Tonight we are speaking on a subject which the Church must learn to understand. There are many people who are under a strange delusion, finding themselves serving a fake set of ideas, which are very disturbing to them in the light of what they know and see round about.
There are many who have been told that Jesus Christ is a Jew, and therefore The Most High and Saviour of their Christian faith comes out of a race which hates Christianity, does all that it can to destroy it, and is now working insidiously all over the United States to get the Bible and prayer out of our schools, and to take the Name of Jesus Christ out of every phase of our national life.
Now this is hard for some people to understand. They ask, how could Jesus be a Jew, with all Jews fighting everything that relates to Christianity and His Name? Of course the great confusion that exists in the minds of many is in the fact that they have been ill-informed concerning who the house of Israel actually is, and they do not know that there is a vast distinction between the house of Israel (the descendants of Abraham) and the people called Jews today.
But we can establish for you clearly apart from these phases of identity that Jesus Christ is not a Jew, or else all the foundations of Christianity have been wasted upon something that is fatuous and that has no foundation whatsoever.
We will also establish this very clearly for you on the basis of Christ’s time, as well as facts which are self-evident as key points within the faith of Christianity.
I tell you that I am not following the Jew: I am following the Incarnate Revelation of The Most High. Before you ask me, Is Jesus Christ a Jew? I ask you this question: Is Yahweh a Jew? We have Jesus’ own words in Matt. 23:33 in which He turned and told the Jews that they are serpents and a generation of vipers. He was not talking about the symbol of Lucifer’s kingdom. He said they are Lucifer’s descendants.
I want to emphasize the fact that one of the first things that Jesus did in that conversation was to deny any family relationship.
(This is also one of the important records of the book of John.)
He denied any relationship with them, and in the instance when they were creating great pressures upon Him, Jesus made this statement: “I am of My Father, and you are of your father.”
Therefore, I want to point out something that is most significant concerning Christ. First, let us go to Isaiah 7:14, and read what it says about His birth. “Therefore Yahweh Himself the Eternal One shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shalt call His Name Immanuel” (which is “Yahweh with us “).
For further revelation on this subject we turn to Isaiah 9:6. (Remember, Isaiah is an Israelite but he is not a Jew.) It reads: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His Shoulder.” Who is He? “His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty,Yahweh, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
They are referring to the fact that He is The Everlasting Father, that He Is The Prince of Peace; and in this identification, His Embodiment as Messiah would be the Embodiment of the Life of Yahweh.
Now let us for a moment recognize that it was not until the violation of Divine law by Lucifer and his intermingling of nefarious forces with the races (before the coming of your Race) that there ever existed a Jew upon the face of the earth. It is also noted that these unassimilable forces are referred to in the Old Testament as Jehudi, which word is translated Jews.
We realize that the Bible (the King James version) which we have, like the Vulgate, had also been guided in its translation by a great number of Jews who, professing to be Hebrew and Greek scholars, thought to cover up many phrases that related to the identity of Christ and words referring to them and their own relationship to world situations; but they were unable to efface the most important phrases concerning Christ and Who He was.
Therefore we have these facts in writings of the Apostle Paul who, without question, is the greatest authority of the New Testament outside of the declarations which Jesus Himself made. We believe the doctrine of the Church is founded upon the contents of the writings of the Apostle Paul and the Words of Jesus. Their premise was also that the continuity of The Scripture meant that the Word of Yahweh of the Old Testament continued in the development of the truths of the new.
In the book of Colossians we discover that this revelation means that Yahweh is both Spirit and Soul, and can be embodied; so Spirit, Soul, and Body is the fullness of Yahweh, and you are in His image, and you are also Spirit, soul, and body.
The body of the Man Christ Jesus was the image of the Invisible Yahweh. We want you to know that this was the revelation of Eternal Deity and regarding Christ, we read these words in the first chapter of Colossians: “Who is the Image (or Body) of the Invisible Yahweh, the firstborn (begotten before) of every creature.
“Then Paul tells you here in the book of Ephesians as well, that by Him were all things created, that is by Jesus Christ.
“For by Him were all things created that are in the heavens, by Him were all things created that are in earth, visible and invisible (that means spiritual or material), whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: ALL things were created by Him and for Him: And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.”
If we did not have anything to talk about, we would say that this was proof conclusively that Jesus Christ could not be a Jew, because He was before any Jew existed. He was before all things, and by Him all things consist.
We point also to this: “He is the Head of the body, the Church, Who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He might have the preeminence.” (Colossians chapter 1) It pleases the Administering Spirit that His Embodiment will be the fullness of all in all. That is in your Bible, and these are the facts concerning the Person of Christ. He is the Author, the Creator, the Maker, the Producer of the universe; and the embodiment of all this in the physical body was His purpose.
I think it very important, then, that we also turn to things that are most significant in this prophecy.
It is no wonder the enemy, the higher critics, the forces of darkness want to do away with any super-element in our faith. If you could destroy that super-element, you might destroy the whole foundation of Christianity, and you might challenge the Being of Christ Himself.
So in this instance they try to do away with, and they would like to take out of the story, the prophecies of Isaiah that a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son. They want to change it today to “a young woman”.
I can assure you that the text said a virgin, and this was the intent. This fact is brought forth as one of the mysteries known back in the days, of Enoch. After his heavenly experience, Enoch also included in his revelation “The Pillars of Enoch” that Yahweh Himself would come forth through a virgin in a body, the fullness of Deity, the fullness of Divine Creative Power.
Now we turn to the record in Chapter I of Matthew concerning the genealogy of Christ, and this is “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ” He is referred to here as “the Son of David, the Son of Abraham”. David was not a Jew; he came out of Jesse. You will discover that he is out of Ephraim and actually out of Joseph. David was given a royal line over Judah, but not one drop of the blood of David is in the veins of Jesus.
We discover the fact in the book of Luke that Mary was of the house of Levi. The house of Levi was not Jew. The house of Levi could never be called Jews by anybody, nor could Judah be called Jewish, nor can you call the other ten tribes Jews by any stretch of the imagination, for they were not identified with the Kingdom of Judah. Jews are trying to identify themselves with the house of Abraham by saying they are Judeans, and that they descended from Judah. They only dwelt in the land of Judea, but they were never citizens of the house of Abraham, nor did they come through Judah.
We read the whole genealogy in the book of Matthew from the days of Abraham on down “… and Eleazar begat Matthan; and Matthan begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary”, and it was Mary of whom Christ was born. So it would not make any difference in all the genealogy of the house of Joseph, as far as the blood stream of Christ was concerned, for Joseph was not the father of Jesus Christ. He was only the adopted foster father, and thus added a rightful title as foster father to Jesus.
(The Jerusalem Bible footnote (Matt. 1:1) says “… Joseph legally the father of Jesus “.)
But Jesus held the title by His right as King of Kings and proved that in His Own conversation with the people of Jerusalem, as we will introduce to you.
In the Bible we have no genealogy as to who Mary is. Mary is the only physical embodiment and contact of Christ. Here in Matthew it says: “… Mary, of whom was born Jesus, Who is called Christ”.
Nowhere in the genealogy, if you go back to the Old Testament, was the mother ever mentioned. It always tells which father begat whom down through all time. Why was the mother mentioned here?
Why did it not mention the mother down through all this course? Because one of the facts of this time in history was that the Virgin Mary was the mother of Christ and His only physical contact on earth. Was she a jewess? Absolutely not!
Mary is of the house of Levi, so by no stretch of imagination could she be called a jewess. Levi was given for the true priesthood from the days of Aaron right on down to the present time; the ministry was called the ministry of Yahweh “forever” .
Let us turn back to the hour of the birth of Christ. This was in the days of Herod the King of Judea, and there was a certain priest named Zacharias (his wife was Elizabeth of the daughters of Aaron).
John the Baptist was born of Elizabeth, and Christ came forth from the womb of Mary. Now Elisabeth and Mary were cousins, one family, one household.
In Luke 1:36 we read (as the angel addresses Mary): “And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth hath also conceived a son in her old age.” Now this will help us to understand. The priesthood of Aaron was continued in the Levitical priesthood. This proves Mary was of the household of Levi.
We bring to your attention, for we have the evidence referred to time after time, that the Body of Christ was born of Incorruptible Seed. If you want to go back in the miracle pattern of religious philosophy, you will discover that as far as Adam is concerned he was the issue of Yahweh; he was His life, he was the Seed which He begat in the earth for establishing the Race from which would come His Kingdom.
As we called to your attention before, in the sixth day (era) Yahweh created and consummated through these geological ages of His time, the making of everything in the universe. He had even made man. “Male and female made He them”, but on the eighth day He said, “there is no Adamite to till the soil”, and He brought forth Adam, the very issue out of Himself. Do you know what the Apostle Paul tells us in Corinthians concerning Jesus?
This was the Body of Yahweh, the second Adam; and as Adam is the issue of Yahweh, so Christ is the second Adam. But He was also the firstborn of every creature, because He was before all things, and by Him all things consist.
Jesus began to preach one day, and He challenged the people: “Do you know before Abraham was, I was?” If, then, He was before Abraham, those who think the Jews started with Abraham would be forced to conclude that Jesus (having been before Abraham) could not have been a relative of the Jews. When Abraham went out on the plains of Moreh, he met an unknown personage; the one whom He met for the first time was called Melchizedek, the great mystery title of the eternal priesthood of the Eternal Yahweh.
The Apostle Paul tells you in the 7th chapter of the book of Hebrews who Melchizedek was: He was without beginning of days, or end of life, the Eternal Priest and King forever.
There is only one individual without beginning of days or end of life; and He, my friends, is Jesus Christ. John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Suppose I introduce you to the fact that, according to the book of Revelation, while he was there and while he was meditating, Yahweh appeared before him?
He heard the sound of a trumpet; and as he turned, he beheld the beautiful spectacle of radiant Majesty and Light. He saw Deity standing before him; he threw himself to the ground; he heard the words: “I am Alpha and Omega; I am.
The Ever-Living Yahweh.” John says he trembled before the symbol of Majesty. The voice said, John stand upon your feet.
You walked with Me along the shores of Galilee; I am Jesus. And he beheld and knew that The EverLiving was the Very One with Whom he had walked.
“Fear not. I hold the keys of death and the grave. Stand upon your feet.” Do you suppose that The Almighty Yahweh is a Jew? Yahweh save the world!
When Christ was twelve years old, He, His mother and Joseph (His foster father) went down to Jerusalem. He became separated from them. Do you know where they found Him? In the temple, confounding the wise men and the scribes; He knew more than they did.
He was expounding to them the mysteries of the Scriptures, for He has put them together. From that time on, Christ was busy on these things. Oh, you say, He was working in the carpenter shop? He lived in the City of Nazareth? Not very much. You want me to prove that to you?
Joseph of Arimathea owned the tin mines of Cornwall in Britain and, being of the true stock of the Kingdom of Israel, he was one of the most powerful members of the Sanhedrin. His ships ploughed up and down the coasts of Europe, through the Pillars of Hercules, and in the Mediterranean. Joseph was a good man; he laid Jesus in his tomb. This is a matter of history. You can go to Rome today and see where Joseph paid constant duty from one country to another.
Suppose I tell you that all during his youth, up to the time He was 30 years old, He was in Europe? Jesus was here, and He was there; He was preaching. You say, You cannot prove that. Yes, I can prove it. I am going to show you something here that you will remember. In Luke we have the story of how Christ was baptized, and after Lucifer assaulted Him with temptation, He was away for awhile. After He returned to the City of Nazareth, He went down to the temple to preach. When He stood up with authority and power (for He had the symbol of authority; they had handed Him the scroll) and He talked, the people said, Who is this? Is this Joseph’s son? Is this Joseph of Nazareth’s boy; or who is this? Now, my friends, if Jesus had been constantly in attendance here, if He had been growing up here since He was twelve years old, they would not have guessed or pondered who this was who stood up to preach.
I will show you something significant. If you turn to 1 Timothy 3:16 you will read these words concerning Jesus: “And without controversy great is the mystery of Godliness, Yahweh was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the nations, believed on in the world, received up into glory. “If Yahweh was manifest in the flesh, He was justified in the Spirit, and He preached unto the Nations – when did He do that? He did that before He commenced the three year ministry which was to be historic, that went up to His crucifixion. How I can prove to you that over here in the records, We have Christ as He returns from having been in a far country. As He arrives at the seat of Customs of the local government, they want to collect taxes from Him. Jesus turns to His disciples, saving, Of whom do the kings collect taxes, of their own or of strangers? (Here was, King Herod collecting taxes from Jesus) Jesus, not to argue with them, said, Go down and catch a fish. They brought a fish to Him, and He said, Take the money out of its mouth. They found there the golden coin with which to pay the taxes.
What I want to point out to you is that Jesus Christ had been outside the country and had returned at this instance. He had been preaching in a far country, and the records show that He paid taxes and paid customs. The Jews recognized He was a stranger. More than that, in another instance we can show you something which is significant to this pattern. You remember, in the book of John there are many mysteries; they are only mysteries because the Church never applied itself to these many things, and these are also correlated with evidence that we discover all through the writings of Matthew, Mark, and Luke; but especially in John are these things made known. I read here in John concerning that which Jesus was speaking that the Jews, the Pharisees, the chief priests, and the officers came to take Him. The high priests in the time of Christ were fatuous, and came in the line of the Canaanites. They were not the true seed of Israel. That is why Jesus told them: “I am of My Father, and you are of your father. “
In John chapter 7, He tells the chief priests and officers that came to take Him, I am going to be here a little while, and I am going into the Spirit whence I have come. “You shall seek me, and shall not find me; for where I am going you cannot come.” So it is obvious: Where Jesus was going, the Jews could not go. Yes, He was going to heaven. Well, then, the Jews could not get there.
The Jews said, “Where will He go that we can not find Him? Will He go to the dispersed among the nations? Will He go there and teach them?” The priests and Pharisees asked the officers, “Why have you not seized Him? Why did you not bring Him?” And the officers answered, “Never spake man like this man”. Then spake the Pharisees, “Are ye also deceived? Have any of the rulers or the Pharisees believed on Him?” Nicodemus (who visited Christ by night) stepped up. “Now listen: The Law does not judge any man before it hears him.” They said to him: “Oh, are you also one of His disciples? No prophet comes out of Galilee.” The Jews said He was not a Jew; they said He was a Galilean.
Now, remember, the Galileans were not jews. You say, prove that. All right, let’s turn to the sixth chapter of John. Jesus Christ had twelve disciples. One of them was a Jew; that was Judas Iscariot. All the rest came out of Galilee, out of the household of His selection. He asked them a question concerning His identity, and Simon Peter said: “Master, where shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. We believe and are sure that Thou art the Christ. ” That means the Embodiment of Yahweh, the Very Son, the Embodiment of The Most High.
Jesus said: “Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” While that may be just a name you call somebody, to Christ it was a generation of Lucifer. Jesus turned to the Jews on Solomon’s porch, and said: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. I am from above,- I am of Yahweh, and ye are of the devil. I am Yahweh’s offspring, and ye are the devil’s offspring. “You say, is that in the Bible? That is in the book of John, which you have. John also says: “He spake of Judas Iscariot, … for he it was that should betray him.”
In John 7:1 we read: “After these things Jesus walked in Galilee – For he would not walk in jewry, because the Jews sought to kill Him. “You understand that in Galilee He would not be among the Jews. The brethren of Jesus, the friends of Jesus, and the Galileans (the people of the community where Christ lived) went down to Jerusalem; but there, no man dared speak openly of Him for fear of the Jews. Let us turn to the words of Jesus in the eighth chapter of John. He makes the declaration concerning His purpose. He went over to the temple and all the people came, and He taught them, saying: “I bear record of Myself, and My record is true. “The Pharisees said: “Your record is not true.” So we have the Jew Pharisees denying Christ. He said: “I know whence I came and whither I go, but you cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go.” They asked, “Where is your Father?” Then Jesus said: “If ye had known Me, ye should have known My Father also.” These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as He taught in the temple. And no man laid hands on Him. For His hour was not yet come. Then Jesus said, “I go My way and ye shall seek Me and die in your sins. Whither I go, ye cannot come … And He said, ye are from beneath: I am from above; ye are of this world, I am not of this world.”
So Jesus said, You are of a different race, a different origin, a different background. Let me tell you about the whole Race of Israel. Turn to John 17. John records that Jesus praised the Father, and in this declaration, the Man Christ Jesus in the body is unveiling for posterity facts concerning the Eternal Spirit: “I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest Me out of the world. Thine they were, and Thou gavest them Me,- and they have kept Thy Word …. I pray for them. I pray not for the world, but for them whom Thou hast given Me,- for they are Thine … and Thine are Mine.”
Jesus said, I pray for those whom thou hast given Me. I have given them Thy Word, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I do not pray that you take them out of the world, but keep them in it, and protect them from evil. “I am not of the world.” He was the Almighty Ever-Living One from heaven. That is why one of the mysteries you find in the book of Hebrews is quite clear. He said your Race was a Race of strangers and pilgrims here. Yahweh put a gracious forgetfulness over you, so you would do the job which you were sent to do.
No Israelite was related to a Jew; and if he married one, he could not enter the temple, nor could his posterity.
You say, I thought Jesus was a Jew. No; Jesus could not be a Jew! If He was The Almighty Yahweh, if He was Holy Seed, if He was Incorruptible Seed, if He was before all things, that would be impossible.
In John chapter 12 the Pharisees said, We have got to do something about this man. Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing ever since He raised Lazarus from the dead? Many knew of this miracle. People all over the world were learning about the fact that Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, and they had gone after Him.
Now great nations sent ambassadors and messengers, and certain Greeks who were important people came to worship Jesus. They said to Philip of Bethsaida, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” Then Philip and Andrew and the others came to Him saying, Men are coming from these lands and places and they want to see you. Jesus answered: “The hour is come that the Incarnate Revelation of Yahweh should be glorified.”
The Pharisees said, We had better stop Him; the whole world is coming out to see Him. And therefore we have the testimony of this impact, where the chief priests consulted how they might put Lazarus to death in order to stop acceptance of the truth. Yahweh walked among them as The Messiah. He raised a man from the dead and they were so filled with hatred and jealousy that they wanted to put him to death again! Don't talk about brotherhood to me! I don’t want any part of them!
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Notice the countenances of the figures in this illustration. The accusers of Christ have the hooked-nose, unseemly appearance characteristic of the jews, While Christ is depicted as the straight-nosed Aryan type.
Recently there was much media chatter concerning the current head of the Romish “church”, Herr Ratzinger (I ought not use any of the usual self-proclaimed titles, cf. Matt. 23:8-9), and his visit to the United States. One of the highlights of his trip, according to the media, was his stop at a New York City synagogue, and his embrace of the Jews there, where he gave a speech which stressed the so-called “Jewish” roots of Jesus (Yahshua) Christ and of Christianity. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. In reality – which reality shall continue to escape the notice of most people in society – Herr Ratzinger’s homage to the Jews of New York surely demonstrates the truth of such New Testament verses as Luke 4:5-6, John 14:30 and 1 Cor. 2:8, among others. For those whom we see in positions of authority are not the true wielders of power: it is the dragon (Rev. 12:7-9) which gives authority to the beast (Rev. 13:4). While this statement may seem enigmatic now, it may become clearer later, as this essay proceeds.
During His earthly ministry Yahshua Christ continually distinguished Himself from the Jews, and there are clear examples of this in the words of Christ recorded at John 8:31-47 and John 10. Such distinction is also made by the gospel writers, especially by John, such as at 7:1 and 9:22. In order to understand this distinction, and the reason for the division recorded in the New Testament, it is fitting to examine the history of Judaea in the period leading up to the birth of Christ: for why were Herod and all Jerusalem troubled – even at an announcement of His birth – and why did they conspire to kill Him, rather than rejoice as the Magi and the shepherds did (Matt. 2:1-23; Luke 2:8-20)?
Many centuries before the birth of Christ, from approximately 745 B.C. to 676 B.C., almost all of the population of ancient Israel and Judah were destroyed or removed to other lands by the invading Assyrians, outlined briefly in 2 Kings chapters 17 and 18. The Assyrians left only the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for which see 2 Chron. 32. Ancient Assyrian inscriptions have been found which corroborate these histories, and show that hundreds of thousands of Israelites were taken and resettled in the north. These Israelites are the “lost” sheep of Ezekiel chapter 34, and the subject of many Biblical prophecies made even long after their deportation. Yet none of these people were ever called “Jews”, and therefore they are not the subject of this discussion, although it surely can be demonstrated that – for the most part – these people developed into the Christian nations of later history.
By 585 B.C., nearly all of those left behind by the Assyrians had been taken away by another invader, the Babylonians, who destroyed Jerusalem and removed the people to Babylon (2 Kings 25; 2 Chron. 36). Of all of these, only about 40,000 people returned to Jerusalem some years later, as recorded by both Ezra and Nehemiah. From these 40,000, some of whom settled in Galilaia but most of whom settled in and around Jerusalem, descended Yahshua Christ and the apostles and their countrymen, and the “Jews” of Judaea and Jerusalem. Yet it is fully apparent that the Hebrew religion and prophecies of the Old Testament belonged to a much wider group than these, who never returned to Judaea nor whom were ever called “Jews” – something quite difficult to discern from all of today’s propaganda.
At Ezra 10 and Nehemiah 13 we see that these people who returned to Jerusalem began intermarrying with the Canaanites – the ancient enemies of Israel who were accursed by Yahweh the God of Israel – and upon being admonished and repenting, they put off their foreign wives. This occurred in the 5th century B.C., and the Old Testament records end here, over 400 years before the birth of Christ. Yet much of this 400 years which are wanting in our Bibles are described by secular historians, and especially by the Judaean historian, Flavius Josephus.
From Josephus and others it can be seen that the Edomites – the descendants of Esau and his Canaanite wives (Gen. 36) – had moved into the lands of Simeon and Judah after the Israelites were deported. By 130 B.C., under the Maccabees who were the high priests at Jerusalem, the people of Jerusalem had grown quite strong and after throwing off the yoke of the Greek rulers of Syria to whom they had been subject, they conquered all of the Canaanites and Edomites who had inhabited the surrounding areas, and forced them all to convert to the religion of Judah, already called by this time “Judaism” in the Greek and Roman tongues, and all of those people – Israel’s traditional enemies – became known as Judaeans, or “Jews”. Once converted to Judaism and practicing circumcision, it became quite easy for the true Israelites of Judaea (the descendants of the 40,000) to begin intermarrying with the Edomites and Canaanites of Judaea, and this time without any apparent religious guilt or criticism. By 80 B.C., many Edomites had gotten themselves into positions of power and authority in the kingdom of Judaea, and especially the family of Herod. By 40 B.C. the first Herod (that of Matthew chapter 2) had become the de facto king of Judaea, having slain the last of the Maccabees, and being bribed by Herod, Marc Antony persuaded Octavius Caesar and the Roman Senate to make Herod the official king, about 36 B.C. Once Herod became king, the high priesthood and other positions at the Temple in Jerusalem became political tools, and over the years many of Herod’s friends and kinsmen were granted appointments to such offices – a practice which continued until the Temple was finally destroyed in 70 A.D.
Understanding this history, it is evident how the Judaeans whom Christ reproved could claim to be Abraham’s offspring, and yet Christ denies that they were true children of Abraham (John 8). For being descendants of Esau, their claim was valid, yet Yahweh the God of Israel hates Esau (Mal. 1:1-3), as Paul reminds us in Romans chapter 9, where the apostle tells us that not all of those in the Israel of his day were actual Israelites, and he proceeds to contrast Jacob and Esau! Describing the Israelites as “vessels of mercy”and the Edomites as “vessels of destruction” (Rom. 9:22-33), here he explains the reasons for the division among the first century Judaeans, also evident in many passages elsewhere, such as Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. Being, in part, descendants of Canaanites, they were also descendants of the Kenites – the children of Cain – and the Rephaim, all of whom mingled together (i.e. Gen. 15:19-21). This is why the Edomite Herod was representative of “the great red dragon … that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan” (Rev. 12) who attempted to kill the infant Christ, for the Kenites and the Rephaim were descendants of the serpent and the fallen angels of Genesis!
For this reason Yahshua Christ told those Judaeans whom He reproved that “Ye are of your father the devil” (John 8:44), and “But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you” (John 10:26). Note that He did not say “ye are not of my sheep, because ye believe not”, as the Romish and Protestant “churches” teach. No, He said “ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep”, where we see that the Jews – the non-believing, anti-Christian Judaeans – were never His sheep in the first place! Indeed, the Bible and history show that they are Canaanites and Edomites – the enemies of Israel cursed and hated by Yahweh God.
Paul separates the Judaeans into two groups: vessels of mercy and vessels of destruction, as the prophet Jeremiah separated the inhabitants of Jerusalem into two groups: good and bad figs (Jer. 24). Of the bad figs, Jeremiah prophesied that they were to be “removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all the places whither I shall drive them” (Jer. 24:9). Likewise Yahshua Christ, surely alluding to Jeremiah, standing in Jerusalem in 32 A.D. and prophesying about the coming destruction of the city and temple – which happened in 70 A.D. – is recorded as having said “… for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations …” (Matt. 21:23-24), and He said this speaking of the unbelieving Judaeans, the bad fig, “not of my sheep”, Edomite Jews! This diaspora of 70 A.D. was not the dispersion of the people of God once known as Israel – for that had happened centuries before, in the Assyrian and Babylonian deportations. Rather, the diaspora of the Jews was – as both Jeremiah and Christ attest – the diaspora of the enemies of God and of Christ! From these people descend – again, in part – the Jews of today, who have mingled themselves with people from many other races along the way, yet who have kept their religion as a common bond – except for the converts to Romish catholicism in certain places in the Middle Ages, especially in Italy and Spain. For nearly 40 years, from the crucifixion in 32 A.D. to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the gospel was the filter which separated many of the good figs from the bad. Most of the good Judaeans, as Josephus attests, had fled Jerusalem before its destruction. Christians, of course, had the warnings of Christ.
It is often claimed by the Jews of today that the Romans killed Christ, being responsible for the crucifixion, and both the Romish and many Protestant “churches” often parrot this nonsense. For at Luke 19:27, at the end of the “parable of the ten pounds”, as it is often called, we find Christ saying “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”Elsewhere we see the Jews exclaim “We have no king but Caesar” (John 19:15) and “His blood be on us, and on our children” (Matt. 27:25). After the crucifixion, the apostles clearly fix the murder of Christ on the people of Judaea, and never on the Romans, as can be clearly seen at Acts 2:23; 4:8-10; 7:52-53 and 1 Thess. 2:14-15. The Romans did not kill Christ! The record is clear that the Judaeans (Jews) killed Christ. The Romans were merely the hammer in the hand of the Jews! Can a murderer blame his crime on the weapon? It is also clear that while many good people in Judaea went along with the crucifixion, they were merely following along with the masses and the propaganda of their leaders, the Pharisees and Sadducees, the great number of whom were bad-fig Edomite Jews. Politics then was no different than it is today! For this reason Paul explains that those who deny Christ shall receive much greater punishment than those who transgress the laws of Moses, and that God shall indeed take vengeance upon the Christ-deniers (Heb. 10:28-30). The Jews, claiming to be the people of God, bring much greater punishment upon themselves even if they are! Yet in reality they are not: they are rather the synagogue (assembly) of Satan (the Adversary), i.e. Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.
In another oft-repeated Jewish claim, they justify their religion – which is not the valid Hebrew religion, for indeed Christianity is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets – by claiming that there is more than one “path” to “God”, and that these different paths are reflected by the various religions of the world. Yet the words of Yahshua Christ Himself clearly refute this, for at John 14:6 He is recorded as having said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” At John 10:7-9 He says “… I am the door of the sheep … I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved …”, and so it is evident that there is only one path to Yahweh God, and it is also evident that only His sheep pass through that door! Furthermore, Paul, in his epistle to the Hebrews (1:6), says in reference to Christ:“And let all the angels of god worship Him”. An “angel” is a messenger, the meaning of the Greek word. If one claims to be a messenger of God and does not worship Christ, then his religion is vain, and its promises empty. Throughout the Old Testament are prophecies and promises concerning Christ. Those who claim to find their religion in it, and yet are not Christians, are frauds who deceive even themselves. The Jews are foremost among these!
The Greek word anathema means “accursed”. A valid argument may be presented that the word maranatha, found at 1 Cor. 16:22, is actually a Hebrew phrase which means “a rebel to be destroyed”. This interpretation derives mara from Strong’s Hebrew dictionary #4754 (see also 4775, 76, 77, 79 and 4784) as a rebel, and natha from #5421 (see also 5422, 23) as to destroy or in the Passive, to be destroyed. It can even be argued that this interpretation is more defensible than those of the mainstream scholars, where there is disagreement in the lexicons even as to how the phrase maranatha should be parsed, and the words derived are not – so far as I have seen – identified precisely. Nevertheless, mainstream scholars insist that the phrase means “O Lord, come”, or something similar, even though this is forced into the context of the preceding words. Rather, it is quite evident that 1 Cor. 16:22 should read: “If anyone does not love the Lord Yahshua Christ, he must be accursed (anathema), a rebel to be destroyed [maranatha]!” This reading of the phrase is much more natural in the context of the words which precede, and is quite legitimate, being derived from identifiable Hebrew words. And such are the Edomite Jews – accursed by God – whom Paul calls “vessels of destruction” in Romans 9. Yet we need not rely upon this one statement – having to decipher the enigmatic and argue over its meaning – to see that Christians must reject Jews. For there are many other such statements left to us by the apostles of Christ which instruct us in like manner.
In the first epistle of John, at 2:22-23, we read: “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Yahshua is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father”, and in the historical context of John’s writing, the apostle can only be describing the Jews. John continues at 4:1-3: “Behold, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Yahshua Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Yahshua Christ is is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” While naive catholics and other adherents to the mainstream sects await “The Antichrist” whom they believe to be some future beastly ruler often depicted with science-fiction quality abilities, the truth is that the antichrists have walked among us for thousands of years already! Many of them today are called “Jews”! Their spirits are not from God, but are rather from their own father – the devil (John 8:44). John speaks of them further, at 1 John 5:10: “He that believeth on the Son of God hath witness in himself; he that believeth not God hath made him a liar: because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.” The Jews, by rejecting Yahshua Christ, esteem God to be a liar! Should Christians embrace Jews?
In John’s 2nd epistle, the apostle reinforces the instruction that those who deny Yahshua are the antichrists, at verse 7: “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Yahshua Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” So we see that the Jews are liars, deceivers, and antichrists! In the same epistle, at v. 9: “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.” John proceeds to instruct his readers how to treat those who reject Christ, at vv. 10 & 11: “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed: For he that biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds.” To “bid Godspeed” is archaic language meaning simply “to greet”. So it is evident that Christians certainly should not embrace Jews, nor even so much as greet them!
Paul makes a statement similar to 2 John 9-11, while discussing sound Christian doctrine, at 1 Tim. 6:3-5: “If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Yahshua Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.” And so, Christians must reject the Jews!
In the first century, the Jews used the organized religious sects, the Pharisees and Sadducees, to oppose Christianity, and through these their power to persuade the Roman authorities against it. Unto this day the Jews continue to oppose Christianity, both with their own cries of religious persecution and with the “secular” organizations which they have founded and operate, such as the ACLU and the ADL, among others, which employ once-Christian court systems in order to oppress Christianity. While these groups seek to extinguish Christianity, Christian morals, and Christian ideals, Christians suffer these groups, engage with them, even make donations to them, and embrace the Jews who support them! Such is contrary to the advice of Paul, who warned Christians to “Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them … And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph. 5:6, 7, 11), and “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ … that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Ph’p. 1:27-29). The “token of perdition” comment shows that these adversaries of Christ are those “vessels of destruction” Paul discussed in Romans chapter 9 – the Edomite Jews. Paul discusses them again at Ph’p. 3:18-19: “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory isin their shame, who mind earthly things.” These are indeed the “antichrists” of John’s epistles. For a few verses before, at Ph’p. 3:2, Paul warned: “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision”, and the lines which followed show that by “concision” Paul meant those practitioners of Judaism who insisted that men be circumcised in the flesh.
Not all Judaeans who in the first century converted to Christianity did so with sincerity. Rather, often they were infiltrators, attempting to subvert the Gospel. Peter and Jude both warned about these (2 Pet. 2; Jude 4-16). Paul tells of them again at Gal. 2:1-10, where he calls them “false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Yahshua, that they might bring us into bondage”, since they attempted to compel Titus to be circumcised. Elsewhere, Paul warned the elders of the Ephesians that “after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” This is why John warned in his epistle, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
Therefore everything touted as doctrine must be measured against the entire Bible.
These “false brethren” were more interested in gaining control over men (Gal. 2:5) than in being true Christians themselves. And those whom they couldn’t subvert, they persecuted. Paul says at 1 Thess. 2:14-15:
“For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Yahshua: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
Who both killed the Lord Yahshua, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
Forbidding us to speak to the [nations] that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.”
The problems in Thessalonica which Paul refers to here are described at Acts 17:1-9, where it is evident that common Thessalonians were incited to act against the Christians by certain Jews. They do this same thing in our society today! Early Christian history shows that it was the Jews who were behind all the Roman persecutions of Christians – as Tertullian also attests in hisApology (21.25). However, not being able to stifle Christianity from the outside, history is replete with examples of Jews who “converted” to Christianity, only to later subvert it with false doctrine from within. The results of this continue to plague the mainstream “Christian” sects to this very day, and especially Romish catholicism.
Why don’t Christians actually follow the New Testament? Why do they disregard all of these admonitions and warnings, and embrace the Jews? Today, all of Western Civilization is in a state of drastic decline because we have embraced the Jews! Here in America, the Jews – who have been here in significant numbers for only about 130 years – have led us into racial integration and a world full of drugs and pornography. Our cities are destroyed, our economy ever teetering on the verge of collapse. Inflation of the money supply is rampant. Our formerly world-leading manufacturing base is disappearing, along with our middle class.

The First Jew
by Barton A. Buhtz
Why Watch Pharisees
By C. E. Carlson
Most of our technology has been freely transferred to our enemies. Jewish Marxist ideology has become the standard throughout all of our academia, and now holds the center ring in our political circus. If one doesn’t believe that the Jews are indeed responsible for all of this, one must investigate just who it is running all of the major banking houses, such as Goldman-Sachs and Solomon Bros., Morgan Stanley and Citibank, along with the hedge funds and holding companies, such as KKR, which are really just corporate raiders with improved public relations. One must investigate how such a large percentage of positions on the White House staff, the houses of Congress and their staffs, and all of the cabinet departments are filled by Jews.
In addition, all of the most powerful media companies, such as Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and many others, are owned and/or managed by Jews. Like Judaea at the time of Christ, most all of the so-called “upper-crust” of American society is now occupied by the antichrist, Edomite Jews!
Christians very naively pity Jews when they cry “persecution”, while at the same time the Jews devour the substance of the Christians!
Those whom – as Paul says – “might bring us into bondage” have done so indeed through oppressive taxes and laws – and “who mind earthly things” have through fraud and deceit come to possess all of our earthly things! When will Christians ever start actually practicing what it is that they profess to believe? Only then can our nation – and the other White nations of the world who suffer in like manner – ever begin to be healed.
When Christians embrace jews, horrible things happen:
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The Anti-Christ for Dummies
Constantly we hear “Is Obama the Anti-Christ?” There has always been such speculation over certain historical figures. People anticipate a personal, singular, evil Anti-Christ to torment us for a period of years before the “end of the world”. But does the Bible really tell us of such a person? Here we will have a short examination.
In the entire Bible, the word “antichrist” only appears on five occasions, one of them in the plural, and all of these are in the short epistles of John, at 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and at 2 John 7. Here we will see what those passages say in the King James Version of the English Bible.
In the first epistle of John, at 2:18, we read: “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” So we see that there were many antichrists even at John’s time. To wait for a single future Anti-Christ, rather than investigate to find out who it was that John was talking about, Christians are depriving themselves of understanding.
Further on in his epistle, at 1:22-23, John states: “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Yahshua is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father”, and in the historical context of John’s writing, the apostle can only be describing the Jews. In first century Judaea, people who accepted Christ lost their identity as Judaeans (“Jews”), and amalgamated with their fellow Greek and Roman Christians, all becoming “one in Christ”. Facilitating this amalgamation, evidently, is the fact that at that time they were all actually alike. The first century historian Flavius Josephus testifies that the only way by which the Judaean men were distinguished from the Greek is by the fact that they were circumcised (Antiquities, 12.5.1). Josephus expressed this idea speaking of men exercising in a gymnasium, where such activity was commonly undertaken in a state of nudity.
John continues at 4:1-3: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Yahshua Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Yahshua Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” So while Christians await “The Anti-Christ” whom they believe to be some future beastly ruler often depicted with science-fiction quality abilities, the truth is that the antichrists have walked among us for thousands of years already! Many of them today are still called “Jews”, and adhere to that same false religion in which they rejected Christ! Their spirits are not from God, but are rather from their own father – the devil (John 8:44). John speaks of them further, at 1 John 5:10: “He that believeth on the Son of God hath witness in himself; he that believeth not God hath made him a liar: because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.” The Jews, by rejecting Jesus Christ, esteem God to be a liar, while hypocritically claiming to be of God!
In John’s 2nd epistle, the apostle reinforces the instruction that those who deny Jesus are the antichrists, at verse 7: “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Yahshua Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” So we see that the Jews are liars, deceivers, and antichrists! In the same epistle, at v. 9: “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.” John proceeds to instruct his readers how to treat those who reject Christ, at vv. 10 & 11: “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed: For he that biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds.” To “bid Godspeed” is archaic language meaning simply “to greet”. So it is evident that Christians certainly should not keep company with Jews, nor even so much as greet them!
Paul makes a statement similar to 2 John 9-11, while discussing sound Christian doctrine, at 1 Tim. 6:3-5: “If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.”
And so, Christians, if they truly believe their Bibles, must reject Jews, who have themselves been the antichrists all along! Christians must, of course, also reject anyone else who denies the Christ. It is only when we stop accepting evil that we could ever be healed.
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Not at all… Despite the clamor of the blinded in part, “church-goer” and the duped “Judeo Christians” following the likes of Billy, Jerry, and Pat, et. al, Jesus would have been a follower of the Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaism of the day, which exists in the very same antiChristian Judaism form today…
In fact, St. Paul even described it as well, noting that it was even then, working in his day, that “mystery of iniquity.”
Judaism follows the Talmud and not the Torah, the first five books of Moses…The Torah takes a far distant 2nd place in the minds and comments of the Rabbi’s of Judaism and as a consequence, they do not follow the original Hebraism of the early Israelties, those who met and agreed to abide by the Law given to them at Mt. Sinai.
When the tribe of Judah was taken to Babylon in a mild form of captivity, they abandoned their ancient Hebraism of the Torah and began to follow the “oral traditions” of the Pharisees who were called upon to circumvent these early Laws of the Torah while they were in the Las Vegas of the day, Babylon…
This circumvention given to the Figs of Judah, both the good and bad, evolved into the long series of Rabbinical traditions that became the infamous, Talmud… now 63 volumes of very antiChristian writings and commentary… and cleary anti Jesus..
So, when He called them down and stated that their rules make the Laws of non-effect, He was speaking about their Talmud…
So, would Jesus have become a Jew in order to abide by the Talmud… Go figure… Hardly… Jesus was not a Jew..
–J, Richard Niemela.

Was Jesus A Jew?
You and I, everyone has a heritage. We are intrigued by our past. Where did we come from? Who might be our ancestors? Few of us can trace our specific family ancestry back more than a few generations. In a broader sense we can often trace our racial ties back to Europe, Africa, Asia and so on.
Even the people of today called “Jews” are for the most part a social, religious group whose ancestry is nearly as obscure as others.
Have you heard the disciples of Jesus referred to as Jews? Have you heard Jesus Himself called a Jew?
Was Abraham a Jew? What does Scripture reveal? According to the Bible, who was the first Jew?
God, through his servant Moses, very carefully laid the groundwork for the answer to these questions in Genesis chapter ten.
His description of the genealogy began with Noah and his three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Moses recorded the descendants of Ham and Japheth, but only for a few generations. The focus, however, was on Shem. Note that he dealt with the eldest son last.
Beginning with Genesis 11:10 Moses detailed the genealogical line of Shem. His great-grandson was Eber. That name means “The Land Beyond” or The ones who crossed over.” Genesis revealed that Eber’s region of settlement was from Mesha toward Sepher, the hill country of the East. (Gen. 10:30)
The land of Eber can generally be defined as East of the Fertile Crescent and North of the Tigris-Euphrates river. This region became known as the Land of Eber and the Bible referred to his descendants as “Hebrews.”
Thus, as we trace the family tree, we come to Terah, a Hebrew. He was the father of Abram later named Abraham by God. Abraham was a Hebrew as was his nephew Lot. Their ancestor had migrated to and settled in the Ur of the Chaldees.
Abraham’s story is well-known. The call of God. His migration to Canaan, to Egypt and to Canaan again. The birth of Isaac. The choice of Isaac’s bride from the Land of Eber. The birth of Jacob and Esau to Isaac and Rebekah.
Clearly to this point in history all of the descendants in the geneology are Hebrews. But with Jacob a change took place. God gave him the name Israel.
Now Jacob was still a Hebrew, but he was also the first Israelite. Jacob married two women, both daughters to Laban, also a Hebrew.
Jacob had twelve sons. All twelve were identified as children of Israel and all were Hebrews.
Only one of the twelve sons of Jacob, now Israel, was named Judah. He became the patriarch of the tribe of Judah from which we get the expression “Jew.” Judah, therefore, was the first Jew. King David was a descendant of the tribe of Judah. After King Saul’s death David became king of Judah. Later the other tribes of Israel made a treaty with him and David became king over all Israel.
Jesus was clearly a descendant of King David as recorded in Matthew and Luke, but was Jesus a Jew?

What better time than the birthday of Jesus Christ to examine the Pharisees, as He did.
Jesus had much to say about this sect that had established control over spiritual life in Judea and was even able to manipulated the leaders of the occupying Roman Legion.
The noun Pharisee occurs at least 87 times in the New Testament. They are invariably in conflict with Jesus. However, any use of this word has mostly been eliminated from the teaching of seminaries and pulpits of America’s churches and the professing Christian media.
What is a Pharisee and WHY don’t we hear about them any more?
Webster defines Pharisee: “One of the members of a school or party among the ancient Jews noted for the strict formal observance of the rites and validity of traditions of the elders. Pharisee interpretation provided the standard of observation and belief for the great majority of the Jews from the 1st century A.D. Pharisaic: Hypocritical, self righteous and censorious of others”(Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd edition, 1950.)
Jesus confronted the Pharisees daily, as we believe all true followers of Christ should do. No longer an exclusive Jewish term, the pharisaic influence can be found in every church and synagogue in America, busily reshaping Christianity into its own image.
Every mention of “Pharisees” occurs in the New Testament, forming the center of conflict swirling around Jesus, His disciples and followers. The Pharisees stalked and persecuted them throughout their missions.
Along with the 78 verses where they are mentioned by name, the Pharisees are also named by the pronouns “they” or “them” in many more verses.
They are the object of Jesus’ debates in several complete chapters of Matthew, John and Luke which provide accounts of the ongoing conflict and plot against his life.
The name Pharisee occurs 54 more times than the infamous name of Judas, and twenty times more often than the name of Pontius Pilot. It is without a doubt the most infamous name in the New Testament, second only to Satan. Jesus consistently denounced them as associates of Satan and his lies.
Yet the word “Pharisee” has been pointedly ignored and all but forgotten in modern Christendom. It may be the most avoided word found in the Bible. Many church pastors and most televangelists are capable of preaching the year through without ever mentioning the word Pharisee, except in passing over it like an extinct and irrelevant species. Bible study courses rarely mention who the Pharisees were, and why Jesus pronounced upon them so harshly. Could it be that any celebrity Christian who wants keep his TV contract knows that he must never suggest that the Pharisee’s war on Jesus has anything at all to do with us, or that this anti-Christ sect may have survived to this day ?
The word “Pharisee” has not yet been removed from any Bibles we know of. Though we believe this too might soon be attempted. Most Bible commentaries and concordances avoid any serious treatment of who the Pharisees are and what they believe. One example is the concordance in the new, very popular Thompson Study Bible which is supposedly designed to help readers understand the scriptures. Amazingly it contains only one of the 78 sites about Pharisees found in Strongs, the accepted standard. The 1962 edition contained four of the 78. It appears that the publisher is progressively phasing the word out of our Christian vocabulary.
Jesus denounced this most powerful and destructive faction of anti-Christianity as damned, calling them a “generation of vipers” and “sons of Satan.” However, most study Bibles and courses omit all but a casual mention of the Pharisees.
The purpose of Pharisee Watch is to bring to light the ongoing influence of the Pharisees on our modern society and how they continue the attempt to control our lives. Jesus clearly shows us how they controlled Judea during His time. Needless to say we do not think Pharisees have gone away or they would not still be tampering with The Faith.
Webster’s definition spotlights Pharisaism as modern Judaism.
This is proudly echoed by many rabbinical sources, who are quite arrogant of their station.
They would move heaven and earth to discourage thousands of pastors and televangelists from teaching what Jesus has told us so clearly.
The granddaddy of all the Pharisee censors is the powerfully promoted Scofield study Bible, first printed in England in 1908, but sold in America. It contains hundred of notes about the “rapture in the last days” and the return of the ancient tribe of Israelites to the Holy land.
The latest version of Scofield has even advanced “anti-Semitism” to the status of a “sin.”
Each of the four successive editions have further advanced the claim of the self-proclaimed Jews to the real estate known today as the State of Israel. However, Scofield hardly contains a note about the hundreds of verses recording Jesus’ daily conflict and the plot of his death by the Pharisees.
The first mention of Pharisees occurs in Matthew 3:7 when they appear in number at the Jordan River where John the Baptist proclaimed the coming of the Messiah.
John’s encounter is vividly recorded in Mt. 3:7: “But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”
Matthew 3:8, “Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance.”
One early exchange between Christ and the Pharisees occurred in Matthew 12 where Jesus called them “an evil and adulterous generation”in a powerful exchange that fills most of the chapter.
Matthew 23 primarily highlights Jesus’ condemnation of the Pharisees. Verses 31-34 reads: “Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city” (King James Version).
How can such a discourse be ignored during the entire careers of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Jack Van Empe and dozens more like them? They have made a career of promoting The State of Israel, regardless of the moral cost.
Luke 21 and John 8 contain more of the incessant confrontations of Jesus with the evil ant-Christ sect. We suggest every skeptical reader look up and read each of the 78 situations in Strongs containing the word “Pharisee.” Ask your own pastor when he last preached on what Jesus meant. Every follower of Christ should ask himself, “Why is almost all mention of the most powerful and evil cult to appear in the New Testament avoided and shunned by Christian leaders today?”
Toward the strait gate (Mth. 12:7)
We Hold These Truths Scottsdale, AZ 85254
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Children of True Israel, one of the most important revelations of my ministry has been the documentation of the fact that the Jewish people are totally UNRELATED to the Judahites of the Old Testament. At the same time, I have also documented the fact that JUDAISM IS NOT THE RELIGION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT.
Both of these statements are irrefutable facts, despite prevailing propaganda and beliefs to the contrary.
The first thing that every Christian has to realize is that the word ‘Jew’ is a translation from two different words that are contained in the Bible:
The Hebrew word ‘Yehudi’ and the Greek word ‘Ioudaios.’ Neither one of these words designates a modern Jew, who is neither a relative nor a co-religionist of the Hebrew Judahites (Yehudi).
The word ‘Jew’ is only a recently used word, having been first employed in the 1750’s in England, as the J sound was just being introduced into England from France in those days. It was first seen written down in Sheridan’s play, “The Rivals,” in the year 1775.
Most people assume that today’s Jews are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites; but this is not true at all, as I will show with many proofs in this essay. That the ethnicity and religion of today’s Jews is quite different from the Biblical Judahites and Israelites is the main thrust of this essay. In fact, virtually all of today’s Jews are not even Semites. But the rabbis of Judaism do not want you to distinguish between True Israel, True Judah and today’s unrelated Jewish people. Keep these linguistic facts in mind as you read.
As predicted in the book of Revelation, the whole world will have been deceived by a “beast” (Rev. 12:9); and that beast must be identified. As in the case of Jewish claims to ethnic identity with ancient Israel and Judah, under no circumstances can Judaism be considered to be either identical to the teachings of Moses, nor can Judaism be considered to be based upon the teachings of Moses. Due to Jewish propaganda, all Christians, except for those of us in Christian Identity, have been persuaded that “the Jews are Israel” and “Jesus was a Jew.” Both of these propositions are, in fact, false, and they originate from a vehemently anti-Christian and anti-Mosaic cult: the rabbinate. A careful reading of the Holy Scriptures proves this; but few Christians today read their Bibles, let alone read them CAREFULLY. They simply follow the errors of their “ministers,” who have also been persuaded by Jewish fables.
Since Judaism is, in reality, based upon the TALMUD, Judaism is, in fact, A TOTAL HERESY AGAINST THE TEACHINGS OF MOSES.
Before you can understand why Jesus was not a Jew, you must first understand the nature of the Jewish CHARADE as Israel.
Although the Jewish Talmud quotes the Old Testament, the reality is that the Talmud overwhelmingly CONTRADICTS THE TEACHINGS OF MOSES, thereby violating Deut. 4:2, in which Moses himself condemns any attempt to change the WRITTEN DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY BIBLE. Hence, the fictitious “oral law,” by which the rabbis of Judaism claim authority over the Old Testament, is nothing but a Satanic device to fool Christians into believing that they have some sort of “hidden wisdom” that we should accept as authentic. No greater deception has ever been foisted upon the human race!
Jesus Christ Himself confirms the fallaciousness of Judaism, when He accuses the Pharisees with this charge: “You have made the Law OF NONE EFFECT BY YOUR TRADITIONS.” (Matt. 15:5.) In Matthew Chapter 23, John 8, and in numerous other places, the Messiah condemns the Jews and their religion. The entire Gospel of John is one long excoriation of the Jews and their religion, but few ministers today quote these many passages concerning the mutual hatred existed between Jesus Christ and the Pharisees.
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia confirms that Judaism is based upon the teachings of the Pharisees and not upon the Law of Moses:
“The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence.
The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of that literature.” – Vol. VIII, p. 474 (1942).
Rabbinical scholars agree:
This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians – that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of course, a fallacious impression. Judaism is not the religion of the Bible. – Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser, Judaism and the Christian Predicament. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1967, p. 59.
…you will notice the great difference between the Jewish and Christian religions. But these are not all. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other. …we emphasized that there is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. There is not any similarity between the two concepts. – Rabbi Moshe M. Maggal (President, National Jewish Information Service) letter, 21 August 1961.
“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” – “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac.
The more we study the in-house publications of the Jews, the more we realize that public assertions about the Jewish people and their supposed origin in the people of Israel are nothing more than a public relations campaign designed to deceive Christians into backing their Zionist ambitions. How was such a gigantic charade made possible?
The Origins of the Great Deception.
Paul also warns us to beware of Jewish deceit: “Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith, not giving heed to Jewish fables, and the commandments of men, that turn from the truth…They profess to know God, but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” – Titus, 1:14-16.
Given this consistent and irrefutable damning testimony within Scripture concerning the perfidious nature of Judaism and the Jews, how is it possible that the rabbis have been able to deceive the world with their fables? Three main elements: Jewish deception, popular ignorance, and Judeo-Christian complicity.
As I was in the process of writing my book, The Great Impersonation: How the Anti-Christ Has Deceived the Whole World, a careful, historical reading of the Holy Scriptures revealed to me that the Jews are not the Judahites of Scripture. Nor are the Jews derived from any of the other 11 tribes. Nor was Jesus a Jew. He was a Judahite of the House of Judah, which is categorically the OPPOSITE of a modern Jew, as will be demonstrated herein. The rabbinate has capitalized on the similarity between the words ‘Jew’ and ‘Judah,’ falsely claiming that, therefore, the Jewish people are descended from True Judah. But Jewish kinship claims with ancient Judah (and Israel) are merely inventions of their self-serving theology and are not to be taken seriously. Also, Jewish claims, such that their religion is a direct inheritance from the teachings of Moses, are also pure fabrications, a fact about which this essay will leave no doubt.
I have written extensively on the Edomite origin of the Sephardic Jews, who were the only Jews in existence at the time of Christ. Under King Herod, who was an Edomite and who had usurped the throne of Judah, the Pharisaic priesthood had become a haven for Herod’s Edomite friends. Another sect, the Sadducees, also came to be dominated by Edomites, and they often persecuted those who followed Mosaism, and later Christianity, much worse than the Pharisees had. Since the Sadducees seem to have fallen into complete obscurity after the failed revolt of 65-70 AD, here we will only discuss the Pharisees. As the Bible repeatedly asserts, these Pharisees perverted the Law of Moses while deceptively claiming to preserve it in their tradition. (This is like a bunch of Hindu priests pretending to be Buddhists, in order to fool the Buddhists.) Edom is thus the true place of origin of the Sephardic Jews. The rabbinate and organized Jewry have had to go to great trouble and expense, for the last two thousand years, to prevent this revelation from going abroad. In the days of King John Hyrcanus, the land of Edom was then to the south of Judah, and it was known as Idumea. That territory was what was left of old Canaan-land, where the Kenites, Canaanites, and Edomites had lived since the days of Noah’s Flood. These Kenite nations are those nations that descended from none other than Cain. (Gen. 15:18-21.) These are also the same nations that Yahweh instructed the Israelites to destroy, while Joshua was their commander. (Deut. 7:1-5.) In this essay, I will demonstrate that the Sephardic Jews are, in fact, the descendants of those Kenites/Canaanites who managed to escape from Joshua’s Israelite armies. From this analysis, it must therefore be understood that, ethnically, these Sephardic Jews are Canaanites, not Judahites.
If you really want to understand the ethnic and theological antagonism between the Pharisees and Jesus Christ, you must read this document to the end, as this is a revelation of censored history, of which very few people are aware. Without this analysis of the ethnic origins of the enmity between Jesus and the Pharisees, neither the Bible nor history can be understood. Until these are understood, Jewish fables hold sway.
The Ashkenazim
In 740 AD, the Japhetic/Mongoloid/Hittite nation of the Khazars adopted this sham religion, Pharisaism (today known as Judaism); and these non-Shemitic, Ashkenazi Jews make up at least 90% of the Jewish people today. The Khazars are also referred to as the Ashkenazim. Thus, 90% of modern Jews have practically zero Shemitic blood in them. Zero, zilch, nichts, nada, none whatsoever! This means that they have no real ethnic relationship to either Judah or Israel. And yet they claim to be “Semites”! The Jews refer to their own blatant lies as ‘chutzpah;’ and their theological and ethnic claims are pure chutzpah of the worst kind. Christians, being a trusting and gullible lot, simply accept Jewish assertions without questioning the veracity of this chutzpah-spewing dragon.
Regarding the heritage of the Ashkenazim, this famous author says,
“It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jews’ ancestors never lived in Palestine at all, which witnesses the power of historical assertion over fact.” – Outline of History, by H.G. Wells.
The other 10%, the Sephardic Jews, are, since the days of Esau (the traitor brother of Jacob/Israel), Edomites, who have little or no Israelite blood in them either. Given the scarcity of Shemitic DNA in their blood, it is easy to see that the Jewish claim to being of “Semitic descent” is anti-historical, illogical and demonstrably false. This genetic situation makes the charge of “anti-Semitism” against the Jews’ enemies a sham as well. Since the Jews are not Shemites, but Edomites and Khazars, then one who opposes Edomites and Khazars cannot be accused of “anti-Semitism.” This is just a clever part of the Jewish charade. Therefore, it must be understood that the Jews have been staging a religious and cultural impersonation for the last two thousand years. And this is the true meaning of Rev. 12:9, where we are told that there is a “beast that deceiveth the whole world.” Of course, no mainstream theologian has ever been able to identify this mysterious “beast,” because they all falsely believe that the Jews are Israelites! It remains a fact, however, that no other entity, besides Judaism, has ever successfully deceived the whole world!!!
The rabbis are fully aware of this charade, because they created it; and their priesthood is devoted – 100% of the time – to making sure that the citizens of this planet remain befuddled by their deceptions. This is what all Jewish rabbinical students learn how to do in their Yeshivas. Religious deception is the full-time job of all rabbis!
This spiritual and cultural cancer, Judaism, has sunk its roots deeply within Christendom and Western civilization. This religious, spiritual and moral cancer is not easily cured. In order to cure a disease, we must first have the correct diagnosis.
The Factual Historical Record.
There were two kinds of Judeans in the days of John Hyrcanus and the first Herod (the “Great”): the original, native Judahites and the recently naturalized Idumeans, who were allowed to become citizens of Judea, via a treaty signed by King John Hyrcanus with the nation of Idumea, circa 125 BC. I can assure you that this treaty did not make these Idumeans into Judahites. It only made them citizens of Judea. This ethnic and religious distinction between Judahites and Edomites is precisely what the rabbis of Judaism have been trying to hide for the last 2,000 years. But Jesus Himself told us that, in the last days, all things will be made plain, so this crucial bit of historical information must be revealed.
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. – Luke 12:2.
This is why the Jews are constantly trashing the New Testament.
They don’t want you to know what Jesus and the Apostles had to say about them. They want you to believe that Judaism somehow emerged out of the religion of True Judah and True Israel.
This is nonsense.
The books of Ezra, Nehemiah, the Minor Prophets, the Apocrypha (especially I and II Maccabees) and Josephus, all describe how True Judah fought with all their might to remain separate from all the other nations.
They fought wars to maintain their separate culture, religion and identity.
Now, are we supposed to believe, according to Jewish perversion of history, that these same Judahites simply gave up their centuries-old nationhood and voluntarily changed themselves from a separate culture into a multicultural state? Without resistance? I don’t think so!!! The fact is that a perpetual series of Talmudic changes in doctrine arose with the Pharisees, the false priests who were empowered by Herod, the “Great.”
Herod was the Idumean usurper who, around 40 BC, murdered Hyrcanus II, the last True Judahite ruler to reign in Judea, and took his place.
This background history is absolutely crucial to a proper understanding of why there was a MUTUAL HATRED between the Messiah and most of the Pharisees.
Jesus told these Pharisees that their ancestors were the murderers of many of the Judahite priests and prophets and that their whole race is guilty of these crimes. Here are His exact words:
Thou blind Pharisees, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. – Matt. 23:26-31.
Josephus the Judaean historian writes in the 13th book of his Antiquities of the Judaeans that John Hyrcanus took by force all of the cities round about Jerusalem in this manner: “… he took Medaba …. After this he took Samega, and the neighboring places; and, besides these, Shechem and Gerizzim, and the nation of the Cutheans, who dwelt at the temple which resembled that temple which was at Jerusalem, and which Alexander permitted Sanballat, the general of his army, to build for the sake of Manasseh, who was son-in-law to Jadua the high priest, as we have formerly related; which temple was now deserted two hundred years after it was built. Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the Jews [sic, Judahites, since these Judahites must be distinguished from the Idumeans who were then NOT of Judah and who are today called “Jews.”
This is the crux of the problem: Modern translators routinely confuse these Idumeans with Judah. – Eli]; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers [from which they had been expelled by Joshua, David, etc. – Eli], that they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish [sic- Judahite] ways of living; at which time therefore this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews [Judeans by citizenship, not Judahites by race or religion.
This is like failing to distinguish between the Colonists and the Indians during the days of America’s founding by our White ancestors. – Eli].” (13:9:1, Whiston translation.) Strabo, the great Greek geographer, wrote some 75 years or so before Josephus and testified of Judaea that “The Idumaeans are Nabataeans, but owing to a sedition they were banished from there [ancient Petra], joined the Judaeans, and shared in the same customs with them.”
(Strabo, Geography, 16.2.34, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press).
With the merging of the two nations of Judah and Idumea around 125 BC, these Idumean Edomites, having insinuated themselves into the throne of Judah by intrigue and force, began the process of dismantling the Hasamonean Dynasty, and thus the Judahite power structure, by gradually replacing Judahites with Edomites. These facts are contained in the historical works of Josephus, who was NOT A JEW. He was a Levite of Judaea and thus a Judahite, as his own writings attest. If you pay close attention to what Josephus wrote, you will discover that he makes a clear distinction between the Judahite people of Judea and the Edomites of Idumea. Whenever someone cites “Josephus, the JEWISH HISTORIAN,” rest assured that this slogan was invented to cement into your mind the false idea that Josephus was a Jew rather than a Judahite. This false identification goes hand-in-hand with the false identification of Jesus as a Jew. It is a matter of historical falsification. All of history must be and has been rewritten by the Jews in order to maintain their imposture as the Judah and Israel of the Bible.
This is IDENTITY THEFT on a massive cultural, historical and theological scale.
Thanks to the power of Jewish money, publishing and advertising, the Christian world is largely ignorant of this impersonation; and the Jews are doing everything in their power to prevent Christians from understanding this.
Carefully note this statement: There is a big difference between a Jew and a Judahite. Every time a modern author references Josephus, he or she never fails to add the words “the Jewish historian” to the name of Josephus. This is nothing but indoctrination by repetition – repetition of a preposterous lie!!!! Therefore, the works of Josephus should be entitled Antiquities of the Judaeans and Wars of the Judaeans. The Jewish charade as Israel and Judah requires that historical documents be retitled and falsely translated, and historical figures renamed, so that the impersonation can go on undetected and unquestioned. This rewriting and re translation of documents, of course, includes the Bible itself, where, in the Old Testament, the Hebrew word ‘Yehudi’ has been falsely translated as ‘Jew’ in many instances. It is in most cases correctly translated as “Judah,” but only a few instances of false translation are required to establish the PRECEDENT of a false identification, i.e., Jew = Judah. Thus, the idea that ‘Jew’ equals ‘Judah’ has been firmly cemented in our minds, by way of deception.
Even the most learned scholars of the Bible have been fooled by this type of literary trick, which consists basically of redefining words over time – in this case, over two millennia. The cunning rabbis have done the same thing with the word, Gentile, which in the original Latin, gentilis, means KINSMEN of the same race or related tribes. But the rabbis have REDEFINED both the Hebrew goy and the Greek ethnos to mean “non-Jew,” but this is the subject of another sermon about subtle Jewish word tricks. Suffice it to say that the Jews today use the word Gentile to mean “non-Jews,” and this is the EXACT OPPOSITE of how the word was and is used in the Latin.
The purpose of placing the word ‘Jew’ into the translations of the Old Testament is to create the illusion, by way of a linguistic trick, that today’s Jews are the literal descendants of ancient Judah. This is nothing more than literary sleight-of-hand. By this “magic” trick, today’s Sephardic Edomites and Ashkenazi Khazars pretend to be Israel. By assuming Hebrew names and by adopting Hebrew feasts and pretending to have a history that extends into Old Testament times – and making a great show of these things – and by falsely asserting kinship and a common heritage with ancient Israel, the rabbis of Judaism have brainwashed an entire world of gullible believers. By training us to accept THEIR DEFINTIONS Biblical terms, the Judeo-Christian world has bought into the deceptions of the anti-Christ.
Cultural Identity Theft
The reality is quite different. First, we can reject the Ashkenzim out of hand. As is admitted by their own encyclopedias and historians, the Askenazi Jews are a non-Shemitic, non-Israelite people, who CONVERTED to Talmudism – not Mosaism, mind you, but Pharisaic Talmudism! And on the basis of this religious decision, they claim Shemitic descent and heritage. From this information, it is easily seen that 90-95% of the Jewish people are patent frauds, of non-Shemitic heritage, pretending to be someone they’re not! None of the Ashkenazim have any right to the names of Israel or Judah, nor do they have any right to call themselves “Semites.” These false identifications are crucial elements of the deceptive words games played by the rabbis of deceit.
With respect to the Sephardic Jews, let’s be generous and say that up to 10% of these Jews of today are of the Sephardic branch. On what grounds do these people claim Shemitic heritage? At least these Jews can say that their ancestors lived in PROXIMITY to Judah. But this fact does not make them Shemites or Israelites. Contiguity does not equal consanguinity. In other words, living near someone does not make you his relative.
The Sephardic Jews are the descendants of two main branches of Canaanites: the Sepharvaim and the Idumeans (Canaanite descendants of Esau). The Sepharvaim were brought into the land that was vacated by the House of Israel (all ten tribes), who themselves had just been deported to Halah and Habor by the Assyrians.
This era of Israelite deportation lasted from 745 BC to about 701 BC. In the place of these departed Israelites, the Assyrians brought in various strange people, among whom were the Sepharvaim, who had dwelt near the city of Babylon.
The story of these Babylonian Sephards is told in II Kings 17:24-34, where we are told that they had a difficult time adapting to the land because they were being attacked by wild lions. Being a pagan people, they assumed that the land had its own indigenous god and sent to Assyria for a Levitical priest, who belonged to the House of Israel, to instruct them in the religion that was previously practiced there by the Israelites.
Of course, the reason why Yahweh had expelled the House of Israel from Samaria was because of their adoption of pagan idolatry, so this corrupted “Levitical” priest taught them a paganized version of the Mosaic Law, a corruption which had caused Yahweh to expel them from the land in the first place! These foreigners, who were later called Samaritans, remained in that land and practiced this bastardized version of Mosaism.
Like the Talmudic Pharisees, they kept adding THEIR OWN pagan elements to the Mosaic Law, even unto the days of Jesus Christ. But they were not Israelites, and this is why the people of Judah and Benjamin would have nothing to do with them. This paganized version of Mosaism is still practiced in Samaria today.
It is called Karaism, and its followers are called Karaites. There were many more of them in the Middle Ages, however in recent centuries their numbers have dwindled.
Bringing the Impersonation Up To Date.
If you are paying attention to current history, you will notice that the Jews have been doing exactly the same thing to America, having infiltrated our government with their Zionist agents, beginning in the days of Woodrow Wilson and even more so in the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was nothing but a Zionist puppet during the entirety of his career as a pro-communist, pro-Zionist dismantler of the United States Constitution. In this manner, with the full support of deceived “Christian Zionists,” our once Christian nation has been turned into a Zionist warfare state. Having infiltrated our government, media, academia and publishing industries, these subversive Jews claim to be “Americans” while acting solely in the interests of the Jewish State, Pseudo-Israel.
The Jewish pretense as Israel has duped the world into going along with their plans to steal Palestine away from its rightful citizens, the Palestinian people, many of whose ancestors have lived there, peacefully, for the past 2,000 years.
Christian Zionists think that God has ordained this Terrorist Occupation, when, in reality, this occupation is totally Satanic in origin. It is all based on lies, intrigue and ethnic cleansing. While Jews pose as “examples of tolerance” here in America, the Palestinian people have had to endure the most extreme brutality in the name of “Israel.” Jews refer to Palestinians as “goyim,” by which they really mean sub-human creatures. This type of hypocrisy was spoken of the Jews at Luke 12:1: “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is HYPOCRISY.”
Has your minister ever quoted this passage to you? If not, WHY NOT?
Paul also prophesied that the world would be taken in by the Anti-Christ, when he said, “Satan himself appears as an angel of light.” (II Cor. 11:14.) Paul repeats this warning to the Christian world in his second Epistle to the Thessalonians: “And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie…”- II Thess. 2:8-11.
What lie is it that has deceived and deluded the Christian world in these last days? Simple! The Lie that the Jews are Israel!
Jesus told us how to recognize these impostors, when He said, “By their fruits shall ye know them.” (Matt. 7:20.) Jewish words are always spoken with an air of piety and peace, but their actions, when power is in their hands, belie their words. The duplicity of these master deceivers must always be borne in mind. Indeed, the fruit of Zionism is nothing but theft, violence, intrigue, sabotage and genocide against innocent people. It is indisputable, historical fact that the Zionist State was founded upon Jewish terrorism, a wanton barrage of barbaric butchery against the virtually UNARMED citizens of Palestine, none of whom had ever harmed a single Jew in all of their lives. If you think that God approves of these tactics, you are just as much a barbarian as the Zionists. The Zionist occupation of Palestine is nothing but imperialism in the name of the Jewish God. Anyone who believes otherwise is seriously deluded. Menachem Begin and Itzhak Shamir even performed terrorist attacks against the British, in order to get the British to abandon Palestine to the Zionists, which they did when King George VI gave up the British Mandate in 1948.
During the ought years (’01 – ’09) of our new millennium, the Neo-Cons (the Neo-Conservatives, the phony, pro-Zionist “Conservatives,” who came out of Leo Strauss’s Jewish communist school of tactical deception at the University of Chicago) have completed the Jewish takeover of our government, just as the Jewish/Edomite Herodians displaced the Judahites in ancient Judea.
History repeats itself. It was these Neo-Con Artists (internationalist Jews of the New World Order) who got George W. Bush elected, staged 9/11 and used it as an excuse to attack Iraq and Afghanistan, thus exploiting the American military, causing our people to lose life and limb to make the world safe for Jewry, while these same Jewish warmongers profit from these international conflicts. Truly, Paul was a prophet when he said, “Satan himself appears as an angel of light,” by pretending to be “God’s chosen.”
The False Dichotomy of Judaism: Word Games, Par Excellence
Even Jewish scholars admit that Herod was an Idumean. Yet this fact is glossed over, minimized, ignored, buried, hidden and otherwise pigeonholed, so that you, Dear Christian, will not be able to understand that what REALLY HAPPENED in those days was a PUTSCH, a COUP, a subversive OVERTHROW of Judah by the Edomites of Idumea, just as America has been overthrown by the International Jew in modern times.
It is absolutely critical that Christians understand the so-called “Intertestamental Period,” which is the historical period that is, in fact, well covered by both the Apocrypha and the works of Josephus. You will note that there exists, in both the secular academic world and the Judeo-Christian theological world, a stark lack of written materials about this historical period. This could be described as a historical black hole. There is a good reason for this. The rabbis of Judaism do not want you to know about Judaism’s illegitimate origins; and the Judeo-Christian ministry does not dare to challenge rabbinical authority and their claims to the “right” to interpret the Law of Moses or the historicity of Jewish ethnic claims. The chosen of Satan (John 8:44) do not wish to be contradicted by facts. If these truths were known, their empire of deceit would come crashing down! Zionism would cease to have an intellectual or theological basis!
By maintaining a strict censorship over this historical period, the rabbinate has been able to distort popular understanding of the Holy Scriptures.
By asserting that the Jewish people are of Judah and Israel, they have created a FALSE DICHOTOMY between “Jews and Gentiles.” But the Jews of Judea were never part of the people of Israel. That is a false claim that was invented by the Pharisees.
The TRUE DICHOTOMY of Scripture is the distinction between the Israelites and the heathen (non-Israelites). And since the Sephardic Jews are of Edomite origin, this makes them a heathen people, a heathen people who have laid a false claim to the heritage of Judah and Israel.
In the words of Dr. Wesley Swift, referring to the NEW COVENANT between Yahweh and His People, True Israel, as prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31-37:
“This was the New Covenant that when Jesus in the upper room with His Disciples broke unto them the bread and the wine of His Atonement and said that this blood is the New Covenant and in the Apostle Paul’s writing concerning the communion, he writes that this is the New Covenant, the blood of the New Covenant. What is this talk about?
It is talk about so great a salvation. It is talk about Christianity and the expansion of it, and the House of Israel and the House of Judah were to be Christians within Christian nations.
The House of Israel and the House of Judah are Christian nations and in the days of Christ, Judah and Benjamin in the land of Galilee became Christian.
The Galileans were among the strong supporters of the early Christian Church and organized Jewry was neither Judah nor Benjamin.” – p. 9,
“The Controversy Over Judah, Proof That the Jews are NOT Judah.”
Further proof of Jewish duplicity is contained in their Kol Nidre prayer, which is recited three times during their annual Yom Kippur rituals:
All vows [ ], obligations, oaths, and anathemas, whether called ‘ḳonam,’ ‘ḳonas,’ or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths.”
- Source:
No other religion has such a prayer, as all other religions demand that their adherents be truthful and honest. Not so with Judaism!!! Moses would NEVER have permitted any priest to teach that lying and swearing false oaths were permissible to True Israel. NEVER!!! And he specifically prohibits deviating from the Written Word at Deut. 4:2 and Deut. 12:32; and he specifically prohibits the failure to keep an oath at Deut. 23:23, among other places. Contrary to Scripture, Judaism teaches its adherents that lying for the benefit of the tribe, or for one’s personal gain at the expense of non-Jews, is a VIRTUE, not a vice!!! How long can the Jews continue to get away with this charade? The liar always gets caught in his lies; and the rabbinate will not be an exception much longer.
As long as the true facts of the Jewish overthrow of Judah remain unknown, the Jews can perpetuate their IMPERSONATION OF TRUE ISRAEL. I have dedicated my life to EXPOSING THIS HISTORICAL LIE. And I need your help in disseminating this information, so that Christians everywhere will become aware of the true nature of Judaism and its phony claims to origination in the Old Testament, with either Moses or with the prophets or with the Judahites of the Temple.
All of these notions are pure fabrications by the synagogue of Satan, and I will not rest until everyone on this planet is aware of these deceptions. Jesus Himself prophesied that all such deceptions will one day be revealed (Matt. 10:26, Luke 12:2), and this document, with your help, can be a part of that revelation. Praise Yahweh!
Rule By Proxy: How the Jews Claimed the Names of Israel and Judah
The word ‘Jew’ derives from the New Testament word, ‘Judean,’ which does NOT have the same meaning as the word ‘Judahite.’ A Judahite is a direct descendant of the Tribe of Judah, which tribe practiced a separate religion and culture – separate from all surrounding peoples and tribes, and especially separate from the Canaanites and Edomites, who were always the bitter enemies of the Israelites. Yahshua’s genealogy is given in Matthew, Chapter 1 and Luke, Chapter 3, thus proving that He is a genealogical descendant of David. In contrast, a Judean (Greek: Ioudaios) is merely a resident of the country called Judea. Since the City of Jerusalem was an international metropolis throughout most of its history, many non-Judahites resided there; and any resident was called a “Judean.” But only native-born Judahites could refer to themselves as “Judah.”
It is patently obvious, therefore, that the culturally and ethnically exclusive Judahites cannot be equated with any of the multicultural Judeans. And we see today’s Jews promoting multiculturalism today just as they did in ancient Judea, while they hypocritically demand, in whatever country they happen to reside, religious and cultural exclusivity for themselves!!!
There is simply no end to Jewish hypocrisy!
Jesus Christ Himself confirms His Judahite exclusivity in numerous passages of the New Testament, especially at Matt. 15:24, where He tells the woman of Canaan, “I am not sent but unto the lost [Greek apollumi, meaning “exiled”] sheep of the House of Israel.” He goes on to tell this Canaanite woman that His Gospel is intended exclusively for the Children of the Covenant and not for any other people: “It is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dogs.” At Matt. 10:5-6, where Yahshua states the Apostolic Commission, He tells the Apostles: “Go not into the way of the nations, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not, BUT GO RATHER TO THE EXILED SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL.”
This cannot possibly mean the Jewish people, because the Jews HAD NOT YET BEEN EXILED! The Jewish Diaspora did not begin until 70 AD, when the Romans began to crush the Jewish political machine, which had been usurped the kingdom and control of the Temple from True Judah. Jesus prophesied that the kingdom would be taken from them; and it was. What most people overlook is the fact that this kingdom never belonged to the Jews, for they had murdered the True Judahites in order to obtain it! During the days of Jesus Christ, religious life in Judea was under the domination of the scribes and Pharisees, as all theologians and historians agree.
Religion, at that time, also governed all other facets of life, to a much greater extent than it does today, so the power and influence of these impostor Pharisees is not to be underestimated. It was these same scribes and Pharisees, who were persecuting the Christians of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah.
Thus, there were Judahite Christians and Benjamite Christians in Palestine in those days, but the Jews, who were of Edomite/Canaanite origin, hated Christianity; and they have not changed at all, as they still, to this day, refuse to accept Jesus Christ and they still hate the Christian religion. Since Judaism has always rejected Christ, there can be NO SUCH THING as a “Jewish Christian.” You are either one or the other.
To be Jewish is to deny Christ. To be Christian is to accept Him. It is illogical and erroneous to assert otherwise. Jesus said, “You are either for me or against me.” (Luke 11:23.) Any Jew who wishes to become a Christian must renounce Judaism. You cannot accept Jesus and deny Jesus at the same time. “No man can serve two masters.” (Matt. 6:24; Luke 16:13.)
Christians have to make up their minds whether to accept the teachings of Jesus Christ or whether to believe Jewish lies about Him.
I John 2:22-23 very clearly states that anyone who rejects the Messiah has automatically rejected God Himself; so the Jewish claim to being “God’s chosen people” is a patent fraud. This is also why organized Jewry is constantly trying to edit, discredit, and reinterpret the New Testament. Satan lives in fear of being exposed!!
Luke 1:68 confirms the fact that Jesus came to redeem His People, Israel. Since no other people had been party to the Covenant of the Law of Moses, no other people had fallen from grace by disobeying the Law. Note this language closely: “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel: for He hath visited and redeemed His People.” If the Jews are Israel, why have they rejected redemption? One would think that they would wholeheartedly ACCEPT redemption. Stupidity is one thing, but deicide is quite another. The Gospel of Luke, Chapters 1 and 2, clearly states that the Israelites of Judah were EXPECTING THE MESSIAH. This is NOT TRUE of the Idumean usurpers, such as Herod and the Pharisees, who were intent on killing Jesus, precisely because they feared that He would take the Kingdom BACK FROM THEM.
This sentiment is clearly expressed by the Jews at John 7:35, and it is also recorded at Matthew 2:1-10. And since today’s Jews are of the same ethnicity and religion as these Biblical Jews, they are pleased to continue on the path of Luciferian rebellion, which is full of deception for gullible Christians, who simply do not perceive, nor can they understand, the nature and depth of Jewish deceit. The good-natured sheep cannot comprehend the ravenous nature of the wolves, who are dressed in sheep’s clothing! Nor does the Bible say that, “God visited the Jews.” (Luke 1:68.)
Jesus, Luke and the Apostles understood the differences between Judahites and Judaeans. The modern Christian does not! Remember, this false association has been very carefully contrived for you and very studiously nursed over 2,000 years of deceptive propaganda by the rabbis. The Bible is very clear in stating, hundreds of times, that ONLY ISRAEL CAN BE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE.
The reason why the Jews rejected God’s redemption via Jesus Christ is because they are not Israelites. They are Edomites and Khazars, whose very existence is dependent upon their 2,000-year-old charade as Israel and Judah.
Jesus clearly distinguishes between His Israelite Kinsmen and the Jews, for He always condemns the Jewish Pharisees for their hypocrisy. At John 7:1, we are told that, “Jesus would not walk in Jewry, BECAUSE THE JEWS SOUGHT TO KILL HIM.” Knowing the difference between the Judean impostors (the Jews) and His Judean kinsmen (the Judahites) clears up the apparent discrepancy in the language of the Gospels, concerning the word ‘Jew.’ Many Bible scholars have been mystified by this duality of “good Jews” and “evil Jews” in the Bible. This discrepancy is easily explained, once you realize that the “good Jews” are the TRUE JUDAHITES of the Bible (Yahshua’s kinsmen) and the “evil Jews” are the Herodian Edomites of Idumea.
Given these historical and Biblical facts, the true answer to the question, “Who or what is a Jew?” can only be: “A Jew is someone who PRETENDS to be an Israelite.”
Because modern Christians do not understand that the Jews are impostors impersonating True Israel, they assume that the “evil Jews” in Scripture were rebellious Judahites, who turned against Christ, thus becoming “evil Jews.” Yes, there were such Judahites. Indeed, many Judahites were intimidated by the Edomite Pharisees into joining in the Crucifixion.
Paul, himself, was one of these!!! But there is far more to this story, because these Judahites were DECEIVED by the Pharisees into rejecting the Messiah, as is confirmed by Acts 3:13-17.
It is of these deceived Judahites that Messiah spoke the words, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” The Apostle Stephen said the exact same thing of his BRETHREN, among whom was Paul, when he was stoned to death. (Acts 7:60.)
Stephen was unable to convince these sacrifice-keeping TRADITIONALISTS of Judah that Yahshua was their Messiah and that part of His mission was to abolish the ritual sacrifices! Paul himself was not yet able to comprehend that Israel’s Messiah had come.
When Paul finally converted, it was the Edomite Pharisees who were, thenceforth, his main persecutors.
Listen to Christ’s words towards these Edomite Jews: “I am the good Shepherd, and know My Sheep, and am known by Mine…But ye believe not because you are NOT of My sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me. (John 10:26.) “Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me.” (John 5:46.) “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though One [of course, meaning Himself] rose from the dead.” (Luke 16:31.)
As Bertrand Comparet puts it: “He was right: He did rise from the dead, but to this day they are still not persuaded.” (B. Comparet, “The Bible Is Not a Jewish Book.”) So, we have to ask: “If Jesus could not persuade them, how could some Judeo-Christian preacher persuade them?” On the contrary, the Jews are persuading “Christian ministers,” such as John Hagee, to give them a “separate path to salvation.” The Jews do not know Him; and they do not wish to know Him. Neither do these pro-Zionist ministers know Him.
What Hagee teaches is heresy. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father but through me.” (John 14:6.) Again and again, we see “Christian ministers,” even Popes, declaring that Judaism is exempt from having to accept Jesus as the Messiah. Would the devil have it any other way? The devil is lining up his advocates for the Judgment Day.
The fact is that the rejection, railroad trial and crucifixion of Jesus was led by the Pharisees, who were the Edomite agents of Herod the Usurper; and the Pharisees were the preferred sect within the priesthood during the Edomite coup against Judah. This Satanic conspiracy was begun by the first Herod and his father, Antipater, who convinced Julius Caesar to establish regional bureaucratic posts for his sons, Herod and Phasaelus.
This is how the Edomites got their parasitic tentacles into the government of Judah. The usurpation of Judah’s religion was accomplished by the Pharisees, who gradually brought in a BRAND NEW THEOLOGY, much of it coming from Babylon, with liberal borrowings from the Old Testament, in order to fool the True Judahites, all the while pretending to be the inheritors of the traditions of Moses! Despite knowing about Pharisaic perversions of the laws of Moses, Christian scholars, who are in reality the dupes of the rabbis, still teach that today’s rabbinic Pharisees have preserved the “oracles of God.” Without knowing the history of the various conflicts between these two separate and distinct peoples, the True Israelites versus the Edomite Jews, Bible commentators have simply assumed that the “evil Jews” were Judahites gone bad. On the contrary, the “evil Jews” were, first and foremost, the Sephardic Edomites of Idumea.
The Jewish Encyclopedia even admits that today’s Jews have Edomite blood in them. “Edom is in Jewry.” – 1925 Edition, Volume 5, p. 41. How did this Edomite blood get into Jewry? Of all denominations, only Christian Identity has revealed the precise, significant history behind this fact – history which the Jews desperately wish to hide from you. As the Talmudic rabbis hide behind the mask of Moses, the Jewish people hide behind the name of Israel.
The Jewish Impersonation of Judah and Israel is based on their false claims regarding their origins in Judah.
The reality is that the Jewish people originated in Idumea, as the racial descendants of the Edomites and Canaanites of old Canaan-land, who HAD ALWAYS BEEN THE RANKEST ENEMIES OF TRUE ISRAEL, as the Good Book repeatedly asserts.
The master strategy of Talmudic Judaism has been to deceive the world by impersonating Israel and Judah. Did not Jesus warn us to beware of “wolves in sheep’s clothing”?
Unfortunately, after the Davidic throne was permanently established, the Israelites of the House of Judah had been in the habit of hiring Edomite scribes to help out in their recordkeeping procedures.
Even King David did this. Since these Edomite scribes were intimately aware of the true differences between themselves and the Judahites, they developed the idea of impersonating Judah. (Ezek. 36:5.)
But it was impossible to implement this idea as long as the Judahites prevented the Edomites access to the Holy Temple and the priesthood. Only True Israelites were allowed into the Temple or allowed to be priests. Non-Israelites were never allowed to become priests and, with regard to the Temple, they were never permitted to get any closer than the outer court.
This is a documented, historical fact.
I Chronicles 2:55 clearly identifies these Idumean scribes as KENITES, i.e., as descendants of the wicked Cain. In hindsight, Saul, David and all of the other Kings of Judah were very stupid to employ such potential saboteurs!
The eventual backbiting by these poisonous vipers was prophesied of the evil Canaanites, for Yahweh told His People, Israel,
But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. – Num. 33:55.
In his Antiquities of the Judahites, Josephus records (Book 14, Chapter 16, Paragraph 3) the day that Herod’s Edomite kinsmen were finally allowed into the Temple:
There is no doubt that the Kenite scribes had been anticipating this development for centuries! Our modern, Judeo-Christian “preachers” know nothing of these things! Nor would they inform us, even if they knew, for their loyalty is to Zionism.
They pay lip service to Jesus Christ while advocating Palestinian genocide.
These “foreigners,” being Herod’s assistants and ambitious, pagan priests from Idumea and Sepharad, were to become the new government and priesthood of Judea. Now, do you understand the importance of this history? Josephus clearly identifies these people as FOREIGNERS.
They were NOT of Judah! These Idumeans had for many centuries wanted to enter the Holy of Holies, which had always been forbidden to them because they were not Israelites. Thus, under Herod, the Pharisaic priesthood, comprised mainly of his Idumean friends, became the de facto, official priesthood of Judea.
Contrary to what Judaism teaches today, Josephus, in his Against Apion, asserts that the Levitical priesthood was always intended to remain racially pure, unmixed with foreign blood:
“For our forefathers did not only appoint the best of these priests, and those that attended upon the divine worship, for that design from the beginning, but made provision that the STOCK OF THE PRIESTS SHOULD CONTINUE UNMIXED AND PURE; FOR HE WHO IS PARTAKER OF THE PRIESTHOOD MUST PROPAGATE OF A WIFE OF THE SAME NATION.” – Book I, Para. 7.
The Idumeans were clearly people of a DIFFERENT nation.
To cement the Idumean stranglehold over True Judea, Herod, when he saw that there was little political resistance to his COUP, assassinated the ENTIRE SANHEDRIN, so that he could install his Idumean cronies in their places. There is no better way to describe this situation than “rule by proxy.” This fact is documented by Josephus in his Antiquities, Book XIV, Chap. IX, Para. 4. If you read Josephus carefully, you will begin to appreciate what a brutal monster Herod was. Just as importantly, you will realize that he was an Edomite, as Josephus attests on numerous occasions, and not a Judahite. This explains his ravenous desire to exterminate the Hasmonean Dynasty.
(Unfortunately, William Whiston, the translator of Josephus, is himself confused by the improper use of the word ‘Jew,’ as he uses it often to refer to both Judahites and Edomites. Nevertheless, he often takes special care to identify the Edomites as Edomites, which very few scholars ever do!!!)
Secular history, numerous Biblical passages, and numerous Apocryphal passages confirm the fact that the Judahites of Judea strove, with all of their might, to preserve their separate and distinct ethnicity and religion. Not even Jewish scholars dispute this fact; but they rarely, if ever, discuss this in public. In my various essays on this subject, located in the Newsletter section of my website,, I have dissected the false claims of the Jews. I have proven, without any shadow of a doubt, that Judaism’s claim to a Biblical origin is history’s greatest deception. I have also proven, without any shadow of a doubt, that the Jewish people, contrary to the ethnically and religiously exclusive Judahites of Judea, are descended from the people then known as Canaanites and Edomites and are today known, simply, as Jews.
Since the Talmudic rabbis are in the business of falsifying history and falsifying Scripture, their claims must be scrutinized. Even if they weren’t pathological liars, their claims should be scrutinized; but the Jews do everything in their power to prevent such scrutiny, for they know that their con game would fall apart if their GREAT IMPERSONATION of Israel were to become common knowledge. But no one in either academia or in Judeo-Christian theology has ever had the notion – or the courage – to question Jewish assertions regarding the origins of their religion and people. All of their claims to Hebrew, Shemitic or Israelite heritage are demonstrably false. In short, Judaism is a two-thousand year old CON GAME.
All of its claims to preserving the Laws of Moses are utterly false.
Jesus Was a Judahite, Not a Jew.
There are two main criteria for establishing Jewishness: 1.) ethnicity and 2.) religion.
Anyone who does not understand what I am saying must reflect upon these two questions:
1.) If the Jewish people are Israel, at what point did Yahweh permit His Chosen People, Israel, to allow non-Israelites into His congregation? The whole of Scripture, from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22, confirms the exclusivity, separateness, and uniqueness of True Israel. This is another taboo subject for modern scholarship. No one questions the exclusivity of the Old Testament Israelites; and the Jews themselves still adhere to a CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS EXCLUSIVITY, even though this is un-Scriptural. At the same time, the Jews hypocritically deny us TRUE ISRAELITES the right to have our own religion and culture. All sorts of false doctrines have been promoted by the un-Scriptural notion that the Covenants made exclusively with True Israel have somehow been amended or changed and given to some other entity, such as “the church,” to a fictitious “Spiritual Israel,” or to other races of people.
This doctrine IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE AND HAS NO BASIS IN SCRIPTURE. It is simply part of the BIG LIE that the Old Testament is Jewish in origin. The Jews are most happy to entertain these false theologies, in order to keep us in a perpetual state of confusion.
Since Jesus was a Judahite by race, He could not have been a Jew by ethnicity. Ethnically, Jesus was JUDAHITE, not a Jew. There is a BIG DIFFERENCE. The True Judahites of Judea retained their segregationist theology and politics down to the days of King John Hyrcanus. The Maccabees fought valiantly to preserve their ethnic and religious heritage; but when Hyrcanus annexed the country of Idumea, in 125 BC, he violated Deut. 7:7, which forbids Israelites from making covenants with Canaanites. This violation of God’s law set the stage for the Edomite takeover of Judah by infiltration and subversion. Because of this Hyrcanus II, the legitimate successor of John Hyrcanus, was subsequently assassinated by the Edomite, Herod. Thus, John Hyrcanus foolishly empowered someone of another race to be the executioner of his entire household.
Christian America has done the same thing today by allowing the Zionists to take control of our governmental institutions and by allying ourselves with the Terrorist State of “Israel.”
2.) If Judaism is the religion of the Old Testament, at what point did Yahweh permit Talmudic interpretations of Scripture to supersede or overrule the Law of Moses? I can assure you, without any fear of contradiction from God’s written Word, the Bible, that Yahweh never authorized Talmudic changes to the Holy Scriptures. The Talmud is Satan’s doctrine, pure and simple.
Today, Jewish doctrine and “Judeo-Christian” doctrine have combined to form THE GREAT APOSTASY of the end times. (II Thess. 2:3.) Talmudism and Judeo-Christianity are the GREAT DELUSION (II Thess. 2:11) by which all Judeo-Christians have been fooled into accepting the Jews as the people of the Old Testament. The Judeo-Christians are the foolhardy mere “believers,” who lack the True Faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their ministers keep telling them that Christ’s worst enemies are “G-d’s chosen people”!!! These are the good-hearted, well-intentioned, but gullible sheep, who have become the patsies of a ruthless generation of vipers (Matt. 3:37, 12:34, 23:33, Luke 3:7, John 8:44). Because their “ministers” avoid teaching about Christ’s Idumean adversaries, they are fed a constant stream of Jewish fables instead of historical TRUTH. Thus, for this reason, and because they lack a desire for Truth – instead, they are constantly pumped up with visions and hopes of a false “conversion of the Jews” – these Christians are thoroughly DELUDED, just as Paul predicted they would be! These false doctrines (Judaism and Judeo-Christianity) are simply loaded with rabbinical deception. Talmudic Judaism is Satanism wearing the mask of Moses.
Since Jesus repeatedly accused the Jews of creating THEIR OWN TRADITIONS (the “traditions of men,” “the traditions of the elders”), in total violation of Deut. 4:2, Jesus was actually UPHOLDING THE MOSAIC LAW against these rabbis, while accusing these same Pharisees, to their faces, of being impostors. Therefore, Jesus was not a Jew by religion either. He was a MOSAIC JUDAHITE! The popular confusion of the Mosaic Law with the Satanic teachings of Judaism is one of the greatest propaganda coups in history!
Rabbinical deception with regard to the Mosaic origin of Judaism has fooled gullible Christians into accepting Judaism as the “religion of the Old Testament.” Many theologians know exactly what I am talking about, but they are afraid of losing their livelihoods – or worse – for fear of the Jews.
My work has exposed the deceptions of the rabbis and put the lie to the rabbinical claim that “Christianity owes its existence to Judaism.” This statement is unadulterated hogwash. There was no such religion before the Pharisees invented it. The written code of the Mosaic Law was in existence for 1500 years before any Jew began to reinterpret it.
The scribes and prophets who wrote the Old Testament were Israelites and Judahites, NOT JEWS!! The history that I am revealing proves that Judaism is no older than 125 BC. Any claims to a greater antiquity for Judaism are pure fabrication. The Israelites did not have a name for their religion. “Mosaism” is probably the best name, as this reflects the strict adherence to the Mosaic Law by the Levites of the House of Judah.
The sacrificial rituals of the Old Testament were part of the OLD COVENANT, and these rituals were done away with. Christianity is the NEW COVENANT between Yahweh Elohim and His People, True Israel. The fact that the Jews continually deny the reality and validity of this NEW COVENANT, which was prophesied in dozens of places in the Old Testament, is proof that they are impostors. If they were the Judahites of the Old Covenant, they would gladly have accepted the New Covenant. Who in his right mind would refuse to have his sins forgiven by the Messiah? Only the Jews would be so fanatical and foolish!! But, since the Sephardic Jews of that time were Edomites and Canaanites, jealous of True Israel, they conspired to kill Jesus, because they knew that His Blood sacrifice WOULD NOT APPLY TO THEM!!!! That’s why they boldly proclaimed: “His blood be upon us and our children.” (Matt. 27:25.) Is this beginning to make sense, dear Christian?
The Jews Have Always Been the Greatest Enemy of True Israel
The Jewish people are Jewish by religion (via Talmudic Judaism), but they are NOT Judahites by race, ethnicity, culture, descent, customs, or by religion, because the Judahites of Scripture practiced the Mosaic Law, not the Talmud. There is actually proof of this fact in modern Palestine. There is a remnant of the ancient Samaritans still in existence in Palestine today. They have lived there since the days when the Assyrians repopulated the land with non-Israelites in 721 BC. They are known as Karaites, and they still practice their own version of the Mosaic Law, uncontaminated by the Jewish Talmud. You can learn more about these people simply by searching the word ‘Karaite’ online. In addition, the so-called “Black Hebrews,” who are Ethiopian Blacks that have a tradition that goes back over 2,500 years (which they adopted when Mosaism was practiced in Ethiopia by Hebrew Israelites on the Nile island of Elephantine), also practice a non-Talmudic version of Old Testament religion. The fact that both of these groups practice a non-rabbinical form of the Mosaic Law, which was borrowed from the True Israelites, shows that true Mosaism is MUCH OLDER THAN JUDAISM! Both of these traditions are uncontaminated by the Babylonian Talmud, which is the true religion of the Jews. Most of the Talmud was compiled during the First Millennium, AD. The Jews have spent billions, if not trillions, of dollars perpetuating the myth that Judaism is as old as the Bible.
Since Jesus Christ is the lineal descendant of the House of David, who appeared at the exact time foretold by the prophet, Daniel, there is no doubt that He is the Messiah and that Christianity is the true fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. Judaism fails on all counts. Christianity owes its existence to the prophets of Israel and Yahshua’s redemption. Christianity owes nothing to Judaism, because Judaism is not the same as the religion of the Old Testament.
In tracing the genealogy of Israelites and of the Edomites, it has become very obvious to me that the Jews descended from the ENEMY NATION OF EDOM. Rarely does anyone outside of Christian Identity broach this subject of the origins of the Talmud and of the Jewish people. Recall that the Book of Revelation declares that the whole world would be deceived by the Beast. (Rev. 12:9.) “The beast that deceiveth the whole world” is Talmudic Judaism.
Now, you know the Truth. Jesus said, “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32.) These words are well known to all Christians. Yet, 99.99% of all Christians today are completely ignorant of how the Pharisees responded to these words of Jesus Christ. Why? How can this be? It is because their “ministers” are covering up for the rabbis of Judaism. They are assisting the rabbis in their deception of the Christian world. Would you like to know the rest of the story?
Here is how the Pharisees responded to the words of Jesus:
“They answered him, we be Abraham’s seed [meaning lineage, descendants] and were NEVER IN BONDAGE TO ANY MAN.” If you recall the history of the Israelites, they were in bondage in Egypt. Later, in 745 BC, the Ten Lost Tribes were in bondage to Assyria. These tribes made their escape into Europe through the Caucasus Mountains. Few Christians understand that the Caucasian People originate from the Ten Lost Tribes!
Isaiah 11:16 completely confirms this fact: “There shall be an highway for the remnant of His People, which shall be left, from Assyria, like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.”
In this verse, the escape of these Israelites from the Assyrians is being directly compared to the escape of the Israelites from the Egyptians!! Why do the churches completely avoid the subject of the Assyrian deportations and the escape of the Israelites from this captivity? It is because the Jews have been doing everything in their power to prevent you from knowing about it. The Jews only teach the “Jewish Diaspora,” which happened in 70 AD; but True Israel was deported in 745 BC!! The Assyrian deportations and captivity lasted from 745 BC until about 700 BC. Many historians correctly assert that the Caucasian people originated from the Caucasus Mountains, from around 700 BC, yet none have made the obvious connection!! Why not? Because the Jews claim to be Israel! So, how can the Caucasian people be Israel if the Jews are Israel?
And this is the reason why the true origin of the Caucasian people is totally avoided in all the history books of the world. A thorough study of this subject proves conclusively that we Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian Israelites are the People of the Book.
As I am trying to explain to you: THE JEWS ARE NOT ISRAEL. THEY ARE IMPOSTORS! This is the GREAT DECEPTION that has confused and deluded the entire world, since the first time that a Jew pretended to be an Israelite.
That time can actually be pinpointed historically, as the year in which the Edomites were first circumcised under King John Hyrcanus! (121 BC.) The Pharisees were for the most part the descendants of these Edomites. And all Sephardic Jews are descended from this brood of vipers.
If the nation of the Pharisees, to whom Jesus was speaking in John, Chapter 8, were never in bondage, as they openly admitted, there is only one possible conclusion: THEY ARE EDOMITES.
It was Jacob’s brother, Esau, who was renamed EDOM after he sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentil soup! By this act, Esau DESPISED HIS BIRTHRIGHT! (Gen. 25:34.)
Since Esau’s descendants, the Edomites, who bear his name, WERE NEVER IN BONDAGE, they could rightfully call themselves descendants of Abraham (through Esau but not through Jacob), who were never in bondage! Jesus Christ caught them in an unguarded moment and had tricked them into revealing their true heritage as non-Israelites!!
Abraham also had other descendants through Ishmael, from whom today’s Arabs rightly claim descendant. But the Covenants were made exclusively to Isaac and his descendants, through Jacob-Israel, and to NO ONE ELSE. (Gen. 17:19, 21; Gen. 21:10-12; Gen. 25:5-6; Gen. 35:12; Gal. 4:28; Hebrews 11:9, 17, 18.) Esau excluded himself by despising his birthright and Ishmael was excluded by Yahweh’s decree. (Gen. 21:13; Gal. 4:23, 30, 31.) Thus, we see that the Covenants made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are fulfilled only in the Seed of the Promise, Caucasian Israel.
The Seven Times Punishment of True Israel
Was Jesus Christ a Jew?
By Dr. Wesley A. Swift
By William Finck 2008
by Barton A. Buhtz
Why Watch Pharisees
By C. E. Carlson
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