such manic depression is to be a Jew!
The fact is that the Bible DOES NOT employ the word goy to mean "non-Jew." If you read the Bible carefully, you will see that the "non-Jewish" definition does not belong in Scripture. That is Jewish deception in the form of linguistic subterfuge! Do not be deceived any longer, my friends. This linguistic fact will become even more painfully obvious when we discuss the word Gentile.
The same promise of Gen. 12:2 is repeated to Abram at Gen. 17:5, which tells us that Abram will be the father of MANY NATIONS. But, obviously, Abram will be the father of nations comprised of his BLOOD DESCENDANTS ONLY, not of unrelated "foreign" nations. Clearly, the word goySHOULD NOT BE DEFINED as "foreign nation." This is a diabolically clever Jewish interpolation. Just X it out of your copy of Strong’s and never use it again. It is a ridiculous inclusion. From this discussion, I hope you can begin to see that the commonly used distinction between "Jews" and "Gentiles" is completely imaginary! The Judeo-Christian priests, who routinely make this false distinction, have no idea how they have been fooled by deceptive language. They are the "clueless believers," who worship Satan in the Name of Christ! Almost without exception, wherever the Bible appears to make this distinction, it is actually referring to the distinction between the House of Judah in Palestine and the Dispersed House of Israel in Europe and Asia Minor. This factor will be discussed in greater detail later.
The rabbis of Judaism know very well that this false distinction misleads many well-meaning Christians into the erroneous assumption that the main business of Christianity should be the conversion of non-White "Gentiles." Thus, they have successfully converted Christianity into a vehicle of its own destruction. By distracting us away from building the Kingdom, they have misdirected us into trying to convert the heathen, which is something the Bible actually forbids! We are not supposed to convert non-Whites to Christianity. Rather, we, as a nation, are supposed to be the "City on the hill" (Matt. 5:14), the nation that sets the example for other nations to follow. There is nothing at all "racist" about this. It is precisely what Yahweh wants us to do. If such "conversion" were necessary, it could be called conversion by "national example."
Whether a nation is foreign or kindred is always determined by the context, and, therefore, the definition should simply read "nation." We know that the Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian people are, in fact, the BLOOD DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM AND SARAH, thus, WE are the "many nations" spoken of in that verse. The Jews, in point of fact, since 70 AD, have never had their own nation until that bastard State of Israeli was formed by the illegal invasion, deception and signatory fraud of the Balfour Declaration. So, how can these verses even refer to the Jews, who have never fulfilled any of these promises? {For a long list of these identifying Marks, please refer to Col. Jack Mohr’s online article, "The Marks of Israel":http:// www. html2/jm0050.htm }
The current nation of "Israel," and its Israeli inhabitants, is illegitimate, since it depends on extorted monies from OTHER REAL NATIONS for its very economic survival. What kind of a "blessed nation" is it, that cannot even sustain itself? It’s not a nation; it’s a geographic and historic fraud, an international parasite, surviving off the blood and wealth of other nations, all the while exploiting their good will in the most cynical, sinister way,motivated only by the singular purpose of destroying exactly those Christian nations which help it most. They have brainwashed the Judeo-Christians into believing that the Palestinian people are evil. What a pitiful and tragic spectacle: to see the Christian Zionists lusting for the blood of Arabs, Muslims, and even foreign Christians, who stand in the way of the Zionist juggernaut. Words cannot describe the immeasurable depth of such delusion!
The Palestinians are today bearing the full brunt of Zionism’s cruel, imperialistic designs, amply supplied with American money and the latest military hardware. The only charge the Palestinians are guilty of is defending themselves. For this "offense," the Christian Zionists deem them worthy of God’s wrath! Unthinking, "faith only" Christians, indeed! I have a difficult time imagining Yahweh’s displeasure with these "Christians" for their self-righteous stupidity. They will not fare well on the Day of Judgment. The fact is that the Israeli State is just another Jewish ghetto, filled with organized crime, warmongers, international harlots, cutthroats and thieves, all held firmly together by the glue of the Talmud and Rothschild money, while cynically pretending to be "G-d’s chosen people." Christians have no business supporting such an evil, sinister enterprise.
If you don’t believe that Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was the personification of White womanhood, read how one of the Dead Sea Scrolls describes her:
"Her skin was pure white;
Solomon’s beloved is described as "white and ruddy;" and the women of Jerusalem are described as being the "fairest"of women. (Song of Solomon, Chapter 5.) Until very recently, the word fair has always meant "white." Your present dictionary may or may not contain that original definition of this word. My dictionary, Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary, in the first entry, says, "Of a light color; not dark or dusky, blond."
The prophet, Jeremiah, lamenting the change in skin color of the disobedient Israelites, says:
The word ruddy is from the Hebrew adom (Strong’s #122), a word which is, of course, related to adam (Strong’s #119), meaning "to show blood in the face," or from the Hebrew admoniy (#132), meaning "reddish hair or complexion." White people have blood vessels that readily show through their skin. No other Race possesses this genetic characteristic. David is described as "ruddy" (I Sam. 16:12; 17:42). It is a racial trait.
How easily we forget the original meanings of words!
{For a detailed discussion of the word fair, here is an article by one of our Shepherds, Dennis Wright. It is a refresher course on the original meaning of this English word: }
This word simply has no place in the Bible. Wherever you see this word in Scripture, cross it out. As mentioned above, in the Old Testament, it should have been translated as "nation." When you have finished reading this document, you will understand that the Greek word, ethnos, almost always refers to the "Israelites of the Dispersion." That is the literal, historical reference designated by this word, in virtually every instance in the New Testament. Again, this is something that the Jews do not want you to know, because their favorite sport is spreading the various false gospels of universalism and the "Jews are G-d’s chosen people" nonsense.
The primary definition of the Greek word, ethnos, in Strong’s (#1484) is RACE, TRIBE. Following these two correct definitions, we see more Jewish deception at work, where it says, "spec. a FOREIGN, (NON-JEWISH) ONE (usually, by implic. PAGAN): -- Gentile, heathen, nation, people." This is the same false definition that is given for the Hebrew word, goy.
In this definition, everything after the word tribe and before nation is utter nonsense. Obviously, some devious Jew invented this nonsense and shoehorned it into Strong’s definition. As with the Hebrew goy, the Greek ethnos is primarily a reference to a nation of homogeneous people. The correct designation of the word nation can easily be determined from the context of any Scripture passage under consideration. Here, we have another instance of Jewish meddling with the Scriptures, causing false definitions and false interpretations to destroy the intended meaning of the author. There is NO SUCH WORD IN EITHER THE HEBREW OR THE GREEK LANGUAGE, WHICH MEANS "NON-JEWISH." Since the Jews have always been a mongrelized people, it is therefore a foregone conclusion that their hybrid status would automatically disqualify them from any inheritance with the Tribes of Israel. It is, quite simply, a religious and historical LIE that they are Israel or Judah.
The Bible designates Israelites and non-Israelites; but it NEVER designates anyone or any nation as either "Jewish" or "non-Jewish." If you think it does, then you are one of millions who have been fooled by the various, sloppy translations.
The Bible is a very clear record of how the Israelites and Judahites struggled to remain a separate and distinct people from the surrounding pagan nations. This is especially true with respect to the Canaanites, who were ALWAYS the most bitter enemies of True Israel.
If we accept the Jewish version of their connection to either Israel or Judah, then we must also accept the proposition that, at some point in the Bible, Yahweh decided that the segregation of His People from the rest of the world should be abandoned and a new era of integration was to be Biblically instituted.
There is no such change ever suggested or implied. It is also true that there is NO SUCH STATEMENT MADE ANYWHERE IN SCRIPTURE, either in the OT or in the NT.
Yahweh’s People, Ishrael, are commanded to segregate themselves from other peoples and to REMAIN SEGREGATED FOREVER. (Don’t believe me? Here’s more Scriptural evidence: Ezra 9:1-2, 12; 10:2-3, 10-11, 14, 17-19; Neh. 10:28-30; 1:3, 23-30; Lev. 20:24.)
Therefore, Judaism’s propagation of their own race-mixed individuals and their promotion of the mongrelization of the other races can only be seen as THE MODERN CONTINUATION OF SATAN’S DESIRE TO DESTROY THE ADAMIC WHITE RACE, A STRATEGY WHICH STRATEGICALLY BEGAN IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, WITH THE SEDUCTION AND IMPREGNATION OF EVE, resulting in the evil son named Cain.
If we accept the Jewish version of their connection to either Israel or Judah, then we must also accept the proposition that, at some point in the Bible, Yahweh decided that the segregation of His People from the rest of the world should be abandoned and a new era of integration was to be Biblically instituted.
There is no such change ever suggested or implied. It is also true that there is NO SUCH STATEMENT MADE ANYWHERE IN SCRIPTURE, either in the OT or in the NT.
Yahweh’s People, Ishrael, are commanded to segregate themselves from other peoples and to REMAIN SEGREGATED FOREVER. (Don’t believe me? Here’s more Scriptural evidence: Ezra 9:1-2, 12; 10:2-3, 10-11, 14, 17-19; Neh. 10:28-30; 1:3, 23-30; Lev. 20:24.)
Therefore, Judaism’s propagation of their own race-mixed individuals and their promotion of the mongrelization of the other races can only be seen as THE MODERN CONTINUATION OF SATAN’S DESIRE TO DESTROY THE ADAMIC WHITE RACE, A STRATEGY WHICH STRATEGICALLY BEGAN IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, WITH THE SEDUCTION AND IMPREGNATION OF EVE, resulting in the evil son named Cain.
{For the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with Two-Seedline Theology, it has been proven that a woman can be impregnated by MORE THAN ONE MAN AT THE SAME TIME.
In fact, in this modern era of promiscuity, many paternity suits are dropped when it has been discovered that the woman was simultaneously pregnant by more than one man. Some of these dual pregnancies have involved fathers of different races.
It is, therefore, biologically possible for a woman to bear "twins" of different races! Hence, the Two-Seedline thesis is that Eve was pregnant, simultaneously, with Adam’s SEED, Abel, and Satan’s SEED, Cain. Because Eve’s womb was defiled by this dual pregnancy, she lost her immortality (her Shekinah Glory, the protective field of the Holy Spirit).
This is the ONLY LOGICAL EXPLANATION as to why Yahweh afterwards cursed Eve’s conception and childbearing with "sorrow." (Gen. 3:16.) Anti-seedliners are at a loss to explain why eating an apple would result in the cursing of Eve’s reproductive organs. The "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" was NOT an apple tree, folks. She had "eaten" of the wrong family tree, mixing "good and evil" seed together.
When Adam likewise indulged in illicit sex with the other "trees" (family trees of the other races) in the Garden (Gen. 3:6), he also lost his immortality, which Yahweh had given him in Gen. 2:17, on the condition that he not partake, or "eat" of the mixed tree of good and evil "fruit."
This is how our race "fell" into mortality!
Given this modern biological knowledge and the Bible’s repeated commands for the Adamites to REFRAIN FROM RACE-MIXING, the Two-Seedline hypothesis is no longer a far-fetched fantasy; it is, in all probability, the only plausible explanation for the Fall of Adam.}
In fact, in this modern era of promiscuity, many paternity suits are dropped when it has been discovered that the woman was simultaneously pregnant by more than one man. Some of these dual pregnancies have involved fathers of different races.
It is, therefore, biologically possible for a woman to bear "twins" of different races! Hence, the Two-Seedline thesis is that Eve was pregnant, simultaneously, with Adam’s SEED, Abel, and Satan’s SEED, Cain. Because Eve’s womb was defiled by this dual pregnancy, she lost her immortality (her Shekinah Glory, the protective field of the Holy Spirit).
This is the ONLY LOGICAL EXPLANATION as to why Yahweh afterwards cursed Eve’s conception and childbearing with "sorrow." (Gen. 3:16.) Anti-seedliners are at a loss to explain why eating an apple would result in the cursing of Eve’s reproductive organs. The "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" was NOT an apple tree, folks. She had "eaten" of the wrong family tree, mixing "good and evil" seed together.
When Adam likewise indulged in illicit sex with the other "trees" (family trees of the other races) in the Garden (Gen. 3:6), he also lost his immortality, which Yahweh had given him in Gen. 2:17, on the condition that he not partake, or "eat" of the mixed tree of good and evil "fruit."
This is how our race "fell" into mortality!
Given this modern biological knowledge and the Bible’s repeated commands for the Adamites to REFRAIN FROM RACE-MIXING, the Two-Seedline hypothesis is no longer a far-fetched fantasy; it is, in all probability, the only plausible explanation for the Fall of Adam.}
Since the product of Eve’s forbidden union with satan (nachash) was Cain, Cain is properly understood as the world’s first Jew, or more correctly, the world’s first proto-Jew (the prototype), the Jews being descendants of the Kenite (Cainite) seedline, which includes Canaanites and Edomites, or Idumeans.
And this is why Cain, who was therefore only the half-brother of Abel, could not resist murdering Abel.
Cain either knew or sensed that Abel, having lost the protection of the Shekinah Glory, was completely vulnerable.
Though we lost our immortality, we Adamites still retain our genetic code from Adam and Eve. Judaism is the religion of Cain’s modern descendants, still seductively operating in the world today.
Given the message of the Jewish-owned media.
White women are still being seduced today, just as Eve was seduced then!
Weak-willed White women, such as today’s liberals and feminists, who cannot control their sexuality, are inviting nothing but trouble because of their rebellion against God’s Law.
And this is why Cain, who was therefore only the half-brother of Abel, could not resist murdering Abel.
Cain either knew or sensed that Abel, having lost the protection of the Shekinah Glory, was completely vulnerable.
Though we lost our immortality, we Adamites still retain our genetic code from Adam and Eve. Judaism is the religion of Cain’s modern descendants, still seductively operating in the world today.
Given the message of the Jewish-owned media.
White women are still being seduced today, just as Eve was seduced then!
Weak-willed White women, such as today’s liberals and feminists, who cannot control their sexuality, are inviting nothing but trouble because of their rebellion against God’s Law.
{For a wealth of material about the origin of the Jewish people from Cain, just type "Cain-Satanic Seedline" into your browser, and you will get many resources!}
Understand that, though many modern Jews appear to be racially White, they are, at best, only step-brothers by forbidden marriage (half-breed mongrels), and that makes them NON-ISRAELITES. (Deut. 23:2)
If such a person is raised in the Jewish religion, that person will turn against the White Race, just as Cain turned against Abel.
This is the fulfillment of Gen. 3:15, which declares that there will be a perpetual hatred ("enmity") between these two lines of descent until the Judgment Day!
I’m not saying that all Jews are murderous thugs.
But what I am saying is that they will NEVER see themselves as OUR BROTHERS, because their hatred for us is congenital, as was Cain’s hatred for Abel.
If such a person is raised in the Jewish religion, that person will turn against the White Race, just as Cain turned against Abel.
This is the fulfillment of Gen. 3:15, which declares that there will be a perpetual hatred ("enmity") between these two lines of descent until the Judgment Day!
I’m not saying that all Jews are murderous thugs.
But what I am saying is that they will NEVER see themselves as OUR BROTHERS, because their hatred for us is congenital, as was Cain’s hatred for Abel.
Also, the Jews have only ONE RULE for what position they should take on any issue: Is it good for the Jews?
Every Jew is conditioned to think in terms of what is best for their tribe.
Even though some Jews may disagree with the majority of Jews about supporting Zionism, it is obvious that even the so-called "anti-Zionist Jews" still think of themselves as Jews first, no matter what country they live in.
Thus, an American Jew is a Jew first and an American last.
He will live or die with his tribe, whether it’s the larger tribe or a sub-tribe of Jewry.
This is how they are conditioned.
This is how they think.
This is how they are.
And all Jews, even the so-called Messianic Jews, will come together against any perceived outside threat.
Even the Messianic Jews reject the REAL Christ.
They teach a subtle deception, namely, that "Christ" is yet to come, implying that First Advent has not yet happened, and "everything will turn out all right when He finally does come."
This is how strong their "spiritual" bond is.
Their blood, impure as it is, comes before anyone else’s blood.
Every Jew is conditioned to think in terms of what is best for their tribe.
Even though some Jews may disagree with the majority of Jews about supporting Zionism, it is obvious that even the so-called "anti-Zionist Jews" still think of themselves as Jews first, no matter what country they live in.
Thus, an American Jew is a Jew first and an American last.
He will live or die with his tribe, whether it’s the larger tribe or a sub-tribe of Jewry.
This is how they are conditioned.
This is how they think.
This is how they are.
And all Jews, even the so-called Messianic Jews, will come together against any perceived outside threat.
Even the Messianic Jews reject the REAL Christ.
They teach a subtle deception, namely, that "Christ" is yet to come, implying that First Advent has not yet happened, and "everything will turn out all right when He finally does come."
This is how strong their "spiritual" bond is.
Their blood, impure as it is, comes before anyone else’s blood.
They are united against Christ and Christianity. This is the essence of the Jewish mind and spirit.
Therefore, there is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of Jews will be unable to resist the genetic programming of their father, the devil. (John 8:42-47.)
Ultimately, at the Second Coming, every single person on this planet will be faced with the choice of accepting Yahshua Messiah as the Son of God. Those who deny Christ – and this means even Israelites who deny Christ – will be counted as tares and will be burned in the fire. (Matt. 13: 49-50; Mal. 4:1.)
This is the undeniable message of BOTH TESTAMENTS.
Ultimately, at the Second Coming, every single person on this planet will be faced with the choice of accepting Yahshua Messiah as the Son of God. Those who deny Christ – and this means even Israelites who deny Christ – will be counted as tares and will be burned in the fire. (Matt. 13: 49-50; Mal. 4:1.)
This is the undeniable message of BOTH TESTAMENTS.
It is an example of Yahweh’s infinite mercy that He has tolerated their presence for so long. Aside from the possibility that a handful of Jews might redeem themselves, I can see no other reason why He has not utterly annihilated them, as He has promised to do at the Judgment Day.
Thus, the Judgment Day has a twofold purpose: to rid the Universe of the parasites that carry the disease called Judaism and to teach us Israelites not to be so damned stupid as to fall for the tricks of deceivers, as Eve was fooled in the Garden.
Those Israelites who have learned to trust in Yahweh will be saved.
Those who trust in anything else will be judged as well, hopefully not as harshly as the Jews will be judged.
Thus, the Judgment Day has a twofold purpose: to rid the Universe of the parasites that carry the disease called Judaism and to teach us Israelites not to be so damned stupid as to fall for the tricks of deceivers, as Eve was fooled in the Garden.
Those Israelites who have learned to trust in Yahweh will be saved.
Those who trust in anything else will be judged as well, hopefully not as harshly as the Jews will be judged.
Some who read these words may think that I am overstating the case of Judgment, that the matter is not so clear cut as I say. Here are your choices:
You can choose to believe the un-Scriptural, sugar-coated "gospel of universal reconciliation," or you can choose to believe God’s Word.
He means to destroy evil and those who harbor it.
You can choose to believe the un-Scriptural, sugar-coated "gospel of universal reconciliation," or you can choose to believe God’s Word.
He means to destroy evil and those who harbor it.
For me, I have chosen to side with my forbear, Joshua, who chose to serve Yahweh.
Just before his death, Joshua, the military hero of the Israelites, said to his people:
The choice facing us today is the choice between Yahweh’s Word versus the lies of the Pharisees.
The Bible gives us this clear warning:
The Bible gives us this clear warning:
Such a warning would be utterly meaningless if there were no consequences for making one choice versus another.
Cain made his choice. What choice are YOU going to make?
Now, knowing that the Covenants apply exclusively to the Adamic Israelites, and to NO ONE ELSE, please read,
This verse, by itself, disproves the thesis of "Replacement Theology," since God Himself is saying that descendants of Jacob/Israel will be the bearers of His Covenants, forever. What happened on Calvary cannot change an Eternal Covenant, no matter how much they try to twist the words of Paul or any other disciple of Yahweh. Men lie and cheat, but Yahweh keeps His Promises.
Throughout the Bible, the Israelites are commanded to segregate themselves from other peoples. Yet, Judaism has always, with vociferous zeal, actively promoted and agitated for the integration of the races. Given the known, historic influence that the Jews have wielded on Bible interpretation, we can safely say that any supposed universalist, integrationist language found in the Bible was inserted by the "Hidden Hand" of Jewry.
Understand that we are living in the days of Esau’s temporary ascendancy over Jacob, as prophesied by their father, Isaac (Gen. 27:40).
All anti-separatist assumptions about the Bible are based on the false interpretations of the words under consideration in this volume.
As we can see, the Jewish charade as Israeli is based on fabricated history, fabricated words, fabricated definitions, and, most importantly, cultural and religious IDENTITY THEFT, an identity theft which is designed to do permanent harm to an innocent people, True Israel. This is REAL EVIL, and it cannot be allowed to continue forever.
Without this knowledge and comprehension of the IMPERSONATION OF ISHRAEL BY JEWRY (israeli's), neither the Bible nor history can be understood.
Understand that we are living in the days of Esau’s temporary ascendancy over Jacob, as prophesied by their father, Isaac (Gen. 27:40).
All anti-separatist assumptions about the Bible are based on the false interpretations of the words under consideration in this volume.
As we can see, the Jewish charade as Israeli is based on fabricated history, fabricated words, fabricated definitions, and, most importantly, cultural and religious IDENTITY THEFT, an identity theft which is designed to do permanent harm to an innocent people, True Israel. This is REAL EVIL, and it cannot be allowed to continue forever.
Without this knowledge and comprehension of the IMPERSONATION OF ISHRAEL BY JEWRY (israeli's), neither the Bible nor history can be understood.
As a cunning literary strategy against the White Race, the True Israelites of the Bible, the most effective technique used against us has been to reinterpret the Bible as advocating the integration of all the races.
And this strategy has worked like a charm, taking advantage of the White Man’s inborn chivalry and sense of fair play.
Remember that this strategy has only been employed since the age of televangelism was foisted upon us.
Yet, the original Hebrew and Greek authors of the Bible use clearly separatist language. When the translations and interpretations deviate from this separatist language, we automatically know that the Jewish agenda has been put into effect.
And this strategy has worked like a charm, taking advantage of the White Man’s inborn chivalry and sense of fair play.
Remember that this strategy has only been employed since the age of televangelism was foisted upon us.
Yet, the original Hebrew and Greek authors of the Bible use clearly separatist language. When the translations and interpretations deviate from this separatist language, we automatically know that the Jewish agenda has been put into effect.
Is it not obvious that the "new era" of integration has been implemented, not by Yahweh, but by the Jews?
The origin of the word Gentile comes from the Latin/French word Gentil, which actually means "kinsman."
That word never meant anything like "non-Jewish." So, even the Latin meaning is closer to the Hebrew and Greek definitions, while Strong’s fictional definition, reeking of Jewish deceit, is far off base.
Traditional scholarship, having utterly failed to scrutinize the hypocrisy of the religion of the Pharisees, succumbing to its wiles, takes the devil at his word.
That word never meant anything like "non-Jewish." So, even the Latin meaning is closer to the Hebrew and Greek definitions, while Strong’s fictional definition, reeking of Jewish deceit, is far off base.
Traditional scholarship, having utterly failed to scrutinize the hypocrisy of the religion of the Pharisees, succumbing to its wiles, takes the devil at his word.
As stated earlier, the word Gentile has absolutely no legitimate place in Scripture. Its presence in the KJV is pure deception, conceived in the minds of Satan’s priesthood, the Jewish rabbis. It is always better translated as "nation" or "race."
In particular, it is often best translated as "the Dispersed of Israel," for, by far, most of the instances of the word ethnos are direct references to the DISPERSED HOUSE OF ISRAEL, the bulk of whom were exiled from their territory of Samaria during the period of 745-712 BC, although, according to Isaiah 7:8, the entire period lasted 65 years.
Given these migratory considerations, Gentile is a word used primarily to designate Israelites of the Dispersion; and it was NEVER intended, in either Hebrew or Greek, to mean "non-Jew."
In particular, it is often best translated as "the Dispersed of Israel," for, by far, most of the instances of the word ethnos are direct references to the DISPERSED HOUSE OF ISRAEL, the bulk of whom were exiled from their territory of Samaria during the period of 745-712 BC, although, according to Isaiah 7:8, the entire period lasted 65 years.
Given these migratory considerations, Gentile is a word used primarily to designate Israelites of the Dispersion; and it was NEVER intended, in either Hebrew or Greek, to mean "non-Jew."
Here are some very important examples highlighting Israel’s eternal flesh and blood Covenant. In direct contradiction of the universalist claim that the literal People of Israel have been replaced by some mystical "church," we have:
Now, of course, the Dispensationalists hold that the "law has been abolished." Actually, the Bible never makes such a statement. It is a restatement of Paul’s words, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us…nailing it to his cross." (Col. 2:14.)
Scholars have varying interpretations of what Paul meant by this, but most believe that he was merely referring to the sacrificial ordinances, not to the whole Law of Moses.
Does blotting out someone’s handwriting nullify the Law for all time?
It may seem so to the antinomians, those who believe the Law has been abolished, but the language is clearly not the same. Or was Paul merely referring to the forgiveness granted with respect to the past sins of Israel, going all the way back to the original sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden?
The Dispensationalist interpretation of this verse has become a matter of unquestionable dogma. They actually react with hatred and disdain towards someone who questions their dogma!
Scholars have varying interpretations of what Paul meant by this, but most believe that he was merely referring to the sacrificial ordinances, not to the whole Law of Moses.
Does blotting out someone’s handwriting nullify the Law for all time?
It may seem so to the antinomians, those who believe the Law has been abolished, but the language is clearly not the same. Or was Paul merely referring to the forgiveness granted with respect to the past sins of Israel, going all the way back to the original sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden?
The Dispensationalist interpretation of this verse has become a matter of unquestionable dogma. They actually react with hatred and disdain towards someone who questions their dogma!
Taking a closer look, we find that the actual context of Colossians 2 is the "traditions of men," as opposed to the Law of Moses. See, especially, verses 8 and 22.
Now, temporarily assuming that the antinomians could be correct in their interpretation, they would view Jer. 31:36 as confirmation of their point of view, so that this verse might actually be in their favor.
However, let’s look at the context of the passage and see what it is talking about. Note that "those ordinances" refers to the ordinances of the sun, moon and stars (Verse 35), not to the Law of Moses, so their doctrine is not supported by Jeremiah.
On the contrary, Jeremiah is verifying that the Covenants made with Israel will last as long as the LAWS OF CELESTIAL MECHANICS are in operation!!!!
Now, temporarily assuming that the antinomians could be correct in their interpretation, they would view Jer. 31:36 as confirmation of their point of view, so that this verse might actually be in their favor.
However, let’s look at the context of the passage and see what it is talking about. Note that "those ordinances" refers to the ordinances of the sun, moon and stars (Verse 35), not to the Law of Moses, so their doctrine is not supported by Jeremiah.
On the contrary, Jeremiah is verifying that the Covenants made with Israel will last as long as the LAWS OF CELESTIAL MECHANICS are in operation!!!!
The last time I looked, the sun, moon and stars were still up there.
Therefore, Jacob/Israel and the Covenants that Yahweh made with His People, Israel, are still in existence and fully in effect.
The foregoing is a perfect example of how passages, taken out of context, can be made to appear as though they support a dubious theology!!! And this is just one example of many hundreds that show how little attention is paid to the contextual significance of a given subject by Judeo-Christian doctrine!!! Their pick-and-choose approach to Bible interpretation, taking great license with cut and paste editing, is both illogical and tragic.
Getting back to the word Gentile, there is the additional fact that both the Hebrew goy and the Greek ethnos are collective nouns. They NEVER refer to individuals, demonstrating how ridiculous it is to say that, "A Gentile is a non-Jewish person."
It would be like saying that a single person constitutes a whole race or a nation. Here, the Jews have fooled us once again, using a falsely translated word, which has no business being in the Bible, to refer to an individual, when NO SUCH SINGULAR DESIGNATION is possible with the original words, as they are used in the original Hebrew and Greek documents.
These primordial words ALWAYS refer to nations of people.
They are never used to refer to individual persons!
It would be like me saying to you, "Hello, there, I’m America"!!!! The trick here is a change in grammar, putting a singular meaning to a collective plural noun, as if ethnos could be a reference to a single individual! Pretty sneaky, eh?
It would be like saying that a single person constitutes a whole race or a nation. Here, the Jews have fooled us once again, using a falsely translated word, which has no business being in the Bible, to refer to an individual, when NO SUCH SINGULAR DESIGNATION is possible with the original words, as they are used in the original Hebrew and Greek documents.
These primordial words ALWAYS refer to nations of people.
They are never used to refer to individual persons!
It would be like me saying to you, "Hello, there, I’m America"!!!! The trick here is a change in grammar, putting a singular meaning to a collective plural noun, as if ethnos could be a reference to a single individual! Pretty sneaky, eh?
This is a very clear example of why the King James Version CANNOT POSSIBLY BE THE INERRANT WORD OF GOD! (Please reread the last sentence, because it is very important! If you have the courage, please show this to a "King James only believer"! You will witness quite a spectacle of confused, contorted body language!!!)
A major translational error occurs at Deut. 23:7, which has been translated, "Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite." Many scholars have scratched their heads about this strange statement, as it is the SINGLE Biblical reference, which is not critical or negative about Edomites.
The Bible clearly says that the Edomites are a hateful, spiteful, murderous people (Ezek. 35 & 36). The Book of Obadiah prophesies the utter destruction of the Edomites because of their evil ways.
But this false translation is due to a scribal error, in which the Hebrew letter for R (ARaMiy) was mistaken for a D (EDoMiy).
Aram was, in fact, a son of Shem (Gen. 10:22). Thus, the Arameans were the kinsmen of the Israelites.
This cannot be said of the Edomites, who have always been the enemies of Israel.
The proper translation is "Thou shalt not abhor an Aramite (Aramean)." This scribal error must have taken place even before the composition of the Septuagint in the 3rd Century BC, because the LXX contains the same error.
The Bible clearly says that the Edomites are a hateful, spiteful, murderous people (Ezek. 35 & 36). The Book of Obadiah prophesies the utter destruction of the Edomites because of their evil ways.
But this false translation is due to a scribal error, in which the Hebrew letter for R (ARaMiy) was mistaken for a D (EDoMiy).
Aram was, in fact, a son of Shem (Gen. 10:22). Thus, the Arameans were the kinsmen of the Israelites.
This cannot be said of the Edomites, who have always been the enemies of Israel.
The proper translation is "Thou shalt not abhor an Aramite (Aramean)." This scribal error must have taken place even before the composition of the Septuagint in the 3rd Century BC, because the LXX contains the same error.
When the Talmudic Masoretes began to edit the Old Testament, the resulting product was the Masoretic Text. It was during this clandestine process that the Masoretic rabbis began their subtle changes of the text.
In this way, they gave old words new meanings, which the original authors of the Bible never intended. One of the main reasons why the Masoretes did this was to falsely substitute Jews for Judahites in Scripture.
As I am sure you can appreciate, subtle changes in wording and grammar can produce drastically different meanings!!! To cement this false identity in our minds, the word Jew was gradually substituted for Israelite as well. (A really good example of a punctuation dilemma is the commotion caused among commentators by whether the comma in Luke 23:43 should be placed before or after the word today in that verse. I will let you do this for yourself to see what I mean, for the placement of this comma drastically changes the meaning of the verse.)
In this way, they gave old words new meanings, which the original authors of the Bible never intended. One of the main reasons why the Masoretes did this was to falsely substitute Jews for Judahites in Scripture.
As I am sure you can appreciate, subtle changes in wording and grammar can produce drastically different meanings!!! To cement this false identity in our minds, the word Jew was gradually substituted for Israelite as well. (A really good example of a punctuation dilemma is the commotion caused among commentators by whether the comma in Luke 23:43 should be placed before or after the word today in that verse. I will let you do this for yourself to see what I mean, for the placement of this comma drastically changes the meaning of the verse.)
Another reason why these rabbis produced the Masoretic Text was to have an "authoritative" Talmudic (Jewish) version of the Old Testament for use against the Greek Septuagint, which was, according to the most reliable and objective (non-Judaized) scholars, the version of the Old Testament that Jesus and the Apostles most often referred to, as their quotations match the language of the Septuagint very precisely.
It was also at this time that the Masoretic rabbis invented the modern "Hebrew" script, which has replaced the original paleo-Hebrew script.
This invention allowed the rabbis to insert their own choices of vowels into the new script, as the paleo-Hebrew script did not contain vowels between the consonants.
You can imagine how such editorial powers can result in a self-serving, semantic reconstruction of the original text!!! Given the fact that the Masoretic rabbis were busy with this task for approximately one thousand years, you can also imagine how carefully they approached this reconstruction!
It was also at this time that the Masoretic rabbis invented the modern "Hebrew" script, which has replaced the original paleo-Hebrew script.
This invention allowed the rabbis to insert their own choices of vowels into the new script, as the paleo-Hebrew script did not contain vowels between the consonants.
You can imagine how such editorial powers can result in a self-serving, semantic reconstruction of the original text!!! Given the fact that the Masoretic rabbis were busy with this task for approximately one thousand years, you can also imagine how carefully they approached this reconstruction!
After studying this subject in some detail, I have concluded that, since the Septuagint (a Judahite document) agrees more often with the Gospels (also a Judahite document) than the Masoretic Text (a Jewish document), Jewish tampering can be assumed as a given motivation for producing the Masoretic Text.
In addition, it has also been discovered that the Dead Sea Scrolls also agree better with the Septuagint than does the Masoretic Text. {Here is a link to a truly excellent article on this subject by William Dankenbring, "The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint": http:// www. a_new_look_at_the_lxx ____ the_ dead_sea_scrolls_ and_the_ septuagint .htm }
In addition, it has also been discovered that the Dead Sea Scrolls also agree better with the Septuagint than does the Masoretic Text. {Here is a link to a truly excellent article on this subject by William Dankenbring, "The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint": http:// www. a_new_look_at_the_lxx ____ the_ dead_sea_scrolls_ and_the_ septuagint .htm }
From this discussion, it is very important to realize that, since the KJV is translated from the Masoretic Text, all Jewish interpolations (false definitions) of meaning have been uncritically retained by Strong and other Judeo-Christian translators and commentators.
Wittingly or unwittingly, Biblical scholarship has been infected by these numerous false definitions of various Hebrew and Greek words. Having studied this subject of translational problems for over twenty-five years, I can state, categorically, that the Greek word ethnos NEVER meant anything like "non-Jewish" to any of the authors of the New Testament.
Nor did the Hebrew word goy ever mean "non-Jewish" to any of the Hebrew scribes or prophets. The true definition of these words is "race" or "nation."
The rabbis of Judaism, by constantly repeating their own false definitions, 24/7, have, either wittingly or unwittingly, convinced Christian scholarship to formally adopt their deceptive word games.
Wittingly or unwittingly, Biblical scholarship has been infected by these numerous false definitions of various Hebrew and Greek words. Having studied this subject of translational problems for over twenty-five years, I can state, categorically, that the Greek word ethnos NEVER meant anything like "non-Jewish" to any of the authors of the New Testament.
Nor did the Hebrew word goy ever mean "non-Jewish" to any of the Hebrew scribes or prophets. The true definition of these words is "race" or "nation."
The rabbis of Judaism, by constantly repeating their own false definitions, 24/7, have, either wittingly or unwittingly, convinced Christian scholarship to formally adopt their deceptive word games.
Most of these scholars have no idea, or even a clue, that these counterfeit definitions were invented and inserted by the Jews in order to solidify their ongoing impersonation of True Israel.
Because virtually all of these scholars falsely equate the Jews with the Israelites of the Bible, they have no reason to suspect Scriptural deception!
Additionally, very few of these scholars have researched the Judah/ Idumea amalgamation period, meaning that they are clueless about the racial and theological differences that existed between the ethnic Judahites and the ethnic Idumeans of those days.
Being intellectually impaired in both of these significant areas, orthodox Christian scholarship has had no choice but to take the Jews at their word, regarding their phony claims to being the Israelites of the Bible.
In this manner, the rabbinate has been able to deceive the whole world (Rev. 12:9).
By pretending to be Israel, the Jews have usurped the authority of Scripture.
But, anyone who has studied Judaism knows that Judaism is the furthest thing from the Mosaic Law.
In fact, Judaism spites the Law of Moses by violating Deut. 4:2, which states that no priest or scribe shall add to or subtract from the Law, as it was written and recorded by Moses.
This command is so important that it is repeated at Deut. 12:32.
Since Judaism is based on Masoretic revisions and Talmudic interpretations of the Bible, most of which actually reverse the teachings of Moses, the rabbis incriminate and convict themselves of violating the Law of Moses.
It is quite amazing that the entire world of Biblical scholarship defers, without question, to the opinions of these anti-Christs, when they have questions about the Bible.
This is the extent to which the whole world has been deceived.
Because virtually all of these scholars falsely equate the Jews with the Israelites of the Bible, they have no reason to suspect Scriptural deception!
Additionally, very few of these scholars have researched the Judah/ Idumea amalgamation period, meaning that they are clueless about the racial and theological differences that existed between the ethnic Judahites and the ethnic Idumeans of those days.
Being intellectually impaired in both of these significant areas, orthodox Christian scholarship has had no choice but to take the Jews at their word, regarding their phony claims to being the Israelites of the Bible.
In this manner, the rabbinate has been able to deceive the whole world (Rev. 12:9).
By pretending to be Israel, the Jews have usurped the authority of Scripture.
But, anyone who has studied Judaism knows that Judaism is the furthest thing from the Mosaic Law.
In fact, Judaism spites the Law of Moses by violating Deut. 4:2, which states that no priest or scribe shall add to or subtract from the Law, as it was written and recorded by Moses.
This command is so important that it is repeated at Deut. 12:32.
Since Judaism is based on Masoretic revisions and Talmudic interpretations of the Bible, most of which actually reverse the teachings of Moses, the rabbis incriminate and convict themselves of violating the Law of Moses.
It is quite amazing that the entire world of Biblical scholarship defers, without question, to the opinions of these anti-Christs, when they have questions about the Bible.
This is the extent to which the whole world has been deceived.
Would you please inform the "King James only" people how thoroughly they have been deceived?
Don’t expect the Truth to be gratefully received!!!!
Don’t expect the Truth to be gratefully received!!!!
"I have made a Covenant with my chosen. I have sworn unto David my servant. THY SEED WILL I ESTABLISH FOREVER, and build up thy throne to all generations [of David’s descendants].
It is a fact of history that all of the European monarchs are descendants of the Davidic Throne. No other people can say this. The David Covenant is one of kingship. That kingship still exists today; and it does not transfer to any other people. It is the exclusive domain of the House of David, of which Jesus Christ is a member, as well as all of the Caucasian Kings and Queens of this world.
This word is one of the most important words in all of Scripture. Aside from the various OT prophecies fulfilled by Yahshua Messiah, probably the most important prophecy to be found therein is this:
"Behold, the days come, saith Yahweh, that I will sow the HOUSE OF ISRAEL and the HOUSE OF JUDAH [both of which references are exclusive genealogical, family references to the SEED of Israel, not to any so-called "spiritual Israel," nor are they references to mongrelized Jews] with the SEED OF MAN [Adamites not of either House], and with the SEED OF BEAST [meaning non-Whites; therefore, this means that it will be a time of pervasive race-mixing, i.e., TODAY]. And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them, to pluck up [the good Israelites], and to break down [the disobedient Israelites], and to throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict [We are most certainly afflicted today!]; so will I watch over them [Israel, NOT all nations or "believers," or any apostate "church"], to build and to plant, saith Yahweh.
In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten the sour grape, and the children’s teeth are set on edge. But everyone shall die for his own iniquity [refuting the false doctrine of universal reconciliation]:every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.
Behold, the days come, saith Yahweh, that I will make a NEW COVENANT with the HOUSE OF ISRAEL, and with the HOUSE OF JUDAH: not according to the COVENANT that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which COVENANT they brake [a reference to the Ten Commandments and to the Levitical priesthood sacrificial laws], although I was an husband unto them, saith Yahweh, But this shall be the COVENANT that I will make with the HOUSE OF ISRAEL; After those days, saith Yahweh, I will PUT MY LAW IN THEIR INWARD PARTS [this is only true of the Christian Identity Movement, for no others today obey His Law], and WRITE IT IN THEIR HEARTS." (Jer. 31:27-33; Heb. 8:8-12.)
"He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me." (John 14:21.)
I can assure that YAHWEH IS NOT A LIAR. Mortal priests may err; but Yahweh does not err. He knows exactly what He is doing; and we Israelites need to get with His program!
"For I am Yahweh. I change not." (Mal. 3:6.)
"Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Heb. 13:8.)
Lev. 20:26: "And ye shall be holy unto me: for I, Yahweh, am holy, and have SEVERED you from other people, that ye should be mine."
Isn’t there something incongruous about an ethnic group that demands that we accept their claim of Semitic descent, yet they refuse to discuss the subject of genealogical pedigree? Just believe! Don’t ask for proof!!!
"Judah was to provide the kingly line of rightful rulers of the earth from Adam to Jesus Christ. The dominion had been entrusted to Adam (Genesis 1:26) who passed this authority down to the next generation as a kingly birthright. The birthright was passed to Noah and then to Shem. Shem outlived Abraham in the city of Salem (Jerusalem), which he built and ruled under the title of Melchizedek." -- (p. 117.)
"Melchizedek was the priestly name for Shem…Shem an antediluvian whose righteousness allowed him to outlive two great judgments, lived 503 years after the Flood (Gen. 11:10-11; was born 98 years before the flood), and lived 52 years after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and 150 years of Abram’s life. At the time Abram paid tithes to him, Shem was the oldest man living upon the face of the earth. He was priest of the Most High ‘God’ (Gen. 14:18)" (Quoted from an internet article by Charles J. Voss.)
Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession." Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us."
He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me!" she said. [Now, listen very carefully, folks:]
He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." "Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
"NEITHER SHALT THOU MAKE MARRIAGES WITH THEM; thy daughter shalt thou not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son."
"… and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts." (Zech. 14:21)
"Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old." (Matt. 13:52.)
"For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard." (Matt. 20:1.)
"Those who preach the Gospel of the Kingdom know that this Gospel is the transference of God's Kingdom from heaven to earth with a spiritual seed..with the very sons of Glory..with the very purposes He has of establishing a Kingdom in the earth forever.
And that His Grace reaches out to the ends of the earth, and to people of every race, and every kind.
That it has been His purpose to bring them all into proper relationship to Himself, to teach them the errors of their way, and to give them the capacity to think correctly. And the Administration of Righteousness in the earth was to be conducted by the children of His Kingdom. His children, who had a spiritual capacity to think His thoughts, the offspring of THE MOST HIGH, having been begotten in the the beginning." -- from "The Kingdom and the Lake of Fire."
"And I will strengthen the House of Judah (Two Tribes), and I will save the house of Joseph (The Ten Tribes), and I will bring them again to place them; for I have mercy upon them:
AND THEY SHALL BE AS THOUGH I HAD NOT CAST THEM OFF: for I am Yahweh their God, and will hear them."(Zech. 10:6.)
"Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil." (Gen. 49:27.)
"For in him we live and move and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring. Forasmuch as WE ARE THE OFFSPRING OF GOD…." (Acts 17:28-29)
"…wherefore, there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, WHILE THE TEN TRIBES are beyond Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers." -- Antiquities of the Judahites, Book XI, Chapter V, para. 2.
"And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for THAT NATION [the House of Judah]; And not for that nation only, but that He should gather together IN ONE the children of God that were SCATTERED ABROAD."
Has your Christian pulpit master ever quoted this passage to you? Now, dear children of Israel and Judah, do you understand that these words uttered by Caiaphas CANNOT POSSIBLY BE A REFERENCE TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE, because these impostors did not experience THEIR DIASPORA until the year 70 AD?
Nor can these words be referring to the whole world here, since the rest of the world is not a part of DISPERSED Israel. Also, any indigenous people were already there, on location, NOT scattered abroad from Israel!!! This is the logical, historical analysis of Scripture. Nothing else makes sense. Of course, Judeo-Christianity does not require that their interpretations make sense! Just believe! In spite of the contradictions! Just believe!
"Prove all things." (1 Thes. 5:21)
"Feed my sheep." (John 21:17.)
2 God hath not cast away his people, which he foreknew. [This is a direct contradiction of Dispensationalist doctrine!] KNOW ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel saying,
3 Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. [We Identists experience the same hatred that Elijah experienced, coming from the brainwashed Judeo-Christians today! They absolutely HATE our racial interpretation of Scripture! The Scriptures predict that we will be hated of men for our doctrine!! (Luke 21:17) In fact, seeing their faces turn 15 different shades of self-righteous RED proves that they are self-hating Adamites!]
4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of baal.[Race-mixing and prostitution were common practices of the baal religion in those days, as they are again today.
In fact, it is proper to say that race-mixing and prostitution were institutionalized in these Baal temples. Unlike Mosaism, which demanded that the Israelites separate themselves from all alien nations and religions, paganism accepted everybody…as it still does today, although it now passes under the name of ecumenism.
The Book of Revelation tells us that, at the Judgment Day, Yahweh will reserve 144,000 for Himself.]
6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works (rituals): otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. [Paul is not saying that grace replaces works. He is saying that Yahweh’s FAVOR, which we call "grace," was obtained in spite of our inability to earn it through works. Our works of the law were insufficient to accomplish this. In essence, though guilty, we were pardoned.]
"But if by a gift, it cannot be from a ritual; or the gift would no longer be a gift.]
{William Finck’s translation: "But if in favor, no longer from rituals: since favor would be favor no longer."}
{William Finck: "What then, what Israel seeks after, this it did not attain to? But the chosen have succeeded, and the rest were hardened."}
8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. [And our people, especially the Judeo-Christians, still do not see or hear, even unto this day as well, Dec. 2007.]
10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.
11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the nations DISPERSED, for to provoke them to jealousy.
12 Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the NATIONS; how much more their fulness?
13 For I speak to you DISPERSED, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the DISPERSED, I magnify mine office: [Paul is not saying that he is more important than the other Apostles, as many critics falsely assume. Rather, he is simply stating the fact that he is now speaking to a much larger audience, as by this time, the Israelites of the Dispersion numbered many millions!]
14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them. [Note that Paul affirms here that he is speaking to and about those OF HIS OWN FLESH, i.e., his kinsmen of the Dispersion.]
16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. [All Israel is HOLY, SET APART.]
22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. [If the law has been abolished, on what basis can we be "cut off" from the inheritance? Goodness andrighteousness are synonyms for obedience to a higher authority. Watch your own behavior, lest you be judged unworthy to be a citizen of the Kingdom.]
28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes.
29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. [So, if Yahweh chooses to forgive the blindness of those Adamites who have become Christian Zionists, He will do so as He sees fit. It is His prerogative to forgive and heal. He does not punish the deceived as harshly as the deceivers, nor will He reward them as He will reward those who have obeyed His Law. In the meantime, this Cosmic Drama is being played out so that the Remnant will awaken.]
31 Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. [By ministering to our unbelieving brethren, we are attempting to awaken them and bring them back into the fold.
This awakening will not happen through their own efforts.
WE awakened Israelites must have a mindset of rescuing our sleeping brethren just as Jesus rescued us. This is because our love for our brethren must be such that we will not give up on them.
So, our motivation is LOVE, not hatred. Our motivation is TRUTH, not lies. This is the attitude we must have in order to rescue them out of their own stupor, ignorance and folly.
This is what Yahshua did for those of us who are already awake. If we do not do this, then we are not loving or obeying HIM. We have to understand that their ignorance and unbelief are symptoms caused by false teachings.
The sheeple just don’t know any better.
They are not necessarily evil.
They have been diverted from Yahweh’s truth and are steeped in spiritual ignorance, so we just have to keep on working on behalf of our Caucasian brethren out of love for them, in spite of the fact that they hate us for what we teach!!!
We will keep hammering away at the truth, so they do not die in their ignorance. This does not apply to people like John Hagee, though – even if he is White. He is a bona fide,conscious agent of satan, a well-paid race-traitor, like Esau.
He has sold his soul for the rewards of this world, the only world he really believes in. "Cast ye not pearls before swine."]
33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
35 Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
Clearly, Paul is a humble and willing servant of Yahweh. Those who have trashed his ministry have been deceived by the false translations just as much as the Dispensationalists. There is no way that Paul was a universalist or a Dispensationalist.
Just because the universalists CLAIM that Paul is their inspiration does not make that claim true.
Now, this prophecy is of the utmost significance for True Israel. And it is also a real problem for the antinomians, who teach that "the Law has been abolished," and for the Jews, who refuse to obey His Law, for this prophecy states, with the clarity of transparent crystal, that the Law will be written IN OUR HEARTS, not abolished. So, either God is lying or the televangelists, who teach this antinomian rubbish, are lying.
I hope you are beginning to appreciate the absurdity, approaching imbecility, of the various apostasies that have grown up like ugly weeds in the garden of modern times, and which have devastated, disfigured and destroyed true Christianity, in these last days, just before the Final Judgment.
Were it not for true scholars, such as Rand, Swift, Emry and Comparet, we would have only a garden full of poisonous weeds, and no edible fruit. (I hope you get the full meaning of this metaphor!)
Were it not for true scholars, such as Rand, Swift, Emry and Comparet, we would have only a garden full of poisonous weeds, and no edible fruit. (I hope you get the full meaning of this metaphor!)
A Covenant is an EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT between two or more parties. Anyone who is not named in the agreement has no legal claim to it.
Thus, the Dispensationalists are making an illegal claim, when they say their churches have inherited the promises of the Covenants. That is another distortion of the language of Scripture.
They have, in effect, signed THEIR NAME in place of YOUR NAME on the inheritance document!! Like Judaism, Dispensationalism is also a counterfeit doctrine.
Thus, the Dispensationalists are making an illegal claim, when they say their churches have inherited the promises of the Covenants. That is another distortion of the language of Scripture.
They have, in effect, signed THEIR NAME in place of YOUR NAME on the inheritance document!! Like Judaism, Dispensationalism is also a counterfeit doctrine.
It is an irrefutable fact that all of the Covenants in Scripture are made exclusively with Abraham and his descendants, the children of Israel. Get a Concordance and look up the word covenant (Strong’s #1285), and you will find that what I am saying is true.
When two people make a compact between each other, it applies to no one else. Nowhere in Scripture is there ANY STATEMENT that can be construed or misconstrued as implying that the Covenants were made or expanded to include non-Israelites, or transferred to some metaphorical/allegorical "church," consisting of mere "believers" or a non-existent "spiritual Israel."
When two people make a compact between each other, it applies to no one else. Nowhere in Scripture is there ANY STATEMENT that can be construed or misconstrued as implying that the Covenants were made or expanded to include non-Israelites, or transferred to some metaphorical/allegorical "church," consisting of mere "believers" or a non-existent "spiritual Israel."
One of those covenants is the Law itself.
It was established at Mt. Sinai where OUR ANCESTORS took an oath to obey the Law (Ex. 19:3-8 and Deut. 29:29). "That he may establish thee today for a people unto himself, and that he may be unto thee a God…" (Deut. 29:13.)However, we broke our national Covenant, our promise to keep the Law. That is why we, as a people, continue to suffer the curses outlined in Chapter 28 of Deuteronomy.
It was established at Mt. Sinai where OUR ANCESTORS took an oath to obey the Law (Ex. 19:3-8 and Deut. 29:29). "That he may establish thee today for a people unto himself, and that he may be unto thee a God…" (Deut. 29:13.)However, we broke our national Covenant, our promise to keep the Law. That is why we, as a people, continue to suffer the curses outlined in Chapter 28 of Deuteronomy.
It is now up to us to perform the Covenant that our ancestors failed to keep.
Separate and the Law of Separation
"Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will show thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee. When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For Yahweh’s portion is HIS PEOPLE; Jacob is the lot of His Inheritance." (Deut. 32:7-9.)
Throughout Scripture, the Israelites are commanded to remain separate from other nations and races. Only WE are the family of Yahweh.
Read Lev. 15:31, I Kings 8:53, II Cor. 6:17. Your pulpitmasters will never quote these passages to you, because they do not want you to know these precious, extremely important truths.
"You shall know the truth; and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:32)
The Truth is that, if you are a Caucasian, chances are that Yahweh has chosen YOU. Foolish Judeo-Christians believe that by making an altar call, they qualify to receive Yahweh’s "salvation" on their own terms and according to un-Scriptural beliefs!
The Bible is quite clear that salvation cannot be gained if you do not obey His Law(s). "If you love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15.)
Your Judeo-Christian minister will not tell you that Yahweh does not hear the prayer of a sinner. (Prov. 15:29; John 9:31.)
Since all of these modern churches are the embodiment of Apostasy, their prayers are null and void (of no effect).
This is borne out by the fact that our civilization is declining at a very rapid rate, due to contemporary Christianity’s acceptance of activities which were formerly deemed sin: homosexuality, abortion, witchcraft, Zionist warmongering, etc., etc. I do not hesitate to add racial integration to the list of modern sins, so, if you follow their modernistic theology, I can assure you that you will be condemned right along with them.
The fact is that our prayers for prosperity and peace will continue to go unanswered. The Bible tells us why. God is ignoring the prayers of those who deny His Son, the Jews, and those who pay Him mere lip service, the Judeo-Christians.
The Bible is quite clear that salvation cannot be gained if you do not obey His Law(s). "If you love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15.)
Your Judeo-Christian minister will not tell you that Yahweh does not hear the prayer of a sinner. (Prov. 15:29; John 9:31.)
Since all of these modern churches are the embodiment of Apostasy, their prayers are null and void (of no effect).
This is borne out by the fact that our civilization is declining at a very rapid rate, due to contemporary Christianity’s acceptance of activities which were formerly deemed sin: homosexuality, abortion, witchcraft, Zionist warmongering, etc., etc. I do not hesitate to add racial integration to the list of modern sins, so, if you follow their modernistic theology, I can assure you that you will be condemned right along with them.
The fact is that our prayers for prosperity and peace will continue to go unanswered. The Bible tells us why. God is ignoring the prayers of those who deny His Son, the Jews, and those who pay Him mere lip service, the Judeo-Christians.
Rather than integrate, you should sever yourself from this world’s false religions and ideologies. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus tells His people, Israel, to leave modern Babylon behind: "Come out of her, my people." (Rev. 18:4.)
This is the only way you will be saved.
Judeo-Christianity has forgotten why Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
This is the only way you will be saved.
Judeo-Christianity has forgotten why Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
Lev. 20:24: "Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am Yahweh your Elohim, which have SEPARATED you from other people."
Nowhere does Yahweh change or annul the commands that we must stay separate from other nations and races. Those who teach the false doctrine that Yahweh changed His mind are either Biblically ignorant or insincere Judaizers, hell bent on the doctrine of "equality."
But this is Man’s version of equality, not God’s version. And those who are insincere are criminally liable for the damage that has been inflicted upon the White Race by these false doctrines.
But this is Man’s version of equality, not God’s version. And those who are insincere are criminally liable for the damage that has been inflicted upon the White Race by these false doctrines.
"For I am Yahweh, I change not; therefore the sons of Jacob ARE NOT CONSUMED." (Mal. 3:6.)
Whom are you going to believe, God or the false priests?
Numbers 1:18: "And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names…"
Would the Israelites keep records of their pedigree for centuries just to throw them away? The fact is that the ancient Israelites were very proud of their race, religion and culture. These records were vouchsafed in Jerusalem until Herod, the Edomite Jew, had them destroyed.
Since Herod was an Edomite, not an Israelite, the genealogies of the Judahites were an impediment to his rule, since many of the Judahites of Judea were questioning his genetic pedigree.
Here is how one author puts it, in a discussion of Paul’s alleged disregard for Israelite genealogies (I Tim. 1:4; Titus 3:9):
Regarding ‘endless genealogies,’ the commentator states that Paul meant ‘those genealogies which were uncertain—that never could be made out, either in the ascending or descending line. …
We are told that Herod destroyed the public registers; he, being an Idumean, was jealous of the noble origin of the Jews [sic, Judahites]; and, that none might be able to reproach him with his descent [since everyone knew he was an Idumean and not a Judahite], he ordered the genealogical tables, which were kept among the archives in the temple, to be burnt. …
From this time the Jews [sic, Judahites] could refer to their genealogies only from memory, or from those imperfect tables which had been preserved in private hands; and to make out any regular line from these must have been endless and uncertain.
It is probably to this that the apostle refers; I mean the endless and useless labour which the attempts to make out these genealogies must produce, the authentic tables being destroyed.’
"It is clear from these commentaries that the Apostle Paul had no intention of condemning genealogy or the need for maintaining genealogical records. Rather, he was referring to genealogies that caused endless dispute, some of which were fraudulent and not to be accepted." (George H. Fudge, "I Have a Question," Ensign, Mar. 1986, 49)
George H. Fudge supports our thesis that Herod was an Edomite, although he, following the deceptive language of the Jews, and the mistakes of conventional scholarship, also refers to the purebred Judahites as "Jews." British Israelites still make this same mistake today. In order to maintain this truthful and important distinction, we cannot treat apples (Judahites) as oranges (Idumeans) and expect to make accurate statements about either group. But this is exactly where orthodox scholarship is at, with regard to these words.
It goes without saying that a purebred Dalmatian is easily distinguished from a mutt and that the mutt will never be referred to as a Dalmatian. Following this same reasoning, since the Jews are a mongrelized people, the word ‘Jew’ should never be applied to the purebred Judahite.
Applying the same word to designate both purebreds and mutts invalidates the distinction between the two categories. This is simple logic, folks! As stated earlier, the word ‘Jew’ should NEVER BE APPLIED TO A JUDAHITE, because one is a mongrel and the other is a purebred. A purebred is a purebred; and a mutt is a mutt. Apparently, some people need an eye transplant to see this!
Applying the same word to designate both purebreds and mutts invalidates the distinction between the two categories. This is simple logic, folks! As stated earlier, the word ‘Jew’ should NEVER BE APPLIED TO A JUDAHITE, because one is a mongrel and the other is a purebred. A purebred is a purebred; and a mutt is a mutt. Apparently, some people need an eye transplant to see this!
In addition, it must also be stated that Paul was talking to Greeks of the Dispersed House of Israel. These people had ceased keeping genealogies for at least 7 centuries, so Paul was actually contesting the factual ability of documenting their genealogies! For these people to try to reconstruct their Israelite genealogies, based on partial Greek records, would have been literally impossible. Once engaged in such a futile enterprise, we can only imagine the disputes and false claims that would arise!!
All of the verses below prove that the Israelites took meticulous care to record their genealogies, so as to prove their racial pedigree. Both the books of Ezra and Nehemiah show that those Judahites (Not Jews!), who returned from the Babylonian captivity, had to prove their pedigree in order to be counted as part of the genealogical congregation of Judah. Also, those men who had taken foreign (non-Adamite) wives had to cast them off or be cast off themselves.
This story is told in detail in Chapter 10 of Ezra. Verse 17 tells us: "And they MADE AN END WITH ALL THE MEN THAT HAD TAKEN STRANGE WIVES by the first day of the first month." In other words, those men who refused to give up their foreign wives were cast out of the congregation. Sorry, but THAT’S THE LAW!!!!
These verses confirm the genealogical reckoning of the Israelites (plural usage): I Chron. 5:7; 7:5,7; 9:1; II Chron. 12:15; 31:19; I Tit. 1:4; Tit 3:9.
These verses confirm the genealogical reckoning of the Israelites (singular usage): I Chron. 4:33; 5:1,7; 7:9,40; 9:22; 2Chron. 31:16,17,18; Ez. 2:62; 8:1,3; Neh. 7:5,64.
One sure-fire method of differentiating between Jews and Israelites is the fact that the Israelites have always had a tradition of keeping genealogical records. These records include the heraldry and family crests and insignias of our ancestors, all of which hearken back to our Israelite origins.
Until very recently, it was common for Caucasian Israelites to record their family histories in their Bibles.
The churches in Europe all kept the genealogical records of their Caucasian ancestors.
Unfortunately, many of these records were destroyed in the chaos of World War II. Yet, White People, to this day, still maintain a fascination with their ancestry and origins.
Too few of them understand their genealogical/ethnic connection to ancient Israel.
Until very recently, it was common for Caucasian Israelites to record their family histories in their Bibles.
The churches in Europe all kept the genealogical records of their Caucasian ancestors.
Unfortunately, many of these records were destroyed in the chaos of World War II. Yet, White People, to this day, still maintain a fascination with their ancestry and origins.
Too few of them understand their genealogical/ethnic connection to ancient Israel.
No other people has ever expressed this degree of interest or fascination with ancestry.
The Jews have NEVER had any such tradition or compelling interest, whatsoever! That is because they are not Israelites. Mongrels do not have any interest in the subject of pedigree.
There are numerous instances of the word chosen, which is translated from the Hebrew bachar (#977); and it is always applied to flesh and blood Israel, as our Father many times declares the exclusive, special relationship between Himself and us, Anglo-Saxon Israel.
Here is a sterling example of such a declaration: "For thou art AN HOLY PEOPLE unto Yahweh Elohim [LORD God]: Yahweh Elohim hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, ABOVE ALL THE PEOPLE THAT ARE UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH." (Deut. 7:6)
If all Homo sapiens are "spiritual Israelites," there is no need to make a special selection. If you need electrical work done, you select an electrician. If you have a leak, you select a plumber. There is absolutely nothing unfair or "supremacist" about this position. If you need a job done, you get the right person for the job. The equality kooks are trying to tell you that it doesn’t matter whom you select. They believe that anyone, irrespective of their qualifications, should be able to do a satisfactory job. I just hope that the plumber doesn’t get electrocuted.
"For thou art an holy people unto Yahweh, thy Elohim, and Yahweh hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto Himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth." (Deut. 14:2)
Note that words such as chosen, special, peculiar, above and holy distinguish the subject from common, ordinary, everybody, mean, average, and unholy. The use of such words literally sets the subject, Israel, apart from the common masses. These words are not used metaphorically or spiritually. These words are use to set Israel apart from the rest of the world.
Clearly, the Caucasian Israelites have been chosen by Yahweh, set apart, appointed and ordained by Him for a particular purpose. To mix our seed with other races or nations would simply destroy that purpose, not to mention our ability to fulfill that purpose! That is exactly what the Jews want to accomplish: to destroy our ability to carry out the purpose for which Yahweh created us.
It is not the case that, as some believe, Israel is a collection of people that may include other races. On the contrary, Israel is the genetic continuation of Adam and Eve’s specific DNA.
The Bible is a book for the White, Adamic nations; and other races are not even considered. The non-White (non-Adamic) races are not in the Biblical context and could never even be candidates for such an election. Even more specifically, of the Adamic peoples, Israel is but one branch of all the other White Nations (listed in Gen. 10).
The Law was given to Israel exclusively through Moses. So, Israel was chosen from among the entire family of the White Race. We are, therefore, the standard-bearer of the White Race.
Most of those other White nations have, since their formation, interbred with non-Whites. Those non-Israelite Whites, who have kept their racial integrity, will, in my opinion, share in the Kingdom. Heaven knows that we will need all of our kinsmen as allies in the final struggle against the legions of Gog and ZOG.
The Bible is a book for the White, Adamic nations; and other races are not even considered. The non-White (non-Adamic) races are not in the Biblical context and could never even be candidates for such an election. Even more specifically, of the Adamic peoples, Israel is but one branch of all the other White Nations (listed in Gen. 10).
The Law was given to Israel exclusively through Moses. So, Israel was chosen from among the entire family of the White Race. We are, therefore, the standard-bearer of the White Race.
Most of those other White nations have, since their formation, interbred with non-Whites. Those non-Israelite Whites, who have kept their racial integrity, will, in my opinion, share in the Kingdom. Heaven knows that we will need all of our kinsmen as allies in the final struggle against the legions of Gog and ZOG.
We will either have a Jewish dictatorship or Yahweh’s Kingdom. That is what the "war in heaven" is all about!
That is why satan was cast out of heaven, down here to earth, because he did not want to be subservient to Yahweh.
Nor have the Jews ever been able to obey the laws of any of the nations that have hosted them.
That is why satan was cast out of heaven, down here to earth, because he did not want to be subservient to Yahweh.
Nor have the Jews ever been able to obey the laws of any of the nations that have hosted them.
Their rebelliousness is, quite literally and obviously, congenital.
Examples: Ex. 19:5: "a peculiar treasure."
Psalm 135:4: "For Yahweh hath chosen Jacob unto Himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure."
From the New Testament, 1 Peter 2:9: "an holy nation, a peculiar people."
From the previous discussion of the last five word headings, we have conclusive evidence that Yahweh is a JEALOUS GOD, who has pre-selected a particular race of people, the Adamites, by designing our DNA, so that we might accomplish His Will, here on earth, in dealing with the rebellious angels and their mutant offspring (Gen. 6:4), who were once part of the heavenly host (Jude 6 and 7), and who were already here before Adam and Eve were formed, having enslaved, via their superior intelligence and abilities, the indigenous races of this planet. This is why Yahweh repeatedly condemns these fallen ones and their hybrid offspring, the Cainite (Kenite)/Canaanite/Edomite/Shelahite/Idumean/Jewish seedline.
In order to restore this planet of rebellion back to His Law, He formed Adam and Eve for the purpose of taking dominion away from satan and his allies, who were already on this planet, probably for many thousands of years.
As we all should know, Nachash (the Serpent in the Garden) conceived (in all senses of the word) a way to thwart God’s Plan for redeeming this planet.
By impregnating Eve, he polluted her blood, thus depriving her of her Shekinah Glory, her Holy Spirit protection.
The only way this could possibly have happened is by allowing Nachash to seduce her. Possessed of her Shekinah Glory, not even lucifer could have harmed her. But he DECEIVED HER, and she made the mistake of trusting someone other than Yahweh. When Adam made the same mistake (Gen. 3:6), both of our parents fell, thus necessitating the redemption of the Adamites before reestablishing His government through us, right here on Earth.
As we all should know, Nachash (the Serpent in the Garden) conceived (in all senses of the word) a way to thwart God’s Plan for redeeming this planet.
By impregnating Eve, he polluted her blood, thus depriving her of her Shekinah Glory, her Holy Spirit protection.
The only way this could possibly have happened is by allowing Nachash to seduce her. Possessed of her Shekinah Glory, not even lucifer could have harmed her. But he DECEIVED HER, and she made the mistake of trusting someone other than Yahweh. When Adam made the same mistake (Gen. 3:6), both of our parents fell, thus necessitating the redemption of the Adamites before reestablishing His government through us, right here on Earth.
Thanks to Christian Identity, we Adamites are finally regaining awareness of what really happened in the Garden, and the Cosmic Drama that is unfolding before us.
After six thousand years – seven thousand, according to Septuagint reckoning, which is probably more accurate -- we are finally becoming aware, once again, of what is required of us to regain our immortality.
As we watch many of our women still making the same mistake that Eve made, we are learning the very hard lesson that race-mixing is an evil act.
Our White women are learning it the hard way, often being raped and murdered by the very person they think they "love."
After six thousand years – seven thousand, according to Septuagint reckoning, which is probably more accurate -- we are finally becoming aware, once again, of what is required of us to regain our immortality.
As we watch many of our women still making the same mistake that Eve made, we are learning the very hard lesson that race-mixing is an evil act.
Our White women are learning it the hard way, often being raped and murdered by the very person they think they "love."
Amos 3:1-2 – "Hear this word that Yahweh hath spoken against you O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up out of the land of Egypt [the subject here is the literal children of Israel, for NO OTHER PEOPLE WERE BROUGHT OUT OF THE EGYPTIAN CAPTIVITY], saying, YOU ONLY HAVE I KNOWN OF ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH: therefore will I punish you for all your iniquities."
This is the voice of a father chastising His children, because He loves them and wants to see them obey His Commandments. These words apply to NO ONE ELSE but the literal children of Israel.
I Kings 9:51-53 tells us, "For they be thy people, and thine inheritance, which thou broughtest forth out of the land of Egypt, from the midst of the furnace of iron: That thine eyes may be open to the supplication of THY PEOPLE ISRAEL, to hearken unto them in all that they call for unto thee. For thou didst SEPARATE them from among all the people of the earth, to be THINE INHERITANCE, as thou spakest by the hand of Moses…"
The special relationship between Yahweh and His Children, Israel, is repeated hundreds of times throughout Scripture, in both the Old and New Testaments. By ignoring verses such as these, the Universalists can pretend that their theology is Scriptural. By deliberately redacting or distorting these crucial verses, they make God out to be a liar.
Talk about chutzpah!
Talk about chutzpah!
Nowhere in Scripture is this special relationship changed or annulled. NOWHERE! The only circumstance that was to be changed was the nature of the priesthood. (Jer. 31:31-33. Dan. 9:27.)
The Book of Hebrews talks extensively about this change in the nature of the priesthood, from the rites of blood sacrifice (Levitical priesthood) to a return to the Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. (Gen. 14:18; Psalm 110:4; Heb. 7:11-12.)
Many have speculated as to who Melchizedek was, from the Archangel Michael to a previous incarnation of Jesus Christ Himself.
The Book of Hebrews talks extensively about this change in the nature of the priesthood, from the rites of blood sacrifice (Levitical priesthood) to a return to the Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. (Gen. 14:18; Psalm 110:4; Heb. 7:11-12.)
Many have speculated as to who Melchizedek was, from the Archangel Michael to a previous incarnation of Jesus Christ Himself.
According to Stephen Jones, in his book, The Laws of the Second Coming,
From the Biblical compendium, The Chronology of the Bible, we read,
Those who call themselves "New Testament Christians" need to understand that Yahshua Messiah Himself acknowledged the exclusiveness of the children of Israel from the other local inhabitants. Let us look at the episode recorded at Matt. 15:21-28:
Yahshua did not grant the Canaanite woman’s request until after she acknowledged that He had come specifically for His Own People, Israel.
The other races ("dogs") get the table scraps.
Universalist interpreters of this passage are at a loss to explain why Jesus and the Apostles spurned her! Doesn’t Jesus LOVE EVERYBODY? Aren’t we supposed to LOVE EVERYBODY? The simple answer is "No."
WE have no obligation to "love" those who are outside of our family. On the other hand, we are commanded to treat them honestly and fairly. "Oppress not the stranger." (Ex. 23:9)
As with any INHERITANCE, the estate goes to the rightful heirs. It is not intended for non-family members. It is also a sad commentary on our own Race, most of whom have no idea who they are, being completely unaware of the inheritance that is being held for them!
The Estate is ready to be delivered to the heirs, but they are walking around like zombies in a religious trance, which has been compounded by the distractions of the electronic media. (If you want to know what a zombie looks like, don’t bother looking up at the movie screen. They’re sitting in the aisles! You can also see them milling around at your mainstream church. The deadest ones are the Christian Zionists.)
The other races ("dogs") get the table scraps.
Universalist interpreters of this passage are at a loss to explain why Jesus and the Apostles spurned her! Doesn’t Jesus LOVE EVERYBODY? Aren’t we supposed to LOVE EVERYBODY? The simple answer is "No."
WE have no obligation to "love" those who are outside of our family. On the other hand, we are commanded to treat them honestly and fairly. "Oppress not the stranger." (Ex. 23:9)
As with any INHERITANCE, the estate goes to the rightful heirs. It is not intended for non-family members. It is also a sad commentary on our own Race, most of whom have no idea who they are, being completely unaware of the inheritance that is being held for them!
The Estate is ready to be delivered to the heirs, but they are walking around like zombies in a religious trance, which has been compounded by the distractions of the electronic media. (If you want to know what a zombie looks like, don’t bother looking up at the movie screen. They’re sitting in the aisles! You can also see them milling around at your mainstream church. The deadest ones are the Christian Zionists.)
This episode of the Canaanite woman also explains how the other races will benefit when we officially receive our inheritance.
When we use our inheritance (DNA) properly, the entire population of the Earth will benefit from what we accomplish then, just as the Earth has been blessed many times over from the historical accomplishments of the White Race in the areas of technology, philosophy, music, art, science, medicine, theology, political science, agriculture, etc.
But, first, the inheritance (Covenants) must be given to the TRUE HEIRS.
This is the point of the Second Coming!
When we use our inheritance (DNA) properly, the entire population of the Earth will benefit from what we accomplish then, just as the Earth has been blessed many times over from the historical accomplishments of the White Race in the areas of technology, philosophy, music, art, science, medicine, theology, political science, agriculture, etc.
But, first, the inheritance (Covenants) must be given to the TRUE HEIRS.
This is the point of the Second Coming!
"But thou, Israel, art My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the SEED of Abraham my friend." (Isa. 41:8.)
"Now to Abraham and his SEED were the promises made. He saith NOT and to seeds, as of many; but as of one, and to thy SEED which is Christ [anointed, Strong’s #5547]." (Gal. 3:16)
The Hebrew word zerah (seed) is used of Abraham and Israelites repeatedly. It is never used in a spiritual sense. It is always used for offspring, descendants, and children in the flesh. Isa. 41:8 clearly states that a SEED, a RACE of people has been chosen. Gal. 3:16 affirms the statement made in Isaiah. Paul goes even further, explaining that only ONE SEED (one particular Race, not many races) has been anointed, and no other race.
(The last word of the Paul quote is a poor translation in most Bibles, the KJV translators assuming that the word anointed is a reference to the individual, Christ. The Bible clearly states, hundreds of times, that the Covenants were made to Abraham’s descendants, namely, the children of Israel, in their entirety, not to just one person, Jesus Christ.
What Paul is actually saying is that OUR ONE AND ONLY RACIAL SEED is anointed, meaning all Israelites have been dedicated to His service.
As translated, the KJV is saying that only Jesus Christ is the recipient of the promises; but that is clearly ridiculous. The Redeemer came to redeem the SEED of Israel, the people of Israel.
He did not come to redeem Himself, as this ridiculous translation implies!
As the Sinless One, He had NO NEED of redemption! Comprende? The Redeemer was promised to the SEED, the children of Israel!)
Paul is actually affirming the exclusivity of Israel. One of the promises made to Abraham’s SEED was that they would become an innumerable multitude. (Gen. 22:17.)
Was Jesus Christ an "innumerable multitude"? This is just another example of how sloppy scholarship has made mincemeat of the Bible. Since True Israel has been prophesied to become a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, everyone one of us will have the opportunity, as the head of a household of Israelites, to become anointed as a King-Priest.
In Genesis 22, where Yahweh asks Abraham to sacrifice his "only son," Isaac, we are thrust into a dramatic juncture of history. What this episode actually represents is a real life pantomime of the sacrifice of Yahweh’s Only Son, Yahshua (Jesus Christ). But, actually, Abraham had eight sons, including one from Hagar, and six from Keturah.
But Isaac was the ONLY SON of Sarah. Isaac was the seed of the promise. That promise was passed on to Jacob. When Yahweh saw that Abraham would obey His command to sacrifice his "only son," Yahweh knew that Abraham was an obedient servant.
As Abraham raised the sacrificial knife, the angel appeared and told him to sacrifice the ram/scapegoat instead.
Thus the seedline that would result in the Messiah was preserved.
The genetic link between Adam and Jesus would have been severed, had Isaac’s life been sacrificed.
There would have been no Jacob, no David, no Solomon, no Mary, no Jesus. That would have officially ended the seedline and the promises.
It would have, in fact, ended the existence of the White Race…no Parthians, Greeks, Germans, Slavs, English, etc.
But Isaac was the ONLY SON of Sarah. Isaac was the seed of the promise. That promise was passed on to Jacob. When Yahweh saw that Abraham would obey His command to sacrifice his "only son," Yahweh knew that Abraham was an obedient servant.
As Abraham raised the sacrificial knife, the angel appeared and told him to sacrifice the ram/scapegoat instead.
Thus the seedline that would result in the Messiah was preserved.
The genetic link between Adam and Jesus would have been severed, had Isaac’s life been sacrificed.
There would have been no Jacob, no David, no Solomon, no Mary, no Jesus. That would have officially ended the seedline and the promises.
It would have, in fact, ended the existence of the White Race…no Parthians, Greeks, Germans, Slavs, English, etc.
When Yahshua made His sacrifice for us, there were already millions of us (Abraham and Sarah’s SEED) in the world, and He took the place of the scapegoat, being the sacrifice for Israel’s sins.
Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son, Isaac was a real life, prophetic metaphor of the Messiah’s own future role as the Scapegoat for Israel.
Since the Law was delivered exclusively to the Abraham-Isaac-Jacob seedline, Yahshua’s sacrifice was only for the people of His own Race/Nation/Tribe. Only we, the Nation of Israel, had broken our promise to Yahweh, so only we needed to be redeemed.
Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son, Isaac was a real life, prophetic metaphor of the Messiah’s own future role as the Scapegoat for Israel.
Since the Law was delivered exclusively to the Abraham-Isaac-Jacob seedline, Yahshua’s sacrifice was only for the people of His own Race/Nation/Tribe. Only we, the Nation of Israel, had broken our promise to Yahweh, so only we needed to be redeemed.
"And Moses went up unto God, and Yahweh called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the House of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagle’s wings, and brought you unto myself. Now, therefore, if you willobey my voice indeed, and keep my Covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people;
for all the earth is mine: And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which Yahweh commanded him. And all the people [of Israel, and no one else] answered together, and said, ALL THAT YAHWEH HATH SPOKEN WE WILL DO. And Moses returned the word of the people to Yahweh." -- Ex. 19:3-8.
Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagle’s wings, and brought you unto myself. Now, therefore, if you willobey my voice indeed, and keep my Covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people;
for all the earth is mine: And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which Yahweh commanded him. And all the people [of Israel, and no one else] answered together, and said, ALL THAT YAHWEH HATH SPOKEN WE WILL DO. And Moses returned the word of the people to Yahweh." -- Ex. 19:3-8.
Thus, the children of Israel, our White, Israelite ancestors, made an exclusive Covenant with Yahweh to OBEY HIS LAW. Yahweh did not ask any other people to do this, therefore, no other people on the face of this earth are a party to this Covenant. And no other people needed to be redeemed for violating the terms of this Covenant.
Ultimately, all races will benefit from Yahshua’s sacrifice for His People, Israel, because evil itself will be vanquished at the Second Coming, when Yahweh’s universal order will be restored, with the government being turned over to the Elect of the RESTORED Twelve Tribes of Israel.
All of these Biblical stories go to prove that we are a servant race of ONE SEED, not a servant "church" (in the modern sense of the word) of many different peoples.
There is no Scriptural justification for taking the race factor out of the equation.
If there is to be a servant church, it will be composed exclusively of His servant Race. Denominational organizations that claim to have universal religious authority make a fraudulent generalization from the Israelite SEED to a non-Israelite CHURCH.
Just as the Jews fraudulently claim to be Israel, Judeo-Christianity, in like manner, fraudulently claims to be the ecclesia (Greek ekklesia). The true ecclesia is the community of Israelites. It is not a reference to a hierarchical priesthood. The fact is that the modern word, church, represents something completely different from ekklesia.
A modern church is composed, on the one hand, of a company of priests and clerics who decide what religion should be, and, on the other hand, the congregation of church attendees.
As such, the church hierarchy tends to be divorced both from their congregations and from reality. It is an authoritarian structure, in which the clerics tell the congregation what they should believe, with little or no feedback from the flock!!
There is no Scriptural justification for taking the race factor out of the equation.
If there is to be a servant church, it will be composed exclusively of His servant Race. Denominational organizations that claim to have universal religious authority make a fraudulent generalization from the Israelite SEED to a non-Israelite CHURCH.
Just as the Jews fraudulently claim to be Israel, Judeo-Christianity, in like manner, fraudulently claims to be the ecclesia (Greek ekklesia). The true ecclesia is the community of Israelites. It is not a reference to a hierarchical priesthood. The fact is that the modern word, church, represents something completely different from ekklesia.
A modern church is composed, on the one hand, of a company of priests and clerics who decide what religion should be, and, on the other hand, the congregation of church attendees.
As such, the church hierarchy tends to be divorced both from their congregations and from reality. It is an authoritarian structure, in which the clerics tell the congregation what they should believe, with little or no feedback from the flock!!
Yahweh’s Melchizedek priesthood is not to be divorced from the family life or the community of Israel. In the Kingdom, every male head of a household will be a king-priest. There will be no such thing as priesthood that is divorced from the congregation.
In fact, this is the way it was in the early days of the emerging Christian church, before the Papacy. The early Church was composed of patriarchal Bishoprics, the Bishops being the consensus representatives of the congregation, family men who were elected/selected by their peers.
In fact, this is the way it was in the early days of the emerging Christian church, before the Papacy. The early Church was composed of patriarchal Bishoprics, the Bishops being the consensus representatives of the congregation, family men who were elected/selected by their peers.
In the Greek, the word seed is translated from sperma (#4690), the meaning of which should be obvious to everyone. It is not a term that has anyspiritual connotations, unless you believe in "spiritual sperm"!
Zerah and sperma are biological, genealogical words, having no spiritual connotations whatsoever, proving that the Bible is talking about literal progeny, offspring, NOT "SPIRITUAL Israel."
Zerah and sperma are biological, genealogical words, having no spiritual connotations whatsoever, proving that the Bible is talking about literal progeny, offspring, NOT "SPIRITUAL Israel."
Gen. 3:15 represents one of the most important prophecies of the Old Testament. In this verse the devil’s SEED, Cain, is foreseen as being in constant ENMITY with Eve’s SEED, Seth, until the Day of Resolution/Judgment. The entire Bible is a record of the constant struggles between the devil’s SEED (the Cainite {Kenite}, Canaanite, Edomite, Shelahite, Idumean, Jewish people) and Adam and Eve’s SEED, which is the Adamite/Shemitic/Hebrew/Israelite/Caucasian race. Gen. 17:7-9 declares that the Covenants are established between Yahweh and the SEED OF ABRAHAM, not to any mythical church or multicultural cast of "believers."
II Corin. 6:16-18 is a concise list of many of the Covenants made between Yahweh and the children of Israel. At verse 17, Paul affirms the Law of Separation: "Wherefore, come out from among them, AND BE YE SEPARATE." All of you "New Testament Christians," who think that the Old Testament Covenants have been amended or universalized, have to explain why EVEN PAUL asserts our separateness!
This NTC cult loves to credit Paul with their apostasy, but PAUL DID NOT CONSIDER THE OLD TESTAMENT TO BE IRRELEVANT.
He quotes the Old Testament profusely in all of his Epistles! And every time he does so, he affirms the exclusivity of Israel. In complete contradiction to his teaching, universalists claim that Paul is the champion of feel-good amalgamation, as if he would be marching, arm in arm, with the likes of Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson!!!!! I DON’T THINK SO!!!!!
This NTC cult loves to credit Paul with their apostasy, but PAUL DID NOT CONSIDER THE OLD TESTAMENT TO BE IRRELEVANT.
He quotes the Old Testament profusely in all of his Epistles! And every time he does so, he affirms the exclusivity of Israel. In complete contradiction to his teaching, universalists claim that Paul is the champion of feel-good amalgamation, as if he would be marching, arm in arm, with the likes of Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson!!!!! I DON’T THINK SO!!!!!
Matt. 13 is a chapter detailing the differences between the Good Seed versus the evil seed. These verses hearken directly back to Gen. 3:15, where the enmity between the Adamic Israelites and the Cainite Jews is declared.
Matt. 23 is a thorough denunciation of Judaism, the religion of the Edomite Pharisees.
Question: If the Jews are the Israel of the Bible, why do they violate Yahweh’s Law of Separation by mixing their own seed and by encouraging and agitating other races to do likewise? Or are the Jews, as we two-seedliners assert, the offspring of the very fallen angels, who are the arch enemy of Adam and Eve’s seed in Gen. 3:15?
I know. They didn’t teach you this in Sunday School…or in the Synagogue!!!!
The English word remnant is derived from the Hebrew yether (Strong’s # 3499), shear (#7605, pronounced she-ar), sheeriyth (#7611), and the Greekkataleimma, (#2640).
Throughout Scripture, Yahweh speaks directly of and to His Remnant, who are exclusively of the seed of Israel. In the end times, it will be only His Remnant that will do His Will. (Rev. 22:14.)
We know that this cannot possibly be "Spiritual Israel," because those people refuse to keep His Commandments! They have all embraced Apostasy to one extent or another, being the victims of the anti-Christ’s deceptions.
We know that this cannot possibly be "Spiritual Israel," because those people refuse to keep His Commandments! They have all embraced Apostasy to one extent or another, being the victims of the anti-Christ’s deceptions.
All contextual references to the word remnant make it abundantly clear that the Israelites are always to be distinguished from the heathen, and the separation factor remains fully in effect today, just as the original word was intended to be used in Scripture, over two thousand years ago. The Remnant can only be selected from flesh and blood Israel. In fact, this separation between Israel and the other races will last forever, as this is the word that is used in Scripture. (Isa. 59:21.)
There is no logical way for the word ‘forever’ to exclude the New Testament. The folly of the "New Testament Christians" is hereby fully exposed. I would not want to be in their shoes on the Judgment Day. I can already feel their disappointment! These Israelites will then realize how badly they have let their Father down. I expect Him to be merciful, however, for they are not doing evil deliberately. Like Eve, they have been tricked/deceived into doing evil.
There is no logical way for the word ‘forever’ to exclude the New Testament. The folly of the "New Testament Christians" is hereby fully exposed. I would not want to be in their shoes on the Judgment Day. I can already feel their disappointment! These Israelites will then realize how badly they have let their Father down. I expect Him to be merciful, however, for they are not doing evil deliberately. Like Eve, they have been tricked/deceived into doing evil.
The word saint is translated from the Hebrew chacyid (#2623), qadosh (#6918) or qodesh (#6944), or the Greek hagios (#40). It always refers to the Adamic Israelites.
{The Greek word hagios ( #’s 39 and 40) is often translated as "holy," or when it refers to people, "saint" or "saints." The word is an adjective which properly describes something "devoted to the gods," as Liddell and Scott define it, so in the biblical context, Thayer adds to the definition in his lexicon: "set apart for God, to be, as it were, exclusively His."
In the ancient world, when an object was placed on a temple altar and dedicated to the god of the temple, the object became hagios, the property of the god of the temple.
Now, the same is true for any sacrifice that the Hebrews offered to Yahweh. Hence, once Isaac was placed on the altar by Abraham, and dedicated to Yahweh, he and everyone who sprung from him became dedicated to the purposes of Yahweh.
Originally, these offspring would have included the children of Esau, the Edomites. But since Esau despised his birthright (Gen. 25:34) and produced forbidden mongrelized children (Deut. 23:2) with Hittite wives, the Edomites cannot be counted as heirs. Since Yahweh rejects bastards (mongrels, Gen. 36:1 ff., Deut. 23:2, Mal. 1:1-3), all of the Old Testament promises of deliverance, salvation and redemption fall to the children of Israel alone (Isa. 19:25, 29:22-23, 41:8 and 14, 43:1-7, 44:1-2 and 21, 45:17 and 19, Jer. 31:31-37, Amos 3:2, etc.), and no one else may lay claim to them.
Now, the same is true for any sacrifice that the Hebrews offered to Yahweh. Hence, once Isaac was placed on the altar by Abraham, and dedicated to Yahweh, he and everyone who sprung from him became dedicated to the purposes of Yahweh.
Originally, these offspring would have included the children of Esau, the Edomites. But since Esau despised his birthright (Gen. 25:34) and produced forbidden mongrelized children (Deut. 23:2) with Hittite wives, the Edomites cannot be counted as heirs. Since Yahweh rejects bastards (mongrels, Gen. 36:1 ff., Deut. 23:2, Mal. 1:1-3), all of the Old Testament promises of deliverance, salvation and redemption fall to the children of Israel alone (Isa. 19:25, 29:22-23, 41:8 and 14, 43:1-7, 44:1-2 and 21, 45:17 and 19, Jer. 31:31-37, Amos 3:2, etc.), and no one else may lay claim to them.
Explaining the difference between the Edomites in Judea and the true Judahite Israelites in Judea at Romans, Chapter 9, Paul tells us that the Israelites are "vessels of mercy," but the Edomites – although "made from the same lump" – are "vessels of wrath prepared for destruction." Such are the Jews of today.
Of the children of Israel, the only ones who could properly be considered "saints" are those set apart, or separated and devoted to Yahweh their God (II Cor. 6:14-18; I Peter 2:9; Rev. 18:4; Ex. 19:5, Ezra 10:11, and Matt. 25:32). No church can make or designate a "saint." Rather, the children of Israel are given the opportunity through the Gospel to be as much, which Paul’s consistent use of the word clearly demonstrates. (See Rom. 1:7; 8:27; 12:13; 16:15; I Cor. 1:2 and 6:1-2 [cf. Dan. 7:22]; 14:33; II Cor. 1:1, Eph. 1:1,4,15 and 18; 3:17-18, 4:12 and 5:3.)}
Of the children of Israel, the only ones who could properly be considered "saints" are those set apart, or separated and devoted to Yahweh their God (II Cor. 6:14-18; I Peter 2:9; Rev. 18:4; Ex. 19:5, Ezra 10:11, and Matt. 25:32). No church can make or designate a "saint." Rather, the children of Israel are given the opportunity through the Gospel to be as much, which Paul’s consistent use of the word clearly demonstrates. (See Rom. 1:7; 8:27; 12:13; 16:15; I Cor. 1:2 and 6:1-2 [cf. Dan. 7:22]; 14:33; II Cor. 1:1, Eph. 1:1,4,15 and 18; 3:17-18, 4:12 and 5:3.)}
The Canaanite tribes are listed first in Gen. 15:18-21, where Abram is promised by Yahweh that their land would be given to HIS SEED (zerah/sperm), meaning lineal descendants. These Canaanites have always been True Israel’s foremost enemies.
The Hebrew word for Canaanite means "merchant, trafficker."
Think about it, isn’t that the occupation the Jews are best known for?
The Christian zombies have been hypnotized by the incantation, "Bless the Jews, Bless the Jews, Bless the Jews," which is the same as saying, "Your enemy is your friend. Your enemy is your friend. Your enemy is your friend."
The Hebrew word for Canaanite means "merchant, trafficker."
Think about it, isn’t that the occupation the Jews are best known for?
The Christian zombies have been hypnotized by the incantation, "Bless the Jews, Bless the Jews, Bless the Jews," which is the same as saying, "Your enemy is your friend. Your enemy is your friend. Your enemy is your friend."
These Canaanites are the living, breathing EVIL SEED of Gen. 3:15. They are the ancestors of the people known today as Jews. Zech. 14:21, tells us that Yahweh will make an end of this evil seed, for all of the treachery, deception, wars, disease, and suffering they have caused True Israel and the rest of the world.
Deuteronomy, Chapter 7 sets forth Yahweh’s commands to the Israelites to destroy the Canaanite nations, one at a time. Verses 3 & 4 deal specifically with race-mixing:
But this is exactly what a modern White woman does when she marries a Jew! And the churches are chief in this trespass by encouraging forbidden relations with non-Whites. Did someone say "There is nothing new under the sun"?
"For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of Yahweh be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly."
In other words, the temptation of having sex with non-White women will lure Israelite men away from Yahweh’s Law. Yahweh promises us what?SUDDEN DESTRUCTION, if we engage in this forbidden activity!!
Now, let’s take a closer look at reality. We can see that the modern churches are actually playing the role of the ancient heathen, Baal churches, which encouraged the Israelites to miscegenate!
Recall Ahab and Jezebel. The "ministers" of Judeo-Christianity, IF they deal with such Scriptures at all, will only stress the "serve other gods" part of the instruction. They will NEVER mention the "Neither shalt thou make marriages with them" part of the Scriptures.
The fact is that, in our historical episodes of miscegenation, we have not engaged in their heathen religious practices until after we have already started race-mixing with them.
Notice the order of the causality, from verse 3 to verse 4! We do not start practicing their pagan religions until after we have started living and mating with them!
Recall Ahab and Jezebel. The "ministers" of Judeo-Christianity, IF they deal with such Scriptures at all, will only stress the "serve other gods" part of the instruction. They will NEVER mention the "Neither shalt thou make marriages with them" part of the Scriptures.
The fact is that, in our historical episodes of miscegenation, we have not engaged in their heathen religious practices until after we have already started race-mixing with them.
Notice the order of the causality, from verse 3 to verse 4! We do not start practicing their pagan religions until after we have started living and mating with them!
Zechariah, Chapter 14 is a prophecy concerning Jerusalem and the Day of Judgment. Most Bible interpreters think this is talking about the literal city of Jerusalem, but it is clear from many Scriptures that prophetic "Jerusalem" is a reference to the Israelite people, wherever they are. Now that you know who the modern-day Canaanites really are, read this very important prophecy, concerning the day of Judgment (comparing it with Deut. 7:1):
Interestingly, if we take the word Jerusalem to mean the literal city, then Deut. 7:2 speaks prophetically of the destruction of Canaanites who TODAY live in that city. Who lives there today? The Canaanites! (Jews pretending to be Israel.)
I believe that Yahweh is waiting for the Jews to re-establish the rituals of animal sacrifice in Jerusalem. This will be the LAST STRAW!!!
This will be proof positive that their rejection of Messiah’s Last Sacrifice is absolute. For this the Pharisees and their followers will have to pay the ultimate price!
I believe that Yahweh is waiting for the Jews to re-establish the rituals of animal sacrifice in Jerusalem. This will be the LAST STRAW!!!
This will be proof positive that their rejection of Messiah’s Last Sacrifice is absolute. For this the Pharisees and their followers will have to pay the ultimate price!
"Know therefore that the LORD thy God, He is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations; and repayeth them that hate Him to their face, TO DESTROY THEM: He will not be slack to him that hateth Him, He will repay him to his face." (Deut. 7:9-10.)
Knowing that Talmudic Judaism is LAW-BREAKING, par excellence, whom do you think is going to be repaid for their insolent disobedience, having replaced THEIR OWN TRADITION for the Law of Moses, deceitfully practicing their own tradition IN THE NAME OF MOSES? The deluded Judeo-Christians make common cause with the anti-Christ Canaanites, not knowing or suspecting that they are counterfeit "Israelites"!
As yet, I have not heard of any universalists speaking of "spiritual Canaanites"! According to their theology, they must automatically become "Spiritual Israelites," along with everybody else!!!
What stupidity!!
They actually believe that they can convert the devil.
If Jesus couldn’t do it, how can they?
They have turned the Bible inside out with their blasphemous interpretations.} What will actually happen is this: The impostors, who have weaseled their way into our company, will be booted out of our exclusive racial family; and they will cease to exist as a species.
(Yes. That is what I said! I am just repeating to you what Yahweh Himself has said through His prophets, in this case, Moses.)
This will be their punishment for their rebellion against Yahweh and for all of the heinous crimes they have committed against True Israel.
Remember that Yahweh commanded the Israelites to exterminate the evil Canaanites (Deut. 7:1-2). Zech. 14:21 is saying that, since we have failed to do the job, He will do it Himself, at the Judgment Day.
Paul confirms this judgment at Romans 9:13 and 21. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; and that includes life itself. Canaanites, take heed!
What stupidity!!
They actually believe that they can convert the devil.
If Jesus couldn’t do it, how can they?
They have turned the Bible inside out with their blasphemous interpretations.} What will actually happen is this: The impostors, who have weaseled their way into our company, will be booted out of our exclusive racial family; and they will cease to exist as a species.
(Yes. That is what I said! I am just repeating to you what Yahweh Himself has said through His prophets, in this case, Moses.)
This will be their punishment for their rebellion against Yahweh and for all of the heinous crimes they have committed against True Israel.
Remember that Yahweh commanded the Israelites to exterminate the evil Canaanites (Deut. 7:1-2). Zech. 14:21 is saying that, since we have failed to do the job, He will do it Himself, at the Judgment Day.
Paul confirms this judgment at Romans 9:13 and 21. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; and that includes life itself. Canaanites, take heed!
However, Matt. 15:22-28, implies that individual Canaanites may obtain mercy, if they would humble themselves and recognize and accept Jesus as the Messiah, upon whose shoulders the government of the Universe rests. By this, I do not mean to imply that any Edomite, who is sincerely repentant, can be part of the government of the Kingdom. I mean only that his soul be not be destroyed. By Yahweh’s mercy, his life might be preserved, according to the offer that Yahweh made to Cain at Gen. 4:7.
From the two-seedline perspective, this could only mean that He would miraculously cleanse their blood of Canaanite DNA, for that genome will be destroyed. Contrary to the blasphemous statements of John Hagee, who has stated that the Jews have their own path to salvation, this is only way that an Edomite Jew can be "saved."
From the two-seedline perspective, this could only mean that He would miraculously cleanse their blood of Canaanite DNA, for that genome will be destroyed. Contrary to the blasphemous statements of John Hagee, who has stated that the Jews have their own path to salvation, this is only way that an Edomite Jew can be "saved."
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father, but BY ME!" (John 14:6.) Apparently, John Hagee doesn’t understand his own King James Version of the NEW TESTAMENT!!!!
This agent of the devil gets up in front of millions on the boob tube and blatantly contradicts the Scriptures!!! Tell me he doesn’t kiss baphomet’s arse every morning!
This agent of the devil gets up in front of millions on the boob tube and blatantly contradicts the Scriptures!!! Tell me he doesn’t kiss baphomet’s arse every morning!
When the Canaanite woman asked Messiah to heal her daughter, He told her,
"It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and cast it to the dogs.
"Her response was, "Yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table." Note that Jesus is jealous of the "food" that was reserved for His Kinsmen, the Adamite Israelites.
Note also the placement of the apostrophe at the END of the word masters’, indicating that she is recognizing
all Israel, not just Jesus, as her masters (plural).
Since most Jews, the self-proclaimed "God’s chosen people," are too proud to accept Adam’s children as their coequals, let alone their masters, very few Jews will be able to comply with this condition, for their very DNA is derived from the fallen angels of the luciferian rebellion, who mixed with the daughters of Adamkind.
Never forget, they do the works of their father, the devil (John 8:44).
Rebellion is in their blood. The vast majority of these rebellious souls will choose oblivion instead of obeying the Law, for they have, since they joined Lucifer in his rebellion, always defied Yahweh and wish to be a law unto themselves.
"It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and cast it to the dogs.
"Her response was, "Yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table." Note that Jesus is jealous of the "food" that was reserved for His Kinsmen, the Adamite Israelites.
Note also the placement of the apostrophe at the END of the word masters’, indicating that she is recognizing
all Israel, not just Jesus, as her masters (plural).
Since most Jews, the self-proclaimed "God’s chosen people," are too proud to accept Adam’s children as their coequals, let alone their masters, very few Jews will be able to comply with this condition, for their very DNA is derived from the fallen angels of the luciferian rebellion, who mixed with the daughters of Adamkind.
Never forget, they do the works of their father, the devil (John 8:44).
Rebellion is in their blood. The vast majority of these rebellious souls will choose oblivion instead of obeying the Law, for they have, since they joined Lucifer in his rebellion, always defied Yahweh and wish to be a law unto themselves.
The Edomites were originally one of the Canaanite tribes. Through the passage of time, and because of the prominence of the Edomites, the entire Canaanite nation came to be called Edom. So, it is not incorrect to say that the Edomites are the Canaanite tribes renamed, although there were related tribes, such as the Samaritans, who maintained a separate state north of Judea.
The Edomites are named after Esau/Edom, who married into their breed.
It was a smooth transition. Most of the people known as Canaanites simply became known as Edomites. Other than this change in name, there is no major difference between Canaanites and Edomites. Esau became the leader of these Canaanites, and his lieutenants became known as the Dukes of Edom. (Gen. 36:15-43.)
Esau violated God’s Law by marrying outside of his Race. He married two Hittite women; and the Hittites were one of the original Canaanite tribes. (Gen. 15:19-21; 26:34-35.)
For this abomination, and because of his rejection of the birthright, Esau was disowned by both Yahweh his own parents. "Esau DESPISED his birthright." (Gen. 25:34.) In short, He was a race-traitor, a defiler of his Adamic genealogy.
The Edomites are named after Esau/Edom, who married into their breed.
It was a smooth transition. Most of the people known as Canaanites simply became known as Edomites. Other than this change in name, there is no major difference between Canaanites and Edomites. Esau became the leader of these Canaanites, and his lieutenants became known as the Dukes of Edom. (Gen. 36:15-43.)
Esau violated God’s Law by marrying outside of his Race. He married two Hittite women; and the Hittites were one of the original Canaanite tribes. (Gen. 15:19-21; 26:34-35.)
For this abomination, and because of his rejection of the birthright, Esau was disowned by both Yahweh his own parents. "Esau DESPISED his birthright." (Gen. 25:34.) In short, He was a race-traitor, a defiler of his Adamic genealogy.
John Hagee is a modern-day Esau. He and his fellow pulpit masters will twist and distort the Scriptural story of Esau by telling you that all of this was Jacob’s fault.
By pinning the blame on Jacob, they avoid discussion of Esau’s REAL SIN!!! It was not Jacob’s fault that Esau broke the law of separation and refused to repent. Esau brought his disownment upon himself by violating God’s law against race-mixing and disobeying his own parents (Commandments 5 and 7). In Gen. 27:46, 28:1, Isaac and Rebekah warn Jacob not to commit Esau’s error. Jacob obeyed Yahweh’s racial marriage laws and was blessed because of his obedience. This is the real moral of the story.
In their lying sermons, these pulpit bastards will never quote the relevant passages that point to race-mixing as being Esau’s crime. Instead, week after week, they present nothing but watered-down hogwash, all of it favoring the Jews, feeding the flock with sweet-tasting poison. It is quite obvious that these pulpitmongers take their orders directly from satan’s corporate headquarters.
By pinning the blame on Jacob, they avoid discussion of Esau’s REAL SIN!!! It was not Jacob’s fault that Esau broke the law of separation and refused to repent. Esau brought his disownment upon himself by violating God’s law against race-mixing and disobeying his own parents (Commandments 5 and 7). In Gen. 27:46, 28:1, Isaac and Rebekah warn Jacob not to commit Esau’s error. Jacob obeyed Yahweh’s racial marriage laws and was blessed because of his obedience. This is the real moral of the story.
In their lying sermons, these pulpit bastards will never quote the relevant passages that point to race-mixing as being Esau’s crime. Instead, week after week, they present nothing but watered-down hogwash, all of it favoring the Jews, feeding the flock with sweet-tasting poison. It is quite obvious that these pulpitmongers take their orders directly from satan’s corporate headquarters.
Understanding this aspect of the Biblical narrative, you can now see today’s theological, political, economic, and military struggles in their true light: It is a matter of Esau’s descendants trying overthrow True Israel (Jacob’s descendants) in order to prevent us from claiming the Inheritance. Esau’s descendants are trying to TAKE BACK the birthright BY DECEPTION AND FORCE.
Edom and the Seed of the Annunaki
One of the ancient Canaanite tribes was the Anakim. Both secular and religious ancient history speak of the Anunnaki (a combination of Anu and naki), the fallen angels, also known as the Nephilim.
You can see that the root word, Naki is the basis of the Hebrew word Nachash, the name of the Serpent in the Garden. Naki appears also to have been retained as the root word for naked, in several current languages, undoubtedly because Eve was naked in the Garden when she was seduced by Nachash.
You can see that the root word, Naki is the basis of the Hebrew word Nachash, the name of the Serpent in the Garden. Naki appears also to have been retained as the root word for naked, in several current languages, undoubtedly because Eve was naked in the Garden when she was seduced by Nachash.
The Bible tells us that Esau settled among the Canaanites near Mt. Seir. (Deut. 2:4.) Mt. Seir was also called Mt. Hor (Gen. 14:6; Num. 20:14-22), and in Roman times unto today has been known as Petra. Among these Canaanites were the Anakim, the descendants of Anak, who were the literal giants of Canaanland.
Deut. 2:12 and 22 tell us that the children of Esau succeeded these various Canaanites, after a period of internecine warfare. Dishon, Son of Seir, was the founder of the Idumean tribes. He was the uncle of one of Esau’s Canaanite wives, Aholibamah (Gen. 36:18).
Dishon was a son of Seir, the Horite, (Gen. 36:20) and Aholibamah was a daughter of Anah, Dishon’s brother (Gen. 36:21). So, filially, Dishon was Aholibamah’s uncle. We know that the giants survived as late as the time of King David, for Goliath was a Son of Gath (I Sam. 17:4); and Gath was the land of the giants. (II Sam. 21:22)
From these scattered references, we have Scriptural evidence of a direct, hereditary link between the Anu-naki (half-breed offspring of the fallen angels), the Canaanites, Esau/Edom, the Dukes of Edom, and the Idumeans. So, the Edomites and the Idumeans are the same people. This should erase any doubts or confusion about their genealogy. As Edomites, the Idumeans are definitely NOT Israelites. The Idumeans are, in fact, the continuation of the Satanic Seedline.
Deut. 2:12 and 22 tell us that the children of Esau succeeded these various Canaanites, after a period of internecine warfare. Dishon, Son of Seir, was the founder of the Idumean tribes. He was the uncle of one of Esau’s Canaanite wives, Aholibamah (Gen. 36:18).
Dishon was a son of Seir, the Horite, (Gen. 36:20) and Aholibamah was a daughter of Anah, Dishon’s brother (Gen. 36:21). So, filially, Dishon was Aholibamah’s uncle. We know that the giants survived as late as the time of King David, for Goliath was a Son of Gath (I Sam. 17:4); and Gath was the land of the giants. (II Sam. 21:22)
From these scattered references, we have Scriptural evidence of a direct, hereditary link between the Anu-naki (half-breed offspring of the fallen angels), the Canaanites, Esau/Edom, the Dukes of Edom, and the Idumeans. So, the Edomites and the Idumeans are the same people. This should erase any doubts or confusion about their genealogy. As Edomites, the Idumeans are definitely NOT Israelites. The Idumeans are, in fact, the continuation of the Satanic Seedline.
Thus, we see that the Edomites mingled their seed with that of BOTH the descendants of the fallen angels, of Noah’s day, and the descendants of Cain,of Adam’s day. As the saying goes, "birds of a feather flock together," and it was only a matter time before these two groups of fallen angel seed found each other and formed the confederation of Canaanites, many of which later became known as the Edomites. There are more of their family ties recorded in I Chron. 1:13-16, 35-42 and Gen. 36:18-30. Given this information, it should now be clear to you as to why Yahweh commanded the Israelites to destroy this particular seedline.
This is the Anunaki/Kenite/Canaanite/Edomite/Shelahite/Idumean/Jewish family tree. They were/are the devil’s seed.
This is exactly why Jesus, speaking to their Idumean descendants, told the Pharisees, "Ye are of your father, the devil." (John 8:44.)
Both organized Judaism and organized Judeo-Christianity are doing everything in their power, making up fable after fable after fable, to prevent you from having this understanding of the Scriptures.
This is the Anunaki/Kenite/Canaanite/Edomite/Shelahite/Idumean/Jewish family tree. They were/are the devil’s seed.
This is exactly why Jesus, speaking to their Idumean descendants, told the Pharisees, "Ye are of your father, the devil." (John 8:44.)
Both organized Judaism and organized Judeo-Christianity are doing everything in their power, making up fable after fable after fable, to prevent you from having this understanding of the Scriptures.
Without reference to these genealogies, you cannot possibly tell the good guys from the bad guys. And, if you haven’t figured it out yet, one of the favorite tactics of the bad guys is to impersonate the good guys. This is how they weasel their way into your confidence.
Let me spell it out for you. The Cain/Satanic Seedline: Nachash (Anunaki) – Cain – Kenites (sons of Cain) – Canaanites (including the Anakim/Anunaki and Nephilim) – Edomites – Idumeans – Shelahites -- Pharisees – Jews.
Given this direct, genetic connection to the fallen angels, it should come as no surprise to you that, after their dispersion from Judea by the Roman army’s destruction of Jerusalem, this seedline has been known as "the Perfidious Jew."
How quickly we forget that the Jews have always had this reputation.
But the Jews never forget. That’s why they always take control of the major organs of information, so that new generations of sheeple will believe the same old lies and be fleeced in the same old manner. The impostor can never let his act slip, otherwise he exposes himself. He will never tell us that he is an impostor. We have to put our thinking caps on, and figure it out.
Given this direct, genetic connection to the fallen angels, it should come as no surprise to you that, after their dispersion from Judea by the Roman army’s destruction of Jerusalem, this seedline has been known as "the Perfidious Jew."
How quickly we forget that the Jews have always had this reputation.
But the Jews never forget. That’s why they always take control of the major organs of information, so that new generations of sheeple will believe the same old lies and be fleeced in the same old manner. The impostor can never let his act slip, otherwise he exposes himself. He will never tell us that he is an impostor. We have to put our thinking caps on, and figure it out.
These people are also known today as the Sephardic Jews, who originated in this same area, old Canaanland. This name derives from Mt. Sephar, in Canaanland. The geographical relationship between Mt. Seir and Mt. Sephar is that the former is located north and east of the Red Sea, in greater Canaanland, while Mt. Sephar is located at the southern end of the Red Sea, on the eastern side, across from Egypt, in what is today known as Saudi Arabia.
Mt. Sephar was thus the southern extremity of the habitation of the Canaanite people. The modern Sephardic Jews try to hide their true origin by claiming that they originated in Spain. A little historical research will authenticate their origin and who they really are.
All Sephardic Jews are Edomites.
Mt. Sephar was thus the southern extremity of the habitation of the Canaanite people. The modern Sephardic Jews try to hide their true origin by claiming that they originated in Spain. A little historical research will authenticate their origin and who they really are.
All Sephardic Jews are Edomites.
Know your enemy!
The Jews have always been the enemies of Jesus Christ, who said, "Those who are not for me are against me." (Matt. 12:30.)
Dispersed Israel in the New Testament
Hebrews 8:8-13 is a direct cross-reference to Jer. 31:31-33, the New Covenant WITH ISRAEL, verifying that it was and still is a Covenant made solely with the Israelites. No other people are either named or mentioned.
The entire Book of Hebrews verifies that the Sacrifice at the Cross was made exclusively to redeem Yahwah’s people, Israel, and that the sacrificial priesthood was abolished in favor of the Melchizedek priesthood, which is the hereditary "Kingdom of priests" that Yahweh wants us to become. Each male head of household will be the king-priest of his household. It will be government by Divine Law/Decree. Friends, the Universe IS NOT a Democracy. It is an organic hierarchy, with specialized roles for specialized organs. Just as the Patriarch is the head of the family, so will the Kingdom be represented and led by these Patriarchs. It will be run like one, huge, law-abiding Family!
Here is how Jesus describes this Kingdom:
Hey, I resemble that – teaching from BOTH the NEW and the OLD Testaments!!!! The Jews claim to have the Old Testament, and the Judeo-Christians claim to have the New Testament. But the true citizens of the Kingdom will come to know and appreciate BOTH, as Yahweh intended.
And a double witness:
(By the way, this parable absolutely demolishes the ideal of socialism, in which everyone is supposed to be treated according to human standards of "equality"! In this parable, there is no such thing as "equal pay for equal work." Political attempts to establish equality have always failed miserably, because the slothful put in just as much time as the assiduous, yet they expect the same wages for less effort! Only Yahweh knows what each one of us is worth. He rewards us accordingly. Have you ever objected to being OVERPAID? Don’t complain if you think someone else is being overpaid. Do your job well and you will be rewarded. Paul amplifies on this point in Rom. 9:18.)
Since the Kingdom replaces the Levitical, sacrificial priesthood with the reformed Melchizedek priesthood of householder/scribes (family men with a commanding knowledge of the Scriptures, having it written in their hearts), the context is still the Servant People, Israel.
Therefore, this redemption of Israel has nothing to do with the "salvation" of any other people. That is an exaggerated claim, and the distorters have once again invented a universalistic extrapolation of the language used in Scripture, which is not justified by the Greek New Testament/Covenant. This universal interpretation and its subsequent application to Biblical passages, intended only for Israel, will not hold up under intensive scholarship. Since only the Adamic Race fell, only the Adamic Race needed to be redeemed. It’s just that simple. The convoluted reasoning of the universalists is just so much gibberish.
Therefore, this redemption of Israel has nothing to do with the "salvation" of any other people. That is an exaggerated claim, and the distorters have once again invented a universalistic extrapolation of the language used in Scripture, which is not justified by the Greek New Testament/Covenant. This universal interpretation and its subsequent application to Biblical passages, intended only for Israel, will not hold up under intensive scholarship. Since only the Adamic Race fell, only the Adamic Race needed to be redeemed. It’s just that simple. The convoluted reasoning of the universalists is just so much gibberish.
For those of you who are concerned about the fate of the other races, and their destiny, don’t fret. These are the pre-Adamic races that existed in Genesis 1 before Adam and Eve were formed in Genesis 2. They will continue to benefit as True Israel fulfills its destiny. This will be their blessing. They will become individual shareholders of their own corporate destiny, as YHWH sees fit to reward them. In the meantime, we need to get our own House in order. Considering that, in the last two thousand years, the White Race has gone from oxcarts to spaceships, we can only imagine what we will accomplish under the liberating administration of the Kingdom! The other races will be watching our progress, saying, "Gimme some of that!!" There will be plenty of table scraps!!!! "Yummy!!! Delicious! Much better than what we have over at our house!!!" Their portion will be much greater thanks toour administration of the Kingdom. Therefore, it behooves us to not throw our heritage (DNA) away!!! The other races will eventually acknowledge this fact also!
The best among them will become their leaders. We hold no ill will towards them. They have their corporate destiny. We have ours.
There are some hard-core Identists who will say that I am giving the other races too much credit. They believe that Yahweh will make an end of all other races; but this is not what the Bible teaches. (See Ezek. 38:16, 39:7, 21.) Even Dr. Wesley Swift, considered by some anti-Identists to be the most racist person who ever lived, teaches this:
If you have never heard a sermon preached by Dr. Wesley Swift, you have never heard dynamic preaching!!!!!
The world has been seduced by the false concept of "Unity in Diversity." Those of us who teach the Organic Unity of the Universal Body are being called "racists" because we KNOW that there is no such thing as the "equality of the races," just as there is no such thing as the "equality of the sexes," or "equality of lifestyles," etc. These are all seductive lies that appeal to your emotions. It’s funny that only White people are susceptible to this GUILT TRIP!!!! The spleen cannot perform the function of the heart; and the colon should not be jealous of the lungs, and muscle cells should not try to perform the function of brain cells; but this is what the "Unity in Diversity" crowd offers as a solution to the world’s problems. They teach socialistic mumbo-jumbo. We teach scientific, Biblical and historical facts. They teach wishful thinking. We teach discernment.
Over and over, the Bible teaches that the Caucasian people have a particular role, established by Yahweh, Himself, that will not be changed by any act or circumstance:
Does this sound like literal Israel will be changed into a "spiritual Israel" of many races? Or does this sound like a RESTORATION? Only the fertile imaginations of the false priests of Judeo-Christianity can twist and pervert such passages into today’s universalistic, theological trash; or should I call "Spiritual TRASH"? On the other side of the trash heap, the rabbis of Judaism teach that the House of Joseph has vanished forever, thus, directly contradicting Zech. 10:6. Whom will you believe, God or the false priests?
He has been patiently waiting for you to call on Him. He is your Father. You are His child. You are Christian Israel. Don’t let the false priests estrange you from your Father and your True Family any longer.
Throughout the Book of Acts, when the word Israel is used, it refers exclusively to the literal, flesh and blood Israelites. Acts 1:6 is a perfect example. The Apostles ask Jesus when the Kingdom will be restored to Israel, that is, to their kinsmen, Israel. This cannot possibly be in reference to the Jews, for the Jews were the very persecutors of Israel and Judah at this very time. The New Testament is very clear in telling us that it was the Jews who were persecuting the Apostles in particular and the early Christian Israelites in general. Do you think that these Israelites were actually desirous of giving the Kingdom to their arch-enemies, the Jews? NO! They wanted the Kingdom to be restored to THEMSELVES, Israel and Judah, and their Adamite Kinsmen. But, because we have been brainwashed into automatically equating Jews and Israelites, we cannot read the Bible without confusing the bad guys with the good guys. Without the proper racial and theological distinctions between Jews and Israelites, modern Christianity is following the wolves in sheep’s clothing. The Israelites of Judea knew very well that the Jews were another species altogether. Because of the erroneous and fictitious definitions attributed to the words that appear in Scripture today, everyone is confused about who or what a Jew is. I hope you are beginning to understand who the Jews really are. They are most definitely NOT Israel!
Except for Judas, 11 of the original 12 Apostles, and St. Paul, derived from the tribe of Benjamin; they all belonged, racially, to the same genealogy as the Patriarch, Benjamin, one of the two Tribes of the HOUSE OF JUDAH.
Just before he died, Jacob/Israel made this prophetic statement about the descendants of Benjamin:
A wolf in the service of Yahweh will tear the enemy (the Pharisees) to shreds. The "morning" is the dawn of the Christian era, brought in by the Tribe of Benjamin, which has the wolf as its heraldic symbol. The "night" is the Judgment Day, after which Benjamin will help salvage ("divide the spoil"} what is left of Western Civilization.
At all times, and in every instance, the New Testament distinguishes between the True Israelites, in the flesh, versus the Jews, who are never referred to as Israel, but who are referred to as Judeans. Nowhere does the Bible say, Jew = Israelite. This is always an incorrect inference, which is only made possible because of Jewish interpolations of these words in Scripture. By routinely translating BOTH the words, Judean, and Judah, as Jew, a false equation between those two words has been accomplished. Obviously, the intentionally biased commentaries, such as those found in the Scofield Reference Bible, and other self-serving literature, contain a multitude of misleading statements and words. Few Christians are aware of the fact that Scofield was financed by the Rothschild banking family. {See for details.} Scofield and other Judaizers make habit of falsely equating Jews with Israelites, but the original language of the Bible NEVER MAKES SUCH AN EQUATION OR ASSERTION. This erroneous equation/conclusion can only come after following many false leads, deliberately planted by the Deceiver.
The reason you don’t know this is because you have been consistently lied to by expert, professional, media-savvy Jewish theologians and their sycophantic stooges, the Judeo-Christian clergy. It is these two groups that own and control virtually the entire gamut of Jewish and Christian religious publications, including production and distribution. This monopoly is an unholy alliance of dogma and money. But this is only the religious arm of their propaganda machine. The Jew, apart from the Judeo-Christians, also exercises totalitarian control of our secular media, publishing, recording, entertainment and advertising industries; and this output keeps our minds tightly focused inside the box of commercialism, sexual promiscuity and anti-Christian values, which is to say, inside their matrix of deception. {For a detailed study of the historical origin of this matrix of deception, please see this study: http://www. anglo-saxonisrael .com/newsletter/ 2006_12_1.php }
The following verses, Acts 2:22, 36; 3:12, 4:8, 10, 27; 5:21, 31, 35; and many more ARE ALL REFERENCES TO ISRAELITES IN THE FLESH and refer to no other people.
Acts, Chapter 2 lists all of the flesh and blood Israelites who came to Jerusalem FROM THE DISPERSION, listing their countries of residence, and these people were all Israelites in the flesh, NOT the fictional, "spiritual Israel," which is constantly paraded before the pulpits of Baal. The Judeo-Christian fantasy, that beckons to men of all races, colors, and creeds, encompassing them all under the umbrella of "universal salvation," is a patent fraud. This is not God’s Plan. God’s Plan is to use Israel, as a segregated nation, to be an example of His Lawful Government on earth. From our example, the other races will learn righteousness. This is our commission. If they think it is haughty of us to make this claim, I would ask this question: "What’s the difference between OUR CLAIM versus the Jewish claim?" We Caucasians can prove our lineal descent from Israel. The Jews cannot. And Caucasian Israel has been an obvious blessing to the world, thus fulfilling the promises made to Abraham (Gen. 18:17-19; 22:17-18), Isaac (Gen. 26:1-4), and Jacob (Gen. 28:1-4), that their descendants would be an unconditional blessing to the world. So, why are you willing to accept, uncritically, the claim of an impostor, with all that it entails, including the curses, deceit, and evils that they have foisted upon every nation, over the claims of the rightful heirs, Christian Israel, the White Christian people who have blessed the world with technological wonders (transportation, construction, computers, etc.), an ample supply of food through agriculture, the Bible, and countless other blessings, too numerous to list here? If you have eyes that see, you can see which direction the world is heading under Jewish hegemony. The prospects of Zionism and Talmudism are very bleak, indeed.
When Paul addressed the Greeks on Mars Hill, he was talking to the literal descendants of Zarah-Judah, whose ancestors were the founders of the city Athens. The city of Athens may even have been named for the Egyptian god, Aten. This migration of Hebrews would have occurred around 1500 BC, during the Egyptian captivity of Israel. These were migrant Israelites who had escaped the Egyptian captivity and sailed across the Mediterranean Sea, circa 1500 BC. Thus, the nation of Greece was founded by a sub-tribe of Judah, as were Sparta and Rome. It was to these RACIAL JUDAHITES that he spoke these words:
<!-- No Eli, Paul in Acts 17 was talking to Ionian Greeks, who were the founders of Athens, as is evident in all ancient history. Also, Athens was named for Athena, from the Syro-Phoenician goddess-idol Anath! wmfinck 06/05/09 -->
Only the Adamic Race is the direct offspring (sperma) of God, as recorded in Luke 3:38.
It is also true of Greece and the Balkan area that many Japhethites had settled there. These Japhethites (mainly the Ionian Greeks) would have been the kinsmen of Zarah-Judah, since Japheth and Shem were brothers.
The Epistle of James (1:1) is specifically addressed to the "TWELVE TRIBES SCATTERED ABROAD." But the Jews teach that those millions of Israelites "just disappeared" from the face of the earth, never to be heard from again. Who is the liar? The Bible or the Jew?
The First Epistle of Peter is addressed to these same "strangers" [kinsmen according to the flesh who live in another country], in several of the same nations mentioned in Acts, to whom he refers as the "elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father." Now, I ask you: Can the ELECT be everybody? Narrow is the gate, but broad is the path of Judeo-Christianity. (Matt. 7:13-14; Luke 13:24.)
"But ye are a CHOSEN GENERATION [RACE], A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, AN HOLY NATION, A PECULIAR PEOPLE; that ye should shew forth the praises of him that hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." (I Peter 2:6)
It doesn’t sound like Peter is saying that EVERYBODY is going to show forth this light! Still believe the New Testament is addressed to the whole world? On the contrary, it is an instruction manual written to, by, for and about True Israel and Our particular role in restoring this world to His Order. And the Jews, as the children of the rebellious one, have always been the major obstacle in the re-establishment of His Order.
The Book of Revelation confirms that the New Jerusalem will consist of the ELECT of the 144,000, of the TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL.
Jesus Christ confirms that "I am not sent but unto the LOST [Greek appolumi, meaning exiled, dispersed] SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL." (Matt. 15:24)
When Jesus sent the Apostles out to teach, He told them, "Go not in the way of the nations, and into any city of the Samaritans [most of whom were the mongrelized descendants of Shelah, the very same people that Ezra and Nehemiah refused to allow to help rebuild the Temple], enter ye not: But go ye rather to the LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL." Matt. 10:5-6)
That is to say, SEEK OUT THE ISRAELITES OF THOSE NATIONS, AND PREACH TO THEM. Don’t worry about those of other races. They will be blessed when you, dear Christian Israelite, have performed your commission. The reason why Jesus instructed the Apostles to avoid Samaria was because the leadership of the Samaritans of that time were the mongrelized descendants of Shelah, the son of Judah and a Canaanite woman. These people had taken over part of the territory that the Ten Northern Tribes had vacated as a result of the Assyrian Captivity. (2 Kings 17:24.) These people had concentrated themselves around the old city of Samaria, the former capital city of the Ten Northern Tribes. In fact, these people still exist today! They are the Karaites of Samaria, who, very interestingly, practice of form of the Mosaic Law which was never infected by the Talmud! Isolated from Judaism, they have maintained their Mosaic traditions for over two thousand years! Since their religion is based on the Old Testament, it is much closer to Mosaism than Judaism ever was! The problem is that they are not Hebrews, so they cannot be part of our congregation, nor do they desire to be. This is more proof that Judaism was an innovation, not the ORIGINAL Mosaic Law.
Matthew 10:23, incidentally, refutes Preterism, an old Catholic doctrine, which teaches that all the prophecies of Scripture were fulfilled by 70 AD, with the destruction of the Temple. On the contrary, the Word had not even reached the Children of the Dispersion yet, as they were scattered throughout Europe and Asia Minor, from old Babylon to Ireland. The carrying out of the Great Commission had only just begun!!! In the year 70, the vast majority of Israelites had not yet heard the Gospel. This just goes to show how the lack of a historical perspective can lead people into false doctrine.
Scholars have marveled at how pagan, racially White Europe so quickly converted to Christianity, "quickly" meaning a period of several hundred years! Despite the fact that most of the Dispersed of Israel were practicing pagans at that time, they still had, hidden deep within their genetic make-up, the intrinsic expectation of the coming of the Messiah. That fact, combined with their cultural heritage, created an irresistible urge to respond to His call. Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice." (John 10:27.) When they heard this "Good News," that the Messiah had come, they converted en masse, in the spirit of gladness and reconciliation. This genetic and cultural fusion was the fulfillment of many other prophecies, including Jer. 14:8 ("the hope of Israel"), Jer. 31:31-33 and Heb. 8: 8-13. Israel was brought closer to the Father through the sacrifice of His Son. This is just further proof that the Jews are not Israel, because the Jews, both then and now, remain totally alienated from Yahshua and utterly unresponsive to His call. To be a Jew is to DENY THE SON!!!
"Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father." (1 John 2:23.)
The merciless Roman, Jewish and Catholic persecutions, that raged from the crucifixion onwards, extended well into the Reformation Period, but the forces of antichrist were powerless to stop this miraculous conversion. The fact is that this conversion of Israel is still a work in progress, even today! From my perspective, I see that the Restoration of True Israel is now under way. The awakening of True Israel is in progress, at this very moment.
Matt. 10:23 states this long-range prophecy: "For verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, TILL THE SON OF MAN BE COME."
The New Testament confirms that, while Jesus was ministering to Judah and Benjamin, the House of Israel was living in the cities, towns, villages and farms of the nations in the Dispersion. Has your rabbi or your clergyman ever revealed this fact to you? Also, many of the "Greeks" and "Romans," who were in Palestine in those days, were actually descendants of Dispersed Israel. This includes Pontius Pilate, whose native home was Spain. Since Spain was settled heavily by the tribe of Gad, he was probably a Gadite. The modern city of Cadiz was originally named Gadesh, which, in the Hebrew, means "men of Gad."
There is only one possible meaning to Verse 23, since the Israelites were prophesied to become uncountable millions of people, unlike the Jews, who, even today, are STILL a minority wherever they live (Obad. 1-2) and are, in fact, still the main persecutors of True Israel. Yes, still! The exact meaning of verse 23 is this: The conversion process will not cease until the Second Coming; and that Day is on the horizon. The "cities of Israel" are the CITIES OF THE WHITE RACE!! Since most of our people are still under the thrall of Judeo-Christianity, they have yet to hear the Gospel of Christian Identity!!!
Furthermore, it is a fact that the Jews HAVE NEVER BUILT A CITY. All of the European cities, to which the Apostles went, were built by White Israelites. Even in the so-called Israeli State, the Jews have never built a city, for those cities, such as Tel Aviv, and others were already built. The Zionists just came in and stole it from the native inhabitants, who were the real builders. As a nation of moneylenders, thieves and harlots, they have always STOLEN the property of others through their usury and unsavory business rackets.Throughout history, the Jews have never built anything, except for gambling parlors, moneychanging houses, whorehouses and pawn shops. These truly unique Jewish institutions, all of which were first instituted in ancient Babylon, have always been constructed on the basis of exploitation, civic strife and degenerating morals. If a Jew does anything of worth or value, it is only for his own benefit or that of his tribe, never for the benefit of non-Jews. Jewish religion and culture are designed and calculated to leave the host culture bereft of value. After they have left a host nation in ruins, they move on to fresh prey. It starts all over again with the plaintive ruse, "Please help us! We are being persecuted!"
By the time of Christ, nearly 800 years after the Dispersion of the House of Israel, the Dispersed Israelites numbered in the millions. These were the true genetic Israelites that converted to Christianity. Without this knowledge of our past history as Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian Israel, and not knowing that the entire House of Israel was extant and well known to all of the Apostles, as well as to the Jews of that day (John 7:35), Twenty-First Century Christians are easily duped into the fantasy of universalism, because they falsely believe that the "Gentiles" are non-Israelites.
Josephus, the JUDAHITE (not Jewish, another deception!) historian of our people, tells us this:
So, even Josephus knew that the House of Israel still existed in the Dispersion. And, of course, we are STILL in a state of Spiritual Dispersion as long as we don’t realize who we are! [I don’t want to hear any snickers about my use of the word "Spiritual" here! -- Eli]
The crazy Dispensationalists would have us believe that Paul and the other Apostles brought the Good News of the Messiah’s redemptive Sacrifice for Israel to people of ALL PEOPLE and ALL NATIONS, despite their racial and cultural distance from True Israel. By this point, in this book, and at this moment in your life as a Christian Israelite, you should be able to appreciate what utter lunacy this is. Non-Israelites had utterly NO TRADITION ofOUR MESSIAH, OUR KINSMAN REDEEMER. If Paul had talked of such things as the Egyptian and Babylonian captivities, the Exodus, the Giving of the Law, and the Dispersion, which were historical events PARTICULAR ONLY TO ISRAEL, they would have said, "Who?" "Where?" "What?" "What are you talking about, man? That’s interesting, but what has that got to do with us?" "Your people are over in the next town." That is presuming that these non-Israelites even understood the language or dialects of the various Dispersed, or that they shared an interest in our history or our national destiny. Can you see how the lack of a true historical context can lead to the folly of universalism? In projecting the modern heresy of universalism back onto the ancient world, they are making a fairy tale out of the past, which was an era of intense racial consciousness and separation. Besides, it would have been a direct violation of Yahshua’s command to seek out only the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. (Matt. 10:6; 15:24; Jer. 50:6.)
Of course, those Judeo-Christians, who claim that Paul actually VIOLATED this command, are in error. As I have been demonstrating, by quoting the very statements of Paul himself, he is a most eloquent defender of the Faith for racial, Covenant Israel.
Most Judeo-Christian scholarship treats the New Testament as if it occurred outside of its historical context. Since they are ignorant of the historical facts concerning the DISPERSION in those times, their theology is devoid of the crucial role played by Israelite heritage. The only "dispersion" they know about is the Jewish Diaspora, which began in 70 AD. For this reason, the assumptions and interpretations of the universalists are shown to be utter hogwash, and their rationalizations and false notions have deceived millions. These apostate doctrines have succeeded at deception beyond the wildest expectations of the Pharisaic Jews, as these heretical doctrines are the literal fulfillment of Rev. 12:9, having enabled them to successfully deceive the whole world.
The fact is that the "Jewish Diaspora" is that of the enemies of Christ, the Pharisees and their followers, the Edomites and Canaanites of Idumea and Judea, as He Himself makes perfectly clear at Luke 21:24, and which is also prophesied in part at Jer. 24:8-9, 26:6, 29:17-19. The Jewish Diaspora scattered the Jews, with their Satanic religion, from Jerusalem to Babylon, Asia Minor and Northern Africa.
With regard to the modern Christian Apostasy, it’s as if the rabbis handed the baton of illusion off to the Judeo-Christians, saying "Take this and run as hard and as fast as you can," and the Judeo-Christians sprinted right over a cliff without a parachute!
At John 11:51-52, the high priest of the Pharisees, Caiaphas, who was ultimately responsible for the execution of our Messiah, knowing full well that the other Tribes were DISPERSED ABROAD, made this prophecy:
This statement can only be about flesh and blood Israelites, for no other people were divided into two houses and scattered abroad. Comprende? I can assure you that the rabbis of Judaism have their own record of this prophecy, but they are going keep it under their black fedoras, because they pretend that the Lost Tribes vanished into oblivion. The Bible teaches otherwise.
What does the Bible say?
It is a given that the average Judeo-Christian minister does not like to have his theology questioned. And there is a good reason for this. It is because they are not able to prove their own theology. To them, Christian Identity represents a very serious challenge to their status. When we start quoting Scripture passages that they have ignored or distorted, they typically react with anger…and this from the "God loves everybody" school of "Christianity."
Are you beginning to understand how the Bible has been DISTORTED BY THE JEWS AND THEIR CO-CONSPIRATORS? By repeating the lie that the "Jews are Israel" millions of times, millions of Christians have been deceived.
Now that you understand the difference between a Jew and an Israelite, let us read John 10:11-16, the parable of the good shepherd, in a new light, in its proper racial, historical and prophetic context. Don’t be afraid to read your Bible! Don’t rely on the word of a seminary-taught distorter of God’s Word. Study it for yourself. This is what Christian Identity is all about. Here, we are putting the Bible in your lap. Read it.
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Tim. 2:15.)
"I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep [Israel]. But he that is an hireling [the priesthood hired to watch over and feed the sheep], and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep and fleeth: and the wolf [the old priests of Baal, with their modern counterparts: the Jew-Beast system of false religion, Judaism and Judeo-Christianity] catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep[both literally and spiritually]. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so I know the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep [of the House of Judah in Judea].And other sheep [of the scattered House of Israel] I have, which are not of this fold [in the land of Judea]: them [the Dispersed Caucasian Israelites] also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice [having become the Christians of Europe and the other White nations globally]; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd [the two Houses reunited in the Kingdom].
Judeo-Christian interpreters assume the expression "not of this fold" is a reference to non-Israelites. They do not know what they are talking about, because they do not understand the Bible.Their OPINION is a DIRECT CONTRADICTION of "I come NOT BUT [only] unto the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel." (Matt. 15:24, 10:6, 18:11; Luke 15:4-9.) Most Judeo-Christians don’t even know that All Israel was divided into two Houses. Their pastors don’t tell them such frivolous details, because that would provide an alternative, rational, Biblical, historical context for the true meaning of these words!!! "That’s Old Testament stuff," their pastors tell them. Not relevant!! The fact is that the process of bringing both Houses back into one fold is anend times prophecy. (The "two sticks" of Ezek. 37:16-20.) How can you understand the end times, if you don’t know the WHOLE BIBLE??? The fulfillment of the Two Sticks prophecy began here in America, where ALL TWELVE TRIBES (both Houses) of Israel have been regathered. WE, True Israel, are now awaiting the great and terrible Day of the Lord, which is only a few years away. That is why this message must be delivered to our kinsmen, with the highest sense of seriousness and urgency, because lives and souls are stake.
Yahweh is regathering the flock, His sheep, but most of the flock don’t even know it…because they/we are "blinded in part," and they have been denied the eyes to see and ears to hear, because they have believed a lie. (Rom. 11:8, 25.). Because of Talmudism, which is a monument to Jewish deceit, and because of Judeo-Christian fantasies, True Israel has been sleepwalking around in a trance.
The false shepherds have had their day. The "dead men’s bones" of Ez. 37 are coming back to life. The ministers of Christian Identity are the only ones that are following the Messiah’s specific instruction:
He did not say, "Feed the world."
Romans 11, in the Light of the Exclusiveness Doctrine
Given the above listed Arsenal of Words, with their correct meanings restored, I will now translate Romans, Chapter 11 as it was meant to be understood by Paul. My changes are all in CAPS, comments in [brackets], important words in bold. William Finck’s comments will be in {braces}.
1 I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. [By definition, the remnant cannot possibly be everybody, nor even all of the White Race or all Israel!!!]
[The antinomians have here seized upon the word works, interpreting this to mean that neither good works nor evil works matter anymore, along with their sinister doctrine that "the law has been abolished"! All that matters is "grace." Of course, this is a preposterous overgeneralization of the meaning of the text. For comparison, here is Ferrar Fenton’s elegant and straightforward translation, which uses the word ritual, instead of works.
7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded. [We obtained Mercy because we, the Elect, were destined to receive it by His sacrifice at the Cross. We did not earn it through the works of the Law, though we may have tried. Those of our people who do not understand this are still blind…and so are the Edomite Jews!]
9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:
15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? [The Resurrection of the "Dead" is a metaphor for our people coming back into the fold via the Restoration of Their True Identity. Those Whites who are still unaware of their Identity are like zombies, the walking dead. Those who take such passages literally think that bodies will emerge out of the graves and come back to life!]
17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; [Notice that the "grafting in" is limited to Israelites only (the olive tree), not to all races, as your pulpitmasters would have you believe. Also, the branches that were "broken off" were originally a part of the same tree!!]
{The "grafting in" of Romans, Chapter 11 may be better understood when the entire context of Israel’s previous history of dispersion is considered. Paul only uses this example with the Romans, and nowhere else. In contrast, he tells the Dorian Greeks of Corinth that "All of our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea." (I Cor. 10:1.) In other words, the ancestors of the Dorians had once been given the laws at Sinai, and they were descendants from the "good" (cultivated) "olive tree." But, the Zarah-Judahites, who founded Troy and then Rome, had broken off from the main body of Israel long before Mt. Sinai and the giving of the law. Hence, they were "wild" olives, who had to be "grafted (back) into" the cultivated tree!}
18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. [Don’t puff yourself up against your own kinsmen, who may be living in another town or another country. You should be teaching them and encouraging them to study the Word. And if they challenge your knowledge of the Scriptures, take it as an opportunity to fellowship. If you boast of your racial heritage, then you have not yet become a mature, humble SERVANT OF YAHWEH.]
{Nor should we puff ourselves up over our kinsmen who do not yet have the truth! They have not yet been blessed with the revelation that they are Anglo-Saxon Israel! Hence, we should be striving to teach them rather than gloating over our own knowledge.}
19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. [The branches (tribes and clans that were broken off from the original tree), will be grafted back in. No universalism to be found here! No other races or people or churches are involved, because they were never part of the original TREE! Those who were not "broken off" of the original tree cannot be grafted in! I hate to insist on logic again. I just can’t help myself!!]
20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: [Firstly, only those branches that were broken off can be grafted back in. There is no such thing as "branches" that are alien to Israel. Secondly, Faith is not a substitute for the Law. Faith is our ability to practice the Law in spite of hardships, because we understand that Yahweh’s Redemptive Plan is still working. This is why we are encouraged to accept tribulation as a positive thing! (John 16:33; 2Cor. 7:4.) Why? Because, as Israelites, we should understand that we are being "refined by fire." This does not mean that we should become masochists! It means that we should understand that this struggle is preparing us for eternal life! Since most of our people always follow the path of least resistance, or because they want instant gratification, they fail to demonstrate the patience necessary to reap life’s greater rewards. The Judeo-Christian concept of "faith" as consisting of mere belief that "Jesus died for our sins," thus abolishing the Law, is a fraud. It is a form of instant "spiritual gratification" if you will, and moral laziness, par excellence! Just as many Judahites of Judea chose to follow the Pharisaic Jews then, the Judeo-Christians follow the Pharisaic rabbis today!]
{The branches of the olive tree "broken off" can only be those disbelieving Judahites who followed the Edomites rather than Christ. Those would have been the true "Judaizers" of the day!}
21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
23 And they also {those who follow Esau}, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. [It is an ongoing fact that we in Christian Identity are trying to reach those of our people who have been spellbound by Jewish fables. Paul is here speaking of them being brought back into the fold by our evangelizing efforts!]
24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature {The Greek word which is here translated as "good olive tree" actually means "cultivated olive tree."}, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree? [The olive tree has always been understood as the symbol of Christian Israel only. This symbol is never used to represent other or all nations, as the universalists would like to have it.]
25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the NATIONS be come in. [This is a very specific prophecy that Israel’s collective identity amnesia will preponderate until the last days, when all nation-states will have fulfilled their purpose or have been superseded by some other entity. We can see that the former borders of our White nation-states are dissolving (have dissolved) under the influence of Rothschild’s United Nations and the New World Order. Yet, at the same time, we are regaining our Identity as God’s Chosen People, getting ready for the Kingdom that will replace the current order. Paul’s prophecy is right on the money, as Christian Identity is taking True Israel’s blinders off while the formerly White and Christian Nation-States fall apart.]
26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: [Is there any hint of universalism here? He who delivers Jacob/Israel will judge the world.]
27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. [Only Israel made a Covenant to obey the Law. Judeo-Christianity is, by default, outside of this Covenant, since it teaches the Law has been abolished. How can your sins be taken away if there is no sin? This is how everybody is "grafted into" "Spiritual Israel." The same condemnation goes for Judaism, since Judaism is the denial of the Mosaic Law.]
[Now, listen, Children of Israel, for this concerns the intra-racial dispute that is presently going between and among our own people:]
30 For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:
{Commenting on Rom. 11:30-32, the Nations (Dispersed) are reconciled because the majority of Judeans had followed the Edomites rather than Christ, thereby creating the circumstances that the Edomites needed to kill Him. In other words, the deceived Judahite Judeans became the enablers of the Edomite Judeans. They set the stage for the Pharisees, who seized the opportunity! Interesting question: If all of Judea had believed and followed Christ, how would Redemption have come?}
[My own answer to this question is that Yahweh was using the unbelief of our own people as a test of their understanding of the True Faith. Obviously, they failed this test. At the same time, the unbelief of these Judahites was seized upon by the Pharisees as the opportunity they needed to kill Him, for they feared the multitude as long as they followed Jesus! The fact that they were willing to do this proved their reprobate status. Recall the parable of the evil husbandmen (Matt. 21:33-41), who murdered the son of the householder, by which Yahshua prophesied that the Pharisees would murder the Son of God!!! Just as Cain slew Abel, the Pharisees, his genetic descendants, demonstrated that their thirst for power and blood was still as strong as that of Cain himself. Hence, they had not changed one bit. Time and experienced had not tempered their ambition one iota. Here, the Luciferian rebellion was shown to be still fully as strong as the day on which that archangel rebelled!! They were still rotten to the core! Thus, Yahweh "killed two birds with one stone," using both the Edomites and the unbelieving Judahites to demonstrate their character.]
32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. [The context is still Israel, and nobody else, so the word "all" means "all Israel," not "all the people of the earth."]
{Since none of the Jews of today are true Israelites, all of them being mixed, none of them could be Paul’s kinsmen, and so his discourse at Romans 11 cannot be applied to them. He is talking about Israelites, not Jews, as his kinsmen.}
The Three Main Laws of Separation
Generally speaking, all of the laws that apply to Israel apply also to non-Israelites (the rest of the world). That is, we are not to lie, cheat, steal, murder, etc. In short, we are to obey the Ten Commandments and treat all beings with fairness, honesty, and guilelessness. Here, William Finck’s translation of Col. 4:5-6 is relevant: "In reference to those outside, you walk in wisdom, buying the time, your speech always with goodwill, seasoned with salt. It is necessary for you to know in what manner to answer every single one."
Briefly put, we cannot deviate from ethical behavior with respect to non-Israelites. Especially, we are not to act like the Jews, who arrogate unto themselves the "right" to mistreat non-Jews, even to the point of murdering non-Jews without incurring a Talmudic penalty. Of course, this is Satanism, plain and simple.
For True Israel, however, there are specific laws that tell us what NOT TO DO with respect to those who are not of our race.
The three basic, foundational laws of segregation are these:
1.) We are not to worship with non-Whites. Our Bible studies and religious fellowships are to remain exclusive and strictly segregated at all times. Non-Whites are not allowed. (See Deut. 7:4, Acts 2:42, I John 1:3-7)
2.) We are not to break bread with non-Whites. (See Ex. 12:45, Acts 2:42.) This certainly applies to our meals taken at home and during Feasts and family celebrations. When having meals at business, political or technical gatherings, this rule would be difficult to enforce, at least under the present political circumstances. The general "rule of thumb" is NO SOCIAL FRATERNIZATION. Official business only, just like a chaperone at the prom!
3.) We are forbidden to engage in sexual relations or any form of intimacy with non-Whites.
Ezra 9:2: "For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in this trespass."
You should know that Adamic DNA is HOLY SEED. It is forbidden for you to mix your Holy Seed with heathen seed. If the Jews practice the Law of Moses, why do they blatantly IGNORE Ezra 9:2 and Deut. 23:2?
Deut. 23:2: "No mongrel [mamzer] shall enter the congregation of Yahweh."
I Kings 11:1-2: "But King Solomon loved many STRANGE WOMEN, together with the daughter of Pharoah, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites; Of the nations concerning which Yahweh said unto the children of Israel, YE SHALL NOT GO INTO THEM, NEITHER SHALL THEY COME IN UNTO YOU…."
(I’ll bet your Judeo-Christian minister has never quoted this passage to you!)
Jer. 2:21: "Yet had I planted thee a noble vine, wholly A RIGHT SEED: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me?"
Yahweh considers race-mixing a DEGENERATE ACT. Just think about the meaning of the word, degenerate, which implies genetic dissolution.
Ezra 10:10-11: "And Ezra the priest stood up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed, and have taken STRANGE WIVES, to increase the trespass of Israel. Now, therefore make confession unto Yahweh Elohim of your fathers, and do his pleasure: AND SEPARATE YOURSELVES FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE LAND, AND FROM THE STRANGE WIVES."
Ezra 9:12: "Now therefore give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace nor their wealthforever."
I guess the universalists don’t know the meaning of the word, forever.
Ezra 10:2-3: "We have trespassed against our God, and have taken strange wives of the people of the land: yet now there is hope in Israel concerning this thing. Now therefore let us make a covenant with our God to put away all the wives, and such as are born of them, according to the counsel of my Lord, and of those that tremble at the commandment of our God; and let it be done according to the law."
You say, "I didn’t know that race-mixing was against the law."
Don’t you remember, "Thou shalt not commit adultery"? (Ex. 20:14.) To "adulterate" means to "pollute, defile," as in polluted water, or polluted seed. You wouldn’t drink polluted water, would you? Why would you want to pollute your seed?
Ezra 10:11: "Now therefore make confession unto Yahweh Elohim of your fathers, and do his pleasure: and separate yourselves from the people of the land, and from the strange wives."
Neh. 10:28: "..they had separated themselves from the people of the lands unto the law of God…having knowledge, and having understanding."
Neh. 10:30: "And that we would not give our daughters unto the people of the land, nor take their daughters for our sons."
Neh. 13:30: "Thus cleansed I them of all strangers, and appointed the wards of the priests and the Levites, every one in his business."
For those outside of Christian Identity, such passages must come as quite a shock, for the message is quite clear: RACE-MIXING IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW OF GOD. Yahweh did not create the separate races so that we should mix them together. HIS ORDER is this: "Kind after kind" and "Like begets like." This is also the law of genetics.
Given this understanding, you should know that all of the passages that deal with the separateness of Israel include the prohibition against intermarriage. The Israelites are simply forbidden from mixing THEIR HOLY SEED with that of the heathen. Period. This law has never changed. Nehemiah, Chapter 10 deals with this in great detail.
Paul’s admonishment to the Corinthians concerning fornication (race-mixing) at I Cor. 10 is a direct reference to Numbers 25, which is therefore relevant to the New Testament! Numbers 25 tells the story of Phineas, the priest who executed an Israelite man and Midianite woman, while they were in the act, thrusting a single javelin through them both. This judgment was counted by Yahweh as a just punishment for the sin of race-mixing. In fact, the increasing level of whoring that was occurring at that particular time had caused a severe plague (venereal disease?) among the Israelites; and the instant that Phineas executed these two law-breakers, the plague was stopped. If you think I am making this up, read the account for yourself. Read it! Live it! Love it!
I am a Christian Identity minister. I do not expect you to take my word for it, like the dogmatic, "faith only" priests of the other denominations do. Furthermore, I encourage your questions, and even your skepticism, for I am always learning from Scripture. Sincere people write to me and inform me of mistakes I have made; and I have been corrected by them about Scripture, because nobody knows it all. Therefore, I will NEVER SAY, "Just believe"! A Christian Identity minister, like any minister, should be an authority, but not an authoritarian. A servant must remain humble. True Christianity is a religion of service and Scriptural knowledge, not a religion of pomp and dogma.
At all times, we are to maintain in our consciousness the fact that we are Yahweh’s Covenant People and that Yahweh has ordered us to remain separate and aloof from the other races, as the numerous Biblical citations adduced herein have shown. If we are forced into their company because of work, business, politics, etc. (i.e., official business), then we are to be cordial and respectful towards them; but we have no obligation to treat them as our own racial family (kind). This we are strictly forbidden to do.
Moreover, we are NEVER to have non-Israelites ruling over us.
"…thou mayest NOT set a STRANGER OVER THEE, WHO IS NOT THY BROTHER."(Deut. 17:15.)When Satan is spoken of as a "serpent", it is the figure Hypocatastasis or Implication; it no more means a snake than it does when Dan is so called in Genesis 49:17; or an animal when Nero is called a "lion" (2Timothy 4:17), or when Herod is called a "fox" (Luke 13:32); or when Judah is called "a lion's whelp". It is the same figure when "doctrine" is called "leaven" (Matthew 16:6). It shows that something much more real and truer to truth is intended. If a Figure of speech is thus employed, it is for the purpose of expressing the truth more impressively and is intended to be a figure of something much more real than the letter of the word.
"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt!" (Dan. 12:1-2)
If Adamic man, man created "in the image and likeness of God" himself, who looked to the Archetype [which is Christ the God-Man; since Jesus having a: 1) human body 2) human spirit (i.e., will) and 3) Divine Spirit (for "God is a Spirit.") -- John 4:24] -- if Jesus Christ is our "model" or Archetype, should not His People also share the same genetic/spiritual makeup? Of course! Our "Spirit," the faculty that makes us ontologically different from all other hominid, "homo sapiens sapiens," types out there, is the indwelling Holy Spirit, which Christ gave to the Church, and which is THE SAME SPIRIT AS CHRIST HAD AT HIS ANNOINTING AS MESSIAH.
But as that Spirit is also the "spirit of Christ," we still have yet ANOTHER racial/ethnic /biological AND pneumatological identification with our King, He who is truly our Brother, and our Kinsman-Redeemer! [End of quote]
"Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whosoeateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; [Now, get this punch line!] and I will raise him up at the last day."
"He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him."
…thus sharing in each other’s Being. Though each of us has our own mind and body, on a higher level (in the Spirit), there is an invisible Unity that we must acknowledge. It is just as real as our physical bodies, but it cannot be experienced from this physical plane, although many saints have claimed to have experienced it. The only way to achieve this unity in the flesh is by following the instructions given to us in the Bible; and this means devoting ourselves to the Organic Unity of the Race. He is the Heart. We are the Blood Cells. The Heart cannot function if there is no Blood. The Blood sits idle and dies if there is no Heart to pump it through the arteries and veins. We must think in terms of the WHOLE BODY, therefore, we must always be concerned for the welfare of our brethren, the other blood cells, so that they can fulfill their part, with love and joy. This is why self-centeredness is fatal to an individual blood cell. And this is also why we must awaken our brethren who are spiritually dead, because they do not recognize their connection to this Organic Unity, which is simultaneously physical, mental and spiritual. All three must be integrated in order to achieve the Kingdom.
"And he that taketh not his cross and followeth after Me is not worthy of Me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for My sakeshall find it." (Matt. 10:38-39.)
…and, of course, that blessing pertains to his SEED and his SEED’S SEED. If you are a Caucasian, you are of that SEED and a product of that blessing and increase. You are an example of that increase, through Isaac, for Isaac was Sarah’s only son. Only the Adamic descendants of Abraham and Sarah can be the people of that blessing. It is we who have been predestined to be a blessing to the world by bringing in the Kingdom of God, right here on earth.
"For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment." (II Peter 2:4.)
"What if God, willing to show His wrath, and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had afore prepared unto glory, even us, whom He hath called not of Judah only, but also of the Dispersed?" (Rom. 9:22-24, My translation.)
"Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in YHWH, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in YHWH; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto YHWH; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday." (Psalms 37:1-6)
".. had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the TWELVE TRIBES OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL."
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, WHICH SAY THEY ARE JUDAH, and are not, BUT DO LIE; behold, I will make them to COME AND WORSHIP BEFORE THY FEET and to know that I have loved thee." (Rev. 3:9)
"And we know that WE are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." – I John 5:19.
"And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither that worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life." (Rev. 21:27.)
"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may right to the Tree of Life [the immortality of the Shekinah Glory!], and may enter in through the gates into the City. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie." (Rev. 22:13-14.)
"The Judeans, therefore, remarked to one another thus: ‘Where will this fellow go that we cannot find him? Surely he will not go to the Dispersion among the Greeks, and teach the Greeks?’"
"Yea, at that time will I change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech, that all of them may call on the Name of Yahweh." (Zep. 3:9.)
P.C. Johnson, in an article entitled "It Is Time to Seek the LORD, Part 1," puts it this way:
"The many among us who understand and believe in the identity and existence of [Anglo-Saxon] Israel are at a loss to understand why the majority of people and church organizations reject this divine truth. As a result most of the many descendants of Israel today are unaware of their true identity. In view of the large amount of Scriptural, archeological and other secular corroborative evidence of this truth, it can only be concluded that it may be (for the time being) God’s will that true Israel should remain unidentified." -- p. 17, Oct – Dec 2007 Ensign Message.
"Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Jesus Christ. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in US." -- II Tim. 1:13.
"Ćnd this is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all [Israelites] He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the Last Day. For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him, may have eternal life; and I Myself will raise him [you and me] up on the Last Day."(John 6:39-40)
Church of the Restoration of True Israel
C/O Post Office Box 411373 Chicago IL 60641-1373
Of course, if we are not race-mixing to begin with, this can never happen. Nor should our leaders be other than well-versed in the Holy Scriptures. Verses 16-20, of Deut. 17, authorize and command us to appoint God-fearing, law-abiding men only, not Scripture-denying atheists or liberals, even if they are of our own Race.
The fact is that, throughout history, the various races have always instinctively separated themselves from other cultures, following the natural law of "Kind after kind." (Gen. 1:11, 12, 21, 24, 25; 6:20; 7:14; and Lev. 19:19.) The history of America bears this out, as Blacks, Orientals, Hispanics, Jews and other distinct ethnicities have always remained within their own communities. Only until very recently (due to the onslaught of race-mixing propaganda by the Jewish media and the Judeo-Christian pulpitmasters), race-mixing was a universal taboo and rarely engaged in. Of course, the Ku Klux Klan assisted in enforcing Yahweh’s Laws of segregation regionally here in America, but, even they couldn’t stem the tide of demonic, Jew-engineered social change, that swept across the country during the turbulent 60’s. At least they were following Yahweh’s Law!!! Are you?
In the Sixties, the Jews and misguided liberals successfully agitated against segregation, not by popular consent nor at the ballot box, but by bullying the people of the South with armed federal troops. Lying Butcher Johnson (LBJ), a Jewish lackey if there ever was one, was their willing shabez goyduring these tumultuous times. I can assure you that LBJ is rotting in hell as we speak. (He was recently joined by Jerry Falsewell!)
With these three basic laws of separation operating in us, we can successfully navigate in mixed company. It goes without saying that a White woman or child should never be left alone in the company of non-White males.
Most Christians are taught that the "Serpent" of Genesis 3 was a literal snake. This is absurd. The Hebrew word nachash describes a subtle, cunning deceiver, and the word literally means "whisperer," as one who whispers suggestions in your ear. From the following linked website, I have chosen a very eloquent quote regarding the true understanding of this word as used, idiomatically, to designate the deceiver in the Garden.
Those who believe that the "Serpent" of Genesis was a literal, talking snake are in critical need of this Arsenal of Words. Furthermore, there are even those within Christian Identity who do not understand this, so I am relying on you to share this "Arsenal" of information with as many White brethren as you can. Why? Because "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hos. 4:6.) The reality is that the only means of communication presently at our disposal are the internet and interpersonal sharing. Print media and commercial outlets have censored Identity literature for over 70 years. With very few exceptions, Identity publishers have always been small scale and in-house operations. Given this level of censorship, you must do your part to awakening your brethren, friends and family, even if it means hurting their feelings or vice versa. These feelings and reactions are a necessary part of the awakening process. What are "hurt feelings" compared to losing one’s soul?
Israel: The Body of Christ
One of the major defects of the Judeo-Christian Apostasy is the failure to teach the concept of National Israel, the corporate Body of Christ. Many Identity authors have remarked that the vast majority of the Bible references to Israel are addressed to the whole nation of the people, as a race, family and corporate body, with an identity and purpose reserved for service to Yahweh through Yahshua. Although the commandments and judgments are to be observed by us as individuals, their purpose is to bring about a just society of Israelites. The teachings that are addressed to this exclusive Nation are referred to as "The Gospel of the Kingdom." In contradistinction to this corporate message, mainstream Churchianity teaches the "Gospel of Personal Salvation," thus distorting the national message into an individualistic message, the aim being the "salvation" of the individual "believer." This perversion of the Gospel totally obscures the national intent of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Under the influence of the televangelists, this gospel has become even more perverted into the "Gospel of Success in This World," taught by the likes of Joel Osteen, Mike Murdock, Joyce Meyer, and the new yid on the block, Paula White, preaching personal prosperity in her fashionable skyscraper heels. In a recent TV sermon, she talked about God’s "principles," "purpose" and "presence," without ever mentioning His Law. Then she said, "If you stand with Paula White ministries, good things will happen to you." Jesus warned us about those who come in their own name. (John 5:43.) As with all of the televangelists, the message is, "Send us a check and God will bless you," and you will get the book, tapes, and workbook on how to achieve earthly success with God’s blessing, "the key to unlocking your potential!" "God wants you to be rich!" It is religious materialism. They speak OF Jesus, but you must read their books and watch theirtapes, which are more endless commentaries on the Bible, setting themselves up as intermediaries between God and your happiness. There is NO MENTION of the Kingdom of Israel, nor of the Kingdom of Priests. But Jesus said, "My Kingdom is NOT OF THIS WORLD." (John 18:36.) It is yet to come. Those who love this world hate God. (James 4:4).
His people, National Israel, are supposed to "tarry" till He comes (John 21:22-23) and "occupy" (Luke 19:13). This means staying focused on the business of the Kingdom, not allowing ourselves to be sucked in or distracted by the temptations of this world. The whole object of the national Israel message is for individual Israelites to see themselves as part of the Body of Christ, with responsibilities for establishing and preserving the Kingdom of God. WE are individuals who have a national, collective purpose. We are not to act out of selfish motivation, as the heathen do. This means putting your brethren into equal or greater importance than yourself, just as Yahshua put US in importance before His own welfare, on the Cross. Even though, as individuals, we are to obey His Law, the emphasis is NOT upon the Self, it is upon serving each other, because, the Law does not operate in a vacuum. The Law is a National Covenant with Israel. This is how we are to understand the Law and act accordingly. Obviously, Yahweh does not expect us all to be crucified for each other, but we are supposed to acknowledge each other’s importance within the framework of the Corporate Body; and this requires a tremendous amount of Love, Humility and Forbearance, when dealing with our brethren and our extended racial family.
{Anyone who would take the time to read Mein Kampf should realize that Adolf Hitler was both a devout Christian and a man who cared deeply about his race. Surely, he fully understood the meaning of passages, such as that found at Matt. 10:38-39 and John 10:11. Hence, in Chapter 4, he writes, "…for the conservation of the species always presupposes that the individual is ready to sacrifice himself. Such is the meaning of the poet’s lines: Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, Nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein." ("And if you do not stake your life, you will never win life for yourself.") The lines are from the "Song of the Curassiers," in Schiller’s Wallenstein. Furhte on, in Chapter 10, we find: "The sin against blood and race is the hereditary sin in this world and it brings disaster on every nation that commits it." Later, in the same chapter: "The right to personal freedom comes second in importance to the duty of maintaining the race." And a paragraph later: "But if for reasons of indolence or cowardice this fight is not fought to a finish, we may imagine what conditions will be like 500 years hence. Little of God’s image will be left in human nature, except to mock the Creator." {Translation by James Murphy.) Not only did Hitler recognize the unforgivable sin, that against blood and race which Jesus termed "blasphemy against the holy spirit," but he also understood that it was Aryan (White, Adamic) man who was created in the image of God. No wonder the Jews hated Hitler!!}
Do not let any Jew tell you that "racism" is hatred!!! It is not wrong to defend your family from attack. It is not wrong to defend your neighborhood from attack. It is not wrong to defend your community from attack. It is not wrong to defend your nation’s borders. And it is most assuredly not wrong to defend your RACE from attack!!! Only in a very cynical world can the idea of self-defense be called "racism." It is quite the opposite! RACIAL INTEGRITY AND BROTHERLY LOVE GO HAND IN HAND!
This is where Brotherly Love is added to the Law of Israel and must become our habitual, national attitude. Of course, this is the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This rule is rarely followed by anybody, including most Christians. The reality is that, in this world, we practice the "every man for himself" rule, putting our own interests before the Corporate Body. So, if your consciousness is not devoted to building the Kingdom, you are still engaging in the selfishness of this world, which is exactly the emphasis of the Gospel of Personal Salvation, making personal success the pinnacle of their "faith."
Over the centuries, the message of Christianity has morphed from a Nationalistic Message, to fire and brimstone, to universalism, to antinomianism, and finally to the current "gospel of prosperity" message. Its most successful salesman is Joel Osteen, who has created a multi-million dollar empire by exploiting people’s need or desire to improve their lot in life. No longer is the message of mainstream Christianity "Love one another." How do you make money doing that? How does that pay the bills? The message has become more like, "Let God help you get what you ‘deserve’." What a subtle diversion from the True Gospel!!! I wonder how many of these "seekers" (suckers!) actually wind up better off!!! The secret to success is in the next tape!!! Buy it now! It may not be Barnum and Bailey, but it’s still a circus!
{Modern evangelicals are described very well at Rev. 3:14-20, in the message to the last ekklesia, at Laodikeia. Like the Laodikeians, evangelicals seek worldly wealth. Yet, indeed, even those who are "wealthy" are in fact poor, naked wretches!! As a word, Laodikeia means "righteous people." (From Iaos, "people," and dikaios, "righteous.") Liddell and Scott say of this word, dikaios, that it means "sanctioned by human law." Therefore, in this case, the ekklesia at Laodikeia must be considered as describing the "self-righteous" people: today’s evangelicals!! This is not an accident!}
Televangelism has succeeded in making commerce out of the Bible!!! In so doing, they have followed the technique of the Jews, who target individual consumers, thus maximizing the isolation of the individual by stressing individual needs. But what if God doesn’t agree that you should experience success as an isolated consumer? Even though this is the foundational message of the current economic system, is this really healthy? Is this how God wants His Family to run the economy? What if the FAMILY is more important than the individual? Think about it! By getting us to think constantly about ourselves as individuals, our family life has deteriorated!
Unfortunately, we have bought into the Jewish matrix of measuring individual success with dollar signs. This is the economic basis of commercialism today. Take a quick look and you will see that the current system of economics has destroyed the Christian family structure, as our children have dispersed in all directions, and to far-flung places, in search of worldly success, or following corporate dictates! Do you see how this system is a very subtle attack on the family unit? The Gospel of Personal Prosperity is, in fact, a major compromise with the powers and principalities of this world, as it takes this Jewish economic matrix for granted! They have gotten us to put financial security in this world ahead of the Kingdom! "The love of money is the root of all evil." (I Tim. 6:10.) But Yahweh has told us that our security and our enjoyment of personal success will come ONLY if we put the Kingdom FIRST in the order of our priorities! And, yes, this SEEMS TO BE ILLOGICAL!!…but this is how the materialistic world thinks. Looking out for #1 has always been the "way of the world." But that is not how the Kingdom works. That is not how Yahweh wants US to think!
Let me try to explain.
What is the operating mantra of the Bible? "Seek first the Kingdom and all these things shall be added unto you"! (Matt. 6:33) You forgot, eh? For us True Israelites, there is no happiness possible outside of the Kingdom. We may think there is, but there isn’t. This is the nagging, inner longing of our souls that White Christians are so desperately seeking, but which can’t be found in the mainstream churches. The Kingdom will never be found in those churches, because they are straining to make Christianity conform to this world! They are trying to make it "relevant." It is religious materialism… sweetened with Bible snippets. Without realizing it, Christians have been seduced by a worldly philosophy that appears religious, because of its liberal use of Biblical quotations, but that’s an impossibility, because it seeks happiness here in this world. It is the new leaven of the Christian Pharisees. It is a very smooth, subtle invitation to partake of the ways and pleasures of this world.
The message of the Holy Bible is to remember constantly the source of our Being, YHWH. If we forget our Creator, we drift with the tides. Seen from this Scriptural perspective, the whole point of this current era is to resolve the ages-old dispute between good and evil. Once that purpose is accomplished, this world, as we know it, will cease to exist. Why keep trying to perfect something, which is only transitory? In its place, there will be a "new heaven and a new earth." (II Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1.)
"Instead of being molded to this world, have your mind renewed, and so be transformed in nature, able to make out what the will of God is, namely, what is good and acceptable to him and perfect." (Rom. 12:2, Moffat trans.)
The prophet Daniel puts it in the strongest terms possible:
Most people of the Judeo-Christian persuasion are not even making an effort to discern God’s Will, hence they approach this life as the heathen do, trying to find a slice of paradise in a corrupt world, living in and for the moment, with no Consciousness of God’s Plan, trying to perfect the imperfectible. With their emphasis strictly on the here and now, they proceed on the assumption that God will "grant their wish," as though God is a genie, existing to serve THEM, instead of vice versa!! Vanity! Vanity! Even more incredible is the fact that they expect their "faith" to be rewarded, even though they believe the Law has been done away with! They certainly don’t think of their "faith" in this way, but, in practice, they behave as if God exists only to grant their wishes! At least, that is their major thrust, and sometimes their only concern!
But the Bible clearly teaches that our ultimate reward…immortality, is tied directly to our obedience to the Law, plus the New Testament’s emphasis on being kind and charitable to our neighbors.
"If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat of the good of the land." (Isa. 1:19.)
It is almost laughable to see these pop psychology pundits giving advice on techniques for success while they ignore God’s Law(s)! They are blind to the fact that these techniques are rules, after all!! We must live by Faith, they say! What they are actually doing is substituting their own rules in place of God’s Law/Rule. That’s how absurd this is! But, because they ignore His Law, they can’t see the absurdity! On the one hand, they teach that "God’s Law has been abolished." On the other hand, they substitute their own "spiritual techniques for success." By a slight alteration of language, they convey the impression that they are not following any laws, but what they have actually done is established another law and refer to it as a "technique." This very subtle, deceptive practice is called renaming. It is psychological sleight of hand!
This is exactly the same technique by which the Jews have renamed themselves after Israel.
Given Christian Identity’s reliance on obeying the Law, our faith, which is really PRACTICE, is much truer to the "old-fashioned" teachings than the experiments of the modern "church." Having bought into the media-driven, Big Stage "faith" of the televangelists, it is denominational Christianity that has strayed – exponentially far -- from the Truth.
One of my colleagues, with whom I have been sharing this message, responded with these words:
As our blood kinsman, Jesus Christ spells out the proper attitude for True Israelites very succinctly at Matt. 25:31-46, where we Israelites are commanded to treat fellow kinsmen/kinswomen as if they were Jesus Himself. (It goes without saying that people of other races would be well advised to do likewise in their own communities.) We are to be MORAL BEINGS, with the Law written in our hearts, responsible to each other. Being responsible to each other, we are justified before Him. Until we develop this understanding of the Corporate Body: a deep appreciation and love for each other and the Organic Unity of the Body of Christ, with each individual playing an important role in keeping that Body functioning (like different organs performing different functions or tasks in a physical body), the Body of Christ will never take shape. This is why Jesus asked, rhetorically, referring to His Second Coming, "Will I find Faith in the earth?" (Luke 18:8)
Paul frames the matter this way: "In our one body we have a number of members, and the members have not all the same function; so too, for all our numbers, we form one Body in Christ and we are severally members of one another." (Rom. 12:4-6, Moffat trans.). "Let your love be a real thing, with a loathing for evil and a bent for what is good. Put affection into your love for the brotherhood." (Verse 9.)
Given this understanding of our spiritual and genetic relationship with Yahshua Messiah, we can now appreciate His words, spoken in John 7:53-54, a verse in which commentators routinely assign only a spiritual significance to the metaphoric usage of the words eat and drink:
Wow! What a promise! Now, we can see that Christ’s use of the words eat and drink have a genetic meaning as well, as we True, "called out," Israelites literally partake of His flesh and blood, as His kinsmen. This is about DNA, folks! This is the Blood that makes us what we are! Only pure-blooded Israelites can posses this undefiled Blood!
In verse 56, Jesus makes the same point that Paul does about being "members of one another":
Everybody wants to "do a good job." So, start doing your job, right here and now, for the Kingdom.
The Tree of Life
He is the Tree. We are the branches. Because this is a Family Tree, only a certain type of DNA can partake of this Tree. Only literal, flesh and blood Israel shares both His Spirit and His Blood (DNA). If our Blood is defiled, we cannot share in the Corporate Body of Christ! Now, that’s SPIRITUALITY, folks!
{If anything other than "olives" are spliced into our family tree, surely those alien branchjes could never produce olives, under any amount of pruning or coaxing! Pure Adamic DNA contains the instructions necessary to create our Spirit as the body is created, i.e., I Cor. 15:44: "The life is in the blood."}
Now, you, dear Israelite, can either accept this gift that has been offered to you or you can throw it away! Don’t let the deceptive propaganda of the anti-Christ tug on your heartstrings, causing you to inordinately sympathize with Non-Whites while your own race is being destroyed from within! Satan is using White Guilt to deprive you of your Inheritance. You should know that the other races do not waste a moment worrying about whether Whites are being treated fairly. Your concern for them is NOT RECIPROCATED. The history of the Welfare State has demonstrated their total ingratitude, in spite of the billions of dollars that the White Middle Class has paid in taxes to promote "equality." While brainwashed Whites are obsessing about the ultimate fate of non-Whites, these same non-Whites are calling you a "White devil." This is the ultimate fruit of White Guilt.
" Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. " (Matt. 7:6.)
There is NO SUCH THING as the "equality of the races." This is a scientific and Biblical fact. Not only are you wasting your time and effort trying to convert non-Whites, you are actually promoting a false theology, invented by Jews who hate you. Furthermore, these same anti-Christ Jews have deceitfully orchestrated and implemented this theology in order to destroy your Race. White Christians, who have swallowed their lies, have been brainwashed into promoting their own destruction. This is the reality of the situation. It is not your concern whether Yahweh has made this offer of the Kingdom to people of another race. It is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. They have their own guiding Spirit; and their species has a different function in the Universal Body. Don’t worry about the other Trees in the Garden, especially while your own Race is in the midst of a world-wide genocidal attack against you and your children by the perfidious Jew.
Your ONLY CONCERN should be, "What does my Father want me to do with my life?" As in the earlier cited parable of the Householder (Matt. 20:1-16), Yahweh makes different offers to different people. The parable ends with this statement: "Many be called, but few are chosen." Are you ready to accept His offer? All I can say to you is that YOU will be much rewarded and the WORLD will be a better place, if you are willing and obedient toYah and His Laws! Another way of putting it is this: If you do your job correctly, everyone benefits, including the other races. The whole world will benefit from our NATIONAL EXAMPLE. Trying to convert them to our religion has been a monumental waste of time and a theological disaster. As we can see from the experience of those European nations that have imported Muslim "refugees," those Muslims bring their own religion, culture, and racial characteristics WITH THEM, and they segregate themselves within our midst, creating islands of violence, crime and revolution; while the Jews and their political hacks have promised us that "the world will be a better place" if we submit to this intrusion. They are liars! We in America are having the same experience with both legal and illegal non-Whites. Like the missionaries who became missionary stew, the Judeo-Christian melting pot is killing your Race. Is this finally starting to make sense?
Where is the willingness of the OUTSIDER to INTEGRATE with us? IT IS NON-EXISTENT! The proof that integration DOESN’T WORK is everywhere! Open your eyes! Don’t let the White Guilt trip distract you from your responsibility to your own Racial Family.
New Paradigm or Old Paradigm?
For two millennia, the catchphrase of Christianity, with all of its imperfections, has been the "Imitation of Christ." Not so with modern Churchianity! From "What can you do for Christ?," we have devolved/regressed into "What can God do for ME?" The same religion that has always counseled against selfishness has suddenly become fixated on self-improvement as an end in itself! What a reversal of philosophy! Although this religion still retains the name, Christianity, it is not the same religion of 50 years ago. It has been modernized into a mere caricature of its old self! Nor is it THE FAITH of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of the Bible NEVER promises to be of assistance in achieving any of our personal goals, except on the condition that we obey His Law(s). Even more importantly, we should demonstrate an appreciation for the fact that we owe our very EXISTENCE to Him.
"For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord:whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s." (Rom. 14:7-8.)
Therefore, owing our Being to Him, we should show our gratitude and appreciation by following His Grand Design. Father knows best! He rewards us as He sees fit, according to our faithfulness to Him and His Plan for re-establishing His Kingdom right here on this Earth. If we cannot accept Life and Existence on the Creator’s terms, then, as Daniel said, we will reap "shame and everlasting contempt."
Yahweh does intervene on our behalf, but only if our actions are in harmony with the laws of His Creation. Otherwise, we become part of the problem.Faith is having the confidence that Yahweh will reward us for obeying His Laws and "sacrificing" ourselves for the Kingdom, just as Yahshua sacrificed Himself for us.
We must understand that the Old Paradigm was the sacrificial law. It was put in place for our discipline, and to establish justice, righteousness, and fairness. But obedience to the Law is not enough. It just establishes the foundation of our Kingdom citizenship.
Love, compassion, and forgiveness are qualities that cannot be extracted from the Written Law. The Law itself does not contain these things. They must be provided by YOU.
Those strict disciplinarians, who try to teach the Law with a bullwhip, or who hit you over the head with their thickest Bibles, are still living in the Old Paradigm. Appreciation of the Law cannot be taught by mere discipline. Love and compassion must be added to the equation. This is the New Paradigm, which the Law of Moses could only imply, but not provide.
Much of the criticism of Paul’s ALLEGED denial of the Law comes from those who are still trapped in the Old Paradigm. They are the strict disciplinarians who find it difficult to LOVE. The Macho Man sees Love as a kind of weakness, because it isn’t TOUGH or STEADFAST.
On the contrary, Tough Love is a blend of Righteousness and Compassion.
Even the pop psychologist knows that the "Do as I say, or else" approach doesn’t work, because it fails to address the individuality of each child. It is often the Bible-thumping, obedience demanding preacher, whose daughter winds up being the town slut, because she is rebelling against what she perceives as an unloving father, who cares more about the Law than he does about her. YOU CAN’T BEAT THE LAW INTO PEOPLE. It must be done with LOVE and by example. This is the message that Paul is trying to get across. There is more to the Kingdom than just the Law.
Consider Christ’s sacrifice for us. There is no law which says that the Kinsman Redeemer MUST redeem His kinsmen! – although it is considered a disgrace if he fails to do so (Ruth 4; Deut. 25:7-10.) He did it out of LOVE for us. It goes without saying that we did not EARN our redemption by practicing the Law, for we, as a people, have failed miserably at practicing His Law!!!!
Thus, we must return the favor by showing love and charity to our neighbors. Many of our own people are just too selfish and self-absorbed to realize this. They believe that they qualify for the Kingdom based merely on their personal accomplishments, or by their own, inflated assessment of their own lawkeeping, or on the mere fact that they have White skin. But, this is shortsighted, to say the least.
There is more to the Kingdom than keeping the letter of the Law:
If you lack the motivation of wanting to make the lives of those around you BETTER, then you are still only focused on personal accomplishment and personal rewards. Or, if you are keeping the law merely to be admired of men, then you are no better than a Pharisee. Those who are focused merely on keeping the letter of the Law are unable to spiritually connect with the rest of their Family, because their egos are still in their own way. Deep inside they know this, but it so difficult to drop the rigorous mentality of the strict disciplinarian, the whipcracker, which has become a defense mechanism for too many of our men, and some of our women as well. It is understandable that many of our people have had hard lives and, as a result, have stiff necks and thick skin. Lacking the ability to express Love and compassion, they hide behind the Law. Discipline and Love are two entirely different concepts. They fail to understand that the Kingdom is premised on our willingness to sacrifice, to give of ourselves, in addition to keeping the Law.
Or, if they understand this, they often fail to do it.
That’s why "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35) It is only by giving of yourself, for the benefit of the Kingdom, that you will receive the greater blessing. And this giving cannot proceed from a grudging attitude. It must be genuine!
You have to drop the faƧade of the authoritarian and humble yourself before your Creator. "Verily, I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, THE SAME IS GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN." (Matt. 18:3-4.)
Yes, keeping the Law is an absolute requirement for entry into the Kingdom, but it must be kept in the right Spirit, with Love and Compassion for your children, family, friends, and neighbors. And this can only be accomplished by genuinely humbling yourself before your God, Yahweh. Stop pretending that you know everything, and start being a loving Israelite, a loving father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, carpenter, electrician…. This is the ticket to the Kingdom. The rest is illusion.
"Remember Lot’s wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it."(Luke 17:32-33.)
The Book of Matthew is a little clearer on this subject:
Are you living life, or keeping the Law, for your sake or for His sake?
Even those of us in Christian Identity can get tripped up by mistaking self-righteousness for true righteousness.
Getting back to our situation in the current world order: If our Consciousness is placed in and devoted to this system called Mammon, then we will lose what life we have. It will be buried in crass materialism. If, on the other hand, we immerse ourselves in the Kingdom (by preparing for its coming), then we will have life, and that more abundantly. A simple way of putting this message into proper perspective is this: If you are satisfied with worldly pleasures, then you will not achieve any higher goals. If you accept this arrangement with death, then death is what you will get. If you cannot see beyond the reality of this world, then you will perish with it, because you are still contained in it, encapsulated in its physical, mental, and spiritual box/matrix.
The Law teaches us discipline, justice and fairness. These things are admirable, necessary and of infinite importance. But only Love can shake us out of our complacency. The Universe, Matter and Energy, are structured by physical Law. Society must be structured by the Moral Law. But the Motivation behind the Creation is Love; and our lives must reflect that motivation as well.
Our goal, our ultimate destination, as Israelites, is the Kingdom. "Seek first the Kingdom of God." (Matt. 6:33; Luke 12:31.) That’s where real life is. The Kingdom Age is the one that follows this Age of Delusion. What we have on this planet is not life. It seems like life to us, but even that is an illusion. It is only a glimmering shadow of ETERNAL LIFE, of what is yet to come! It is inherent in our blood to build for the future, for what is getting ready to happen to us. The Second Coming is just around the corner. Remember Lot’s wife. She looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah, representing earth’s worldly pleasures. If she was at all spiritual, she probably had a pastor named Joel Osteen! We are all getting ready to face a similar decision, at the Judgment Day. DON’T LOOK BACK…to Sodom and Gomorrah! At the same time, our racial heritage, our DNA, is something we cannot ignore or forget, for that is the biological source of our being. This DNA was designed by Yahweh Himself, to form a people after His own image. It is our heritage. Our flesh is real. It is the biological apparatus that supports our minds and souls.
"Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek Yahweh: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged. Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him and increased him." (Isa. 51:1-2.)
The Apocryphal book, II Esdras, has a very interesting commentary concerning the coming end of this age: "What will mark the parting of the times? Or when will the end of the first or the beginning of the second be?… ESAU IS THE END OF THIS AGE, AND JACOB IS THE BEGINNING OF THE ONE THAT FOLLOWS. (II Esdras 6:7-10).
Now that you know that the Jews are of the Esau/Edom bloodline, which is the mixed seed of the Canaanites and the fallen angels, read what the Apostle, Peter has to say:
St. Paul concurs:
Since we have abundantly proved that the Jews are of the Kenite/Canaanite/Edomite seedline, Paul is agreeing with Peter and Ezra (Esdras) that the Edomite/fallen angel SEED have already been condemned. This seed cannot possibly repent, for it has been reserved for destruction! (II Peter 2:4.) The only possible reason why Yahweh is waiting so long to carry out His death sentence ("wrath") is because He is infinitely merciful, using these fallen ones to instruct us of their irredeemable nature.
After 2,000 years of intractable rejection of the Gospel by the Jews, how much more proof do we need that it is a waste of time and effort? (There are many Arabs who undoubtedly have this DNA flowing in their veins as well, although they do not practice usury or other Talmudic abominations. Perhaps Yahweh will have some form of mercy in store for them?)
In direct contrast to OUR [True Israel] commission, the Jews (the people descending from Esau) have a completely carnal view of their kingdom. Theirs is a religion of money, sex, and earthly power. This is why Jews succeed in this world, making money as individuals and as an elite fraternity, reveling in worldly success, where most of our people inevitably fail. This world is their "turf"! (Luke 4:5, I Cor. 2:6-8.) It is also their last domain.
Our people do not handle personal riches very well and are not as genetically driven or motivated to amass personal riches as the Jews are. WE are not consumed by such passions. When we achieve such wealth and status, we find it unsatisfying and unfulfilling. We find that it is a burden to keep it secure and prevent others from taking it. It gives us as much stress and anxiety as pleasure. Jews and other people do not seem to have this problem. They love to waddle in the luxuries and perks of Mammon, taking carnal pleasure in earthly riches. If we envy the Jews for their monetary success, then we have bought into THEIR corporate consciousness, which is exemplified by ruthless, cutthroat competition against non-Jews. As always, they provide us with a counterfeit version of what we are supposed to be doing.
Here is the perspective of our ancestor, King David:
The Jewish system of commercialism has destroyed our family life, from the nuclear family all the way up to the national family. Hence, we are a people that have lost our soul. The anti-Christ is doing everything in his power to keep us from rebonding as an intact, harmonious racial family. He knows that this eventuality will signal his death knell. This is why the Jews are so tenaciously anti-White and anti-Christian. The parasite knows that if he loses his grip on the host, his life will end. His tenacity is based on FEAR. The only concern that hinders the Jew, causing him to lose sleep, is his fear of losing money and his fear that the White Race will wake up to its Biblical destiny. He has cleverly manipulated our people into becoming opponents of "racism," twisting history so that WE are perceived as the villains, while THEY are the "liberators" of the "downtrodden" and "oppressed," and the "victims of discrimination," teaching us to hate ourselves for our "dominion," while they, by far, have greater worldly riches and much more abundant political power than we do. Even though THEY are the true oppressors, using their wealth, status and power to oppress US, there is no guilt trip for the Jews. They positively revel in their pretense and the power it gives them over us: like the power a pimp has over his whores. No, they have rewritten history to falsely portray Whites as oppressors, so that they can wail and moan about how the White Christians have "persecuted" them! This is their "spiel," and our people actually swallow this garbage!!! The Serpent, with great subtlety, continues to accomplish today what he accomplished with Eve in the Garden: pollution of our DNA.
It’s about time that we caught on to this tactic!
It is the duty, of those of us who are awake, to hammer out this message harder and harder until the sleeping sheep finally awaken. If there is one deluded Israelite left in this world, it is your duty to splash the ice water of truth in his face…whatever it takes to wake him up! This is TRUE BROTHERLY LOVE, even if they initially hate you for spoiling their illusions. Considering what Yahshua did for us, this is a small price to pay, so do not lose heart in this struggle.
It sounds fanciful, and even contradictory, considering our racial disunity today, but we Israelites, as the Builder Race, were designed to work together and to experience collective success, while maintaining individual liberty. This is achieved by taking personal responsibility for the success of the community (ekklesia). This is what Cain refused to do! ("Am I my brother’s keeper?") Therefore, our success will only come as a corporate body, as an organic unit, representing the Body of Christ. No other race has this urge or ability. It is spiritual. It is biological. It is in our DNA. The White Race has built the greatest civilizations on earth. We have accomplished the most monumental construction programs. We have probed the depths of the ocean and we have reached outer space. We have designed and created the most intricate art works, from crafts to music. We have invented the most sophisticated technologies, all because of our ability to put the success of the goal before our personal interests. Now’s the time to put all of our collective talents together, striving for the same goal: the Kingdom! No other race has accomplished one tenth of what we have accomplished. The best they can do is plagiarize; and the Jews simply steal it from us. Truly, we have been a blessing to the world. What we call "Western Civilization" is the product of two main ingredients: Adamic DNA and Christianity. The DNA makes the individual, and Christianity bonds our individual selves into a purposeful community. Once we begin to utilize this combination of creative ability and dedicated teamwork toward establishing the Kingdom of Yahweh, the world will be amazed at what we will accomplish – and so will we! Our fulfillment is demonstrated in our collective racial accomplishments. In this way, our individual happiness will be greater than ever!!!!
This philosophy is encapsulated in the Biblical slogan: "Love thy neighbor as thyself." (Mark 12:31.) Make no mistake about it, this is a racial command, not a universal command. Jesus precedes Verses 30 and 31 with the words, "HEAR, O ISRAEL." He is speaking to Israel, not to the whole of humanity. Of course, it would be right and proper for all people everywhere to practice this law among their own kind, but, nevertheless, we Adamites should never forget that it was WE who were given the Law and the assignment (and the genetic inheritance) to do this.
"Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that REPENTANCE and REMISSION OF SINS should be preached in his name AMONG all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." -- Luke 24:46-47.
Although the Greek eis is usually translated as "to" or "into," here "among" captures the meaning best, being consistent with Matt. 13:10-16, which clearly tells us that there are those to whom the Gospel should NOT be preached. There, He was speaking of the scribes and Pharisees, the inventors of Judaism. This is one of the few instances that the KJV translators did not automatically resort to a universalistic meaning. The important point is that we must understand that neither Jesus, the Apostles, nor Paul ever try to preach the Gospel to non-Israelites. Careless usage of words like nations,Jew and Gentile have clouded the indisputable exclusivity of the original Hebrew and Greek prose.
In Matt. 19:20, the rich young man comes to Jesus and says, concerning the Law, "All these thing have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?" In essence, he is saying, "What more do you want from me?" Because his worldly status is very high, he cannot see beyond the status quo! He desires nothing greater!!! This is proof that keeping the Law is not enough. Because his focus is still very self-centered, he cannot see the coming of the Kingdom. There must be an innate appreciation and willingness to obey the Law, but that, in itself, will not accomplish the corporate goal. Without Love (agape, brotherly love), there can be no Kingdom. We must strive to establish a society in which the emphasis is no longer on the Self, but instead, on our immediate racial Family, Friends, Community. We can never lose sight of the fact that the source of our Being is our Family Tree, our racial DNA,which was designed by Yahweh Himself. Let’s state this as a formula: Faith = The Law + Brotherly Love.
The difference here is between keeping the Law for your own benefit versus keeping the Law so that all of your brothers and sisters, your racial brethren, will benefit. If that sounds "racist," then so be it. Don’t let the Jews and liberals label you. "Racist" and "anti-Semite" are the smear words they use against us, while they oppress us with their own form of tyranny. Wake up! There is nothing wrong with being White, and placing the needs of your own Race and Family, First. That is, after all, what all of the other races do. Does anybody criticize them for doing what comes naturally to them? No!Only White people are being brainwashed into submission!
Christianity has tried, for several hundred years, to convert the heathen. The exact opposite has happened, as, in fact, the world has converted Christianity to heathenism, because today, misguided Christians, in the name of "tolerance," approve of what the heathens promote: homosexuality, abortion, socialism, witchcraft, etc., etc. Where does Yahweh teach us to be tolerant of evil? The bottom line is this: IF WE CANNOT PRACTICE OUR OWN FAITH AMONG OURSELVES, HOW CAN WE POSSIBLY SET AN EXAMPLE FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD?
We’ve had enough missionary stew. Let’s establish the Kingdom.
"YE [all Israel] ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. A CITY THAT IS SET ON A HILL CANNOT BE HID." (Matt. 5:14.) A city is composed of many people, working together to accomplish great things. If we dilute our potential by merely focusing on individual accomplishments, we will never achieve glory.
That City must have the Law as its foundation; but if we only focus on our individual salvation, we are missing the purpose of the Law. Staying out of trouble is a good thing, but that, in itself, is a form of stagnation. Look to your glory! This cannot be achieved by acting alone. We must elevate each other, as brothers and sisters, through Love. It is interpersonal. It is familial. It is racial. It is the body of Christ. Or, in other words, the Law, without Love, is a dead thing, mere words carved into a stone! By itself, it does not provide the cohesiveness that achieves great things. It is designed to prevent tragedies and injustice, which is a good thing, a positive application; but true accomplishment comes from giving of ourselves over and above what is required by the Law. The Law provides the structure, but Love gives Life!
This is why Jesus tells us, "And whosoever shall compel thee to walk a mile, GO WITH HIM TWAIN." (Matt. 5:41.) The Law only asked you to go a mile. There is more to the journey. You won’t know who or what you really are until you start going that EXTRA MILE AND BEYOND!!! Liberty is achieved after the Law has been fulfilled. That’s what the Apostle James called, "The perfect law of liberty." (James 1:25-27.) This must come from deep inside yourself; and it involves challenging yourself to relate to your brethren in more dynamic ways, using patience, skill, and encouragement, to elevate each other. So, stop being a Christian couch potato! Stop practicing TV Apostianity! Get out there and start building the Kingdom. You cannot have the attitude of the Rapturists, who assume that "heaven" is theirs by default – all they have to do is wait for it!!! You will be "raptured" out into oblivion! They have their "faith," and they will reap its "rewards." In the same way, keeping the Law, by itself, cannot bring the Kingdom into being. That is why, throughout the New Testament, we have the Law punctuated with acts of brotherly love.
There’s an old German saying that applies here: "He who attempts much makes many mistakes. He who attempts little makes fewer mistakes. But he who attempts nothing is a lazy dog." The lazy dog, like the rich young man who was satisfied with himself and his earthly status, even though he keeps the Law, has really not accomplished very much! He may think he has, but he has yet to go the extra mile! So, stop patting yourself on the back and start building the Kingdom!(See the parables found at Matt. 25:15-30 and Luke 19:11-27.)
"Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world… If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?? And this commandment have we from Him, that he who loveth God loveth his brother also." -- I John 4:17-21.
From this perspective of the organic unity of the Body of Christ, the Gospel of Personal Salvation is thus seen to be very worldly, self-centered and self-absorbed, contrary to the Spirit of the Holy Scirptures! It is self-help psychology, wrapped in tinsel and packaged in trite, Christian-sounding slogans. We Israelites have to think racially and organically, as well as individually. We have to be able to put aside our personal differences in order to bring forth the Kingdom. This goal is both biological and spiritual, and exclusive to US. We all want to be social beings. So, let’s do it Yahweh’s Way, according to His established order.
Using the Law as the bedrock for our civilization, we can achieve greatness through service, by living for each other, not just for ourselves. A law-abiding citizenry that has as much respect for each other as they do for themselves will accomplish miracles. For us, personal reward is directly related to personal sacrifice, for the good of the organic whole. By giving ourselves up for the good of the Body, we will be fulfilled. We thrive on teamwork and mutual accomplishment, thereby unleashing our individual talents for the good of the Whole. This is how greatness is achieved; and this is how the unimaginable is achieved! The smug, self-satisfied Israelite is a lost soul, though he may be a keeper of the Law!
Here is how Jesus puts it in Matt. 11:11: "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist:notwithstanding he that is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he."
Can any of us say that we are greater than John the Baptist? Yet, in the Kingdom, all of us shall exceed what He accomplished on this plane!!! Is this not something to look forward to?
Only the White Race has been able to construct a society on the ideals of individual liberty and personal responsibility, reflecting the same ideals as the Bible. The Magna Carta, Common Law, Trial by Jury, the Constitution of the United States are examples of our ability to create societies in which government (responsibility) preserves liberty for the individual. All other societies are based on regimentation and dictatorship. In fact, our Declaration of Independence declares that our rights are derived from God, not from government. Now, we have to appeal to Yahweh once again for deliverance. He will do this for His Remnant, if the Remnant will simply ask Him. But, this must be done in unison, as a family! He is patiently waiting for us to get our act together and make our enquiry.
"Thus saith Yahweh Elohim; I will yet for this reason be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them." (Ezek. 36:37.)
Are we ready to ask for His intervention? Or are we so focused on "self-reliance" that we have become distant from Him, forgetting Him altogether?
Just as the Old Covenant was given to Israel exclusively through Moses, the New Covenant was given exclusively to Israel through the Messiah.Therefore, Christianity, not Judaism, is the TRUE FAITH of the Bible. The impostor’s time is just about up; and True Israel must prepare itself for the Second Coming. The New Jerusalem, as explained in the 21st chapter of Revelation, is NOT the literal city of Jerusalem, as it is very clearly described as descending down from heaven. This feat cannot be done by a literal city. Describing this "great city," Verse 12 tells us it,
Now, tell me, does this symbolism of the number twelve apply to all races? We, the literal children of Israel, are the Bride of Christ. (Verse 9.) It would be against Yahweh’s Law for His Son to marry a woman of another race.
A corollary of the earlier quotation from II Esdras is contained in the Book of Revelation:
It does not say all humans will worship before each other’s feet. The context is, as I have been trying to explain, ISRAEL, and only Israel. Like the Canaanite woman who also knelt before Jesus and acknowledged Him and His kinsmen as her masters, so will the Jews acknowledge us in the last day, if they desire to be healed. The alternative is destruction. (Zech. 14:21, Ob. 18.) Yahweh is infinite in His Patience and Mercy with those who are guileless, but He has declared the Judgment Day to be His limit for unrepentant evildoers, who are full of guile. As far as I’m concerned, He has been far too patient!
One final citation of the exclusiveness of Israel:
The Judeo-Christians, having abandoned the Law and the Love of God, and thinking themselves to be wiser than God in their all-inclusiveness, have joined the wicked. Like the Jews, they have invented un-Scriptural doctrine, which leads them far away from God’s Plan.
(For additional words studies and information relevant to the Exclusiveness of Israel, please see Samuel Marion’s Yahweh’s Israel Kingdom Basicson our website: http://
Turning the Tables
The Jews have a corporate consciousness as well; but it is not based on mutual love. The difference is that Judaism is organized AGAINST the White Race and AGAINST Christianity. Thus, the Jewish corporate consciousness is based on hatred and contempt…of Christ and Christians. As long as we buy into their materialism and their culture, we will fail as individuals and as a people. This is actually a very sinister aspect of the Gospel of Personal Salvation, because it uncritically accepts this current Jewish-dominated economic system as the context within which personal success and fulfillment are to be achieved. But this Beast System, based on Jewish usury, is destined for destruction. By training our people to seek fulfillment in this world, the televangelists are very cleverly keeping our people from seeking the Kingdom. It’s like trying to find personal fulfillment on a sinking ship!!! Open your eyes!!! Foolish Christians believe Jewish lies, while never examining the facts of history or the Bible. Hence, they operate in a dream world, unable to see reality. Jesus told us, "By their fruits shall ye know them." We will never understand the children of the Wicked One if we continue to believe their words without investigating their actions.
Everything the Jews do is geared toward preventing our racial consciousness from re-emerging.
Thus "racism" must be demonized, even while they engage in their own, disguised form of racism, which goes by the name of Judaism. While the Zionists engage in genocide against the Palestinian people, the Kosher Press vilifies White "racists," even to the extent of excusing murder committed by non-Whites, blaming it on "White racism." Thus, we are pronounced guilty of crimes committed by others, while the Master Deceiver laughs at us with scorn. Don’t you know that the anti-Christ is an "anti-racist?" If your eyes and ears are open, you will notice that only White people are accused of "racism." This is because only we are the target of their "anti-racist" campaign. Slowly but surely, White people are beginning to sense the Double Standard of the "anti-racist" rhetoric in both politics and religion. The onslaught of the Jewish media juggernaut will fail when we stop buying into their crap.
As John, the Revelator, said, concerning Mystery Babylon, the "Empire of Merchants," "Come out of her, my people." (Rev. 18:4.)
When we have established the Kingdom by separating ourselves from this world’s corrupt institutions and vices, then the whole world will rejoice in our success -- except for the Jews! -- for the evil parasite (Edom, Mt. Seir and all Idumea, the Cain-Satanic Seedline) will have been vanquished. (Eze. 35:7-15.)
The rabbis of Judaism, armed with their arsenal of deceptive words, false definitions and quaint slogans, have been prosecuting a relentless campaign of psychological warfare against True Israel for the last 2,150 years, since the days of Herod and the Pharisees. The Pharisees of that day are identical to the rabbinate of modern Judaism. The leopard has not changed its spots. They still teach lies in the Name of Moses. As a result, they have successfully deceived the whole world, especially White Christians. (Rev. 12:9.)
The increasingly belligerent and shrill cry of "Kill the White devils" is being orchestrated, worldwide, by the Jew. Even while they deny that the White Race has a right to be racially exclusive (or even to exist!), they practice a counterfeit exclusivism, which is based on their religion and their culture,neither of which are Scriptural. It is an ethnic chauvinism of double standards, practiced without regard for the Truth and with no concern as to how many people suffer from this deceit! Throughout history, the Jews have demanded that they be allowed to have their separate religion and culture. Yet, these hypocrites would deny us our own. Should our Faith be judged by hypocrites?
When Jesus overturned the moneychangers’ tables, He drove them out of the Temple and accused them of making Yahweh’s Temple a house of merchandise. Today, Judaism is still a religion of merchandise and deception, just as it was in those days. Christians must be able to see through the deceptions of modern religion. This will not happen unless they dust off their Bibles and read the Scriptures for themselves, rather than simply relying on the fables and interpretations of the priests of the denominations (demon nations).
The Christian Identity Movement has been in the forefront of exposing Judaism as a fraud; and it has also been the only denomination that encourages people to read the Bible for themselves, without the limitations placed upon them by an editorial priesthood. Judaism is religious con artistry, par excellence; and Judeo-Christianity is a close second. In spite of the fact that Judaism’s Talmud denies, revokes and overrules the Law of Moses, the fields of theology, academia, and history simply accept anything a rabbi says as being authoritative and true, while these consummate con artists perpetually get away with scam after scam. The reality is that these charlatans are the literal children of the devil; and their religion deserves nothing but ridicule, contempt, and exposure. The priesthoods of Catholicism and modern Protestantism are no better, for these are also charlatans with their own agenda. None of their denominations accept the whole Bible. As a consequence, anyone who follows their lead will be utterly confused by Scripture, learning only half-truths or a few Scriptural truths that give only a partial picture of God’s Word.
An Identist, on the other hand, is a White Person who holds the Bible in one hand, a Concordance in the other, and possesses a glossary (arsenal) of true, precise definitions between the ears. Possessed of these weapons, the sincere Bible student can then begin to understand the KJV, despite its numerous flaws. Without this arsenal, much of the KJV is a collection of contradictory, incomprehensible gibberish. Thus able to see through the patently deceptive and often ridiculous translations and interpretations of the false priests of Judaism and Churchianity, Christian Identity has proven to the world that we hold the Key of David. Being of his Family Tree, we hold the correct understanding of the Scriptures, which is the Exclusivity of True Israel.
No other denomination teaches this; and none of the other denominations can refute it.
Speaking of the New Jerusalem, the Holy City:
Let’s see, no liars allowed! That means: No rabbis!!!
The rabbis of Judaism, armed with their arsenal of deceptive words and false definitions, have been masquerading as Israel, beginning with the Pharisees, who are a product of the illegal mixing of Adamite DNA and Idumean DNA. For 2,000 years, they have been engaged in a relentless campaign of psychological warfare against us, since the days of Herod, when that antichrist empowered the Pharisees and tried to murder the Messiah, while Jesus was yet a child. Not satisfied with murdering the Messiah, they are determined to murder His Family.
Share This Knowledge With White Folk
From all of the foregoing, the reader can appreciate that there is a VAST CHASM of ideological difference between Christian Identity and both Judaism and Judeo-Christianity, the latter being a bastard child of the former. It is absolutely critical that this Scriptural understanding be presented to all White people, so that they can understand the true nature of religious deception that is prevalent today. Without this knowledge, the White Race will continue to be hopelessly lost in a maze of confusing terminology. They have no idea of how the language of the Bible has been distorted, blindly following their trusted "shepherds," who are in fact leading them astray. It is high time for the sheep to awaken to their true destiny and fulfill their Divinely ordained role as the "Kingdom of Priests," who can only emerge from the people of True Israel, the Covenant People of the Bible, the Adamic, White Race.
The physical, social and spiritual damage that has been done by religious deceivers is incalculable. If this situation were to continue, it would result in total chaos; but Yahshua Messiah told us, "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free." (John 8:32) Free from what? Free from religious deception. Understanding how we have been deceived by false religion, we can also now appreciate how we have been deceived by political hacks, who are no better than these lying priests. Con artists rarely work alone!!!
At John 7:33, Jesus informs the Pharisees that they shall seek Him but not find Him. Wondering what Jesus could have meant by that enigmatic statement, they huddled together, "Then said the Jews [The word is correctly used here because it is a reference to the Judean Pharisees, who wereJudeans of Idumean descent] among themselves, Whither will he go that we shall not find him? Will he go unto the DISPERSED [this is the actual word in the text!] among the Gentiles [Race/Nations], and teach the Gentiles [Race/Nations]?" (Verse 35.)
Farrar Fenton gives us this rendering:
Whichever translation we read, this verse provides us with ABSOLUTE PROOF that the Pharisees knew that the so-called "Gentiles" were the ISRAELITES OF THE DISPERSION. Of course, no rabbi will admit this today, because they pretend that the "Lost" Tribes disappeared, never to be found again! Such an admission would blow their whole charade. The devil’s rabbis will never voluntarily remove the Mask.
I repeat. The word ethnos NEVER MEANT "non-Jew." And it still does not have that meaning today. The rabbis have very cleverly implanted that false definition in our minds, in order to maintain their masquerade as Israel. In addition, the theologians of Judeo-Christianity have done Christianity incalculable harm, for their failure to scrutinize Jewish distortions of God’s Word.
Armed with the honest and accurate definitions provided in this document, I encourage you, one and all, to 1) read your Bibles with this Arsenal in mind, and 2) reach out to your White or Christian friends and relatives and show them what the Bible really teaches. We must end the persecution of the White Race by teaching them the truth of the Exclusivity of Israel. Armed with accurate definitions and the proper usage of words, the Bible, even the King James Version, can be readily understood. Double meanings and vague definitions will be replaced by precise language; and your heritage will be revealed to you as never before.
The prophet, Zephaniah predicted that near the Day of Judgment, honest speech would return to the people of the world:
The resistance, coming from our deceived brethren as well as from the Jews, to this Identity message has been phenomenal. Because of confused speech, the Judeo-Christians worship evil, warmongering Jews, merely because they claim to be "Israel." By peeling away the layers of deceit, which have been invisibly superimposed upon Scripture, Christian Identity is returning Biblical exegesis to pure speech, untainted by vagueness, double meanings, lies and delusional fantasies.
But, I see a new day! Understanding that Yahweh has given us His Timetable in the Holy Scriptures, we can now prepare and begin the final countdown, as the signs of the times are quite obvious to those who have eyes that see.
"My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them." (Ez. 34:6.)
Contrary to what this verse is telling us, namely, that True Israel can only be found after much seeking, the Jews are RIGHT IN YOUR FACE, SCREAMING, "Here we are! Here we are! We’re God’s chosen people! We’re God’s chosen people! We’re God’s chosen people…ad nauseum!" No need to search for the Jews. Even if you’re not looking for them, they will ask you to seek them out! They will remind you of whom they claim to be! They’re on your boob tube, saying it every single day! Yet, the Bible says that True Israel will be ignored!
Having forgotten our Identity as True Israel, few have sought God’s Chosen People within the Anglo-Saxon Race; and the Jews have rushed to fill the void. But that is changing, because it is the time of the Harvest. The Jews do not fit the criteria of the Lost Sheep, because they were never hidden or lost. The Jews have always been there, right in plain sight, pretending to be Israel and pretending to be the authorities on Scripture. In fact, when the high priests of Churchianity want advice on Scripture, whom do they seek? The rabbis of Judaism, the synagogue of Satan!
But even this is changing, as truthseekers are steadily turning to the teachings of Christian Identity for answers to Scriptural questions, questions that mainstream pastors cannot answer, either because they are clueless, or because they are themselves paid agents of the Anti-Christ.
Jesus told us, "The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." (Matt. 9:37-38)
We pray for our sleeping brethren to awaken. We are just now coming out of that deepest darkness, that darkness just before the dawn, but there is finally twilight on the horizon. Gradually, as more of our people rouse, and begin standing upright, like Ezekiel’s "dry bones" putting on sinews, muscle, flesh and skin, many of them will become laborers also. Thanks to the hard work of our own missionaries, this message – as of December 2007 -- is finally reaching the German people in the German language. Once they understand that THEY are Israel and the Jews are not, there will be a liberation. That liberation has to occur in the mind before it can become a physical reality.
ZOG’s [Zionist Occupation Government] persecution of the Anglo-Saxon people will gradually become obvious to even the most brainwashed of our people. I pity the object of the Saxons’ rage, when full cognizance of Jewish treachery is understood by them. The day is coming when the snowball rolling down the hill will become an unstoppable avalanche of Truth. For thirty years, I have been waiting to see this Day. With your help, I will yet see it. You can set up a Christian Identity Home Church of your own, or, if you would like to join this ministry, the Church of the Restoration of True Israel, please contact me and I will send you the relevant materials.
If you are a Caucasian, you must understand that the Adamic, Hebrew, Shemitic, Israelite heritage is YOUR HERITAGE. The stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the stories of YOUR ANCESTORS. They are NOT the heritage of the Jews, who are impostors, posing as Israel in order to deprive you of your inheritance as Israelites. Once you understand that you and your ancestors – not to mention your OFFSPRING – have descended from the Hebrews of the Bible, then, and only then, will you finally understand the mysteries of Scripture, that neither the Jews nor the Judeo-Christians have been able to explain, while demanding your allegiance to their dogma. Without this knowledge of Your True Identity, you will remain blind sheep following blind guides.
Hosea 6:1-2 talks of the Restoration of True Israel: "Come and let us return to Yahweh…after TWO DAYS He will revive us." From I Peter 3:9, we know that one day with Yahweh is as a thousand years for us, so the meaning is clear: After 2,000 years from the REDEMPTION ON THE CROSS, the elect of Israel will be revived. This revival was also prophesied in the Book of Ezekiel, in the "Valley of the Dry Bones" prophecy. (Chapter 37.) "And the heathen shall know that I YHWH do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore." (Ez. 37:28.) This means that, despite all of the efforts of the false priests to "convert" the world, they will fail, because there is NO WAY that the heathen can become "spiritual Israel." His prophet, Ezekiel, saw a completely different scene: one in which the heathen will witness OUR sanctification!
33 AD + 2,000 = 2033. We know that we are in the Last Days. Jesus told us that these Last Days would be shortened for our sakes (Matt. 24:22; Mark 13:20), so that it will be somewhat less than 2,033. I personally believe that it will be closer to 2012.
In the words of Habakkuk, "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it [the Bible] shall speak." (Hab. 2:3.) Because of Christian Identity, the Bible is speaking as it has never spoken before!
"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates of the city." (Rev. 22:14)
That City has TWELVE GATES, one for each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The time is now for sincere and enlightened study of Yahweh’s Word. Armed with the knowledge of Your Israelite Heritage, your DNA (your "tree of life"), and with this ARSENAL OF WORDS, I hope that the Bible will speak to you as it has never spoken before.
Speaking to the Israelites of the Dispersion, Paul said,
I leave you with something to look forward to:
See you in the Kingdom.
Pastor Eli James
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